FPS Issues [merged]

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolarNova.1052


Omino .. what cpu do you have?

3930k 4.6ghz | NH-D14 Cooler | P9x79 Pro MB | 16gb 1866mhz G.Skill | 128gb SSD + 2×500gb HDD
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: omino.4302


Intel Core I5-3570 Processor

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ferik.3127


I have updated my driver for both my i5 board and nvidia video card. The ctan-yellow boxes issue is solved BUT FPS drop still persists I get a 40~45 FPS most of the time

At times, after like 2 hours into the game, my FPS goes back to normal (55~60). It seems something in my hardware was forced to not do its best. But after a few game crashes, it goes back to normal…

My System Specifications

Operating System:
Windows (Service Pack 1)
CPU Type:
Intel® Core™ i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz
CPU Speed:
2.82 GHz (3.20 GHz using Turbo Boost)
System Memory:
3.24 GB
Video Card Model:
NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450
Video Card Memory:
2.34 GB
Video Card Driver:
310.61 Beta

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FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Propeller.5264


I know that there have been many forum threads about this already, but I’m getting desperate, and I hope someone can help me out.

Here are my specs:

Windows 8 Pro, 64-bit
ATI Radeon HD 5900 Series (5970 I believe)
Intel Core i7 Processor @ 3.2 GHz

I am pulling 2 – 8 FPS on Best Quality/Appearance, 8 – 12 FPS on Auto-Detect, and ~20 FPS on Best Performance. On games such as Skyrim and Crysis 2, I can pull 50+ FPS (usually in 60’s) on max graphical settings.

I have tried numerous fixes already, including:
- Disabling Hardware Acceleration
- Disabling Crossfire
- Disabling CPU OC’ing (though I thought that would boost FPS)
- Turning off Anisotropic Filtering and Anti-Aliasing
- Doing a clean install of AMD Catalyst & using latest drivers (12.10 I think)
- Made sure GPU was running at x16 speeds in the PCI slot (not x4)

GW2 Support will not help since I have Windows 8 — even though there are numerous people saying GW2 is performing great on W8.

There are also attached files from the GW2 Test, HijackThis log, and NetworkDiag log.

Any help/advice you can give is greatly appreciated!

I waned to repost this…this is the very first post on the thread.

Awesome specs.
Horrible performance.
Still no fixes.

I really would like to play this game…

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Propeller.5264


@*Nova* – You’re most welcome! In regards your question concerning that thread, this is difficult to answer as I am not on the Development Team and so I don’t have any information on what was done with this information. This was, however, a good opportunity for us to get an idea of what sort of system setups were experiencing this issue and what sort of framerate these players were getting.

Unfortunately the best way to really assist players with these issues is one on one so that we can really narrow down any possible cause and have more ground to stand on as evidence that this is absolutely not a system related issue.

More evidence that GW2 is not optimized for multiple GPU card like my 5970.

- Crossfire IS enabled.
- Power Supply is 1000w — more than enough for 2 cards much less 1.
- Card is correctly bussed at PCI x16.
- GW2 is running in Full Screen mode, not Windowed
- On “Best Performance” Preset, FPS is around 15-18 in a mostly abandoned minor city.
- This performance on my specs (post above) is Laughable. Laughable. Laughable.

Also notice CPU is at 6% capacity with GW2 running minimized— usually it goes from around 6% – 8%.

And for those who like the CPU overclocking, clearly my system should run GW2 without the need to overclock. However, just for kicks, I tried a OC at 3.6 and 3.85. No change in FPS whatsoever.


(edited by Propeller.5264)

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Curuglas.1847



lately I start experiencing some performance issues with the game as well. I am now standing at the Path of Starry Skies Waypoint in the Frostgorge Sound. Here I have 50-60 FPS.
In Lion’s Arch I only had 25-30 FPS.
In the Ascalon Fractal the FPS drop to 9-15.
Opening the map gives around 110 FPS, but zooming in or out now drops to 1-4 FPS.

My configuration is:
- AMD FX-6100
- 8 GB Ram
- nVidia GTX 660 Ti (driver version 306.97)
- Intel SSD
- Win 7 x64

My System should be slightly overpowered for GW2, so I think that even at highest detail I should get some more stable FPS rates. Or what game setting would be the most harmful to performance but the least providing for quality?

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shiro.1452


It has been some time since the release of Guild Wars 2 and I was hoping that with some patch the problem will solve itself, but it didn’t.

The thing is that even using the lowest setting I could not get past 27 FPS mark in normal PVE situations (I reach ~40 FPS when I point the camera directly to the ground ). After 30 min. of game play the FPS falls to 15-18. It does not happen on other games. I am able to play everything on medium-high settings and get steady 40-50 FPS.

