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Posted by: Velkis.7193


The game “runs” fine, no sound issues or anything. I am using 2011 iMac and get about 10-20 LESS FPS than when ran in Bootcamp Windows 8.
Also, WHY can we not run the game at the settings I want. I cant enable Hi res character models ( I can when on windows 8 side) .
Here are my stats and shot of FPS. The game looks WAY worse visually on the mac side.
Disappointed, hope after beta its Much better and the restrictions get removed or I will just continue to play on windows side…
Well I was going to post some images, but for some reason it says I cant on here, even tho 50 other people have…
2011 iMac
3.4Ghz i7 (3.8 turbo)
8 GB DDR 3 1333Mhz
ATI 69070 2GB card

Settings in Game:
Running at 2560 × 1440
Have EVERYthing as high as it will go, minus AA
Can’t enable High res character models… Why?!
and average is 20 FPS

Running this game on windows 8 side: 30-50 FPS
everything Max, minus AA
2560 × 1440 with High res character enabled.
Game looks WAY better.

Running 10.8.1

(edited by Velkis.7193)

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Posted by: Moss.6914


Getting about the same FPS, but with (roughly) 30% lower settings. Everything was on almost full when in bootcamp, now I’m running at medium to high with shadows at low. The other thing I’ve noticed is stuttering. My FPS at these settings is a very decent 40-60 but then will drop suddenly to 15-20 for a few seconds at a time.

I think the theory that nvidia card Macs are seeing poorer performance in OSX compared to ATI card Macs is a reasonable one, and also gives me hope that there’s a solution.


(edited by Moss.6914)

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Posted by: Darfuria.6024


It was perhaps a little optimistic to say that the mid 2010 MacBook Pros were capable of running the client, but that might be simply down to this being a beta application.

Anyway, I experienced sub-10FPS performance on the lowest possible settings at 1440×900 fullscreen in OS X 10.8.1. Haven’t tried BootCamp.


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Posted by: Piia.7659


I notice some significant performance drop compared to Bootcamp. I’d love to have a native client but i understand why they gave us a cider port. At least now i don’t have to reboot and i can listen to my music in iTunes. :]

Performance comparison:
Bootcamp most settings on medium(shadows on low) 15-30 Frames
Cider-Port almost everything on low(no shadows) 10-25 Frames.

I have the same model that you have, and my performance on “auto detect” settings are quite different than yours. In Bootcamp I was averaging 50-60 fps and in Mac Client I’m averaging 40-50 fps (as high as 80 on low settings).

I’ve gone up to 16 GB of Ram and upgraded my Hard Drive to a Momentus XT 750, which sports a dual SSD/7200 rpm speed. It is leaps and bounds better than the factory default this unit ships with.

I suspect your problem is largely your hard drive. The one I have is roughly $100.00 (depending where you buy, price fluxuates about $20). Most Authorized Reseller/Service stores can order/install this for you (recommended). Maxxing out your RAM to 16GB would be another good option, but definitely do that hard drive!

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Posted by: Kovenito.9641


I have a 2011 13" Macbook Pro HD 3000 running on 10.8. I was running the game through WineHQ at around 15-25fps but there were camera issues and Trade Post problems. With the new Mac client, I’m running about the same 15-25fps but all the former issues are gone and it generally runs more stable.

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Posted by: Kanako Davis.5364

Kanako Davis.5364

…I suspect your problem is largely your hard drive. The one I have is roughly $100.00 (depending where you buy, price fluxuates about $20). Most Authorized Reseller/Service stores can order/install this for you (recommended). Maxxing out your RAM to 16GB would be another good option, but definitely do that hard drive!

Thank you for the advice but when i bought the machine i upgraded it as good as possible. I’m running a SSD here. What drivers did you use in Bootcamp? Standard Apple ones or did you upgrade them from ATI/AMD?

EDIT: Just hit auto detect on my mac client and well…some things changed to my manual setting and now i actually get up to 40 FPS.

