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Cannot log in

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jeni.1973


help! my game froze mid dungeon, and when I exited GW, the sound from CoF was still playing on my PC..
I had the same error code as everyone else here. I am USA player. I hope they fix it soon :(

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tichai.4351


Add another one to the growing list. Everything was fine yesterday, today, nothing

Scrub Guardian [CHvc]
Gunnar’s Hold

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jay.1748


Its almost 19 hours since Anet’s Statement and nothing follows. Its very alarming because it’s almost 3 days that I can’t log in my account. Does Anet really looking up for this problem? I also noticed that they’re not replying to my emails since I submitted a game adviser’s Test report. Anet please give us time to time status on what’s going on, we have the right to know…

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Meriva.4173


The list keeps growing so first off all they will fix the main problem so that no new ppl get this error, only when this is fixed they’ll solve our accounts…

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Posted by: Jay.1748


They need to update us, this is worrisome hard-earned money and time were at stake here. WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW!

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Posted by: Aschan.4931


I have this problem too… I want a refund for missed login rewards.

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Posted by: ZORDAS.3289


Same problem here. Would be nice to get an update. Have tried all the suggestions from above.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lyzandia.9135


Hello Ashley,

I wonder if you have any progress on this bug which you can share with us?

I am hoping to get back into this game, which I just purchased 3 weeks ago, and finishing my very enjoyable levelling to 80 (I am 62 now).

Please let us now the status of our accounts as soon as you learn something,


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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Oddindale.1583


Hopefully tonights new build will solve this issue we are all having (fingers crossed)
It is unfortunate that most of you have been unable to play for days.

It would be fantastic to be updated on this issue.

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Posted by: Mercury.6125


Yep fingers crossed if we are getting an update later. Really missing the WvW now all those loot bags and precursors missing out on ;-)

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Agave.9638


Me too. Click “Log In” in the launcher, or bypass the launcher with -email -password and -nopatchui, same crash window.

And now I’m first world sad!

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Canniball.8751


we’re all in the same boat.
follows the picture with the error


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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Canniball.8751


i was asked to video to prove that i wasn’t able to get into my own account

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JuNgLiSt.1345


It has almost been 48 hours since I entered my support ticket and have not received a response. Can we at least get an update saying if you do or do not know what the issue might be?

Just need an update to make sure this is still being looked at…

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jay.1748


Day 4 and still waiting. No update and No email reply? And No Idea what’s going on…

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jay.1748


i was asked to video to prove that i wasn’t able to get into my own account

who ask you bro?

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: cisco.9510


I got exactly the same issue Where is the guru deveveloper who knows how to login with one of our corrupted account using the gw2 dev client (Im sure they have that). Maybe it’s an TypeError of any value on our account data. With a friend i figured out, when i press login and my client crashes, my friend (who is online) can see me in guild list with a blue buddy status icon (looking for group?) for a short time.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Canniball.8751


i was asked to video to prove that i wasn’t able to get into my own account

who ask you bro?

i received a response to my tiquet ehere not believing suport (that’s right) that i couldn’t get into my account because i use windows 10 technical preview.
II was asked to record a video where i for my account showing the error and soon after in another and playing normally. since the video done i received no reply.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Catgunner.4106


I have been going crazy since Saturday with this problem. I played just fine all Friday night and woke up Saturday to this error. Support was 0 help. I am glad I am not the only one with this problem now! They should give us some gems to compensate for the withdrawals

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JuNgLiSt.1345


I have been going crazy since Saturday with this problem. I played just fine all Friday night and woke up Saturday to this error. Support was 0 help. I am glad I am not the only one with this problem now! They should give us some gems to compensate for the withdrawals

I agree. Some compensation is in order here. Went from playing the game every day to not being able to play it since Saturday. Missing out on guild events and daily rewards.

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Posted by: JuNgLiSt.1345


If anyone has had a ticket open for 3 days or more, escalate it here.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ZMANIAC.8104


Well I have been out of action since 2/19, I have had support email me twice asking the same question to please send game advisor output. Arena if our account info and game data is lost please just tell us. Its the waiting for a reponce which is frustrating everyone here. Loyal

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lyzandia.9135


Dear Ashley Segovia,

I have been thinking about this all day during down time, as I’m a scientist and problem-solving is what I do.

What could cause the game to crash no matter which PC I run the client on, no matter which network I use, and even when I use a completely freshly installed version of GW.exe?

The only answer I can come up with is a login server error. I know during my WOW days that this was an occasional problem with Blizzard, sometimes requiring a login server reset.

Is it possible that your login server is somehow blocking, or not recognizing, certain accounts? I can’t come up with many plausible hypotheses, to be honest.

Thanks, looking forward to any updates you can share on whatever progress you’re making.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Catgunner.4106


The lack of information on this is really frustrating and annoying. They should provide us with an updated status!