What have I done so far:
Re-install Windows, latest drivers and client.
Set power settings for max performance.
Cleaned the dust from the inside of the laptop and started using a cooling pad.
Shut down all unnecessary programs (even explorer.exe)
Used tips from here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/tech/FPS-and-Performance-based-issues-1

My spec:
Intel® Core™ i5-2430M
NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M 2GB

The problems seem to be similar to most players. Do you think it is an issue of temperature? Software or Hardware? Maybe the game itself? I heard that running games from external hard disk might help (not sure how)… What do you think about that?

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Menetil.1930


The game is broken end of story, ive given up trying to adjust my performance, its pointless. They could at least give us some information about what they are thinking to do about it.

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kirito.4138


If its a problem with temperature that can easily be verified by monitoring your CPU/GPU temp during the game.

Tools listed in Q5 of this thread would allow you to monitor.

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FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Propeller.5264


The game is broken end of story, ive given up trying to adjust my performance, its pointless. They could at least give us some information about what they are thinking to do about it.

Sadly, I believe you are right. The only information I get is that I am using Windows 8, so they can’t help me.

I am very disappointed in Anet and expected much more.

I hope they solve these issues soon, or at least provide detailed & honest information about what is being done to fix these problems.

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mamp.2486


today i stopped playing due to fps problems. granted i am playing on a laptop not built for gaming but at the almost lowest settings things where fine until the new update with fractals… i stopped bec i was around 40 constant from the start of gw2 and now?…. im getting at most 26 and at its lowest 1…. drastic changes within seconds. so until there is a fix there is no play for me. As it sounds from the rest there are others with much much better comps out there having problems to… wth anet lets get to the bottom of this.

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shiro.1452


Do you remember ArenaNet saying: “The game will be released when it’s ready”?
Sadly, doesn’t seem so…

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cactus.2710


The thing that really ticks me off is that ArenaNet has already admitted that the game won’t run for kitten even at absolute low settings when using the minimum recommended hardware, but there has not been a single word from them regarding what hardware WOULD run the game without crashes, disconnects, crummy FPS, and lag. There are all kinds of comments here on these forums from people who are willing to spend fairly significant money to upgrade their systems if that’s what it would take, but what do we get from ArenaNet in terms of guidance?? Nothing!!

You would think they could at least pretend to have some tiny little bit of regard for their customer base. At this point I’m resigned to waiting for Elder Scrolls Online and hoping that they aren’t as clueless.

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FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolarNova.1052


Plenty of guidance on the forums from players about what would run it. And for fairly ‘standard’ prices for a gaming rig.

For example . I tend to advise this setup for good rig in general and will also play GW2 as good as i can be atm.

2550k/3570k + Motherboard + Evo 212 cooler ( OC as close to 4.5ghz as possible)
8gb 1600mhz ram
Nvidia 560ti or AMD equiv
600w PSU
Any half good gaming case
Optional: 128gb SSD

You can most definatly go higher .but you will likely see only a small increase in performance, and that will be down to the GPU. CPU wise you can go bigger but it wont really give much, if any, increase with GW2. And as i said, the above spec doesnt cost much for a ‘gaming’ rig.

i do agree though that Anet should be saying this ..not the players.

3930k 4.6ghz | NH-D14 Cooler | P9x79 Pro MB | 16gb 1866mhz G.Skill | 128gb SSD + 2×500gb HDD
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Neijek.7150


Do you remember ArenaNet saying: “The game will be released when it’s ready”?
Sadly, doesn’t seem so…

it’s hard to not be cynical i was in beta, and while not many had my point of view 9 days to test a full game is horribly short :P thus .. voila lots of problems i had made a huge post about making the beta last longer and or opening it up to full time for all beta tests not just their internal team.. but got kind of shot down by them and a lot of testers, yet launch and 2+ months later shows they should have.. not that i’m not having fun but theres a tun of really basic problems still.

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dognosh.6327


@*Nova* – You’re most welcome! In regards your question concerning that thread, this is difficult to answer as I am not on the Development Team and so I don’t have any information on what was done with this information. This was, however, a good opportunity for us to get an idea of what sort of system setups were experiencing this issue and what sort of framerate these players were getting.

Unfortunately the best way to really assist players with these issues is one on one so that we can really narrow down any possible cause and have more ground to stand on as evidence that this is absolutely not a system related issue.

More evidence that GW2 is not optimized for multiple GPU card like my 5970.

- Crossfire IS enabled.
- Power Supply is 1000w — more than enough for 2 cards much less 1.
- Card is correctly bussed at PCI x16.
- GW2 is running in Full Screen mode, not Windowed
- On “Best Performance” Preset, FPS is around 15-18 in a mostly abandoned minor city.
- This performance on my specs (post above) is Laughable. Laughable. Laughable.

