Connection Errors Detected.

Connection Errors Detected.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Roamingevil.9652


I get the “Connection Errors Detected” when starting GW2. It just stays at 0% for a short time, then it turns red into the “Connection errors” message.

I have included my Test log.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chances.9542


I’m getting the same error

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Posted by: Shallya.7603


I have never had this problem until this morning. Any ideas how to fix it?

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Posted by: Chances.9542


well how do we fix this ???

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chances.9542


any ideas how to fix this please

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276

Ashley Segovia.8276

Technical Support

Hi Roamingevil,

I would like to rule out the possibility that there is another program interfering with the game connection. To do this, we use a Windows command called “MSCONFIG.”

Please note, this command will not uninstall any applications from your computer. All MSCONFIG does is prevent these applications from automatically starting when Windows boots up.

To do this:

1. Press and hold the Windows key and then hit the R key. This should bring up the Run dialog box.

2. Type “MSCONFIG” without the quotes, and click “OK.” This should open the System Configuration Utility.

3. Click on the “Services” tab and check the “Hide All Microsoft Services” check box near the bottom, then click the “Disable All” button. (You MUST click “Hide all Microsoft Services”)

4. Next go to the “Startup” tab and click the “Disable All” button.

5. Once these items are all disabled, click the “OK” button and you will get a prompt to restart your computer. Please restart your computer.

6. Once you return to Windows, please try connecting to the game again. If your issue is not resolved by using MSCONFIG, please generate a new Game Advisor report prior to disabling MSCONFIG. That way, we can see what, if anything wasn’t disabled by these steps.

To reverse these settings, simply run MSCONFIG again and click “Normal Startup” on the first window labeled “General.”

Note: If you need a specific application to run with Windows but still want to use MSCONFIG, just follow the above instructions and on step 4, re-check any application you feel needs to start with Windows. Examples would be wireless connection software, mouse or keyboard applications or even security applications. Please note that security applications can often be a contributing factor to such issues. If you haven’t done so already, please also disable any Anti-virus, Firewall or other security applications for testing purposes.

Connection Errors Detected.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Roamingevil.9652


Nope didnt work!

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Korinth.9643


I had this problem, after trolling through the internet for about six hours, I found a solution.

Open your cmd.exe (by typing cmd into the run box) then type ‘netsh winsock reset catalog’ without the quotes, fixed the issue straight away.

You will likely need to reauthenticate your login, though.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jamby.9371


I had this problem, after trolling through the internet for about six hours, I found a solution.

Open your cmd.exe (by typing cmd into the run box) then type ‘netsh winsock reset catalog’ without the quotes, fixed the issue straight away.

You will likely need to reauthenticate your login, though.

I would like to ask to STICK UP this post.
Man, I will never thank you enough for your post!!
It finally solved my problem!!

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vurion.9861


I had this problem, after trolling through the internet for about six hours, I found a solution.

Open your cmd.exe (by typing cmd into the run box) then type ‘netsh winsock reset catalog’ without the quotes, fixed the issue straight away.

You will likely need to reauthenticate your login, though.

Thank you this worked like a charm. Finally fixed my issues. This post needs to be moved to the top.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tziankarisch.9237


I have a guildie with this problem atm, we have tried running thru everything anyone can think of, and tried the fix mentioned above all to no avail.

They are not particularly computer savvy so running thru msconfig things etc is not something that is going to be easy with them at all, I see on the facebook page that someone else is having this issue today so they are not alone

Is this possibly Anet’s end, this person has been playing regularly since early access with no issues until today

Connection Errors Detected.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: nkankney.8351


I am having this issue too. I tried to above suggestion that worked for other people, but it did not work for me.


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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Adunaphel.1469


I have this exact issue. I attempted to trouble shoot as the represetnative suggested via disabling all other startup process, but that didn’t help.

I also attempted ot clear my windows sockets catalog, and that seemed to help initially – for a few seconds the client was able to download. however, it quickly stopped and produced the same error message as before.

Any advice would be SO much appreciated.

Connection Errors Detected.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: killimandros.5087


Having same issue. Can log in with one of two toons. Connection error report suggests its my network connection. Why can I log in with ONE of them, then and not the other one puzzles me. Anyway, phoned the 24/7 support site of my inet provided, they ran some tests, and did not find any problems at all. It is NOT on your side, or ours was the answer. WHat now.

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Adunaphel.1469


I should be jealuos I think. I can’t get past the client boot screen. Ever since I tried to install the Oct. 7th patch, the client can’t update and therefor can’t progress to logon. Tried reinstalling it, clearing every cache and registry I could think of, but no dice so far. Short formating my harddrive and reinstalling literally everything from scratch I don’t know what else to do.