I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ralsti.2147


I have a 3 day suspension for “defrauding someone of in-game items, currency, or services.”

I have not even played with other players in GW2 yet. I have not traded with anyone, I have only partied with a RL friend ONCE. I don’t understand how I could have possibly defrauded someone, and have NO idea why I have been suspended. Character name is Chronic Abuse.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sol.3296


Its fine for having to deal with your mistakes, however generally the public can take care of that. If a person is vile enough in chat then most likely he/she will get a reputation within that community. With my experience at least in mmo’s communities for the different servers become tightly nit and usually don’t associate themselves with these people making it hard for that person to find friends, etc. Thus making the game not fun for that person because of the way he/she acted.

I completely agree that is the appropriate solution but that just simply doesn’t happen, I’m sorry. Time and again I create a separate chat pane without trade, area, map etc so that I’m not bombarded with nonsense and turn it on when I need it for LFG or similar. And it is no different in any MMO I’ve played. The problem is that these people are acting completely different on the internet than they would IRL. Ignore them all you want but they have no issue finding others to play with or pay $20 to server transfer and start again.

This just shouldn’t have to be the case and I’m glad that someone is taking an active stance for once saying that ‘no, this should not happen and if you act like a tool then you’re going to pay the price’.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: InstantIdiocy.8126


Right. We have a lot of people who need help, but we should dedicate people to hand-holding with giving warnings? Really? The warning comes through the User Agreement, the Rules of Conduct, and the Conduct Breaches and Outcomes. Become familiar with them and the problem is solved.


I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


“I used to have a fleshlight but i filled it up.” that’s an exact quote of what got me 3 day ban until Saturday.

I know it’s stupid and in bad taste, but a automatic 3 day ban without some warning seems drastic considering how many games I’ve played.

I’m 36 btw. Yeah, I like to act like a kids sometimes in chat. What of it. I’ve never called someone the N word or the B word or told them to F off in ANY video game.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Halmo.8619


Block lists generally have a limit on the number of people that can be blocked.

Right-clicking on player names doesn’t always work (in WvWvW, for example).

Neither the “ignore” feature nor the profanity filter are excuses for poor behavior, as stated several times here and in other venues by ArenaNet staff.

but you see it’s also poor behavior for blocking someone, and then reporting them for some sort of temporal outburst. You are acting like you have never had an outburst of your own. Everyone acts poorly from time to time, that includes you. Should I follow you around and wait for your outburst to happen and then /report you?

I simply cannot fathom why it is so difficult for some people to comport themselves when in a public setting, whether that’s at the mall or in the public sections of a multiplayer game.

Reporting someone’s poor behavior isn’t poor behavior. Quite the opposite.

Try and report me for cussing in the mall. If it’s an isolated incident they’ll probably just laugh at you.

If you’re wandering through the mall cussing at strangers, I can assure you no one will have to report you. You’ll be taken into custody and escorted off the property.

No one swares at random strangers even in the game. They sware at:

1. Friends
2. People they are argueing with.

You never see someone just walking around just calling random people names, it doesn’t happen.

If it’s in public chat, it’s going to everyone, regardless of who you it was intended for.

Ya but if its not directed to you mind your own business, pretty much how the world works.

Agreed to TOS…

You do not own the intellectual property its not like cursing in your house. There is no bill of rights in the game… you agreed not to curse and to the repercussions of such in the TOS. A.K.A. your contract for the rental/use of someone else’s property.

Their TOS is too open ended and is to the reader’s (or the Mod’s) discretion as to what is “inappropriate” what I think is inappropriate is not what others may think.

If you have to stop and think about what you are going to say don’t say it. Racism and Foul Language have no place in a community game’s public chat. Maybe with your guildmates… but public chat affects everyone.

But that’s the problem and how people get banned. They are used to talking in certain ways and they don’t stop to think and get banned. That’s how I got banned, you get in an argument and bam you just type and hit enter. Then a bunch of people with virgin eyes report you because the stars hurt their eyes or something.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


I have a 3 day suspension for “defrauding someone of in-game items, currency, or services.”

I have not even played with other players in GW2 yet. I have not traded with anyone, I have only partied with a RL friend ONCE. I don’t understand how I could have possibly defrauded someone, and have NO idea why I have been suspended. Character name is Chronic Abuse.

Some how this doesn’t surprise me. I can’t even imagine what your suspension even means.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ralsti.2147


I have a 3 day suspension for “defrauding someone of in-game items, currency, or services.”

I have not even played with other players in GW2 yet. I have not traded with anyone, I have only partied with a RL friend ONCE. I don’t understand how I could have possibly defrauded someone, and have NO idea why I have been suspended. Character name is Chronic Abuse.

Some how this doesn’t surprise me. I can’t even imagine what your suspension even means.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ralsti.2147


I haven’t even played the game for over three days. Still have a 61 hour suspension. It would be one thing if I had done something even similar to what I have been accused of, but have literally have had almost NO contact with other players and have not even attempted trading.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CorpraSalaith.8912


I’m stil “lol-ing” at the Fleshlight stuff, priceless. My question is, what delinquent even KNEW what a “Fleshlight” was, enough to consider it offensive and inappropriate…. probably someone who owns one…. wink wink nudge nudge….

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TouchOfRed.8359


Its fine for having to deal with your mistakes, however generally the public can take care of that. If a person is vile enough in chat then most likely he/she will get a reputation within that community. With my experience at least in mmo’s communities for the different servers become tightly nit and usually don’t associate themselves with these people making it hard for that person to find friends, etc. Thus making the game not fun for that person because of the way he/she acted.