(edited by Kanako Davis.5364)

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Posted by: Piia.7659


…I suspect your problem is largely your hard drive. The one I have is roughly $100.00 (depending where you buy, price fluxuates about $20). Most Authorized Reseller/Service stores can order/install this for you (recommended). Maxxing out your RAM to 16GB would be another good option, but definitely do that hard drive!

Thank you for the advice but when i bought the machine i upgraded it as good as possible. I’m running a SSD here. What drivers did you use in Bootcamp? Standard Apple ones or did you upgrade them from ATI/AMD?

EDIT: Just hit auto detect on my mac client and well…some things changed to my manual setting and now i actually get up to 40 FPS.

I used the drivers that I downloaded through Bootcamp. Make sure you have at least 10% (ideally 20%) of your HD free for best performance. A full HD will dramatically slow things down too.

I’m glad you’re finding better frame rates!

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Posted by: bambamyi.5692


Apple’s OpenGL driver is broke. It is not Transgaming or ArenaNet. It is Apple’s crappy drivers… They need to get their act together and give us better drivers.

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Posted by: Guo Jin.1435

Guo Jin.1435


First of all thanks for considering a Mac client.

I’m running a Mac Pro 1.1 (2006) (see pic below for other specs)

I’m getting 18-22 fps in Black Citadel with low settings at 1680 × 1050.
On Win 7 64 on medium settings and same resolution I get 25-35 fps. It never gets lower than 25 fps. It even gets to 40 fps often when running in Windows.

When playing in zones other than the big cities, it’s at 25 – 32 fps mainly because of the draw distance (on OS X with low settings). When not seeing far I get 35-45 fps. I can definitely see the slowdown when the draw distance is high.

I consider it playable but if I had a choice I would definitely play it on Windows. For crafting and basic stuff I would not bother booting in Windows to play. Cutscenes run fine on OS X though. Windows is always well over the 35 fps and runs very smoothly on medium settings. I don’t really notice any slowdown.

I also have an issue where the mouse scroll wheel does not zoom but moves the map around on OS X. I have a logitech performance MX. It works fine in Windows but not in OS X.

[Edit]Fixed the mouse issue[Edit]


(edited by Guo Jin.1435)

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Posted by: Insidious.6301


HackPro 2700k @ 4.3Ghz, 16gb RAM, Radeon HD6780 1gb

Played a lot with various settings and have settled on playing in a window sized at 2048×1152 on my 27" lcd.

Graphics Settings are:

Animation – Low
Environment – Med
LOD Distance – Med
Reflections – Terrain & Sky
Textures – Med
Render Sampling – Native
Shadows – None
Shaders – Low
Post Processing – Low
Vertical Sync – Enabled

I’m getting a solid 60fps in most places. Dips and micro stutter when changing areas but not bad at all. Really busy complex cities and scenes take it to 40/45fps. If I don’t have vert sync on it spikes to well over 110 and heats up the card too much for my liking. I played a bit in WvW and was seeing a solid 30fps with battles of 50 – 75 people around and area effects on.

All in all very playable/enjoyable, but I can see where this might disappoint those on lesser spec systems (most).

If your playing on an 27" iMac I highly recommend playing in a window to reduce the amount of pixels you need to sling around. I’ve played worse cider ports.

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Posted by: Charion Monteverde.3748

Charion Monteverde.3748

there is a About this Mac screenshot attached that has all my Mac Details.
I’ve been playing for several hours now with out problem (Norn guardian lvl 17)
I did notice that the gamma settings needed to be changed to about roughly 1.26-ish otherwise somethings were too dark.
I’ve upped the graphics settings on a few settings to medium without any lag or graphic problem. it also works well with my targus bluetooth mouse.
The performance of the mac version is better then the Windows 7 version on the same machine and I’m running the Mac version with better graphics settings. Frame rate is pretty similar.

Thanks to ArenaNet, NCSoft and transgaming for the Mac version its quite wonderful.


