Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Syreline.7956


Ticket: 121128-000047
Account: BlackDiamond.8140

Ticket 3+ days old, and my friend didn’t get any update, even the reason he’s been suspended is unknown. Can you at least inform player why their account got suspended?

What email he get only this:

Response Harry via Email 11/27/2012 07:41 PM

Thank you for contacting NCsoft Account Support.

We are in the process of investigating this issue for you and you should receive an update as soon as we have more information to provide. We may need more time if you contacted us on a weekend or holiday, but someone will respond to this support ticket as soon as possible.

NCsoft Account Support

and its over 3 days, no other response.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: gobflinger.8653


[Incident: 121129-000130]
Account: gobflinger.8653

I had a name that someone found offensive for reasons unknown to me or anyone I know. It isn’t a word I’ve ever put in a sentence. I don’t care about the name. Change it for all that I care.
I would rather wait another 100 days than say “please” since this is a unjust kitten move on Anets part.

Recognize that I have done nothing wrong and activate my account.

I have given this company most of my savings and still can’t get a single word from support.

You’re welcome by the way.

You KNOW that I have done nothing wrong and wont open up my account since I refuse to use to word please. The money that I earned, finger to the bone, should be enough.

Delete the adjectives and you’ll have the facts.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Okay this is serious i bought the game and have not even seen what it looks like but the loading template, never had a experience like this buy a game and 2 to 3 days and no play. Was i just robbed of my money, i don’t think i’ll ever buy a downloadable game again. No ones wants to refund the money i’m so irritated right now, how you guys sell a defective download… I need answers and soon i dont think i can wait 2 to 3 days i’ll put this in my blog or go to the press or something but i want a refund ASAP.

Please contact Support and they will close the account and issue you a refund IF you purchased the game from us. If you did not, please contact your seller for a refund.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Banana.7415


I am posting for wife’s account.

Incident: 121126-002710

It looks like on our credit card statement that on nov 19th there was a 59.99 credit from NCSoft. We never requested a refund and do not want one and she wants to keep playing. Now she can’t log in, i don’t want to just buy another copy because she does not want to lose her character. How do we resolve this?

This is our 3rd night with no response so far for our ticket.

I am the wife he is talking about here. I just bought a new game from gamestop and registered it to my account with display name Banana.7413, when registering it showed this as my display name with the same numbers, now I have .7415 and it still won’t let me log into the game. It’s been 5 days now without a response. Please help!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


My freind has not been able to login for over three days and needs a password reset.
His ticket is Incident: [121127-001984] His username is ShinigamiYaiba and what is the status on his ticket so I can inform him?

My friends ticket number is 121127-001984. He has not able to login over three days and needs need a password reset. username is ShinigamiYaiba.6792. Really would appreciate the help. Thanks.

Your friend has asked for a password reset. But we cannot establish that he owns the account, and proper security procedure requires that we must know he owns the account before we give him any assistance. Please tell your friend to update his ticket and answer the questions in it.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Updates for Thursday and Friday, 29 – 30 November