I completely agree that is the appropriate solution but that just simply doesn’t happen, I’m sorry. Time and again I create a separate chat pane without trade, area, map etc so that I’m not bombarded with nonsense and turn it on when I need it for LFG or similar. And it is no different in any MMO I’ve played. The problem is that these people are acting completely different on the internet than they would IRL. Ignore them all you want but they have no issue finding others to play with or pay $20 to server transfer and start again.

This just shouldn’t have to be the case and I’m glad that someone is taking an active stance for once saying that ‘no, this should not happen and if you act like a tool then you’re going to pay the price’.

Trolling is different from the minor cases that we’re bringing up in this conversation though. We’re not talking about someone swearing and insulting people and trying tokitten people off. We’re talking about people who used a swear or ‘inappropriate’ word (god forbid you hear or see one in a game or movie, right?) in a completely unoffensive context, not directed at someone else. I used some directed at NPC’s, in friendly conversation with some people. Still got reported and banned for 3 days. And again, if that’s how they want to run their game, then so be it. But they’re going to lose a lot of people like that, me included. It’s a video game. I don’t play it to be a tightwad and watch my mouth like I have to at work.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mcl.9240


Its fine for having to deal with your mistakes, however generally the public can take care of that. If a person is vile enough in chat then most likely he/she will get a reputation within that community. With my experience at least in mmo’s communities for the different servers become tightly nit and usually don’t associate themselves with these people making it hard for that person to find friends, etc. Thus making the game not fun for that person because of the way he/she acted.

I completely agree that is the appropriate solution but that just simply doesn’t happen, I’m sorry. Time and again I create a separate chat pane without trade, area, map etc so that I’m not bombarded with nonsense and turn it on when I need it for LFG or similar. And it is no different in any MMO I’ve played. The problem is that these people are acting completely different on the internet than they would IRL. Ignore them all you want but they have no issue finding others to play with or pay $20 to server transfer and start again.

This just shouldn’t have to be the case and I’m glad that someone is taking an active stance for once saying that ‘no, this should not happen and if you act like a tool then you’re going to pay the price’.

Trolling is different from the minor cases that we’re bringing up in this conversation though. We’re not talking about someone swearing and insulting people and trying tokitten people off. We’re talking about people who used a swear or ‘inappropriate’ word (god forbid you hear or see one in a game or movie, right?) in a completely unoffensive context, not directed at someone else. I used some directed at NPC’s, in friendly conversation with some people. Still got reported and banned for 3 days. And again, if that’s how they want to run their game, then so be it. But they’re going to lose a lot of people like that, me included. It’s a video game. I don’t play it to be a tightwad and watch my mouth like I have to at work.

So you think everyone who plays the game should be fine with your antisocial behavior because you don’t feel like behaving yourself in a videogame setting?

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ralsti.2147


Its fine for having to deal with your mistakes, however generally the public can take care of that. If a person is vile enough in chat then most likely he/she will get a reputation within that community. With my experience at least in mmo’s communities for the different servers become tightly nit and usually don’t associate themselves with these people making it hard for that person to find friends, etc. Thus making the game not fun for that person because of the way he/she acted.

I completely agree that is the appropriate solution but that just simply doesn’t happen, I’m sorry. Time and again I create a separate chat pane without trade, area, map etc so that I’m not bombarded with nonsense and turn it on when I need it for LFG or similar. And it is no different in any MMO I’ve played. The problem is that these people are acting completely different on the internet than they would IRL. Ignore them all you want but they have no issue finding others to play with or pay $20 to server transfer and start again.

This just shouldn’t have to be the case and I’m glad that someone is taking an active stance for once saying that ‘no, this should not happen and if you act like a tool then you’re going to pay the price’.

Trolling is different from the minor cases that we’re bringing up in this conversation though. We’re not talking about someone swearing and insulting people and trying tokitten people off. We’re talking about people who used a swear or ‘inappropriate’ word (god forbid you hear or see one in a game or movie, right?) in a completely unoffensive context, not directed at someone else. I used some directed at NPC’s, in friendly conversation with some people. Still got reported and banned for 3 days. And again, if that’s how they want to run their game, then so be it. But they’re going to lose a lot of people like that, me included. It’s a video game. I don’t play it to be a tightwad and watch my mouth like I have to at work.

So you think everyone who plays the game should be fine with your antisocial behavior because you don’t feel like behaving yourself in a videogame setting?

There is a language filter for a reason right?

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CalvinHobbes.3541


Its fine for having to deal with your mistakes, however generally the public can take care of that. If a person is vile enough in chat then most likely he/she will get a reputation within that community. With my experience at least in mmo’s communities for the different servers become tightly nit and usually don’t associate themselves with these people making it hard for that person to find friends, etc. Thus making the game not fun for that person because of the way he/she acted.

I completely agree that is the appropriate solution but that just simply doesn’t happen, I’m sorry. Time and again I create a separate chat pane without trade, area, map etc so that I’m not bombarded with nonsense and turn it on when I need it for LFG or similar. And it is no different in any MMO I’ve played. The problem is that these people are acting completely different on the internet than they would IRL. Ignore them all you want but they have no issue finding others to play with or pay $20 to server transfer and start again.

This just shouldn’t have to be the case and I’m glad that someone is taking an active stance for once saying that ‘no, this should not happen and if you act like a tool then you’re going to pay the price’.