(edited by Charion Monteverde.3748)

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Posted by: Frotee.2634


MacBook Pro, late 2010
i5 2,53 Ghz
4 GB Ram
Geforce 330m (256 MB ;_;) (+ Intel 3000, but I’m pretty sure that’s irrelevant)

Framerates drop by roughly 10 – I was getting 20-30 fps in Lion’s Arch under Bootcamp, and 10-20 with the Cider Port. Settings: Low to medium, no shadows.

Would it help if I upgraded my RAM to 8 GB? Have been putting that off for a while…
(I’m pretty sure I can’t upgrade my GPU)

Polka will never die

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Posted by: Mossrat.6378


Mid 2010 MBP, 8GB Ram with the higher end at the time 512MB 330M GPU.

Little disappointed thus far with the client but hoping all may be resolved come the transition out of Beta. But massive thanks to ArenaNet for opening the doors to us Mac users. I, along with many others would like to not have to constantly boot into Windows to play this awesome game.

Anyway, frame rates in BootCamp using Windows 7 are a steady 30fps with all settings at medium dropping to around 25fps in built up or busy areas. Which for me is great. Unless i’m having a go at the Shatterer….ouch where naturally it’s like watching a slideshow more than playing a game.

I also had a go at GW2 using Wine but that then dropped to an unplayable 15fps with all settings on low. Boo, back to Windows.

But now we have the Mac Client.

Average fps are between 21-25, just about playable for me however, all settings had to be turned to low which for me hurts as I know how much better the game looks at medium settings after 100 hours+ of gameplay. There are also constant hitches generally when playing that stutters frame rates and gameplay yet according to the fps monitor there is no change in fps, yet it is quite clearly visible when moving.

Function keys don’t work without using the ‘fn’ button which is a little frustrating but maybe there’s a way of disabling the use of the function keys in OSX when playing games?

When turning using ‘A’ and ‘D’ keys the game slows up occasionally to a grinding 10-15fps :/ This is normally straight after logging in to the game but eventually thins out through play.

The audio seems very tinny compared to that in Windows and I can only select default audio device in OSX. Normally in Windows I can hot swap between my bluetooth turtle beach, integrated speakers or external speakers depending on whether or not i’m using the headset for chat purposes with guild members on Skype.

It’s a god send the client is here and I hope all issues can be ironed out. But as other people have posted there does seem to be more of an issue with the nvidia chips. When I hear people who have the 2009 models getting better performance than me that’s a little frustrating :P

I’d upgrade my MBP to a retina one but the lack of ability to increase spec is a downfall and no optical drive :O needs me an integrated disc drive.

That’s my input anyway. Fingers crossed for better/equivalent performance in OSX so I can jeff windows off again.

Thanks a lot guys.


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Posted by: Trug.5267


First, thanks very much ArenaNet and TransGaming for coming together to make a working Mac port, I’m thrilled to have it! Now, on to the performance analysis:

I am currently running on a 27" iMac, with a 2.93GHz i7 and 16 gigs of RAM. The graphics card is an ATI Radeon 5800 series.

In Windows 7 under Bootcamp with high/medium graphics settings, I average around 30-37 FPS in almost all situations. Sometimes in a particularly nasty WvW battle it can drop to the high 20s, but its very playable. The Mac port runs from 20-30 FPS in normal play, and drops to around 10 in WvW fights. Still playable, but far from ideal.

Also, I’ve noticed that the graphics on the Mac side don’t seem to be as “rich” as the Windows side with all settings identical. I know that’s next to useless from a troubleshooting standpoint, but the colors seem more washed out, and things seem almost less 3D. I imagine its a result of native Apple drivers versus the ATI Catalyst drivers I use on the Windows side, but I’m not sure.

I’m probably going to continue using Bootcamp for now, just because it is more enjoyable, but I am really looking forward to seeing how the beta comes along. Thanks again!

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Posted by: voltagecontrol.1346


I’m getting somewhere round ~5-12fps on the Mac client at the moment, just below playable in my opinion, compared to the 20-30fps I can manage to dish out on the Windows7 bootcamp install.

