How can i improve my fps?
to clarify a bit. im not willing to downgrade my graphic settings. if this is a case of needing new parts im fine with that and in that case i would like to know what to get and in what order(e.g. would ram have more impact or a new processor?)
to clarify a bit. im not willing to downgrade my graphic settings. if this is a case of needing new parts im fine with that and in that case i would like to know what to get and in what order(e.g. would ram have more impact or a new processor?)
Needing to downgrade your graphics isn’t the solution. GW2 is very CPU heavy, large zerg vs zerg fights just point that fact out even more. All you can really do seeing as how you currently have a non Intel K processor, is bare with it or upgrade to either the the i5 3570k or i7 3770k and overclock the kitten out of it. Of course with overclocking demands more than stock cooling. In that field either the Corsair H80i/H90 or H100i/H110 will work fine.
WvW Roamin for days!