Bad fps
dont know how your getting such a bad FPS, im running AMD fx 6300 vishera, 8gig ram, and radean 7850 (20 minutes ago i was runnin gtx 550ti, new GPU in mail today) but i am getting 50+FPS everywhere excpet zergs on all maxed out settings.. auto detect puts me maxed out on everything, but i drop reflections and shaders for the hell of it..
Auto-detect puts me on max settings but with very few people around I rarely get near 20 fps. If I put everything to low it is the same. The same with everything in the middle.
are you watching the cpu and gpu usage while your playing?
Check for the videocard, most likelly u installed it in the wrong PCI lane, common mistake
Game is unoptimized
After playing a few days, it seems in most areas fps is acceptable. Lions Arch is still bad, although that is to be expected. One thing I did notice is big events with lots of people (Dragons, meta-events) my fps do not drop. The more people on screen does not lower fps. This is most things maxed and shadows off.
I don’t have anything to measure my GPU, but the most usage on 1 core I have seen is 80% but it is mostly about 60% on 1 core and about 20% on 3 or 4 other cores.
Download GPU-z print screen the main tab while playing the game, on the second tab u will find the load graphs just print scren that too while playing the game in windoed mode. Then post the screns here
I have a pretty similar setup, Gmoney, (but with slightly older 6950) and framerates are largely hit or miss. Some zones seem to be just geometrically designed better than others, I think. I’ve NEVER seen Lion’s Arch run well on any machine, for example. There were a few spots in the Asura starting areas somewhere that went slow for no apparent reason, but it has been a while. Changing graphical settings pretty much do nothing for framerate.
I don’t know if it’s an engine triangle culling issue or if they just need to go back and remodel the problem areas, but I’d probably hop into this game a lot more if the performance was more consistent.
I just built a new computer with an AMD FX-8350, radeon 6770, and 16 GB of RAM and I can only get 10-15 fps no matter what settings I use.
Any ideas?
You are not the only one. I have too very bad fps problem since beginning and it only with two games, this game and Tera. I can run other games smoothly like Metro 2033, Planetside 2 and Tribes Ascend without problems. And I have lost my will to play much.
My system specs are:
AMD FX-8150 @4700 MHz / NB 2600 MHz
G.Skill 2133-10-11-10-T1 8 GB
Gigabyte Radeon 7850 OC (Catalyst 13.3 beta3)
Windows 8 (up to date)
Do what Rampage said
Do what Rampage said
There is no need for that. There is no problems in my GPU usage, core clock or memory clock. Trust me. I have checked it. And I have good knowledge of computers. No need to think im newbie on this.
I ran GPU-z. Most areas run pretty good 40+ fps, although my GPU usage was in the 90s mostly. Cursed shore around penitent was bad 20-25 fps and that is where I was in my first post. It seems my GPU usage does max out but FPS is acceptable in most areas.
Miiksu, do you have any problems with the beta drivers. I have been scared to try those.
Do what Rampage said
There is no need for that. There is no problems in my GPU usage, core clock or memory clock. Trust me. I have checked it. And I have good knowledge of computers. No need to think im newbie on this.
Rampage was not looking for the actuall usage he was looking for the bus interface speed the card was running, IE x4 x8 or the propper x16 but oh well. And if this is not running at the propper speed it will kill the performance.
(edited by zerk.9701)
Do what Rampage said
There is no need for that. There is no problems in my GPU usage, core clock or memory clock. Trust me. I have checked it. And I have good knowledge of computers. No need to think im newbie on this.
This statement would say different
I don’t have anything to measure my GPU
Rampage was not looking for the actuall usage he was looking for the bus interface speed the card was running, IE x4 x8 or the propper x16 but oh well. And if this is not running at the propper speed it will kill the performance.
No worries it runs x16 speed.
I ran GPU-z. Most areas run pretty good 40+ fps, although my GPU usage was in the 90s mostly. Cursed shore around penitent was bad 20-25 fps and that is where I was in my first post. It seems my GPU usage does max out but FPS is acceptable in most areas.
Miiksu, do you have any problems with the beta drivers. I have been scared to try those.
Nope. Good drivers No more flickering in DX9 games. And I think less micro stuttering in some games.
Do what Rampage said
There is no need for that. There is no problems in my GPU usage, core clock or memory clock. Trust me. I have checked it. And I have good knowledge of computers. No need to think im newbie on this.
This statement would say different
I don’t have anything to measure my GPU
Rampage was not looking for the actuall usage he was looking for the bus interface speed the card was running, IE x4 x8 or the propper x16 but oh well. And if this is not running at the propper speed it will kill the performance.No worries it runs x16 speed.
How do you know that Gmoney’s card is running at x16
It shows 2.0 x16 @ x2 2.0
It shows 2.0 x16 @ x2 2.0
That means it is installed on the wrong PCI lane or a dusty PCI lane port. Check if is installed correctly (check mobo manual for the PCI 2.0 x16 port), if is installed correctly then procced to unplug the card blow some air into the PCI port and plug it again. IF problem persist do it 3 times, if that dosn’t work report back here.
It shows 2.0 x16 @ x2 2.0
You did check that with the game running right? It needs to be check with the game running or either click the ? on GPUz next to where you seen the x2 2.0 it will do a short test and see if it goes to x16.
Okay, I switched it to the lower PCI-express slot (didn’t even realize it had 2 slots). It is an ASRock 970 extreme 3. It is now showing PCI-E 2.0 x16 @ 4x 2.0. The game is running much better. I am now getting 30-40 fps where I was getting 15-25. It is now in the slot farthest away from the CPU. Is this the correct slot it should be in?
Only problem is my temp is up (I think) some because of reduced airflow down there.
That render test wants to download and install dx9. Not sure if I should install that.
After more research, the GPU should be in the top slot. After putting it back in that slot, it now reads 2.0 16x @ 16x 2.0. I am now getting 50-100 fps at penitent camp where I originally was getting 15-25. It must have just been a bad seat or something like that, but it now works.
Thanks guys for all the help.
After more research, the GPU should be in the top slot. After putting it back in that slot, it now reads 2.0 16x @ 16x 2.0. I am now getting 50-100 fps at penitent camp where I originally was getting 15-25. It must have just been a bad seat or something like that, but it now works.
Thanks guys for all the help.
No problem Turn Vsynx on no need to overwork the video card.
(edited by zerk.9701)