All settings at low, 1280×800 resolution and native textures.

My hardware specs are pretty much at the limit for windows play, and below specs for the Mac version, and as such I really wasn’t expecting much.

However the game is actually very playable and enjoyable in windows, now I just Hope that ANet finds ways to tweak that cider – or offer a native-client some time in the future. Trading 10fps or so for running on top of a wine-layer might be fine if you’ve got the fps to spare – I however, do not.

I would seriously spend a good few thousand gems on a native MacOS X port if that would help in any way

Hardware specs:
MacBook Pro 15" (2008 unibody)
2.4Ghz Core2 Duo
nVidia 9600M GT 256Mb
Mac OSX 10.7.4 / Windows7 Enterprise 64bit
…and a pair of fans roaring at 6k RPM at all times

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Posted by: Narai.8079



I’m getting anything between 5–30fps on low to medium settings at 1680×1050.
My experience is pretty much the same as most peoples here.

Mid 2010 MBP 15"
2,4GHz i5
8GB 1067MHz DDR3 RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 256 MB
Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4


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Posted by: Lwio.7942


Mac Pro 2009 6gb, hd 4870 2,66ghz quad core
Game plays fine on Windows getting 50fps most settings on high
Game plays fine on Mac getting around 25-30 fps most settings on high too.
When i first loaded the beta the graphics actually looked better than on windows, better colour.
Only tried for about an hour but what I’ve seen game is certainly playable on this machine.
I hope the coders can improve, every thing helps, but it’s a great first effort.

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Posted by: Hexobar.3704


Getting high 25-30 FPS with the settings shown on the image. It seems fairly robust with zone / situation. Not ideal ( I get more under Windows, with higher settings), but perfectly playable and good enough for me not to bother with Bootcamp.

(Early 2009 Mac Pro with ATI 4870, same specs as Lwio)


(edited by Hexobar.3704)

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Posted by: NerfedWar.8749


2010 Macbook Pro (2.8 Ghz core 2 duo, 8Gb Ram, nvidia 9600, game installed on SSD) here, performance is pretty much as expected for a Cider wrapped app on my system (based on experience with CoH and WAR):

FPS taken in Citadel in a closed room facing a bunch of NPCs, same location and facing for both samples.

  • Cider Min settings (best performance) – 13FPS dropping to 6-8FPS as I spin around.
  • Bootcamp Win 7 (same settings) – 32 FPS dropping to 26-28FPS as I spin around.

Not at all surprised by the performance I’m getting but very surprised by the figures being posted by some individuals, especially on iMacs (see the OPs (Enoch) quoted FPS).

Looks like there is either:

  • some sort of bottleneck in the Cider wrapper on older systems or graphic cards that isn’t there on newer systems.
  • people have poorly configured windows systems that are giving them lower FPS, skewing the reported results.

I guess there could be loads of reasons, just very surprised at the variation in reported results.

Looking forward to getting home this weekend where my i7 iMac will be put to the tests to see if it gets similar results to those posted here.

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Posted by: Megan.5139


I’ve actually been running it on a late 2009 macbook pro that doesn’t quite meet the requirements.

Processor 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB
Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53)

I don’t know what my average fps is but I run it on low. The only major problems I have at the moment is when I first log in there’s a few minutes of constant lag but after those few minutes it’s much better. And also it takes three times as long to load between maps than in the crossover version.

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Posted by: Matt Donnelly.1674

Matt Donnelly.1674

Model: Early 2011 15" MacBook Pro
OS Version: OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.2
Processor: 2.2 Ghz Intel Core i7
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6750M 1024MB

Only getting around 10-25 fps in Mac client, and 25-40 fps in Bootcamp

Graphics Settings:
Animation: Medium
Environment: Low
LOD distance: Low
Textures: Medium
Render sampling: Native
Shadows: None
Shaders: Low
Post-processing: Low


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Posted by: aleflyer.2137


imac 27" late 2009 i7 8gb ram ati 4850 mobile 512, performance are worse than in bootcamp.
I have 18-22 fps with medium/low setting, i had 30 fps with medium setting in bootcamp.