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Catgunner.4106


Try bypassing the launcher:

Right click a shortcut to GW2 and select properties. Under the shortcut tab, you should see a text box with “Target:” in front of it. Edit the path in the text box as follows, entering your own information:

"C:\Example\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe" -email -password yourpassword -nopatchui

For more information:

I tried this and it did not work FYI. Thanks for trying!

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shiro.8164


Well it finally happened. I am officially in the sea of sorrow with you all not being able to log in. I hope many users are aware of this growing issue. It’s just a matter of time until more are in the same despair and lose valuable game time as the rest of us.

I have been following this issue the past few days as my friend received the log in error 3 days ago. I have been logging in with fear just anticipating the moment I would lose access to my favorite game.

I have created a ticket and wish I could escalate it immediately. Very frustrating to see support acknowledge the issue and hear nothing since then.

For the integrity of the game…. Please Anet, I beg you, HELP us!

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jeni.1973


I filled out a ticket last night. they got back to me this afternoon. the had me run a diagnostics and send to them. I believe they are looking into it. my computer is definitely not he problem, its on their end so we have to trust they will fix it soon

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Catgunner.4106


Well it finally happened. I am officially in the sea of sorrow with you all not being able to log in. I hope many users are aware of this growing issue. It’s just a matter of time until more are in the same despair and lose valuable game time as the rest of us.

I have been following this issue the past few days as my friend received the log in error 3 days ago. I have been logging in with fear just anticipating the moment I would lose access to my favorite game.

I have created a ticket and wish I could escalate it immediately. Very frustrating to see support acknowledge the issue and hear nothing since then.

For the integrity of the game…. Please Anet, I beg you, HELP us!

I too put a ticket in with support and sent them the information requested. I have been playing the game since the first week. I have never ever had a problem like this. The occasional crash sure, but never not able to log in for an extended period. I was having fun leveling an alt Guardian with birthday booster :-(

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Canniball.8751


colleagues i came to the conclusion that the problem is in the database of our accounts after you have unistalled and reinstalled the game.
because i go into my account and displays the error. more on entering another account that logs normally
I sent a note and was promptly answered and requested run a diagnostic on the computer.
perchance use windows 10 technical preview and this led me to a fight would be because they claim that my sistem is not compatible with the minimum settings for the game ( OS ).
when i bought the game the same OS was already installed and played normally
then i was asked to do a video where i log my account and submit the error described. soon after in the same video i coming in with another account and this yes entering the game normally. made the video and sent didn’t get any reply or if satisfaction. all this talking into account that spent money to obtain this wonderful game whose which i can’t wait to be able enjoy again.
I’m frustrated by the lack of answer and solutions to the problem.
Remembering. that is not an isolated case and the same is spreading.
the question is : how many people will need more and go through this to then be taking due providence?
sorry for the rant

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: smt.4205


Any news on this?

Cannot log in

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zeffies.3084


Any news on this?

They said they were working on it a while ago. Other than that? Nothing. Just gotta be patient, I suppose.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Skelefish.8312


Mine kicked in sometime after I logged off about 24-hours ago. I cannot access even the launcher UI past the login screen (typically this is where your auto-play option or the news/calendar UI kicks in). I’ve sent them around 20 error reports through the auto report option; followed the steps about re-downloading the UI; fully uninstalled and re-installed; and used the -repair command under the shortcut’s Target box. All to no avail. Really need an update guys.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Meph.4723


It is crazy. From 20 of february I cannot log in game. I am dryness, I am feelling useless :-)

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jeni.1973


I feel like it’s important to keep this forum updated on our statuses. I submitted a ticket, ran their diagnostics and they claimed my computer didn’t have the graphics updated. I had tech support go through my computer from head to toe and they believe it has to do with their system. Not my computer. I can log in and play hub’s account just fine. It is specifically with my account. And yours. I hope they realize the time and money we have our into our accounts, and find a suitable solution, otherwise, I may end up in WoW servers instead. I am a die hard GW fan from GW1 and would be heartbroken to lose my account.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Meriva.4173


They cant blame our pc’s. They were working fine for months and suddenly in a span of 2 days, we all get this error? Some ppl can log in on their pc’s with an account from somebody else … only their own account gets this error..

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jeni.1973


Exactly. ^ that’s why we can’t give up. I don’t know how this works, but they have to check the forums and fulfill the tickets right?! Ugh it’s just awful.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Canniball.8751


it’s been three days and no solutions.
the demand for players with this problem is only increasing.
how long they will ignore the fact and check the background the problem?
we have new cases happening every day.
are about to launch the Expansion and concern to remedy our problems nothing?
are waiting for?
all players have the same error and then try to work in the solution?
complicated that.
the more complicated and know that we had a support response and to date no new information or statement
we’re headed for four days.
we need solutions

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


A friend of mine figured out it could’ve been caused by the /lfg tool.
Anyone else in here that logged out with the /lfg tool on? (Aka having the ’’blue’’ icon as status instead of the green.

