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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pennry.9215


Am I the only one that can clearly see that there is more to it than a simple name? I had one of my character’s name get reported. All they did is put a prompt on character select telling me to change her name before I could log in as her.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


how come i got no warning or even a chance to change my name? just auto suspend.

A-net zero tolerances policy

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


Would be awesome if a red came in here and told us all the real reason for the suspension.

usually red’s are quite fast to respond to these accusations. its now been 14h. and i’m starting to get suspicious.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jigga.2607


this is what i get in my login error

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brewergamer.8357


Who says “hellheal” has anything to do with religion? Lol I got a 7 day suspension for having a character named “Jbrewer Godofpvp”.. You know Arenanet wonders why this game is dead, and why WoW is SO much more successful? Well it’s mainly because Blizzard doesn’t go around banning their paying customers for tiny reasons like Arenanet does, Arenanet rewards the groups of players that go around trying to get people banned by reporting as many people as they can, IN FACT I know of a guild on henge of denravi that used to just spam reports on a commander on an enemy team to get them banned and they literally successfully got several commanders banned. And that ruins the community of a game when everytime you interact with a player in any way they find something wrong with you and threaten to have their entire guild report you. With a game like WoW you are treated better as a customer, you aren’t going to get a 7 day suspension for having “god” in your name because banning someone for 7 days for something THAT SMALL is ridiculous and any professional company will agree with that. Arenanet has probably banned more than half the community of this game roflmao(and they keep wondering why it’s dead), they really show how immature and unprofessional they are by not caring that you are a PAYING CUSTOMER and just issuing bans to whoever gets reported for the SLIGHTEST reasons. And in fact I can see them giving me a forum ban just for saying what I said here, just for voicing my opinion. You did not deserve a ban and neither did the other 90% of players they have issued bans to.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: gassy.8975


Usually when I see a thread from someone complaining about being suspended due to a name, I can easily see the justification. But I just don’t see it here. imo there’s nothing at all wrong with “Torry Hellheal.”

Do you have any other characters on the account that could have been reported instead? If it really was for the name you listed, I am hoping they reinstate your account sooner rather than later.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Willywho.9460


Who says “hellheal” has anything to do with religion? Lol I got a 7 day suspension for having a character named “Jbrewer Godofpvp”.. You know Arenanet wonders why this game is dead, and why WoW is SO much more successful? Well it’s mainly because Blizzard doesn’t go around banning their paying customers for tiny reasons like Arenanet does, Arenanet rewards the groups of players that go around trying to get people banned by reporting as many people as they can, IN FACT I know of a guild on henge of denravi that used to just spam reports on a commander on an enemy team to get them banned and they literally successfully got several commanders banned. And that ruins the community of a game when everytime you interact with a player in any way they find something wrong with you and threaten to have their entire guild report you. With a game like WoW you are treated better as a customer, you aren’t going to get a 7 day suspension for having “god” in your name because banning someone for 7 days for something THAT SMALL is ridiculous and any professional company will agree with that. Arenanet has probably banned more than half the community of this game roflmao(and they keep wondering why it’s dead), they really show how immature and unprofessional they are by not caring that you are a PAYING CUSTOMER and just issuing bans to whoever gets reported for the SLIGHTEST reasons. And in fact I can see them giving me a forum ban just for saying what I said here, just for voicing my opinion. You did not deserve a ban and neither did the other 90% of players they have issued bans to.

Before people listen to your rant about Anet banning people for nothing.. here is why this user was banned..

Gaile Gray
ArenaNet Support Liaison
First, you were suspended not just this week, but in November, December, and twice in March.
You demand details. Here you go:
You chose a name disallowed by the Naming Policy.
You used offensive language. Multiple times.
You posted a link to an pornography website.
You propositioned players asking for things not discussed in polite conversation.
You were reported multiple times, and were suspended — not for “no reason” or for one of “the smallest reasons” — but because you deserved it.
There’s your mature, professional, and competent response. Now, consider the suspensions and the reasons for them (which I believe you well knew before demanding details). Reconsider your in-game (and on-forum) behavior. And conduct yourself more prudently in the future.
Gaile Gray
Support Liaison

IMO you should just get a perma ban so we don’t ever have to deal with you anymore. So stop ranting about Anet banning for no reason when you are lucky to still have an account from all the crap you have pulled so far.

