Foreign text issue in menus

Foreign text issue in menus

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: doctorfaust.9361



On my laptop (Win 7 Professional), for some reason some of the usual text gets replaced by various foreign characters.
You can especially see it in the crafting menus for instance where an accented E pops up at the end of some (but not all) of the recipes. My region and language settings are United States/English, so no idea why it’s doing this. Furthermore I don’t recall having this problem on my desktop (Win 7 Ultimate, also US/English setting) so I’m not sure what the difference is. On a possibly unrelated side bar, when I play Borderlands 2 it’s my desktop that sometimes fails to render apostrophes properly, whereas my laptop does, so there does seem to be a difference between the character set my two computers are using even though they’re both set to US/English.

Foreign text issue in menus

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jannock.4758


This happens to me to and has since release. Sure would like to know how to fix it. It doesn’t affect playability, just sort of annoying at times.

Foreign text issue in menus

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nosferatu.6237


I am also experiencing this issue. Has a fix been solved yet?

Foreign text issue in menus

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Squall Leonhart.2075

Squall Leonhart.2075

its because you changed the ui size. For some god known reason, the ui scaling completely ruins the character set.

Foreign text issue in menus

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nosferatu.6237


There is a fix yes.. to a degree. I have had the same issue and on going dispute with NCSOFT. Apparently it’s something to do with your user account. For me I had to create a new user account on my windows PC and then login with the newly created user.. Run the game from that and the characters are now bullet points (which is what they should be in game). NCSOFT won’t help any more from that because apparently its a windows fault and not the game :/ Even though they use the character support of windows. Anyone else more technically minded that is willing to stick in the effort to work out what we need to change in windows on our main user accounts, to get this to work then please help

Foreign text issue in menus

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nosferatu.6237


Squall Leonhart.2075 is right, sorry to of over read your statement. Changing the ingame Interface Size back to normal solves it. I have let NCSOFT support know on my open ticket as they asked to me to take my pc to a technician as it was my pc at fault not the game :/… very worrying that I would of had to fork the bill for there error.