Edit: It seems to be that the lfg tool is the cause, disregarding if you logged out with it while having it activated.

(edited by BlackDevil.9268)

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jay.1748


As far as I remember I’m not looking for a group when I logged out.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shiro.8164


I didn’t even think about that but in my scenario the very last thing I did before logging out was use the /lfg tool by Arah. I logged out with it active and whammy… The error was present next log in attempt

Support has acknowledged this thread and they are not giving the majority of us any feedback or showing attempts to resolve this issue.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JuNgLiSt.1345


I didn’t even think about that but in my scenario the very last thing I did before logging out was use the /lfg tool by Arah. I logged out with it active and whammy… The error was present next log in attempt

Support has acknowledged this thread and they are not giving the majority of us any feedback or showing attempts to resolve this issue.

My scenario is pretty similar. I didn’t log out while the lfg tool was on. I did, however use the LFG tool in Arah on that same login instance. The next day I tried to log in and could not.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Catgunner.4106


A friend of mine figured out it could’ve been caused by the /lfg tool.
Anyone else in here that logged out with the /lfg tool on? (Aka having the ’’blue’’ icon as status instead of the green.

Edit: It seems to be that the lfg tool is the cause, disregarding if you logged out with it while having it activated.

I think you may be on to something. I believe I was running around kessex hills with the LFG turned on. I did not log out of it before leaving the game.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shiro.8164


Here is a thread from about a year ago with /lfg crash issues causing the same error. Hopefully Tech see’s this and it helps them

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zeffies.3084


I never use the LFG tool, but I think I may have opened the window for it accidentally while trying to type “LFG” in EoTM, so I may or may not be in a similar boat here. Not sure.

I suppose if someone has an extra account they don’t mind testing this on and seeing if it puts it in the crashzone, that might help Anet figure out what the problem is.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Catgunner.4106


I never use the LFG tool, but I think I may have opened the window for it accidentally while trying to type “LFG” in EoTM, so I may or may not be in a similar boat here. Not sure.

I suppose if someone has an extra account they don’t mind testing this on and seeing if it puts it in the crashzone, that might help Anet figure out what the problem is.

People have reported that they are able to get on with different accounts on the same computer.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mercury.6125


I was in WvW when I logged out but was not in a lfg tool I don’t think. I had just left a group before logging out on Friday 7ish GMT. Then 1 hour later was locked out. Same problems as you all. 4 days in and no closer to the problem being solved? Is this good money wasted?

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Catgunner.4106


I was in WvW when I logged out but was not in a lfg tool I don’t think. I had just left a group before logging out on Friday 7ish GMT. Then 1 hour later was locked out. Same problems as you all. 4 days in and no closer to the problem being solved? Is this good money wasted?

I do not think it is money wasted. As frustrating and annoying this problem is, I have faith that they will fix it. Remember at the end of the day, we are not paying a subscription. I know there are some of you that just bought the game, but again I am sure there will be a fix soon.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TasteOfDeath.4831


I had not been LFG. At the time of my Log Out I had just ran an instance with guild mates (which I did not use LFG for) and then logged out afterwards. I do not think it is related to LFG, if so I believe hundreds of more people would be posting about this. I believe it is connect to our account and permissions. (But I am not computer genius of any sorts)

I do agree with a previous post I read about “Compensation”. I would like to have the Log In rewards that I would have had returned to me along with some type of Gem compensation due to the the missed Instances, World Bosses, and Farming.

(edited by TasteOfDeath.4831)

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ToKev.3875


Well I hate to bust some momentum here but I have never used the LFG tool and have had all of these errors.

I will say though that last night for the first time in well over a week I was able to play and didnt get DCed once. For the first 30 minutes or so of playtime I had about a 3 second ability delay but was clearing some low level zones on my 80 for world completion so it wasnt that big of a deal. But after the 30 minutes I could play, enter events, enter story missions, etc and no lag or DC. Maybe they are making some headway though I havent tried anything in game yet today.

Im definitely not holding my breath for another good connection day today though and was too scared to try WvW yesterday as the last 3 times I tried doing that I got DCed. Fingers crossed for a fix

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Meriva.4173


Well I hate to bust some momentum here but I have never used the LFG tool and have had all of these errors.

I will say though that last night for the first time in well over a week I was able to play and didnt get DCed once. For the first 30 minutes or so of playtime I had about a 3 second ability delay but was clearing some low level zones on my 80 for world completion so it wasnt that big of a deal. But after the 30 minutes I could play, enter events, enter story missions, etc and no lag or DC. Maybe they are making some headway though I havent tried anything in game yet today.

Im definitely not holding my breath for another good connection day today though and was too scared to try WvW yesterday as the last 3 times I tried doing that I got DCed. Fingers crossed for a fix

You are in the wrong section. This is about the inability to log in. Not some connection lag/ issue… Plz move it to the right section.