Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aazo.2841


Yeah.. this patch forcing one to update there OS was really not a good move folks. Some of us cannot update OS because it invalidates other software on our machines that costs a hell of a lot more than GW2 does (such as older professional image and audio editing software). You just now by applying that patch pretty much said goodbye to me as a client for your game. And doing so without warning folks ahead of time.. <sighs> Really, what is this lousy customer service in game company’s the last few years? I just don’t get it.

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nageth.5648


For the record, they’ve requested you run 10.7.5 for at least a year. I can understand your frustration, but due to the way Apple releases graphics driver updates by updating the OS is the only way to ensure compatibility with applications such as games that heavily rely on such things.

As an alternative you can create a partition with 10.9.2 installed and keep your current 10.6.8 system intact (or use something like VMWare but you might take a bit of a performance hit…haven’t tried to do that for something like games but works great for Matlab).

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BillDaButcher.7504


I can no longer play anymore as well. I have not been following forum updates or anything but that does not change the fact that if we were able to play the game with Mac OS X 10.6.8 and not 10.7.5 or later it should not be changed.


Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yifang.8260


Is an unfortunate troubleshooter for the current trading post problem we’ve had for the best part of a week, perhaps they should allow the old client to still work seeing as this new one did nothing to fix the trading issues anyway. At the very least Mavericks is free

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aazo.2841


Sadly Mavricks would force me to update over $3500.00 in software that I can’t afford to do right now. I did check a free compatibility table for 10.7 at Roaring Apps Where you can type in your app name to double check it for compatibility for OS X updates. I just did so, and will be able to upgrade to 10.7 for my Adobe Master Suite CS5 (just not 10.8, as there is a problem with Soundbooth). Also MS office 2008 wont have issues either. It’s a few of my more specialized older apps that wont transfer.

Oh.. and Nageth, thanks for the idea on creating a partition, too bad I am playing on a macbook pro with only 500 Gig space on it atm. Though after checking compatibility it looks as though I may upgrade to 10.7.5 as its going to minimally impact my other software after all.

Though my biggest prob, is they not letting us know in advance of the change so folks could prepare.

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nageth.5648


Yeah, a heads up before they make 10.7.5 mandatory instead of just suggested would have been a good thing. I can see how this could have been a mistake due to the rush to get a patch out.

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: laitoukid.8150


Is there any way to play with the older firmware? This update was rather upsetting…in the kindest words, and I don’t know what to do other than having to update my system when i’m already computer illiterate. I wouldn’t know what an update would do to my programs and current software only to play Guild Wars.

Are there any suggestions from the devs or anyone up there?

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nageth.5648


FYI, OS and Firmware are not interchangeable words.

Also, running any software below min specs is a bad idea.

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


Lion has been the minimum spec for GW2 from the beginning.
Yes you may have been able to run it on Snow Leopard, but to ensure they provide the best service they can’t necessarily keep it running on Snow Leopard, and having people running it on an unsupported OS makes it difficult for them to work out legitimate issues.

If you have software that requires Snow Leopard to run you can always dual boot Mavericks (or any other version of OS X) and Snow Leopard. You can partition the drive in much the same way you do to install windows and then swap between Mavericks and Snow Leopard depending on what you need to run.

It may not be ideal – but it’s sort of your own problem, not Arenanet’s since they have not supported Snow Leopard (and nor does Apple support it anymore)

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: frozzy.7820


y got same problem

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Amelia.7125


I too found that I could no longer log on tonight after downloading the patch that downloaded when I logged on. I realize that having less than recommended hardware/software can often be problematic, but if something was going to change to the point of not allowing the game to even open it would have been nice to have some warning.

For some of us upgrading isn’t an option because of incompatibility with other systems we use. I often need to VPN in to my office and troubleshoot files from other users so my system must mimic theirs, keeping me from upgrading to Mavericks.

I will probably work something out so that I can play on another system, but that won’t happen tonight, or even this week, and maybe not this month. Lack of consideration for user experience and satisfaction is annoying.