121116-001629 Resolved
121127-002885 Resolved
121127-000396 Resolved
121113-003712 Resolved (Thanks for confirming!)
121129-000130 Resolved. I have updated your ticket to explain the outcome.
121124-001042 Resolved. Thanks for your support!
121123-001923 Resolved; have your friend update his ticket so we can help him, as well.
121127-000150 Account ownership in dispute; the team will continue this review.
121118-002786 Account released; you may add a new, valid code to rejoin the game
121121-001210 Account released; you may add a new, valid code to rejoin the game
121121-002141 Account released; you may add a new, valid code to rejoin the game
121025-001807 Closed for fraudulent code a second time. Please continue to discuss with Support.
121121-001496  Fraudulent code. Please contact your seller to get a refund.
121127-001175 Fraudulent code. Please contact your seller to get a refund.
121121-002792 I followed up on this today.
121114-000212 I followed up on this today.
121115-001578 I followed up on this today.
121118-001530 I followed up on this today.
121118-002383 I followed up on this today.
121122-000034 I followed up on this today.
121123-000247 I followed up on this today.
121123-001644 I followed up on this today.
121126-002710 I followed up on this today.
121128-000072 Not three days old
121130-000631 Not three days old
121128-002416 Not three days old
121127-001984 Please answer the questions that Support sent you. We must establish that you own the account before we can assist you.
121116-002285, 121118-002383 Questions answered by agent
121126-001549 The account owner must discuss this with the team.
121115-002366 The charge authorization failed or did not pass risk reviews. You are not due a refund because you were not charged.
121116-001561  The charge authorization failed or did not pass risk reviews. You were not charged.
121118-001872 The charge authorization failed or did not pass risk reviews. You were not charged.
121122-001534 The charge authorization failed or did not pass risk reviews. You were not charged.
121126-000302 The charge authorization failed or did not pass risk reviews. You were not charged.
121127-000329 The charge authorization failed or did not pass risk reviews. You were not charged.
121128-000047 The charge authorization failed or did not pass risk reviews. You were not charged.
121128-000204 The charge authorization failed or did not pass risk reviews. You were not charged.
121128-000234 The charge authorization failed or did not pass risk reviews. You were not charged.
121128-000803, 121115-000847 The charge authorization failed or did not pass risk reviews. You were not charged.
121127-000395 The charge authorization failed or did not pass risk reviews. You were not charged. Please discuss the release of the account with Support.
121115-001408 This has been reviewed by multiple agents; account will remain closed.
121121-002294 Ticket updated today
121118-002266  Under review
121120-001710 Under review
121121-002828 Under review
121126-002710 Under review
121127-001919 Under review

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kalossus.8302



I received a really helpful response from Matt via the response page. He said he pulled the restriction off my account and I should be able to log in normally. Unfortunately I still am receiving the same screen saying that my account is suspended. Does this take time to go into affect? or is there still an issue with my account? Thanks for any info.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: waxili.2079


I waited for a faster, you have not recovered and solve my problem!I really do not use illegal program, I love hot games, will not destroy it!But your mistake cause I can not game for almost a month, and I am very sad!The game account game characters the name wuqian you review ah!Do not check not check directly sentenced me to death!Injustice!

 In addition, I have a complaint GM Roland he is the most responsible one! I look down on him!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: waxili.2079


waxili 0.2079 Account name game

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: aladinsane.3841



Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Perkstoph.2735


“121127-000150 Account ownership in dispute; the team will continue this review.”

How is account ownership in dispute? The ticket has all necessary account information provided by the owner.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sam.5046


My ticket is :121128-000226
Please review for me . Ty

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ophidimancer.2074


121126-001549 The account owner must discuss this with the team.

I am the account owner of Toraemon.1307, I’ve simply been using Ophidimancer’s account to post on forum. and I’m more than happy to discuss it with the team but so far the team has contacted me once requesting verification info, which I provide, and then no further communication. So please have them contact me, I would love nothing more than to discuss whatever it is that we need to discuss and get this issue fixed.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Werque.4518


Ticket Number: 121126-000941
Account Name: Persona.8973

Helping my friend to check who can’t log in to the game and post on forums

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Revelation.1456


Incident: 121127-001248
Account Name: Spetrix.3859

Account suspended, no word about why or for how long.

Cannot log into either the forum or game. Please help.


Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Enrae.1432


Support ticket: 121128-000094
Circe The Immortal.8751

I am posting on behalf of my father who cannot access these forums in addition to the game due to a mistaken ban. Please respond to his contact information on account above. His previous ticket for the same problem was overturned as an error…. see RESOLVED ticket 121107-000324 for additional information.

Thank you kindly in advance for your help on this!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mokilok.1874



Hi Gaile,

thx 4 getting at least an update on my issue.
Now I am about to know what is wrong with my suspended account:

“Fraudulent code. Please contact your seller to get a refund.”