Also notice CPU is at 6% capacity with GW2 running minimized— usually it goes from around 6% – 8%.

And for those who like the CPU overclocking, clearly my system should run GW2 without the need to overclock. However, just for kicks, I tried a OC at 3.6 and 3.85. No change in FPS whatsoever.

Same here, 670s in SLI, one GPU maxes out, the 2nd one is doing nothing !!! I have FPS issues as per most of you, from 50 it goes down to 1 eventually standing in the same place, something is amiss !!!

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squall Leonhart.2075

Squall Leonhart.2075

Check that you actually HAVE an sli profile.

the gpu usage might be low but it SHOULD be balanced across both gpu’s.

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: shiro.1452


Do you remember ArenaNet saying: “The game will be released when it’s ready”?
Sadly, doesn’t seem so…

it’s hard to not be cynical i was in beta, and while not many had my point of view 9 days to test a full game is horribly short :P thus .. voila lots of problems i had made a huge post about making the beta last longer and or opening it up to full time for all beta tests not just their internal team.. but got kind of shot down by them and a lot of testers, yet launch and 2+ months later shows they should have.. not that i’m not having fun but theres a tun of really basic problems still.

I remember I was really surprised when I heard the release date after going trough all beta events… I thought we would have it some time before winter. I guess it was a race with Mists of Pandaria.
The game runs poorly, but I agree – it is fun nevertheless.
Oh the other hand, if it would run perfectly, I would probably be spending way too much time playing it. Now I can only spend an hour on it until I get frustrated.
Lets just hope for the best.

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dognosh.6327


Check that you actually HAVE an sli profile.

the gpu usage might be low but it SHOULD be balanced across both gpu’s.

dude, come on !!! lol, thanks for the advice, yes there is an SLI profile for GW2, but it looks like the game isn’t optimised for it, just check google with “Guildwars 2 SLI profile”

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sungak Alkandenes.1369

Sungak Alkandenes.1369

2550k/3570k + Motherboard + Evo 212 cooler ( OC as close to 4.5ghz as possible)

Thanks for this suggestion, I’ll look into it. The 3570 in particular I’ve seen matched with Gigabyte mainboards, which is a good sign.

Two questions:

1) Is this the i-series that uses Hyperthreading, or did that finally get dropped? Related to this is if you feel HT will help any here…

2) Why such an extreme OC? OK, I’ve found web references that say its possible, but if we’re looking for parrallel performance here you’d be fine on 8 threads over 4 cores instead, even if just OC’s much lower (say 3.8 or 4.0).

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FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Neek.6798


This last patch is the second patch where right afterward my FPS takes a massive hit from 60ish to 15ish dropping to less than 10 if any kind of action is happening. If I move from medium settings (unplayable) to best performance I gain maybe 5 FPS.

Don’t remember how long it took when this last happened, but it’s been a while now since the patch (Winter) and so far no WvW or enjoyment.

I’ve DLed so many beta and legacy drivers, I’ve read the forums for tweaks and supposed fixes, and tried everything. I’ve disabled SLI and re-enabled it with no difference. This is not a problem on my end.

Might as well throw in my specs:

i7 2670QM
Nvidia 560m SLI
8gb RAM
Intel 128gb SSD

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SolarNova.1052


@ Sungrak

You can check on intels website which ones come with hyperthreading. For most games HT doesnt matter much. Its always nice to have available though for the future. However those cpu’s that have it are a notch up in the price.

i5’s = 4core 4 thread So no HT
i7’s = 4 core 8 threads HT
i7E = 6Core 12 threads HT
Anything with a K at the end means its desigined to be OC’d, and as such are always a tad more expensive than there non k counterparts (i.e 2500 vs 2500k)

GW2 will run perfectly fine on a i5 or i7 so long as its OC’d. (in regards to high population events like WvW)

4.5ghz isnt a high OC for intel’s i5/i7’s . It may look like it ..but it isnt. A high OC would be anything above 4.5ghz. 4.5ghz is kinda like the limit of ‘moderate’ OC’ing, where you dont need to put much money or work into get it stable and running fine(though this may/willvary chip to chip, 2x 2550k cpu;s will not be identical in what they can achieve).
When you go above it you need to start thinking about spending more on cooling, and having to do more sensitive tweeks to more complicated bios options.

The easiest of intel CPU;s to OC are their 2nd generation i5’s and ‘7s aka Sandybridge (2500k,2550k,2600k etc). They dont generate as much heat as the newer 3rd generation i5’s and i7’s aka Ivybridge(3570k etc). However 2nd gen as you would expect run ever so slightly slower ..roughly equivalent to 100mhz. So for example a 3570k at 4.5ghz will give hte same performance a 2550k will at 4.6ghz, but the 2550k will OC easier and reach higher clocks about 200/300mhz higher than a 3rd gen when compared on the same cooler.