I Decoy I
Blackgate Original

Please Help Me

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


Who says “hellheal” has anything to do with religion? Lol I got a 7 day suspension for having a character named “Jbrewer Godofpvp”.. You know Arenanet wonders why this game is dead, and why WoW is SO much more successful? Well it’s mainly because Blizzard doesn’t go around banning their paying customers for tiny reasons like Arenanet does, Arenanet rewards the groups of players that go around trying to get people banned by reporting as many people as they can, IN FACT I know of a guild on henge of denravi that used to just spam reports on a commander on an enemy team to get them banned and they literally successfully got several commanders banned. And that ruins the community of a game when everytime you interact with a player in any way they find something wrong with you and threaten to have their entire guild report you. With a game like WoW you are treated better as a customer, you aren’t going to get a 7 day suspension for having “god” in your name because banning someone for 7 days for something THAT SMALL is ridiculous and any professional company will agree with that. Arenanet has probably banned more than half the community of this game roflmao(and they keep wondering why it’s dead), they really show how immature and unprofessional they are by not caring that you are a PAYING CUSTOMER and just issuing bans to whoever gets reported for the SLIGHTEST reasons. And in fact I can see them giving me a forum ban just for saying what I said here, just for voicing my opinion. You did not deserve a ban and neither did the other 90% of players they have issued bans to.

First, you were suspended not just this week, but in November, December, and twice in March.
You demand details. Here you go:
You chose a name disallowed by the Naming Policy.
You used offensive language. Multiple times.
You posted a link to an pornography website.
You propositioned players asking for things not discussed in polite conversation.
You were reported multiple times, and were suspended — not for “no reason” or for one of “the smallest reasons” — but because you deserved it.
There’s your mature, professional, and competent response. Now, consider the suspensions and the reasons for them (which I believe you well knew before demanding details). Reconsider your in-game (and on-forum) behavior. And conduct yourself more prudently in the future.
/quote -Gaile Gray (ArenaNet Support Liaison)

remember this kitten? yepp, your case has been answered to and the case seems rather clear. please stay out of this topic as this OP actually have been reported wrongly

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jigga.2607


Usually when I see a thread from someone complaining about being suspended due to a name, I can easily see the justification. But I just don’t see it here. imo there’s nothing at all wrong with “Torry Hellheal.”

Do you have any other characters on the account that could have been reported instead? If it really was for the name you listed, I am hoping they reinstate your account sooner rather than later.

heres the list of all my character names: Torry Hellheal, Torry Hellfire, Foxxy Poison, Jigga Thief, and Jigga Know So…

please tell me if my names are offending in any way shape or form.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


Usually when I see a thread from someone complaining about being suspended due to a name, I can easily see the justification. But I just don’t see it here. imo there’s nothing at all wrong with “Torry Hellheal.”

Do you have any other characters on the account that could have been reported instead? If it really was for the name you listed, I am hoping they reinstate your account sooner rather than later.

heres the list of all my character names: Torry Hellheal, Torry Hellfire, Foxxy Poison, Jigga Thief, and Jigga Know So…

please tell me if my names are offending in any way shape or form.

still can’t see it

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Panda Shepard.1248

Panda Shepard.1248

Gonna go with Jigga. I’m just going to say it. We still use this down here in a derogatory manner.

I still think there may be something else going on though. Again, my friend only had to change his name when he was reported. There was no ban.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Willywho.9460


Your maturity level really shines through on that last post Brewer. Gaile Gray shows that you have been banned 5 times now, and you keep coming to the forums to complain about Anet being ban happy… This is just like real life, people that break the law get punished and complain, and all the good people of society sit back and laugh at you for being so stupid.

Enjoy your 7 day ban.. in which I’m sure from the past you wont learn your lesson.

I Decoy I
Blackgate Original

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: gassy.8975


Ehh, I wouldn’t have reported any of those, but it doesn’t mean others didn’t. Possibly the “jigga” characters? A name has to be blatantly offensive for me to bother reporting it (such as references to violence against women and children, just as an example). But there are a lot of people who have more heightened sensitivity to names.

