Black Screen, Nvidia card.

Black Screen, Nvidia card.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dyze.1580


So yes, Black screening.
I bought the game this weekend, after spending some time playing the trial weekend.
I had black screen issues from the first time I tried to play, but after googling, I was able to over come it, by under-clocking my GPU.

Since then it’s happened once or two, and it’s always the same. The screen goes black and the computer is locked down. can’t do anything, but the sound stays for a bit. After while I’ll have to do a hard reset in order to get the thing working again.

Anyway, tonight the game seem to have caught up with my mischievous attempt at bypassing the black screens with under clocking, and since then I havn’t been able to do anything.
Now it simply black screens as soon as the Character Selection screens loads, or from time to time, I’m lucky enough to load a character and the world, at which point it’ll black screen.

I’ve tried all the miracle cures, and none of them work.
Deleting Local.dat
using -repair
using -image
Bypassing my router
Updated nvidia drivers
restore nvidia 3D settings
reinstalled directx
deleted temp files

The only thing that did work, was under clocking the GPU, but alas, it does not work anymore.

So I’m stomped, what is actually the issue?
I’m adding a game advisor log, in hopes it’ll clear something up.
I was kind of hoping to play the game I just purchased.. yeah? ..

(edited by Dyze.1580)

Black Screen, Nvidia card.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276

Ashley Segovia.8276

Technical Support


Hi Dyze – Sounds like you’ve about run the gamut as far as troubleshooting this issue goes. At this time I would like you to delete the Temporary Cache for Guild Wars 2. Generally this is done to troubleshoot issues with the Black Lion Trading Post but I’ve seen this actually resolve black screen issues as well. To do this:

1. In Windows, press the “Start” button and locate the “Search programs and files” bar at the bottom of the start menu.

2. Type in the word “temp” with a percent sign in the beginning and the end of the word without any spaces.

3. Press “Enter” and a new window should appear with the location of “C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp”

4. Locate the folder labeled "gw2cache-{RANDOM NUMBERS} and delete it.

After doing this, please try running Guild Wars 2 again.

Hope this helps!

Black Screen, Nvidia card.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dyze.1580


How often does that temp folder generate?
Since I know I’ve deleted it and tried this once already.

Anyway, I tried it again, and it didn’t change anything. As soon as the world was generated, I got black screen and the computer froze. :/

Black Screen, Nvidia card.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276


Ashley Segovia.8276

Technical Support

Hi Dyze – At this point I think the next course of action would be to submit a technical support ticket. Please be sure to include your Game Advisor report in addition to all troubleshooting steps tried by yourself so we don’t waste any of your time with repetitive steps

Black Screen, Nvidia card.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Is your power supply sufficient? The GTX 295 is quite a power hog.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Black Screen, Nvidia card.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dyze.1580


Mkay, going to find the tech support ticket page.

I don’t think my power supply is in question, since I’ve never had this issue with any other game. Everything else works just fine.