3930k 4.6ghz | NH-D14 Cooler | P9x79 Pro MB | 16gb 1866mhz G.Skill | 128gb SSD + 2×500gb HDD
EVGA GTX 780 Classified w/ EK block | XSPC D5 Photon 270 Res/Pump | NexXxos Monsta 240 Rad
CM Storm Stryker case | Seasonic 1000W PSU | Asux Xonar D2X & Logitech Z5500 Sound system |

(edited by SolarNova.1052)

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: seekerking.2875


I’ve had absolutely 0 problems with Guild Wars 2 Running on my outdated machines. FPS is a good stable 40+, no crashes, intermittent fps lags, etc.

3gb RAM (DDR2. 2 × 2gb. I have 4 gb ram in total, but only 3 usable)
32-Bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1
Nvidia gt 9500. Not over/under clocked. Too scared of instability issues.
AMD Anthlon 64 x2 6400+ processor
350gb disk drive
3.~ ghz
20 mbps, which roughly translates to 1.5-2 MB.

I don’t want to gloat that my obsolete machine can run the game perfectly without fps lag, but if out dated machinery can run it without an issue, there should not be any conflicts with newer, better hardware.

I for one want to question why Arenanet suggests “enabling vertical sync” for Guild Wars 2, as disabling it has improved FPS performance in many other games that have caused people who have intermittent FPS lag. Turning off vertical sync might be a good solution, actually.

When i try to play games that I am confident that are beyond my computer’s capacity, I go and disable multi-core processing in the task manager. Simply going to the program > set affinity > check off only one CPU, and i’m good to go.

Maybe this will help others.

(edited by seekerking.2875)

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Arkanis Drako.5169

Arkanis Drako.5169

The thread I was previously using was merged, supposedly with this one,
even though I cannont find even one of my posts, so I´ll post here again:

Since the December 3rd Patch some people, including me, have had a
FPS drop. In my case about 10-15 FPS. The game was not running optimal for me to begin with, but now I hardly feel like playing, simply because it is no fun to play the game as it es performing right now. And that´s a shame, because I´ve had and want a lot more fun with it.

What I noticed today, is that the option to activate high resolution textures, which was previously greyed out for me, is now available. I tried activating and then deactivating it and noticed no difference in my FPS at all.

It is only an assumption but I think the high resolution textures are permanantly activated since that say, no matter what settings, which causes some of us problems, like FPS drops or crashes.

I also want to say that that I am beginning to get increasingly annoyed by the way these problems are handled. People have problems with the game and make threads to seek help. Many of these threads get merged whithout an explanation and are then dead, because no one can find them again or resigns.

There are problems since launch (August 28th!) and I cannot help but feel like they are being ignored by merging threads and then leaving them be as they are.

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FluffyDoe.7539


I’ve read that a lot of AMD CPU owners are having these major performance dip issues in-game, and it seems that only certain Intel CPUs are doing great (ie. hitting 60FPS+ constant and never dipping below 30FPS).

At Lions arch, I dip to around 20FPS average with my AMD FX Faildozer 6100, 8 Gig Ram, and a GTX260. I run TF2 max settings at about over 120FPS and other games just fine (never dips below 50FPS). Now with these constant FPS dips to around the 20s, the unsmoothness is irritating me quite a bit while I play GW2.

I don’t expect them to give me great FPS like I get from steam games (I remember I use to have 50FPS in TF2, but after so many optimization patch it ran double the FPS). I think it’s doable, just requires effort & I’m hoping y’all can put some of that into optimizing your game (they are different experiences playing from 30FPS -> 60FPS -> 120+FPS).


Nvidia GTX 260
AMD FX 6100 (Customized Cooler, turned off OC cuz I heard it slows down FPS in GW2 o.O…..)
8 Gig Ram
250Gig HD (150Gig still available)
Windows 7 Professional
ASUS RT N66U N900 Router
Broadband Internet Connection (Shaw Cable, Canada).

But hey Anet, if you guys want to just make some dumb excuses (IE. consider the cost of optimization vs. how much better you think it will make the game), or in other words; if the conclusion is that it’s not worth to optimize the game and get everyone here closer to somewhere around 30-60 FPS atm, then we’ll all just have to live with your company’s call there. But many of us here will probably not be taking services from you after that, because that proves to us that you guys are not willing making productive progress with our feedbacks, and that’s generically bad service by any standards. It’s that simple.

(edited by FluffyDoe.7539)

FPS Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FaceYourFear.6902


Not sure why they merged this, one was performance issues in Win 8, the other was performance issues on a low end i3 laptop.. Just reread the thread, its a mismash