Unfortunately I already bought a new key through a retailer listed on and tried to activate it with my old account. But it didn’t work, can’t still login.

My support ticket hasn’t been updated since a few days now and I don’t know how to proceed here. Thx 4 any advice in advance

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RadPix.8905


Can someone please look into ticket number 121123-001882, this is my husbands account, the game was purchased for him from a friend of ours for his birthday. NC flagged it as a fraudulent purchase but supposedly has since reactivated the account, but my husband no longer has his password and doesn’t remember it and didn’t write it down. Can someone please look into whether the account is active and if so can someone please email him the password or advise how to reset it. A reply in this matter would be greatly appreciated since this ticket has been open since the 23rd. This is the same issue as referenced in ticket 121123-001923

(edited by RadPix.8905)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: addiction.2374


Hi there,

still waiting for a respond for my case. kindly revert asap. thanks!


Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tasard.1928


Posting on behalf of cardboardarmor.1458, who has had their account and forum access suspended.

Ticket Number: 121128-001928

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pandeh.5248


Hey, I’m posting for a guy that cannot post due to account suspended.



I am not one to complain about a company using fraud measures to ensure people are who they say they are and are using the appropriate credit card to make a purchase. I would encourage good fraud protection measures and appreciate a company for implementing them properly. It appears that within the last month NCSoft has banned a large number of accounts because of their fraud detection system. My account was suspended on November 25th and I have still not been told why or when/if I can get back into the game. According to my Internet searches, some people have had their accounts suspended for the same error code for weeks, so my mere 6 days pales in comparison.

I would like to make the following suggestions to NCSoft:

1. Work on your fraud system to eliminate false positives. It seems that a bulk suspension system has caught a lot of legitimate users by mistake.

1.5 If you insist on bulk banning, let the community know ahead of time what will happen and what to do when it does. The community not having information is really making your hard working customer service folks look very bad.
1.51 If you insist on bulk banning, please consider surging customer support to deal with the increase in support ticket volume.

2. Instead of suspending accounts in bulk, maybe do a phased suspension in an effort to deal with customer issues in a timely manner.

3. If an account is suspended, please still allow access to sign into the forums to get access to the “3 day or older ticket” thread.

4. If a person responds immediately with the information you are looking for, please reactivate the account.

5. If a person sees a $79.99 credit on their credit card from Anet, please tell them why their account has been credited.

6. As a result of the credit, if people need to repurchase the game to get a new key then please tell them to do that. Also, provide them a status of their old account and what will happen to all of their old characters. Will they have to reroll or have access to the characters they have already leveled.

Thank you and have a nice day !


Account Suspended [Incident: 121125-000802]



Hope he will get help.

(edited by Pandeh.5248)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Papa Shongo.8104

Papa Shongo.8104

Hey, I’m posting for a guy that cannot post due to account suspended.



I am not one to complain about a company using fraud measures to ensure people are who they say they are and are using the appropriate credit card to make a purchase. I would encourage good fraud protection measures and appreciate a company for implementing them properly. It appears that within the last month NCSoft has banned a large number of accounts because of their fraud detection system. My account was suspended on November 25th and I have still not been told why or when/if I can get back into the game. According to my Internet searches, some people have had their accounts suspended for the same error code for weeks, so my mere 6 days pales in comparison.

I would like to make the following suggestions to NCSoft:

1. Work on your fraud system to eliminate false positives. It seems that a bulk suspension system has caught a lot of legitimate users by mistake.

1.5 If you insist on bulk banning, let the community know ahead of time what will happen and what to do when it does. The community not having information is really making your hard working customer service folks look very bad.
1.51 If you insist on bulk banning, please consider surging customer support to deal with the increase in support ticket volume.

2. Instead of suspending accounts in bulk, maybe do a phased suspension in an effort to deal with customer issues in a timely manner.

3. If an account is suspended, please still allow access to sign into the forums to get access to the “3 day or older ticket” thread.