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Posted by: racheloflite.6217


Ok I have a Intel first Gen Mac Pro, it has 2 X 2Ghz Dual Core Intel Xeon,7GB 667 Mhz DD2 FB-DIM ram,NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512 MB, Resolution: 1680 × 1050, I did have the 30inch but figured I would go with the smaller monitor I have everything on low or None, but all I get is 5 FPS and or 2 to 5 in Lion’s Arch and DR as well. I have 10.6.8 SNow Lep, will getting 10.7 aka Lion help at all.

Up-date: I found out today I can get the ATI 5570 witch seems to work with this system, I have been given the run around I don’t have the money for the card at this time so like I said above would getting 10.7 help at all.

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Posted by: Tick Tock.9602

Tick Tock.9602

Yes getting 10.7 will help, Apple releases driver updates in . releases.

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Posted by: Nakashima.7560


I’ll admit I know little to nothing about Macs, my boyfriend is the fanboy in the home.. But wanted to post here anyways just in case it might help anet improve the beta client.

I get a solid 30-40 FPS when in normal play, in swamped WvW play, I get around 18. This is a massive performance over what has been happening on my PC, as there I get 6 in swamped events. Which isn’t what I should be getting with its specs, but I’ll leave that for another thread.. ^^ So I’ve basically switched to the Mac Beta just so I can enjoy events more, and so far it’s really worked out. I get some odd glitches here and there, but thats to be expected since it IS a beta client.

Anyways, Mac specs (3 years old):
Mac Pro
Processor: 2 × 3 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon
Gfx: ATI Radeon HS 5770 1024 MB
Running on Mac OS X Lion (10.7.4)

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Posted by: racheloflite.6217


Tick Tock.9602
Yes getting 10.7 will help, Apple releases driver updates in . releases.

Thank you for a reply it helps, BUT I know it may help BUT will I get any FPS improvement at all will I go from 5FPS to 10 only if so thats nothing its still a slide show, now if I get 20+ then yes I can live with that I would love if Anet or someone that has this kinda system know for sure cuz I’m not up-dating tell I come into more money only to waste it for only 5 or so frames.

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Posted by: NerfedWar.8749


I’ve been wondering whether going through the Cider wrapper results in pretty consistent 10-15 FPS drop rather than it being percentage based.

This may explain why whose of us running systems that get a playable 30ish FPS in bootcamp find the game unplayable through OSX, whilst those on higher end specs getting 50+FPS in bootcamp still get a good 40FPS under OSX.

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Posted by: Tasco.3180


My Mac is getting old, maybe below minimum requirements, but I am very happy to see a Mac beta so early.
Anyway here’s my results:

Early 2008 24-inch iMac
2,8 Core Duo
Nvidia GeForce 8800 GS 512 MB

Bootcamp-W7 – 30-45 fps @ 1920×1200, settings on medium-low
Mac Beta – 10-25 FPS in PvE and 3-10 in WvW

Graphics and especially sound performance is way better, even with lower settings. As someone has reported before me, the game seems to have to “load and convert” almost everything, from tooltips to maps to icons (it’s particularly lagging when opening interface windows such as Inventory or Hero panel).

I’ll be playing in Bootcamp hoping for a patch to improve my Mac client performance to at least 25fps. I know it’s a crappy computer but there’s always hope

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Posted by: Chobiko.9182


Old upgraded MBP.
Not much chance I’ll be playing unless a good performance OpenGL native client comes out.
Lions arch is 10-14
Empty Regions 18-25
Crowded Regions 12-18
Dungeons/Large Events 5-14


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Posted by: Venator.5780


Getting terrible performance – FPS under 15 regardless of settings.



