(edited by Kuraito.9162)
Current State of Support: August 28, 2017
Me too i wanted to say that support reply to me and even if my demand wasnt fullfilled the person who contact me explain me the reassons in very nice way.
So thanks for your time once more and keep up the good work.
My ticket number was 6574898 and the cool guy who contact me was GM Nasser.
I’m in the same boat as Kuraito, I have a friend thats foaming out the mouth to buy HoT and PoF but he doesn’t know his password or authenticator. . He said he has been waiting for around a week, his ticket number was 6580382. I hope it can be resolved soon he is saying he is giving it till mid day today until he gives up on this game and I really want to play with him!
My account has been suspended for almost 4 days now, support did get back to me not too long after I submitted my first ticket, they asked me to send them some information, which I did, also that they were looking into my ticket and they’d get back to me when having updates on my problem but now they are taking quite some time, almost 2 days now and still no updates. I’m glad someone took the time to express to the community the reason behind this delay on responses but I do hope I get an update soon, it has been quite some time now and I would like to know what’s going on with my account.
Current State of Support: August 28, 2017
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: KuhOhneEuter.2301
i submitted a Ticket (#6566466) 8 days ago and got still no answer.
i forgot my guild wars 1 password and need a new one…can you help?
What we see in the history is that you’re creating a ticket and then closing it as no longer needing help, then opening a new one. This happened four times in seven days, and it will not expedite service but in fact will slow it.
Please allow a ticket to remain open until it has been resolved.
Thats my ticket, am waiting for about 5 days now but i understand how pressed thigns are for you guys.
My problem is not so big so i can wait.
Keep up the good work.Thank you very much for your patience. We appreciate it and will help as quickly as possible!
i closed the privious 3 tickets because i chose the wrong categories… finally i saw the category “guild wars original”…
Thanks for the explanation. You will be helped as soon as possible.
Hi again,
nothing is happended with my Ticket. >ou wrote in an other topic there is only one queue:
“There is One CS Queue
All tickets go into a single queue.
Tickets are answered in the order received.
Do not submit multiple tickets, it slows the process.
Follow up by updating your initial ticket."
How does this match to the previous posts of other users
my ticket 6566466 (not solved) < 6573241 from Kuraito.9162 (solved) < 6574898 from Aviram.7932 (solved)…?
Current State of Support: August 28, 2017
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234
Answered, as in responded to. Solved is a different matter. Some issues require more assistance than others. It would be counter-productive to hold up the entire CS Team solving a complex issue, while simple issues wait, and other Team members sit idle.
Good luck.
Current State of Support: August 28, 2017
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Cross Tobias.2680
Just a quick query as it has been a while since the last update of the ‘State of Support’, are you guys still lagging behind on tickets? as mine has been open for 7 days now with no response. I’ve provided as much information as I can think of for this ticket as updates so I didn’t submit any duplicate tickets. but have not had a reply as of yet
Ticket number: #6580054 in case anyone can take a look at this for me.
i sent a ticket concerning a problem with my other account’s authenticator, it is number 6591481 anyone here got his ticket solved and it was around 659xxxx? Just want to know an estimated time for it to be solved.