High end machine, low fps

High end machine, low fps

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolarNova.1052


Well a 2500k when OC’d can be considered High end for gaming deffinalty.
For example GW2 will run the best that is currently possible with a 2500k at 4.6ghz.

3570k OC 4.5ghz = 2500k OC 4.6ghz

both of which will perform pritty muc hthe same as a 3770k OC 4.5ghz and 2700k OC 4.6gz and even a 3930k OC 4.6ghz.

Its all down to how many threads they have. for GW2 ..4 is enough ..5 gives a tiny boost ..6 or more gives next to nothing. A 2500k has 4 threads, a 3570k 4 threads ..a 3770k 8..a 2700k 8 ..a 3930k 12.

So for GW2 ..a 2500k with OC is high end.. BUT a AMD FX 8350 is NOT .becouse although its ‘overall’ a faster chip due to its increased number of cores ..its single thread performance is far lower than that of a 2500k. and GW2 is all about single thread performance.

3930k 4.6ghz | NH-D14 Cooler | P9x79 Pro MB | 16gb 1866mhz G.Skill | 128gb SSD + 2×500gb HDD
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |

High end machine, low fps

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Coramana.9603


OK I’m just going to throw this out there from personal experience. Graphical MMOs always have bottlenecks, some obvious and others rather obscure. On top of that some of these react differently with different computers. Look to any mmo with fancy graphics and you’ll find these things happen. So the fact that some people don’t encounter them doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. It is weird and I cannot imagine the difficulty of fixing this, but I’m pretty confident that anet is doing what they can.

High end machine, low fps

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mike Flavaz.2635

Mike Flavaz.2635

I get all of what is being said in response by everyone in this thread as to why this game is getting such low fps on high end machines, specifically ones that run amd and multi core processors. The logic makes sense and I understand it clearly but it doesn’t make me fell any better. It is hard for me to really understand though how a machine like mine cannot efficiently run this game. In the sense of how did Anet drop the ball like this?

I have a Nvidia GTX 690, which costs about as much as a good computer by itself. Everything on my system is of high quality and runs everything I throw at it spectacularly. Everything but gw2. It’s like an itch I can’t scratch. And it’s really bothering me. I have an amd 8150 processor, which honestly, runs strong like a bull. But not when it comes to guild wars 2. I might as well be running the game on my wife’s thinkpad.

It really blows my mind. Not that I don’t understand that the game wasn’t designed for multi cores (even though that sucks terribly.) But, the fact that I have a $1k gfx card which is utterly useless in this game. Wth? Why else would I buy a high end gfx card? They’re usually bought to process high end graphics in games…But Anet coded their game to change that? This is where i’m confused the most.

High end machine, low fps

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mike Flavaz.2635

Mike Flavaz.2635

I don’t want to come off as bashing. I want to play this game. But just can’t until this gets resolved. I know I’ve got company from all the threads about this. I just want something to be done about it.

High end machine, low fps

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I don’t want to come off as bashing. I want to play this game. But just can’t until this gets resolved. I know I’ve got company from all the threads about this. I just want something to be done about it.

Thing are being done but it is hard. Anet is working to improve cpu performance and spitting game logic is not always easy.

Things has been getting better since last week. Trust me, Anet is working hard.

High end machine, low fps

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kirito.4138


It really blows my mind. Not that I don’t understand that the game wasn’t designed for multi cores (even though that sucks terribly.) But, the fact that I have a $1k gfx card which is utterly useless in this game. Wth? Why else would I buy a high end gfx card? They’re usually bought to process high end graphics in games…But Anet coded their game to change that? This is where i’m confused the most.

Read Part 4.11 of this thread to understand the issue from the dev perspective.

To make it feel any better you can run GW2 on 30" LCD screen, higher resolution will utilize the GPU more. Maybe future proof yourself for 4K TV screens later =].

Since you paired a beefy 690 with a weaker 8150 not much you can do in terms of GW2.

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High end machine, low fps

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolarNova.1052


A 690 is totaly overkill for GW2, now for other games that like to push the graphics high like Crysis 3, Metro, Sleeping Dogs, etc ..the 690 will do well.

GW2 on the other hand can run almost max setting on a much cheaper cards. its the CPU that matters most and so u should not be thinking.
“i got a wicked gpu that costs X amount, i should be getting better performance”.
You should be thinking
“kitten, i shoulda spread my money more evenly, got a 680 and spent the saved money on a top end Intel CPU and motherboard”

In all honestly the 690 is more a status symbol than anything. 2x 680’s r much better performance wise. I try to stear people away for dual GPU cards atm becouse they inevitable cost to much, have little anoying problems, and each core tends to be a tad weaker than its single GPU card counterpart. In the case of the 690 each core is like a downclocked 670 so price/performance wise 2x 680’s r much better.

3930k 4.6ghz | NH-D14 Cooler | P9x79 Pro MB | 16gb 1866mhz G.Skill | 128gb SSD + 2×500gb HDD
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |

High end machine, low fps

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rine.8352


Hi, I can see it’s been a while since there’s been a post here, but this is the first post that really explains my problem, and I’m quite stupid myself with fixing such problems.

I’ve had bigger and bigger fps problems as time went on, and now I have to have all settings on low and I’m lucky if I get over 20 fps :c

Here’s what my laptop contains:
Intel Core i7 2960XM
2x Nvidia Geforce GTX 580M, SLI, each with 2GB RAM
16 GB RAM, 4 × 4 GB

I really hope someone’s found a helpful solution by now

High end machine, low fps

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ilithis Mithilander.3265

Ilithis Mithilander.3265

Lets make sure your graphics drivers are fully up to date. The following is a link to the most recent drivers:

If that doesn’t do anything or you already have the latest drivers, next we’ll check your CPU and GPU temperatures next. If you don’t already have software that monitors these temperatures, I recommend using HWMonitor which can be found here:

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