Trolling is different from the minor cases that we’re bringing up in this conversation though. We’re not talking about someone swearing and insulting people and trying tokitten people off. We’re talking about people who used a swear or ‘inappropriate’ word (god forbid you hear or see one in a game or movie, right?) in a completely unoffensive context, not directed at someone else. I used some directed at NPC’s, in friendly conversation with some people. Still got reported and banned for 3 days. And again, if that’s how they want to run their game, then so be it. But they’re going to lose a lot of people like that, me included. It’s a video game. I don’t play it to be a tightwad and watch my mouth like I have to at work.

So you think everyone who plays the game should be fine with your antisocial behavior because you don’t feel like behaving yourself in a videogame setting?

I don’t see it as antisocial. What is and isn’t offensive is subjective to the individual.

“It’s a magical world, Hobbes, ol’ buddy… Let’s go exploring!”

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cryhs.7964


So you think everyone who plays the game should be fine with your antisocial behavior because you don’t feel like behaving yourself in a videogame setting?

I don’t know if someone should be playing video games, let alone be on the internet if a few petty things bother them. “Behaving yourself in a videogame setting” made me giggle a little bit. Come on, we play video games to have fun and let ourselves go and do things that we can’t normally do in real life (like play a Charr engineer), not to be uptight and paranoid if we offended some random person on the internet.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TouchOfRed.8359


Its fine for having to deal with your mistakes, however generally the public can take care of that. If a person is vile enough in chat then most likely he/she will get a reputation within that community. With my experience at least in mmo’s communities for the different servers become tightly nit and usually don’t associate themselves with these people making it hard for that person to find friends, etc. Thus making the game not fun for that person because of the way he/she acted.

I completely agree that is the appropriate solution but that just simply doesn’t happen, I’m sorry. Time and again I create a separate chat pane without trade, area, map etc so that I’m not bombarded with nonsense and turn it on when I need it for LFG or similar. And it is no different in any MMO I’ve played. The problem is that these people are acting completely different on the internet than they would IRL. Ignore them all you want but they have no issue finding others to play with or pay $20 to server transfer and start again.

This just shouldn’t have to be the case and I’m glad that someone is taking an active stance for once saying that ‘no, this should not happen and if you act like a tool then you’re going to pay the price’.

Trolling is different from the minor cases that we’re bringing up in this conversation though. We’re not talking about someone swearing and insulting people and trying tokitten people off. We’re talking about people who used a swear or ‘inappropriate’ word (god forbid you hear or see one in a game or movie, right?) in a completely unoffensive context, not directed at someone else. I used some directed at NPC’s, in friendly conversation with some people. Still got reported and banned for 3 days. And again, if that’s how they want to run their game, then so be it. But they’re going to lose a lot of people like that, me included. It’s a video game. I don’t play it to be a tightwad and watch my mouth like I have to at work.

So you think everyone who plays the game should be fine with your antisocial behavior because you don’t feel like behaving yourself in a videogame setting?

First of all, antisocial implies I do not talk to people, which is the wrong way to use the word, but I do understand what you’re saying.

And there’s a few things wrong with your argument. Has someone ever done something that has made you mad? How many of those times have you dealt with it and let it slide? Or do you persecute every single little squabble that comes your way? I know I wouldn’t have been able to get through my life if I’d have gotten bothered every time someone swore and made a big deal out of it. I’d probably make big deals out of other little things too. It’s so not worth it, and so easy to ignore. So no, I don’t expect everyone to be fine with it. But I would expect them to be able to tolerate and not turn it into a huge deal if they’ve reached that level of maturity.

And I honestly don’t feel like composing myself in a video game setting. It’s the same way I don’t feel like composing myself around my friends, and I doubt you take the time to treat your friends the same way you do your boss. Video games aren’t work. I’m not going to act proper, I will miss a period at the end of a sentence every now and then, and I’ll probably swear a few times a day too. It’s a video game. This isn’t an interview. I want to not care, to be stress free, and just relax. I’m not saying I’m going to harass people, but if I say “This boss is a *”, I would hope people wouldn’t get riled up. How do you go to the movies? How do you play any other video game, acting like swears are a big deal? How do you go through life?

Most of the people in this thread supporting Anet’s bans don’t understand that we aren’t trolling people. We weren’t harassing anyone, spamming, instigating. In fact we are very distinguished from them, we were being more comfortable and relaxed. And honestly, if I was in a party with you, and you asked me not to swear, I’d stop.

But that’s the problem. No one asked me to stop. I would have, otherwise. I just got this nice little ban out of nowhere. It’s inconvenient for me, and it’s inconvenient for Anet too. I would completely understand this if I was harassing someone, or if I was actually directly insulting anyone. But that’s not the case.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mcl.9240


Its fine for having to deal with your mistakes, however generally the public can take care of that. If a person is vile enough in chat then most likely he/she will get a reputation within that community. With my experience at least in mmo’s communities for the different servers become tightly nit and usually don’t associate themselves with these people making it hard for that person to find friends, etc. Thus making the game not fun for that person because of the way he/she acted.

I completely agree that is the appropriate solution but that just simply doesn’t happen, I’m sorry. Time and again I create a separate chat pane without trade, area, map etc so that I’m not bombarded with nonsense and turn it on when I need it for LFG or similar. And it is no different in any MMO I’ve played. The problem is that these people are acting completely different on the internet than they would IRL. Ignore them all you want but they have no issue finding others to play with or pay $20 to server transfer and start again.