4. If a person responds immediately with the information you are looking for, please reactivate the account.

5. If a person sees a $79.99 credit on their credit card from Anet, please tell them why their account has been credited.

6. As a result of the credit, if people need to repurchase the game to get a new key then please tell them to do that. Also, provide them a status of their old account and what will happen to all of their old characters. Will they have to reroll or have access to the characters they have already leveled.

Thank you and have a nice day !


Account Suspended [Incident: 121125-000802]



Hope he will get help.

Hire this man. The waiting wouldn’t be so bad if it felt like we were even being considered with our problems without having to post in this thread

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhalister.1723


Incident: 121128-002416
No reply to a wrongful termination. accused of botting/macro without any violation, 3rd day account terminated without any response, please assist with this ticket

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhysie.8692


Very sorry then. My brother had submitted his first ticket on the 27th so I figured 3 days had passed by the time I posted on the 30th (yesterday). He’s telling me that he still hasn’t received any e-mail responses to his ticket so I’ll post for him again. Hopefully sufficient time has passed now for this thread. Here’s my post from yesterday:

Posting on behalf of my brother whose account name is Masta.7896 because he’s unable to access the forums himself. He doesn’t get much time to play due to work/life so he was surprised to find earlier this week that his account had been suspended after not having played for a while. He submitted two tickets, one a few days ago and another today before I could tell him that it’s best to only have one ticket open at a time for the same issue.

First ticket: 121128-000072
Second ticket: 121130-001465

What the launcher says when trying to log into his account: “Guild Wars 2 has encountered an error. Your Guild Wars 2 account has been suspended for an account issue. Please contact Support for information.”

Thanks a bunch for your time and I apologize for the dual tickets.

Thank you.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Papa Shongo.8104

Papa Shongo.8104

For anyone who has been reading the last few pages, my issue was my wife’s account was closed and we were refunded the game without our request. After 6 days, and only after having Gaile follow up on the incident (thank you for that) it has finally been resolved.

For anyone in a similar situation, apparently my wife’s copy of the game was determined to follow the same tendencies as a fraudulent purchase, so they not only closed the account but banned my credit card from their system.

We were able to re-open the account by buying the game again from Gamestop and linking this new code to her existing account, however this did not immediately re-open the account. The support team has to allow a new code to be linked, so even if you do buy a new game you will not have access to the account until support opens it back up.

I hope this helps anyone else in a similar situation.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: karrak.3598


For Gaile.
Please, post what real happened. I take my account back couz was mistake from GW2 Support for more than 2 weeks, and make me lost the Lost Shore event(And no compensation for my lost).
The ticket was closed when I bought another CD Key and NCSoft give me refund from my first key (couz I´m not a fraudulent payer). My problem was resolved but its wrong when you guys said:

“Ticket 121109-002852 Charge-back; .will not be reinstated”

Another prove was a email sent to me by support:

“Since this was a mistake on our part for disabling the code, I’ve gone ahead and refunded you for the purchase done through Paypal. You should see those funds back on your account in a few days. The newest purchase for a Guild Wars 2 Serial Code that you just applied to your account will be your new code. As soon as this refund goes through, it appears your issue should be resolved.”
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Matt S.
NCsoft Payment Review

Thank you Gaile but, sometimes, support make a mistake. And will be nice if we assume we are human.

“NCsoft has no obligation to explain any decision…” 5.d.i Conduct Rules!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Elluim.6835


121126-000302 The charge authorization failed or did not pass risk reviews. You were not charged.

The game was a gift for my friend, and checking with the one who purchased it shows that they were originally charged just fine. Will double-check if need be…

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arsenic Touch.7960

Arsenic Touch.7960

121128-000829 – waiting for a response in regards to the ticket. Said was forwarded to a senior agent on the 28th, it’s the 2nd now.

Edit: So instead of getting a response, the ticket was closed?

Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger

(edited by Arsenic Touch.7960)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Eldan.2301


Posting on behalf of my friend whose account is currently banned with no specific reasons

Incident: 121129-000968
Account name: Halcyone.8956
No reply since 29/11/2012

Appreciate an update as soon as possible so that Halcyone can join us in GW2 soon.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: UpYourZ.5679


I am also posting this on behalf of my friend whose account is currently banned with no speicifc reason given, and to top that off he cannot even access the forums because his account is banned (you guys might want to change this).

Refeence Number: 121128-001054
Account name: crazy.4358
No reply since 28/11/2012

My friend is growing quite impatient of waiting as we havn’t receive a single reply for 4 to 5 days. We would really appreciate an update or some sort of explanation as soon as possible thanks.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Adanteh.8970


“Please continue to discuss with Support.”
Well, that sounds like an excellent idea. I only figured that discussing it with support would actually result in an answer.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shadowfax.6942


Helping my friend put up this up
Ticket Number is 121122-002680

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arros.1493


Ticket Number: 121125-002472
Account: Dualz.6573

I am posting this on behalf of my brother. My brother was hacked on 11/24/2012, he submitted a ticket the next day, and after several requests for information he recovered his account on 11/28/2012. Several hours later on that same day his account was stolen again.

The problem here is that when my brother was hacked, the hacker was able to gain access to both his game and e-mail accounts. This person was able to find the e-mail containing the order number and serial key, (We made the mistake of not writing or saving this info elsewhere) and take that info while deleting that specific e-mail from my brother’s account. By having this info the person who hacked my brother will be able to continuously steal his account.
We did however manage to set up the mobile authenticator on 11/28 when access was restored, it seems that the hacker is unable to log in to the game but still has access to the account.

My brother’s questions here would be:
1) Would it be possible to change the e-mail used to log in to the game?
2) If yes to 1, Would the hacker be able to gain access to the new account by having the serial key?
3) Is there anyway that the e-mail with the order number and serial key be resent to my brother? (Sent to the same e-mail it was sent to the first time around)

I realize this may be a tough case, but we will patiently wait for a response.
Thank You.

(edited by Arros.1493)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hobbes.6178


I opened a ticket a while ago about an item disappearing from my bags. I recently purchased the Dredge Breastplate of the Forge from the Sorrow’s Embrace dungeon vendor for 330 tokens of the Moletariate. Shortly after purchasing and equipping the breastplate I disconnected from the game, brought me to the character select screen. No big deal it happens, especially in LA. However when I logged back in my BP was no longer equipped, my chest slot was naked. I checked my bags and could not find it. I checked my bank…I even checked my alts even though I knew it wouldn’t be there but I checked just in case anyways. When I could not find it I assumed it didn’t register me buying it, however when I looked for my tokens they were not there.

So, basically, I am out 330 tokens and no Breastplate to show for it. So what happens now? Touch luck and try again? or can I get the BP or tokens replace? Hope you guys give me good news, because Planetside 2 is getting better everyday…and I spend A LOT of money in the gem store.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TRaumatic.2814


Hi Gaile,

Please help. My account was banned by mistake. My reference # is 121102-003339. My account was banned for this reason:

Response Steve S. via Email 11/11/2012 03:16 PM

The Guild Wars 2 Serial Code used to create your Guild Wars 2 game account was initially purchased from our site fraudulently. The alleged “buyer” had used stolen credentials then sold or transferred that account to you.

Steve S.
NCsoft Payment Review

What Steve. S. had mentioned above is completely UNTRUE. I have since appealed and below was my response:

Customer (John Escarez) 11/26/2012 03:05 PM

Hi Arenanet,

I would very much like to appeal a decision you have made to close my account based on your research that I purchased my Guild Wars 2 copy from an unauthorized seller. THIS IS FALSE. I purchased my copy from your website: I have attached a screenshot of the credit card I used, under my name. Please refer to line item dated 8/29/12 CHARGE.NCSOFT.COM 866-367-9516
TX for $65.69. I have also attached the entire credit card statement for the month to show proof that I am the true owner of this credit card. On the transactions box, please see #3 28 Aug CHARGE.NCSOFT.COM866-367-9516TX for $65.69. I have also attached a copy of my WA State ID. Along with a screen shot of your emailed receipt, with an order # of (purposely omitted); order date 8/28/12, you should have no problems identifying me as the legitimate owner of this account. Please make the necessary research to rectify this mistake and reopen my account. Thank you.

