Severe lag during peak times with EE

Severe lag during peak times with EE

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Longstar.3740


had a hellish 2 hr chat with “tech support” with my findings a few days ago. wasnt a nice call. However the last guy i spoke to was at least decisive and offered me the yes/no answer i was looking for.

ended with them saying that the ip i mentioned previously was outside of their network, and i should take it from there.

and now i find it seems to be working ok (for today at least) and i can feel the cyberegg on my face

Severe lag during peak times with EE

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tomcon.7642


Yep, this looks like it has been resolved now. I was able to play with no lag at all from 7-9pm which I wasn’t able to do at all for the past 3 weeks. Thanks to everyone else who phoned them, I know I didn’t seem to get anywhere individually but I like to think that some bright spark over there finally put it together in the end and fixed it for everyone.

(edited by tomcon.7642)

Severe lag during peak times with EE

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kusaku.9056


According to the BT guy I talked to at EE ?^^ we should see some improvements now.

Severe lag during peak times with EE

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Commisar.4952


Seems fixed now for me too.

I actually had a call from EE yesterday (having previously provided my number to a poster here) asking me ‘if I was having any issues’ . So I think, whatever people did… it worked.

Great job.

Severe lag during peak times with EE

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kitten Kong.6384

Kitten Kong.6384

Or was it the massive outage and maintenance performed early Wed’s or Thur’s on the game servers when they were offline for 3hrs+?……

Last time I went through this it was several client updates and fixes to server crashes that fixed it. It was nothing EE did.

EE are crap there’s no doubt but that traffic behavior of packets being out of sync etc. IMO can only be server related.

Severe lag during peak times with EE

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kusaku.9056


iv had this annoying lag at peak times again for about 4 days now, i am wondering if anyone else is being affected by it?

Severe lag during peak times with EE

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kitten Kong.6384

Kitten Kong.6384

yup – 4 days now and counting…..again……

Severe lag during peak times with EE

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kusaku.9056


Insanely bad tonight, finding it hard just to wander round cities.

Severe lag during peak times with EE

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CarnivoraxSapientia.6084


Ping issues have been cropping up again, and not just in gw2, this has been happening in a few other games I play too, but they also have a tendency to have bad servers so maybe it’s their side. I tried to have a word with EE around 2 weeks ago regarding these issues but it’s almost impossible to talk to someone who understands. I’ve also been constantly throttled by EE it seems and I haven’t been able to stream for a month now because of it. :L

Severe lag during peak times with EE

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Lag just began about 30 minutes ago. Playing from Singapore, had 220 normal ping from 4am-2pm (server time / UTC) and now (2.30pm UTC) it became 300-800 all of a sudden.

WTFast has also withdrawn free usage of their service, which will take effect in 14 days… so I seriously hopes this issue gets fixed by then…