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aazo.2841


Yeah…. for me it’s that lack of advance warning that they are updating MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS for playing to the point of invalidating older OS’s. Even 2 weeks notice would be enough for many of us to order 10.7 for 19.99 (as I did last night) and get our systems upgraded to allow for such. Though I still have to wait for email “Key” from apple to arrive (likely early this work week) before I can download and install 10.7.5 to play the game again. Also giving advanced notice would allow some to find some work around such as a different partition with more than one OS, or picking up an external drive to load game/newer OS on as a personal option. But no notice in the middle of the weekend kinda kicks us in the nads for those of us with limited or restricted playing time.

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nageth.5648


10.7.x was always the minimum requirement, they just decided to enforce it. I agree they should have given notice before enforcing it, though.

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aazo.2841


Hmm.. when I remember starting to play Mac Beta 10.6.8 was fine and dandy. But that was over a year ago, and no problem then. Not sure when they “upgraded” it to 10.7 though.

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nageth.5648


They changed it shortly after launch, the sticky up there is basically when they decided that they needed to up the requirement.

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Luak.8941


I realise for some this suggestion comes after the horse has bolted, and I hope this doesn’t come across as preaching, but instead of attempting to create another partition on a boot disk, install the older system on an external drive.

HDs and even SSDs are incredibly cheap nowadays if you don’t already own one for backup purposes it begs the question why not?! If you’d had a backup you’d be able to rewind the GW2 update.

What if your machine fails completely today, say you dropped or spilt coffee over it? How would you cope with that situation? If you don’t already own a backup drive ask yourself that question. It’s unfortunate that for so many computer users they have to experience a catastrophic loss before they finally realise just how important backups are.

If you have invested a lot of money in professional software it is also essential to keep it up to date so that you don’t get caught out like this. Granted, hardware and software is updated so rapidly these day it can be expensive, but there are often cheaper alternatives that are worth trying and often there are student versions too.

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nageth.5648


I realise for some this suggestion comes after the horse has bolted, and I hope this doesn’t come across as preaching, but instead of attempting to create another partition on a boot disk, install the older system on an external drive.

HDs and even SSDs are incredibly cheap nowadays if you don’t already own one for backup purposes it begs the question why not?! If you’d had a backup you’d be able to rewind the GW2 update.

What if your machine fails completely today, say you dropped or spilt coffee over it? How would you cope with that situation? If you don’t already own a backup drive ask yourself that question. It’s unfortunate that for so many computer users they have to experience a catastrophic loss before they finally realise just how important backups are.

If you have invested a lot of money in professional software it is also essential to keep it up to date so that you don’t get caught out like this. Granted, hardware and software is updated so rapidly these day it can be expensive, but there are often cheaper alternatives that are worth trying and often there are student versions too.

And systems that need to remain static it is actually better to virtualize them unless the performance hit is too much. That way you can always completely reset if something really bad happens and breaks your workflow without too much hassle.

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


Sadly Mavricks would force me to update over $3500.00 in software that I can’t afford to do right now. I did check a free compatibility table for 10.7 at Roaring Apps Where you can type in your app name to double check it for compatibility for OS X updates. I just did so, and will be able to upgrade to 10.7 for my Adobe Master Suite CS5 (just not 10.8, as there is a problem with Soundbooth). Also MS office 2008 wont have issues either. It’s a few of my more specialized older apps that wont transfer.

Oh.. and Nageth, thanks for the idea on creating a partition, too bad I am playing on a macbook pro with only 500 Gig space on it atm. Though after checking compatibility it looks as though I may upgrade to 10.7.5 as its going to minimally impact my other software after all.

Though my biggest prob, is they not letting us know in advance of the change so folks could prepare.

I know the feeling. I use so many software professionally that when I get a computer I do not upgrade anything once I have everything running stable. That said, Maverick is not a good os in my opinion, I didn’t see the speed boost promised when testing it, and even the finder was much slower than in Mountain Lion.

Snow Leopard was the best os Apple made, it went downward after, specially on the stability side.

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Actinotus.6410


I have had a similar issue but now am set up to boot into either 10.7 from internal drive (where all my music software sits) or mavericks where games and stuff sit (which I have running from external drive no prob – drive cost a bit over $100?). All works fine (much better actually as my internal drive was filling up).

