First: Arenanet if this thread turns out to help people I would sure appreciate a magic conversion of my main character from human to asura.
With that said I have cpu @ 4.8 ghz and a Geforce 680 oc´ed. It should easily be able to handle Gw2 @ 120 fps constantly. The other night when I was in wvw I noticed i had mostly around 25 fps while usually I have 58 (I limit this in afterburner so that thats as it should be). My cpu sat at <20% usage and my gpu was at <50% usage. Being a long time fps player and computer tweaker I wondered. So I ran a script I use to start up fps games. And I turned hpet on and Voila I sit again at 58 fps stabily.
I dont know which one of these fixed this for me. Hpet should be enabled if your motherboard supports it at all. This is also not a magical fix if you have a slow computer. However if you have a decent or good computer, poor fps, and low cpu/gpu usage, there is a very high chance this should work. But I digress.
Heres what to do. Please note that I didnt test extensively what the actual fix was, since I changed 2 things at once, but I put the likely culprits in order. You will also probably be spending the better part of 15 mins or more in order to achieve this depending a bit on how computer savy you are.
Here goes;
1.) Powerprofile. Control Panel > Power Options. Choose “High Performace”. Click Apply. Make sure Core Parking is disabled in the High Performance power profile. It’s a bit tricky to do this but don’t worry I put in the misc section how to do that.
If this works for you, great. Scroll down for how to automate this, unless you always want to be in High performance (which will increase your usage of electricity. We don’t want that we care about the environment).
2.) Turn Hpet on / off. (Hpet = High precision event timer) First check if its enabled or not. Type “bcdedit /enum” in a cmd (Press windows button and type “cmd”). If it says “useplatformclock Yes” its enabled.
Previously it was thought disabling hpet was best for gaming but now it seems its better to enable. So here I would first test to enable it. Make sure its enabled both in windows and in the bios. If you don’t know how to get into bios read your motherboard manual. If you don’t know what motherboard you have go to and download the little utility there. Run it and check.
How to enable or disable hpet:
bcdedit /set useplatformclock true (then reboot) is to enable HPET. Enable hpet in bios.
bcdedit /deletevalue useplatformclock (then reboot)is to disable HPET. Disable hpet in bios.
The bcdedit /set commands are both run in the cmd window.
If you have good fps by now good. If you not reverse the hpet process. Ie if you enabled it, disable it. If you disabled it enable it.
This is mostly fyi. It´s not really related to the article. Hpet affects dpc latency. Make sure its good with You should sit at below 200.
I have uploaded my batfiles to
Please note that you need to make sure yourself that they are correct for you before you use them!
With that said they should be safe and I´m pretty sure should work on Windows 7 64-bit. However please check. In order to do that you need to go to Von Dachs tweak post @ Scroll down to to where it says “Disable Core Parking Windows 7 Tweak may improve performance”. Disable core parking in your powerprofile. Basically it disallows cpus to idle while this powerprofile is used.
The 2 batfiles which are there to change powerprofiles are Highperformance.bat and Balancedpower.bat. If you want to use my gw2.bat to start guild wars 2 you need pskill from and nvidia inspector from Again, please be careful before using this. Only use it if you know what you are doing.
Lastly forgive for this thread is being slightly poorly formatted. I also don’t supply all links directly in it. My health is poor and my concentration wavers. If this gets good response and someone wants to format it please do so and contact me on the forums. Please also let us know in comments if this works for you.