(edited by Darkone.8731)
Crash problem since the release is Fixed!
Ok,, if you’ve come here from this thread
You should definitely try the steps listed above, I had all the problems listed in the linked thread and it was immediately fixed by the steps above.
Thanks Darkone
you are welcone rkst but my game crash again at WvW but better than before. I open bios setting when game crash again and check ram speeds and exit bios and no more crash until restart computer.
so this steps not realy fixed this issue, like just aspirine therapy
Finaly I resolve my crashin issue. reson of issue was my rams. 1 ram wasn’t work stable and I romeved it from my mainboard and game is very stable working now. no more crash.
if you have crashing issue and have got 2 rams, check tham by one by at game. mostly one ram or all rams were crippled.