10:5:11:2130:101 closed connections

10:5:11:2130:101 closed connections

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: giovanni.8320



problem reaching server selection net limiter give me close connections in all the tcp connection
already create firewall rules and open port on router like the 80 , 6112 and some other nothingh work,need help

thank you

10:5:11:2130:101 closed connections

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bReEzE.6853


having a same problem here.
connecting from SoCal/LA, network connected via router.
i was able to create char and played char for couple minutes after numerous tries…
logged off and tried to connect for 2 days nows.. it just wont let me.

about 5 devices/pc connected to my router. there is no other game issue except gw2.
ranging from aion,lol,audition,minecraft,steam… etc. =/
tried clientport -authsrv. still nothing.

10:5:11:2130:101 closed connections

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276

Ashley Segovia.8276

Technical Support

Hi giovanni,

I would like you to try a new command we just introduced to assist players with these types of issues. To do this:

1. Navigate to your Guild Wars 2 installation folder.

2. Right-click on “GW2.exe” and select “Create Shortcut.”

3. Rename this shortcut to “Guild Wars 2 Port Test.”

4. Right-click on this shortcut and select “Properties.”

5. Edit the “Target” line to include /clientport 80 at the end.

Note: Please make sure /clientport 80 is outside of the quotes

Correctly Formatted Example: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe” /clientport 80
Incorrectly Formatted Example: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe /clientport 80”

6. Once completed, click “Ok” to save your changes.

If you get an error trying to save, your target line may not have the correct format. Please try step 5 again.

7. Double click “Guild Wars 2 Port Test” and try connecting again.

10:5:11:2130:101 closed connections

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: giovanni.8320


G:\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe" /clientport 80
nothingh …

Outgoing connection to port 80
6Node Properties
Protocol: Tcp State: Closed
User: John

Local Address: Port: 49433
Local Zone: local

Remote Address: Port: 80
Remote Zone: internet

disactivate firewall and nothingh appened
this one is already closed at the lauch of the launcher

when i press play i get this other close conenctions

Listening for incoming connections on port 7534
6Node Properties
Protocol: Tcp State: Closed
User: John

Local Address: Port: 7534
Local Zone: internet

Outgoing connection to port 80
6Node Properties
Protocol: Tcp State: Closed
User: John

Local Address: Port: 49432
Local Zone: local

Remote Address: Port: 80
Remote Zone: internet

Outgoing connection to port 80
6Node Properties
Protocol: Tcp State: Closed
User: John

Local Address: Port: 49440
Local Zone: local

Remote Address: Port: 80
Remote Zone: internet

Outgoing connection to port 80
6Node Properties
Protocol: Tcp State: Closed
User: John

Local Address: Port: 49441
Local Zone: local

Remote Address: Port: 80
Remote Zone: internet

Listening for incoming connections on port 9222
6Node Properties
Protocol: Tcp State: Closed
User: John

Local Address: Port: 9222
Local Zone: internet

10:5:11:2130:101 closed connections

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: giovanni.8320


Remote Address: Port: 80 this one seem to be the port thath cause all teh problem maybe i’m wrongh…it became closed after i press log in

10:5:11:2130:101 closed connections

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drunetovich.5602


I would try to disable SPI on router if such option is present.

10:5:11:2130:101 closed connections

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: giovanni.8320


up , still unable to connect to servers

10:5:11:2130:101 closed connections

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: giovanni.8320


can’t connect to servers

10:5:11:2130:101 closed connections

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: giovanni.8320


mhh very stange, i try to run game on my brother pc all work well but on my pc game can’t connect to server
now what can be the difference betwen my brother pc and mine…

10:5:11:2130:101 closed connections

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: giovanni.8320


formatted reinstalled windows now game run well , nice game !