How to show ping on mac client?
you can see your fps, will that not in some way be related to a possible lag or something?>
Sylar, FPS and Network Lag are unrelated. FPS slowing down is entirely client side and will happen if the CPU or GPU can’t keep up with what’s going on. Network lag would be any hiccups in the connection between you and the server.
I don’t think there’s any way of showing ping, but you may be able to do a trace route or something to see how long it takes to get to the servers. There’s also this list of command line arguments with instructions on how to use them. Something here may prove useful but I didn’t see anything for ping.
There is no way of showing ping in game.
I would honestly suggest you use to test your ping and pick the server closest to whichever server you want to test – For US that would be the Austin, TX server.
You could use the instructions in here ( to get the server IP and do a regular lookup via Terminal (
The first link that Naqaj provided applies to Windows, but on mac you can use the “Activity Monitor” (in Utilities) to identify the outgoing IP addresses. Once Activity Monitor is opened, find Guild Wars 2 process and then click on the “i” icon or press Apple key and letter “i”, then in the window that opens, go under “Open Files and Ports”. In the list you will find IP addresses, usually starting with your own computer’s IP and the server’s IP (e.g.>, where the latter starting with 64.25 is the server IP with port dtspcd (actually 6112 numeric).
Note that running “ping INSERT_YOUR_SERVER_IP” will likely timeout (replace INSERT_YOUR_SERVER_IP with the IP of the server you receive via Activity Monitor). In my case the server does not respond to ping (probably icmp packets are dropped by default for security). I keep receiving: “Request timeout for icmp_seq 0”.
You could run “sudo nmap -sU -p6112 -v INSERT_YOUR_SERVER_IP” to ping the server via UDP. You will receive the latency information, likely similar to:
Host is up (0.056s latency).
If you do not have nmap installed, use web search to find a binary. It is a free tool.
(edited by Felicja.6891)
Thanks Felicja, will try that out.