Connection Errors Detected (Retrying)

Connection Errors Detected (Retrying)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: doktorjoy.9302


Each time I try to launch GuildWars2, the launcher starts to update, and then after a while (at different points each time, it stops downloading files and displays: “Connection Errors Detected (Retrying)”.

It seems to stay like this ever after. Any suggestions? If I quit it and restart then it commences right at the beginning again and (several times so far anyway) hits the same problem as above randomly along the way

Connection Errors Detected (Retrying)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TimBobTastic.2786


I have the same issue, I even tried reinstalling the client, but that made it worse, now when it fails i have to download the game from scratch when i restart it. I have raised a support ticket, and so far my only response directed me to the game advisor download, which is of course a native windows file, so I am not able to continue

I have sent a rather shirty response to A-net… I do not hold out much hope for a fix. If it is not sorted within 48 hours I will be requesting a full refund, including gem store purchases, however (not that I expect to get it).

I was very annoyed when they sent me a link and instructions for a windows machine, especially considering I mentioned I was using a mac at least 4 times in the message…..