Game lagging on Dry Top map.

Game lagging on Dry Top map.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Korvaidy.6143


Impossible to play. On other maps/world bosses events all right. (Eu server)

Game lagging on Dry Top map.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


Dry Top has been horrible tonight on NA server as well. I noticed a good bit of lag/delay (combat totally stopping for several seconds) and mobs being totally de-synced, like a devourer that appeared to be right in front of me while my attacks where being directed to an empty spot about 900 distance away.

I also spent a few hours killing world bosses without any noticable issues, and even went back to replay a couple of the new story instances with no lag. But as soon as I got back into Dry Top and tried playing, the lag, delays, and combat pauses returned.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

Game lagging on Dry Top map.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Silberfisch.3046


Same here (EU server). Dry Top is the one region where I have delays that border on unplayable, especially when you do an event like Tootsie k*tten you have to time your interrupts.
Everywhere else is just fine.

If you happen to stumble across any typos,
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.

Game lagging on Dry Top map.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: vaylortales.6378


Agreed. It’s terrible at NA server as well but the other maps are fine.

Game lagging on Dry Top map.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Broom.2561


Dry top is currently unplayable. There is both chat lag and ability lag, with activation delays of a second and more. My home server is Sea of Sorrows.

I have experienced no issues on any of the other maps, even while doing the world boss train, which has significantly more people in it than Dry Top.

Game lagging on Dry Top map.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: crazy.9083


SFR here, awful delay lag.

Game lagging on Dry Top map.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rillasi.1852


Yeah, Dry Top is still lagging hard (SoR, NA server). It is pretty much impossible to do any events there. It’s only in Dry Top, and I’ve put all graphics on lowest possible settings. Still seeing skill/interaction lag and random deaths.

I’m pretty disappointed, having waited all week to try the new content due to work only to find it unplayable. Maybe one of the devs could just let us know they are aware of the issue? Even if they don’t have an exact timeline for when it will get fixed.

Renegatus [Ren]

Game lagging on Dry Top map.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Paleglider.2407



Seems that everybody on the new map “Dry Top” is experience very horrible skill lags. I already tried 6 times to relog with no effect. Seems other experienced the same on “my” map. Few already made a ticket this morning with no effect. Seems the lag is getting worse and worse over time.

Anybody know what is going on and when this is going to be fixed.

“He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.”

Game lagging on Dry Top map.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bellizare.5816


I guess that “No Comment” is the response.

Probably they all took the weekend off.

Game lagging on Dry Top map.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I have to spam-click my skills sometimes in hopes of them activating. Drives me nuts, especially when you’re trying to use savage leap to jump across cliff tops at the edge only to find out the game decided “nah, you don’t need to use that” and you fall to the bottom.

Game lagging on Dry Top map.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arrow.4619


Found the same. Dry Top virtually unplayable. Noticed it last night.

/IP shows IP address:

Nerf Shadow Arts condition cleanse. Gut the
Acrobatics trait line. Then sell it back
to them for $50. Brilliant! – ghost of P.T. Barnum