This just shouldn’t have to be the case and I’m glad that someone is taking an active stance for once saying that ‘no, this should not happen and if you act like a tool then you’re going to pay the price’.

Trolling is different from the minor cases that we’re bringing up in this conversation though. We’re not talking about someone swearing and insulting people and trying tokitten people off. We’re talking about people who used a swear or ‘inappropriate’ word (god forbid you hear or see one in a game or movie, right?) in a completely unoffensive context, not directed at someone else. I used some directed at NPC’s, in friendly conversation with some people. Still got reported and banned for 3 days. And again, if that’s how they want to run their game, then so be it. But they’re going to lose a lot of people like that, me included. It’s a video game. I don’t play it to be a tightwad and watch my mouth like I have to at work.

So you think everyone who plays the game should be fine with your antisocial behavior because you don’t feel like behaving yourself in a videogame setting?

First of all, antisocial implies I do not talk to people, which is the wrong way to use the word, but I do understand what you’re saying.

And there’s a few things wrong with your argument. Has someone ever done something that has made you mad? How many of those times have you dealt with it and let it slide? Or do you persecute every single little squabble that comes your way? I know I wouldn’t have been able to get through my life if I’d have gotten bothered every time someone swore and made a big deal out of it. I’d probably make big deals out of other little things too. It’s so not worth it, and so easy to ignore. So no, I don’t expect everyone to be fine with it. But I would expect them to be able to tolerate and not turn it into a huge deal if they’ve reached that level of maturity.

And I honestly don’t feel like composing myself in a video game setting. It’s the same way I don’t feel like composing myself around my friends, and I doubt you take the time to treat your friends the same way you do your boss. Video games aren’t work. I’m not going to act proper, I will miss a period at the end of a sentence every now and then, and I’ll probably swear a few times a day too. It’s a video game. This isn’t an interview. I want to not care, to be stress free, and just relax. I’m not saying I’m going to harass people, but if I say “This boss is a *”, I would hope people wouldn’t get riled up. How do you go to the movies? How do you play any other video game, acting like swears are a big deal? How do you go through life?

Most of the people in this thread supporting Anet’s bans don’t understand that we aren’t trolling people. We weren’t harassing anyone, spamming, instigating. In fact we are very distinguished from them, we were being more comfortable and relaxed. And honestly, if I was in a party with you, and you asked me not to swear, I’d stop.

But that’s the problem. No one asked me to stop. I would have, otherwise. I just got this nice little ban out of nowhere. It’s inconvenient for me, and it’s inconvenient for Anet too. I would completely understand this if I was harassing someone, or if I was actually directly insulting anyone. But that’s not the case.

If you want to swear with your friends, do it in small groups or in guild. Do not do it in public chat.

And someone did ask you not to swear: ArenaNet, in their rules. You chose to ignore those rules, and discovered that ArenaNet is strict about them.

Actions have consequences.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


Exactly Touchofred. I wasn’t trolling anyone by mentioning a fleshlight. I even got several reply’s loling in chat. I was just joking around and being gross.

3 day ban for using poor taste is extreme. I can honestly say I have never seen a company this ban happy as a 36 year old gamer who grew up with the original atari. I’ve been playing pc games since King’s quest and Leisure suit larry and I’ve never seen the sheer amount of ban’s this company is doing over trivial violations.

I have no problem restraining my future behavior to play GW2. I do have a problem though with a 3 day ban for such a innocent joke in a mmo.

You’d think that I had a racial argument for 10 minutes with someone in chat. All I did was pipe in with a single joke after someone else mentioned a Flesh light.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mcl.9240


Exactly Touchofred. I wasn’t trolling anyone by mentioning a fleshlight. I even got several reply’s loling in chat. I was just joking around and being gross.

3 day ban for using poor taste is extreme. I can honestly say I have never seen a company this ban happy as a 36 year old gamer who grew up with the original atari. I’ve been playing pc games since King’s quest and Leisure suit larry and I’ve never seen the sheer amount of ban’s this company is doing over trivial violations.

I have no problem restraining my future behavior to play GW2. I do have a problem though with a 3 day ban for such a innocent joke in a mmo.

You’d think that I had a racial argument for 10 minutes with someone in chat. All I did was pipe in with a single joke after someone else mentioned a Flesh light.

It got the point across, though, didn’t it?

You’ll think twice before acting in poor taste in a public setting in GW2 again.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aris.7492


I’m stil “lol-ing” at the Fleshlight stuff, priceless. My question is, what delinquent even KNEW what a “Fleshlight” was, enough to consider it offensive and inappropriate….

All I know it that it’s a single letter away from “flashlight”. So if I mistype “flashlight” I may get banned.

I think these kind of bans shouldn’t be automatic, because words have a context, and words in different contexts have different meanings/connotations. Not to talk about possible mistypes (b an f are not that far away, so I may type the F word instead of buck, and all it takes is 10 people who don’t like me/are bored to get a ban).

Also, I don’t think swearwords are offensive by themselves, it’s the way they’re used that can make them offensive. Of course, this would require a manual method. An automatic system is much cheaper. I’m puzzled that some people approve this.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mcl.9240


I’m stil “lol-ing” at the Fleshlight stuff, priceless. My question is, what delinquent even KNEW what a “Fleshlight” was, enough to consider it offensive and inappropriate….

All I know it that it’s a single letter away from “flashlight”. So if I mistype “flashlight” I may get banned.