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Posted by: kko.6281


iMac 27, mid 2010

i7 2.93 Ghz
12 GB 1333 Mhz DDR3
Ati Radeon 5750 1024 MB
Lion 10.7.5

Getting between 30-60 fps with autodetected settings in 2560×1440 fullscreen. For me, the char textures are better than the Windows version, more detailed and colorfull.

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Posted by: Tanira.8157


Got “hack”
Z77 chipset, Intel i5@4.3GHz
NVidia Geforce GTX285
OCZ Vertex 3 SSD
1680×1050 res screen

Running OSX 10.8.1 i have the FPS locked 60 FPS and get 50-60 FPS everywhere except in WvW where it goes down to 30 in heavy battles.

Pretty satisfied with the performance, estimating about 20% loss compared to win7.
Running most setting maxed, except post processing (which i prefer on low, else it too “glossy” for me)

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Posted by: James von Jurassicon.3956

James von Jurassicon.3956

Hi, I’m also running a Mid 2010 13’’ Macbook pro

2.66 GHz Dual Core
4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
NVIDIA GeForce 320M 256 MB
OS 10.8.2

I only get about 7-8 fps also running low settings

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Posted by: Baconwich.2905


Model Name: Late 2008 Macbook
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2.0 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 2
L2 Cache: 3 MB
Memory: 8 GB 2x 4GB sticks at 1067MHz DDR3
Chipset Model: NVIDIA GeForce 9200M
VRAM (Total): 256 MB
Operating System: OSX 10.8.2

Running surprisingly well, by which I mean at all. Everything on lowest settings, interface at native 1280×800, game undersampled to… umm, lower than that. Looks kinda fuzzy.

Runs between 12-25fps depending on where I am. Haven’t tried running in Boot Camp yet.

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Posted by: Lilsteele.4567


About 30 fps with low-mid settings (no reflections, low shadow, but AA is on)

Late 2011 15’’ MBP, low end model:
2.2 GHz quad-core i7
Radeon 6750M (512 MB VRAM)
256 GB SSD
1680×1050 resolution

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Posted by: Mustaine.9357


20-25 FPS

Mac-Mini (March 2011)
Intel i5
512 vRam
Upgraded to 8 gHz RAM

Haven’t tried BootCamp ; worth a shot?

(edited by Mustaine.9357)

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Posted by: KittiiPaws.3079


My beta client runs very smoothly, better than I had expected to be honest!
It even runs better and faster then my boyfriends windows version xD

This is the mac I have:
15 Inch, early 2011
- Processor: 2 GHz Intel Core i7
- Memory: 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
- Graphics: Intel HD-Video 3000 384 MB
- Software: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5

The only disadvantage is that I can’t play Guild wars without the charger. The game devours my battery. But I hardly have lag, it looks amazing, so no complaints from me!

- Meow -

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Posted by: DragonXRose.8534



It differs from the area i’m in.

BUT i’m playing below the required stats, on a Mid – 2010 MBp 13"


GANDARA -The Searing- [TS]
Cypressa Belladonna / Yhana Belladonna / Siri Vargsdottir / Kata Sharpe
Siri Meccano / Ysana Deathpale / Siri Bladedancer / Siri Strongheart

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Posted by: Tick Tock.9602

Tick Tock.9602

22-50 FPS, low end is in Lion’s Arch and the High End is out in the world best case scenario. WvW can drop in the teens in a busy fight. The overall average appears to be 30fps. These settings are using Autodetect which are attached. Bootcamp yields the same FPS BUT with Shadows and Shaders set to HIGH and Hi-Res Character Models checked, also with Environment and Textures set to HIGH. Hope this helps in some way.

Late 2011 MacBook Pro 17"
2.4Ghz i7 Quad Core
AMD 6770M 1GB
16GB 1333Mhz RAM
750GB 5400 RPM Hard Drive


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Posted by: shibui.2983


11" Macbook Air 2011 (i7 / 4GB RAM)

~15 FPS using the Mac Client
~30 FPS using W7 Bootcamp

(Both with minimum settings / native resolution / anti-aliasing)

Only really playable on Bootcamp.