It’s been 5 days and I still have not gotten a response regarding my appeal. My buddy told me to post here in the forums in hopes of getting help from you. I see that I am not alone as many other legitimate owners of this game have been wrongfully accused of fraud. This is very disconcerting, to say the least. Please. help. Thank you for your time.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Huskey.2468


Posting for a friend. He is unable to post here because he was banned on 11/28/12 by mistake . He was playing, and then was booted out of game. When he tried to log back in his account was banned. The reason given: ‘botting, extended unattended play, using macros, or similar behavior’.

He was never contacted in-game before he was banned to see if he was at the keyboard, just booted. He doesn’t understand why he was banned and why it is taking so long to lift the ban.

He is still awaiting a response for his ticket.

Date Created 11/28/2012
Reference # 121128-002607

Thank you.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Guzzer.2735


Hello I have an account but don’t play – posting on my friends behalf as he can’t log in here – seriously how silly is that, how is he meant to get support of an account suspension if he cannot directly talk here… anyways – here goes:

“Hi Gaile,

I am posting for a friend (spooninatar.1438 ) who’s account was suspended for “an account issue” and would like an update. Support ticket number is 121126-000910 Error 45:6:3:2114”

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: allysphere.5702


Updates for Thursday and Friday, 28 – 29 November

121123-000247 I followed up on this today.

Thank you so much, Gaile! Support got back to us later that day and the problem was solved completely. Thank you again! You’re a life saver!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AndrewOrcutt.6751


My freind has not been able to login for over three days and needs a password reset.
His ticket is Incident: [121127-001984] His username is ShinigamiYaiba and what is the status on his ticket so I can inform him?

My friends ticket number is 121127-001984. He has not able to login over three days and needs need a password reset. username is ShinigamiYaiba.6792. Really would appreciate the help. Thanks.

Your friend has asked for a password reset. But we cannot establish that he owns the account, and proper security procedure requires that we must know he owns the account before we give him any assistance. Please tell your friend to update his ticket and answer the questions in it.

He says he replied to the ticket and wants to know what other info he needs

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ninguable.8219


Hello, ticket 121128-000693 and no resolution yet. I am guessing that i am one of the cases where i bought the DDE on the holiday weekend then my credit card somehow was deemed fraud purchase. I say this as it appears that after initially showing up on my card as a charge i see that yesterday it was no longer showing up at all on my credit card as a purchse. I then bought a copy of the game at best buy( once i saw that i wasnt paying twice for one game purchase) and I created a new account as i want to play now and not wait until the issue with my inital purchase is resolved. So now my request – since i had to buy a copy locally it is not the DDE edition. Is there any chance i can somehow get my old character back and possibly with the DDE edition. I am thinking that i paid the same amount each time just one is not the sale price since it is a local purchase. Also since i had to wait so long the server that all my friends are on is now locked Full. is there any option for me to get back onto that server if i am not able to get my original character back?
Also just to be clear my ticket 121128-000693 is still unresolved and i am really just guessing at the problems that resulted in my suspension.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Volit.8652


Hello, I had a birthday and my friend gave me the key to the game guild wars 2. After some time I have blocked. I applied to the technical support but it took a few weeks and my problem was not solved. I decided to buy another key to quickly play guild wars 2. Activate key I could not get into the game again. I activated the key on the same account: Unlock me please.
  ticket number is 121118-000987
  ticket number is 121202-002100

(edited by Volit.8652)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dezaster.1704


hello, i’ve submitted a ticket for my account loging in to the forum using my friend’s account…
my account : Spartan.6587 has been suspended for naming policy breach (?) and no more further detail…no response either from support. i really love this game and i want to attend the wintersday event. but if no one responded to my ticket..then i guess i will miss the event..and i think i’ll lose faith to this game that i loved so much..please respond..thanks

account : Spartan.6587
ticket number:121130-000631

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xaras.4267


I’m Prinzy.6078 i’m writing from my friend account.