I think these kind of bans shouldn’t be automatic, because words have a context, and words in different contexts have different meanings/connotations. Not to talk about possible mistypes (b an f are not that far away, so I may type the F word instead of buck, and all it takes is 10 people who don’t like me/are bored to get a ban).

Also, I don’t think swearwords are offensive by themselves, it’s the way they’re used that can make them offensive. Of course, this would require a manual method. An automatic system is much cheaper. I’m puzzled that some people approve this.

ArenaNet have stated repeatedly that there is no automatic system in place for bans based on reports.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


Exactly Touchofred. I wasn’t trolling anyone by mentioning a fleshlight. I even got several reply’s loling in chat. I was just joking around and being gross.

3 day ban for using poor taste is extreme. I can honestly say I have never seen a company this ban happy as a 36 year old gamer who grew up with the original atari. I’ve been playing pc games since King’s quest and Leisure suit larry and I’ve never seen the sheer amount of ban’s this company is doing over trivial violations.

I have no problem restraining my future behavior to play GW2. I do have a problem though with a 3 day ban for such a innocent joke in a mmo.

You’d think that I had a racial argument for 10 minutes with someone in chat. All I did was pipe in with a single joke after someone else mentioned a Flesh light.

It got the point across, though, didn’t it?

You’ll think twice before acting in poor taste in a public setting in GW2 again.

Of course it gets the point across. It also p’s me off pretty bad as well for getting banned for kindergarten stuff. Honestly there is part of me that is asking whether I should even play this game anymore. It’s not like it’s good to sink a bunch of time into a mmo. That’s not to even mention the money. Heck i’ve dropped well over 500$ on LOL and I barely play it.

If chat is going to be this unprecedented strict place where people can’t even joke around then I don’t see this mmo doing very well in the long run.

Half the reason we play mmo’s is for the variety of personalities on a server. I don’t like racists as much as the next guy. I’ll report a racist or gay basher every time. Banning for a flippant joke though is extreme when a simple warning would have solved the problem and not given me the start of a resentment towards Anet.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aris.7492


You’ll think twice before acting in poor taste in a public setting in GW2 again.

Are you saying that poor taste should be bannable? Amazing.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cryhs.7964


If you want to swear with your friends, do it in small groups or in guild. Do not do it in public chat.

And someone did ask you not to swear: ArenaNet, in their rules. You chose to ignore those rules, and discovered that ArenaNet is strict about them.

Actions have consequences.

Or how about this, instead of ArenaNet sending mixed messages (a.k.a. the language filter that implies it’s ok, and that says “if you don’t like swearing then turn this on”) they censor everything in game, like runescape and many other games do, where nobody would ever see any profanity even the people saying it. That I would be ok with and it wouldn’t send mixed messages to people like me. I read the rules of conduct plenty of times before release (because I was so excited for the game) but when i log in and see a language filter, it makes me think I can do it to a certain extent.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TouchOfRed.8359


If you want to swear with your friends, do it in small groups or in guild. Do not do it in public chat.

And someone did ask you not to swear: ArenaNet, in their rules. You chose to ignore those rules, and discovered that ArenaNet is strict about them.

Actions have consequences.

This is true, they did ask me no to swear and I agreed not to, but then did it anyway. And in this way, it is completely my fault. And it’s also my fault I didn’t read the code of conduct and realize that swearing is a 3 day bannable offense before doing it. But I’m asking for some sympathy here, if nothing else. We’re not bad people, but we didn’t realize that we were going to get a 3 day ban for saying a swear in a relaxed setting when no other game has ever set the rules like that.

It just came as kind of a shock to me, and it is only a request that they start handing out warnings instead and maybe reviewing the reports more thoroughly to distinguish between troll and someone who just swore in a casual way. A warning would have more than sufficed for me, however it is my fault for not reading the code of conduct even though I agreed to it, and then breaching it. The warning thing is a plea; it just would have been nice, and much more hassle free. A warning will suffice for most people, and if it doesn’t, then they’ll continue their behavior and they’ll get banned.

And you have to understand how I think it’s unfortunate I have to watch my words with everyone in this video game of people who I thought were able to deal with a swear in a joking, nice manner every now and then. I never thought that would be the reason I stop playing a game.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Godmoney.2048


You’ll think twice before acting in poor taste in a public setting in GW2 again.

Are you saying that poor taste should be bannable? Amazing.

I guess we can enjoy sterilized chat then…….

I may exhibit poor taste sometimes but I also help other players frequently. Say what you will but some of us aren’t afraid to admit we like a fart joke occasionally. I guess some people are just better than us low brow folk.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CorpraSalaith.8912


It makes my head spin to see people wanting to legislate morality in a game where we murder things for experience, steal stuff from the dead things we kill, break into people’s mansions to look for “evidence”, make decisions wherein our best friend DIES, hear npc’s suggest genocide, kill people without them having a trial, speak openly treasonous dialogue, and on and on the list goes. It’s JUST a video game.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bowlin.4693


Why did they put in a medium and high chat filter in the game if they ban people for inappropriate language? Why, oh because they have to put it in the terms and services so they can have any and every reason to ban any player, take them away from the game. I’ll probably be able to confirm if Arena Net gives me logs of all servers All/Map chat/ any chat logs that 95% of any players has said inappropriate language once in their time on GW2. Why aren’t they banned for 3 days?