I suggest the following: pretend you’re an old man or woman playing a video game. You grew up in a different time, when people were more conservative and the worst thing you heard others say was “shoot!” or “golly!” Now imagine you, as an old person, are playing GW2 with your young and naive grandkids who aren’t allowed to watch TV due to a strict family upbringing. They are allowed to read GW2 chat.

Now pick yourself a character name. lol

You really gotta try to look at this from everyone’s perspective (young kids, grandparents, parents, nuns, etc.) to try to find a name that won’t offend anyone. Sometimes it can be difficult to do.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jigga.2607


Gonna go with Jigga. I’m just going to say it. We still use this down here in a derogatory manner.

I still think there may be something else going on though. Again, my friend only had to change his name when he was reported. There was no ban.

im from NYC and we dont use Jigga in any nevative way.. also Jay-z calls himself Jigga and in every one of his songs he says Jigga. plus it now in the 21st century means swag.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Panda Shepard.1248

Panda Shepard.1248

I’m from Georgia. We use it.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jigga.2607


I’m from Georgia. We use it.

i never heard anyone use jigga in any nevative way when i was in Ft Benning. and i was there for a good amount of time. also in Ft Bragg, NC, i havent heard anyone use it either.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Waraxx.4286


Lol there was 5 other people spamming in the chat so I decided to post one as well. None of them were suspended. Not a single one other than me and approximately 5 other players were spamming it.

as of now i cant see any1 posting porn site here. and just because others do it dosen’t mean you can do it. if u realy want to link a porn site in a game like gw2, there are way better ways of doing it im sure other than on ALL chat

Point is there was an entire group of people doing it, and they chose to ban me. It could be anything as small as saying “jewel” in chat and they would ban you for it because it has ‘jew’ in the word which to them is a religious reference and a ban without warning.

i think it’s you who don’t get the point. i.e
if there is 5 ppl killing 5 other ppl irl. should it be ok just because others did it?
yes, all should be punished. and we have no proof of what you are saying is true. maybe they got banned maybe not, we don’t know because alot of what you’ve said here on the forum is total BS and lies.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Panda Shepard.1248

Panda Shepard.1248

I’m just giving you a reason someone may have reported you. “Old” people do play this game and it may still have a negative connotation to some.

I guess the best thing you can do is contact support and explain your reasons for naming your character and that you didn’t think it was derogatory. I still don’t understand the straight ban instead of just asking you to rename your character. I think that’s the bigger issue.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Willywho.9460


I’m from Georgia. We use it.

i never heard anyone use jigga in any nevative way when i was in Ft Benning. and i was there for a good amount of time. also in Ft Bragg, NC, i havent heard anyone use it either.

I have heard the word Jigga used in the same contexts as if there was a N instead of the J, which I can see why they would have an issue, but I do feel if you have no past infractions a ban was too harsh for a mistake.

I Decoy I
Blackgate Original

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jigga.2607


I’m just giving you a reason someone may have reported you. “Old” people do play this game and it may still have a negative connotation to some.

I guess the best thing you can do is contact support and explain your reasons for naming your character and that you didn’t think it was derogatory. I still don’t understand the straight ban instead of just asking you to rename your character. I think that’s the bigger issue.

i agree. and i dont know why i didnt get a chance or warning to even change my name. but. i mean if there is something that ANet knows that i dont i up for a response from them. but as far as i know, i dont troll anyone, i try to be respectful, and i help everyone i can in Darkhaven server. plus im 99% just WvW or fractals. i dont really type in game chat cuz im on teamspeak with my guild. i only type in “Team Chat” when im in WvW and only while i have my commander tag up. otherwise i just run around and get kills and help drop/build siege.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Amos.8760


Delete your necro and you should be fine. The rest are Anet-approved professions.

My turret is so much better at this game than I am.

Please Help Me

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

You were not blocked for the Torry Name. You were blocked for an overtly offensive name (crude sexual terms) in late January. And that was the warning you ask for now. You then chose several character names that are offensive.

If someone has a question about Jigga, it was pointed out to me that it’s an abbreviation for an extremely racist term and is not at all acceptable in our game.

Your characters must be renamed. Your display name will be changed. And you will serve the suspension because you have chosen four offensive names. You were not suspended because someone reported you. You were suspended because you chose offensive names.

Coming up:

  • Wait your time out.
  • Rename your characters.
  • For future names: Choose wisely.
Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)