Sea of Sorrows

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yifang.8260


Interesting set up Actinotus, perhaps I need to think about it, would perhaps cut down my fan grating, my mac doesn’t get hot as such but the fan noises are annoying. I was super unlucky in uni where I had a 6-8hr project corrupt itself (a Director movie/game) and even the backup corrupted itself. The lecturer was pretty bad and did not make any allowances on that…

Was Snow Leopard the best? Lion is my main and I only became a main mac user in 2012, is pretty stable overall the OS itself has never crashed the way windows invariably will at some point. Do wonder why Apple releases new OS X’s so fast they exhausted the big cat list.

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


Was Snow Leopard the best? Lion is my main and I only became a main mac user in 2012, is pretty stable overall the OS itself has never crashed the way windows invariably will at some point. Do wonder why Apple releases new OS X’s so fast they exhausted the big cat list.

Amongst professional Snow Leopard is regarded as the best os ever made. It was robust and offered complete stability. For a musician or a graphic designer that was it, nothing ever crashed (unless pushed beyond memory limit).

Lion was a huge step down (specially after they messed up exposé and replaced it with mission control), they improved a lot of Lion’s problems with Mountain Lion but it is still a buggier os than Snow Leopard. Maverick is still full of bugs, one of them is the “super-slow-finder” bug where you have to wait up to 10 seconds for the content of a folder to show up.

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yifang.8260


Was Snow Leopard the best? Lion is my main and I only became a main mac user in 2012, is pretty stable overall the OS itself has never crashed the way windows invariably will at some point. Do wonder why Apple releases new OS X’s so fast they exhausted the big cat list.

Amongst professional Snow Leopard is regarded as the best os ever made. It was robust and offered complete stability. For a musician or a graphic designer that was it, nothing ever crashed (unless pushed beyond memory limit).

Lion was a huge step down (specially after they messed up exposé and replaced it with mission control), they improved a lot of Lion’s problems with Mountain Lion but it is still a buggier os than Snow Leopard. Maverick is still full of bugs, one of them is the “super-slow-finder” bug where you have to wait up to 10 seconds for the content of a folder to show up.

I see, I missed out then, joined the ranks of the macs after the great Steve Jobs died, I named my mac after him to honour him as it’s a late 2011 model ^^. Snow leopards are amazing cats!

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


Snow Leopard was considered one of the bests, but Mountain Lion and Mavericks both have far superior performance. Yeah you might prefer expose to Mission Control (I know I do), but Snow Leopard drastically under-performs them and it is most certainly showing it’s age visually.

Literally the only reason to stick with snow leopard is compatibility. I do not know a single profressional using a mac who is STILL on snow leopard..

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yifang.8260


Snow leopard would be 32bit if it’s 2009-10. Personally I much prefer Windows xp to 7, far more efficient, was closer to how the Mac OS ran in my eyes at least in being easy to use with less resources.
What about tiger? And you’d have thought tiger would have came after Lion as it is the mightiest big cat. Tiger was 10.4 right?

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


My friend has the same problem … So they force him to buy a new version? REALLY?! Devs, I demand an answer!

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Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ChibiKitten.6809


so what im getting I can never play gw again?…great >.>

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aazo.2841


For those of you that are on the fence about upgrading your OS from Snow Lepard, you can go here: and do a check on your applications to see how compatible they are with the more recent OS’s. I myself checked out my CS5 master suite, Lightroom 3, and several other programs prior to upgrade. And have not thus far had any issues with Lion (10.7.5) and can now play the game again. But it would be prudent for anyone considering upgrading to make sure ALL of your software will still work with what ever upgrade you decide upon. Do I miss Snow Leopard? Yeah, expose was nice, and I don’t honestly care for the “mission control” way of doing things. But at least everything still works.

Oh.. and one can just upgrade to Lion, or Mountain lion by purchasing a license from Apple and downloading the upgrade from the “app store” once you get your key via email. They cost $19.99 each FYI. But remember you will also then after upgrading, again have to bring some of your other software up to date (for me it was 7 apple applications such as Itunes, and security updates).

Anyway, good luck to those of you on the fence about doing an upgrade.

Forced Mac OS update with todays patch?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yifang.8260


How did expose work? Also I take it you are avoiding mavericks for some reason hehe. $19.99 is very reasonable is cheaper than this game anyway! Half the price. Is an unrelated query but I am not able to decrease my bootcamp partition anymore yet I was able to last year, any ideas? I can decrease my main OS in the disk utility but it won’t let me make it larger though much of the bootcamp is still unused, hence why I want to reduce it.