I understand that children or sensitive adults don’t enjoy swearing or “un-tasteful” behavior, but hey guys….There’s a filter. A filter so you don’t have to see any profanities! If someone is mad at you and is throwing bad boo boo words at you, guess what! Click that high filter button and you’ll be seeing —-—- all day and your clean mind will be saved.

Don’t be jacka—es and report people because they said a bad word. My ban was for racial slurs, yes I did use a racial slur, yes it could have easily offended someone. Yet the manner in which I was using it was in pure jest in a PvP match with only 10 in the audience. The one who said “reported” as soon as I said the word N***a proceeded to “troll” me after I destroyed him 500- 100 in a tournie match. This was a mad boy who couldn’t care less about the context of the word, and probably wasn’t offended in the slightest but wanted to be the new biggest internet sensation troll 2012.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Freyar.3254


My ban was for racial slurs, yes I did use a racial slur, yes it could have easily offended someone. Yet the manner in which I was using it was in pure jest in a PvP match with only 10 in the audience. The one who said “reported” as soon as I said the word N***a proceeded to “troll” me after I destroyed him 500- 100 in a tournie match.

Just.. don’t.. write it. You want to know a better way? Use Teamspeak or Mumble, something that you control when it comes to content.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CorpraSalaith.8912


The one who said “reported” as soon as I said the word N***a proceeded to “troll” me after I destroyed him 500- 100 in a tournie match. This was a mad boy who couldn’t care less about the context of the word, and probably wasn’t offended in the slightest but wanted to be the new biggest internet sensation troll 2012.

Like I said before, reporting folks is less about being honest to Dwayna offended, and more about exacting revenge….. from their safe and comfy gaming chair.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


The problem with the argument “There is a filter I can say what I want” is the filter does not always work as it should. You have no clue what words it will let though and what words it will catch. Until it is too late. That is not a problem with the programing of a filter. But a problem with filters in general. A filter does not give permission to use inappropriate language in chat. It is to help with the accidental slipups not the intentional abuse of the english language. Also even though there is a filter people who turn on the filter read right though it they know what words are there. Why because they hear it all the time.

It all comes down to respect. Remember there are children playing this game also.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

(edited by anzenketh.3759)

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mcl.9240


Why did they put in a medium and high chat filter in the game if they ban people for inappropriate language? Why, oh because they have to put it in the terms and services so they can have any and every reason to ban any player, take them away from the game. I’ll probably be able to confirm if Arena Net gives me logs of all servers All/Map chat/ any chat logs that 95% of any players has said inappropriate language once in their time on GW2. Why aren’t they banned for 3 days?

I understand that children or sensitive adults don’t enjoy swearing or “un-tasteful” behavior, but hey guys….There’s a filter. A filter so you don’t have to see any profanities! If someone is mad at you and is throwing bad boo boo words at you, guess what! Click that high filter button and you’ll be seeing —-—- all day and your clean mind will be saved.

Don’t be jacka—es and report people because they said a bad word. My ban was for racial slurs, yes I did use a racial slur, yes it could have easily offended someone. Yet the manner in which I was using it was in pure jest in a PvP match with only 10 in the audience. The one who said “reported” as soon as I said the word N***a proceeded to “troll” me after I destroyed him 500- 100 in a tournie match. This was a mad boy who couldn’t care less about the context of the word, and probably wasn’t offended in the slightest but wanted to be the new biggest internet sensation troll 2012.

Is your argument here that you truly believe you shouldn’t have received a ban for uttering a racial slur in public chat?

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TouchOfRed.8359


My ban was for racial slurs, yes I did use a racial slur, yes it could have easily offended someone. Yet the manner in which I was using it was in pure jest in a PvP match with only 10 in the audience. The one who said “reported” as soon as I said the word N***a proceeded to “troll” me after I destroyed him 500- 100 in a tournie match.

Just.. don’t.. write it. You want to know a better way? Use Teamspeak or Mumble, something that you control when it comes to content.

Just saying, Teamspeak and Mumble would both have just as much grounds to ban him from let’s say, ever connecting to any channel from that IP address ever again for using that word if they heard him say it. But they don’t, and he didn’t even pay for that service. And if someone e-mailed them saying he said something like that, they STILL wouldn’t do anything. The amount of control we have over the content we see by every other company except for Arena Net is minimal.

And although I do understand why a ban would be understandable in this case for using a racial slur, at the same time, don’t you think a warning would have sufficed just as well? If he does it again, by all means, ban him for a few days.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gear.6274


Why did they put in a medium and high chat filter in the game if they ban people for inappropriate language? Why, oh because they have to put it in the terms and services so they can have any and every reason to ban any player, take them away from the game. I’ll probably be able to confirm if Arena Net gives me logs of all servers All/Map chat/ any chat logs that 95% of any players has said inappropriate language once in their time on GW2. Why aren’t they banned for 3 days?

I understand that children or sensitive adults don’t enjoy swearing or “un-tasteful” behavior, but hey guys….There’s a filter. A filter so you don’t have to see any profanities! If someone is mad at you and is throwing bad boo boo words at you, guess what! Click that high filter button and you’ll be seeing —-—- all day and your clean mind will be saved.

Don’t be jacka—es and report people because they said a bad word. My ban was for racial slurs, yes I did use a racial slur, yes it could have easily offended someone. Yet the manner in which I was using it was in pure jest in a PvP match with only 10 in the audience. The one who said “reported” as soon as I said the word N***a proceeded to “troll” me after I destroyed him 500- 100 in a tournie match. This was a mad boy who couldn’t care less about the context of the word, and probably wasn’t offended in the slightest but wanted to be the new biggest internet sensation troll 2012.