Error Code: 45:6:3:2114
Ticket: 121127-002763 from 27/11/2012 i wait for a 6 days without response.
Please speed up my issue.
I lose 6 daily and montly for this problem.


(edited by Xaras.4267)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rent.5321


hello. why you banned my friend? any reason? we are play about mounth and he is banned. 1 week back, and there are no answers

He is still awaiting a response for his ticket.

Date Banned 11/28/2012
ticket #121127-002863

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ophidimancer.2074


[This is Toraemon.1307 posting on hubby’s account]
Hi Gaile,
it’s been one week now and the issue is still not resolved; as a matter of fact, I still have not been told why my account got suspended in the first place.

“121126-001549 The account owner must discuss this with the team.”

I am still waiting to be contacted by your support team so that we can discuss the issue. (There has been no contact since the ticket got forwarded to Billing Team.)

Thank you for your hard work

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: McDeKi.6139


Hello once again,

14days passed since my friend account has been suspended. 1hour in game for 14days waiting it’s not a great deal. He didn’t get any answer in has mail about his issue aside from automatic mails. How long it will take, srsly… His ticket no. 121120-001710. Hopefully, this is my last post here


Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: scoobs.5302


Updates for Thursday and Friday, 28 – 29 November
121123-001644 I followed up on this today.

Gaile what exactly does this mean? It is now Mon 3rd Dec and no form of contact has been made with the account holder from either accounts or support?
The account is wraith.7564. The account and email were hacked Fri 23rd Nov. The account holder now has control of the email accounts registered and has been able to regain access to the game account and change the password.
The account however has been banned error 4:5:6:3:2114, reason botting?
Can I ask why no one is responding ? This is very frustrating when I see others with similar problems getting their accounts sorted in a few days.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Leadx Gear.6720

Leadx Gear.6720

Account: Leadx Gear.6720
Ticket: 121129-001285

Hello. I am posting here, because a about four days ago, I submitted a ticket in which I describe I am unable to buy gems -at all-. A few hours later, I got a response to this saying:

Response Martin via Email 11/29/2012 11:38 AM

Thanks for contacting NCsoft Account Support.

I am escalating your ticket to our Payment Review Team to research your issue. Someone will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

NCsoft Account Support

And nothing has happened ever since. Ever since then, I’ve been attempting to buy the gems, but no luck at all.

I really hope that by posting in this topic the ticket can be resolved.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Windmill.2951


Ticket: 121127-002078
Account: Vexa.5281

I am posting this from my bf’s account as mine is still suspended. I haven’t had a response from my ticket for 3+ days now and I hope that posting here I can have an update please?

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kore wa Sparta.3750

Kore wa Sparta.3750

Helping a guy out since he can’t log into the forums. Taken from reddit:
“My GF and my account have both been suspended/blocked couple of days after the Nov Lost Shore Event, still no idea why. I can think of no reason both accounts were suspended, my GF and I don’t even play on the same servers and take it in turns using my computers. The only thing I could think of is logging in using my mobiles tethered connection when my ADSL was down registered too many new networks/IPs I had to e-mail authorize each time I played for about 6 days.”
[Incident: 121124-002202] is the original ticket # from my account 2 weeks ago.

[Incident: 121203-002074] I just did today from my GF account

DirkDiggler.4512 [Incident: 121124-002202]
Evergreen Neverseen is one of my lvl 80s.
error code:45:6:3:2114
I just tried to login one day and was shown the account blocked/suspended page.