Is your argument here that you truly believe you shouldn’t have received a ban for uttering a racial slur in public chat?

Does it really offend you that much? or anyone? it’s ridiculously redundant that these words filter to “Kitten” and then you get banned for saying “kitten” lol.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TouchOfRed.8359


The problem with the argument “There is a filter I can say what I want” is the filter does not always work as it should. You have no clue what words it will let though and what words it will catch. Until it is too late. That is not a problem with the programing of a filter. But a problem with filters in general. A filter does not give permission to use inappropriate language in chat. It is to help with the accidental slipups not the intentional abuse of the english language. Also even though there is a filter people who turn on the filter read right though it they know what words are there. Why because they hear it all the time.

It all comes down to respect. Remember there are children playing this game also.

There shouldn’t be anyone under the age of 13 playing this game if Arena Net is truly this strict about their rules. And you’d be surprised that most of the 13 year olds are the ones doing the swearing. And also, T rated movies and video games are allowed to have a few swears in them (I’m not sure the exact number), and most of them in fact do. So if parents really didn’t want their kids to be exposed to swears, they wouldn’t be letting them play any games, let alone this one. Although yeah, filters are faulty and aren’t an excuse for swearing.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Freyar.3254


[…]don’t you think a warning would have sufficed just as well? If he does it again, by all means, ban him for a few days.

People don’t respond to warnings, and just giving out warnings allows the behavior to continue. End result is you get the same environment that Xbox Live has.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TouchOfRed.8359


[…]don’t you think a warning would have sufficed just as well? If he does it again, by all means, ban him for a few days.

People don’t respond to warnings, and just giving out warnings allows the behavior to continue. End result is you get the same environment that Xbox Live has.

I’ve responded perfectly well to warnings in the past. And I know other people have too. Multiple warnings becomes a problem, yes. But just one so that you at least know what you’re doing is wrong if you missed it in the code of conduct is more than enough and it avoids all this headache that we’re dealing with now.

Also, I feel like we’re the only two talking on like three different threads :o

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bowlin.4693


Why did they put in a medium and high chat filter in the game if they ban people for inappropriate language? Why, oh because they have to put it in the terms and services so they can have any and every reason to ban any player, take them away from the game. I’ll probably be able to confirm if Arena Net gives me logs of all servers All/Map chat/ any chat logs that 95% of any players has said inappropriate language once in their time on GW2. Why aren’t they banned for 3 days?

I understand that children or sensitive adults don’t enjoy swearing or “un-tasteful” behavior, but hey guys….There’s a filter. A filter so you don’t have to see any profanities! If someone is mad at you and is throwing bad boo boo words at you, guess what! Click that high filter button and you’ll be seeing —-—- all day and your clean mind will be saved.

Don’t be jacka—es and report people because they said a bad word. My ban was for racial slurs, yes I did use a racial slur, yes it could have easily offended someone. Yet the manner in which I was using it was in pure jest in a PvP match with only 10 in the audience. The one who said “reported” as soon as I said the word N***a proceeded to “troll” me after I destroyed him 500- 100 in a tournie match. This was a mad boy who couldn’t care less about the context of the word, and probably wasn’t offended in the slightest but wanted to be the new biggest internet sensation troll 2012.

Is your argument here that you truly believe you shouldn’t have received a ban for uttering a racial slur in public chat?

Actually my “argument” is that the “moderators” should really look into the situation rather than just a ban for safe measure.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mcl.9240


Why did they put in a medium and high chat filter in the game if they ban people for inappropriate language? Why, oh because they have to put it in the terms and services so they can have any and every reason to ban any player, take them away from the game. I’ll probably be able to confirm if Arena Net gives me logs of all servers All/Map chat/ any chat logs that 95% of any players has said inappropriate language once in their time on GW2. Why aren’t they banned for 3 days?

I understand that children or sensitive adults don’t enjoy swearing or “un-tasteful” behavior, but hey guys….There’s a filter. A filter so you don’t have to see any profanities! If someone is mad at you and is throwing bad boo boo words at you, guess what! Click that high filter button and you’ll be seeing —-—- all day and your clean mind will be saved.

Don’t be jacka—es and report people because they said a bad word. My ban was for racial slurs, yes I did use a racial slur, yes it could have easily offended someone. Yet the manner in which I was using it was in pure jest in a PvP match with only 10 in the audience. The one who said “reported” as soon as I said the word N***a proceeded to “troll” me after I destroyed him 500- 100 in a tournie match. This was a mad boy who couldn’t care less about the context of the word, and probably wasn’t offended in the slightest but wanted to be the new biggest internet sensation troll 2012.

Is your argument here that you truly believe you shouldn’t have received a ban for uttering a racial slur in public chat?

Actually my “argument” is that the “moderators” should really look into the situation rather than just a ban for safe measure.

So you believe that there is some “situation” that makes using the N-word acceptable in a public chat in a videogame?

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gear.6274


A huge knee-jerk reaction in my opinion, it seems like they’re selectively enforcing the EULA, probably doesn’t bother them at all that 13 year old’s are playing, hell what’s the difference money’s money right? the sad part is there’s nothing you can do about it at this point, you can’t cancel your sub, you don’t have one, they have your money, gg end of story.

EDIT: inb4 I get another “Infraction” for speaking out against the empire.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Freyar.3254


EDIT: inb4 I get another “Infraction” for speaking out against the empire.

You really can’t be taken seriously if you aren’t going to discuss the subject with an even hand.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bellok.4180


Seriously guys, this is a game full of violence, and killing, yet we cannot swear, or say anything offensive in the least, subjective to the reporter of course, because their opinion matters, and not yours.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gear.6274


EDIT: inb4 I get another “Infraction” for speaking out against the empire.

You really can’t be taken seriously if you aren’t going to discuss the subject with an even hand.

Believe me I’ve tried. whether for or against the curse-filter(and other things) it’s hard to ignore the arguments that it’s redundant in a lot of ways.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bowlin.4693


Why did they put in a medium and high chat filter in the game if they ban people for inappropriate language? Why, oh because they have to put it in the terms and services so they can have any and every reason to ban any player, take them away from the game. I’ll probably be able to confirm if Arena Net gives me logs of all servers All/Map chat/ any chat logs that 95% of any players has said inappropriate language once in their time on GW2. Why aren’t they banned for 3 days?

I understand that children or sensitive adults don’t enjoy swearing or “un-tasteful” behavior, but hey guys….There’s a filter. A filter so you don’t have to see any profanities! If someone is mad at you and is throwing bad boo boo words at you, guess what! Click that high filter button and you’ll be seeing —-—- all day and your clean mind will be saved.

Don’t be jacka—es and report people because they said a bad word. My ban was for racial slurs, yes I did use a racial slur, yes it could have easily offended someone. Yet the manner in which I was using it was in pure jest in a PvP match with only 10 in the audience. The one who said “reported” as soon as I said the word N***a proceeded to “troll” me after I destroyed him 500- 100 in a tournie match. This was a mad boy who couldn’t care less about the context of the word, and probably wasn’t offended in the slightest but wanted to be the new biggest internet sensation troll 2012.

Is your argument here that you truly believe you shouldn’t have received a ban for uttering a racial slur in public chat?

Actually my “argument” is that the “moderators” should really look into the situation rather than just a ban for safe measure.

So you believe that there is some “situation” that makes using the N-word acceptable in a public chat in a videogame?

Yes, I do.

Nobody is the same, you are sensitive to even the most rudimentary of insults but that’s who you are. If you honestly think that GW2 staff should ban anyone and everyone for saying one word that upsets YOU then by all means play this game on your own. To me personally the “N” word does not offend me and within my entire lifetime I’ve yet to see someone very upset with me using the “N” word so freely (Or at least they’ve never voiced it). I don’t see the “N” word or use the “N” word as a derogatory term to insult people. Nor did I use it when I was banned. “N****a” and “N****er” are two VERY different words. If someone was truly offended by me saying “I got the best dance moves, I’m swag as F*** N***a.” Then I honestly didn’t see the racism in that.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Freyar.3254


If you’re genuinely looking to not have to worry about behavior while being able to speak with guildmates and friends, either a chat through Steam, or a VOIP program would be your solution.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gear.6274


antisocial doesn’t imply you don’t talk to people, that would be non-social, anti-social means you are against society/are malevolent towards it. Reporting people rather than blocking them is an example of antisocial(or maybe self-righteous) behaviour.

(edited by Gear.6274)

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: phooka.4295


I believe you misunderstood. The first mark is 3 days. The second mark can be 14 days. If you have the first mark and get another in a relatively short period of time, the system automatically increases the suspension to 14 days.

I know it’s your policy that a 3 day ban is a slap on the wrist. I also know that you’re probably not in a position to alter such a policy. However, please be informed that a three day suspension is anything but a “warning”. In most videogames, that’s not even a light, but a harsh punishment.

By issuing three day suspensions as warnings or minimum punishments, you’re creating an environment that may be dominated by fear. Fear that something you do might get you a “warning” of three days not being able to take part in the social activities of your friends and family.

Therefore, while I know that you can’t comment on internal policies and that it’s not up to you to change them, please consider communicating my dissent to the harshness of what you consider to be a “warning”.

Also, I don’t expect you to respond to this as I am aware that it’s neither your job nor are you presumably in a position to comment on internal policies.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: phooka.4295


Right. We have a lot of people who need help, but we should dedicate people to hand-holding with giving warnings? Really? The warning comes through the User Agreement, the Rules of Conduct, and the Conduct Breaches and Outcomes. Become familiar with them and the problem is solved.

Hello Gaile,

Unfortunately, the user agreement is not 100% unambigous and questions to clarify ambigous parts are also not being answered in a timely manner. Furthermore, the fact that you don’t have the manpower at the moment to cater to all of your customers’ requests should not result in players being banned or suspended more than appropriate for what they did.

Again, please do not take this as personal criticism. If there’s anything I’d like to criticise, it’s general policies that you’re probably not responsible for.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: cryptoknight.9035


Hacked Account [Incident:120904-007963]
Been waiting 3 days now for response, hacked and ignored

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Noobless.8592


Dont bother arguing, nothing will happen. The agreement thing as an excuse ‘warning’ just doesnt make sense. All MMO’s have those agreement and STILL gives an email/warning before getting banned.

I never got banned, got banned 2 weeks for bad language.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


Unfortunately, the user agreement is not 100% unambigous and questions to clarify ambigous parts are also not being answered in a timely manner. .

But is it 95% unambiguous? That it isn’t perfectly unambiguous doesn’t mean it isn’t a good warning. What parts do you find unclear? It would help your case more if you presented those concepts in the document you can’t understand, rather than just saying it isn’t 100% clear. Sometimes good enough is good enough.