Framing the Ground Zero of the Lag Spread

Framing the Ground Zero of the Lag Spread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hagnarock.7156


Hello fellow gw2 playes and anet/gw2 staff.

First of all, my intention with this topic is to raise some specific information from you colegues playes that could help the tech support staff to find the source of the issue that cause this horrible lag to haunt us recently.

But the info Im specially curious about, isnt “how bad is ur ISP” nor “where is the packet loss happening”. My question is: When did it start?

As i could see in various posts around the tech support forum, many cases point to the “new release”, wich I believe is the launch of the Not So Secret Aetherblade Jumping Puzzle, that was launched July 1st 2013.

From my personal experience, what i have to input to the case is that I had direct access to the JP content as soon as Anet released (around 9:00 am PDT i believe), and, as u guys know, I ended moving myself with my main toon to the new location as soon as i could to solve this new challenge.

As far as I can remember, there wasnt any sign of lag and such at the moment, so i could spend quite some time in a crowded place full of other players and still manage to do the JP normally.

The lag issue that persists until nowdays started to me when anet released a fix (wich is very usual after new contents) about some time after 5:00pm PDT, (very close to the daily reset time in Darkhaven server).

The fact that I was able to run the game smoothly before the release, and the fact thats clear to me that the large ammount of ISPs listed here in the forum are not likely to be screwed all togueter and only with GW2, those facts make me believe that the source of the lag problem was added with the new content in a time window around July 1st 2013.

So, what i ask you guys to do is: if your lag started near the Not So Secret Aetherblade Jumping puzzle – July 1st 2013, in a situation somehow like mine did, plz give this topic a bump, so we can see how much of the problems have relation with it.

If u somehow have another specific moment in your timeline that you remember the game start lagging, feel free to share here your experience.

Thanks for your attention and your patience, and let us hope this annoyng lag issue comes to an end as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance for Ashley Segovia, who seems to keep an eye open to us specially in this lag crisys.

(edited by Hagnarock.7156)

Framing the Ground Zero of the Lag Spread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gosodamartarikun.8759


Bumping it as im at the same boat; also a bunch of other Southamericans players, not to mention some EU players and etc, etc.
Played neatly before said fix/patch(w/e), not to blame the patch though; maybe the timeframe is the same as some other issue so far only identifiable as packet loss in the way of ncservers.
Really who knows?, im not so savvy as to be sure is one or other reason but i hope this gets fixed, and we can go back to play the way it was prior to this lag problem

Framing the Ground Zero of the Lag Spread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NightDreaming.8670


Same here, started with Aetherblade JP update.

I’m on GMT, it’s a constant problem between 18:56 and 20:04 every weekday. Outside that time it’s fine.

Oh, and I could raise a ticket but if I do a google search for “guild wars 2 lag problem aetherblade” I get 135,000 hits. It probably doesn’t need another ticket.

(edited by NightDreaming.8670)

Framing the Ground Zero of the Lag Spread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kreen.3925


Similar to Nightdreaming, UK based. The very bad lag started exactly 1 week ago, lat Monday 1st July.

When I have played in UK early morning or afternoon its playable in open world and WvW with the odd lag spike.

From about 5pm to midnight UK time its unplayable in WvW if I meet just a few other folks (not a fan of spending 5 minutes trying to exit bay door ) and I often rubberband and get frequent lag spikes lasting several seconds in open world when doing gathering runs. MY main playtime unfortunately is Uk evenings.

Before the 1st July I would get some lag in WvW and open world but nothing like this last week.

I fight for JQ.
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.

Framing the Ground Zero of the Lag Spread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shen.1750


Same here, lag started monday 07/01/2013 at around 8pm central, was perfectly fine before.

Framing the Ground Zero of the Lag Spread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: alerodri.8519


I had no trouble playing on June 31st. On July 1st I started playing late at night (after daily reset), i.e. after the new content and patch were released. So I can´t tell you if the connection issues started before or after the patch. What I do know is that it has been almost impossible to play and it has been getting worst ever since. Thanks!

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina.
ISP: Telecentro.
Server: Yak´s Bend.

Framing the Ground Zero of the Lag Spread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Octaeder.5312


Same here, from the UK. Noticed some lag during the jumping puzzle on the day that it was released. Put that down to how busy was. But, no, it never went away.

Framing the Ground Zero of the Lag Spread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: johnpoc.8732


It became unplayable on July 1st, before that I could play flawlessly. As many other mentioned I tend to rubber-band, have skill delays and freeze from time to time.
I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina

Lockn Loada/Ryu Shueki
[RUN] solo/duo roamer

Framing the Ground Zero of the Lag Spread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AXEL.8362


Im from Argentina too. I cannot play the new content because of the lag. I used to play the game without issues since the beta.

Framing the Ground Zero of the Lag Spread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chronos Khan.4539

Chronos Khan.4539

Started with Aetherblade update and has been on my game ever since. Even the new update is impossible to jump around without lag spikes and such. So much wasted silver on easy jumps…

Heck, even the forums crash too!

The self proclaimed mayor of Lion’s Arch
watch my GW2 vids at:

Framing the Ground Zero of the Lag Spread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alvarez Azel.4083

Alvarez Azel.4083

Yes ever since the Aetherblade JP on 1st july I have had constant lag spikes and disconnects.
Oddly as others have said, I was able to do the new JP with no issues at all but once the additional patch arrived late that night the game has been pretty much unplayable since then.
Im getting lag spikes atleast every 20-40 seconds, some lasting a good 1-2 minutes.
Have been totally unable to run WvW or dungeons because of this and it’s really ruining my enjoyment of the game to the point I feel I no longer want to play it.

Im in UK and play on Underworld server.

Please Anet, this is pathetic, fix your game NOW!

Framing the Ground Zero of the Lag Spread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Quam.7218


Oh there is a post like this.

Same problem.

Framing the Ground Zero of the Lag Spread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kreen.3925


I didn’t think it could get any worse but post the latest patch it certainly seems worse for me.

UK playing on JQ. Trying to do a ori run before attempting wvw, press f to mine, nope, press again, nope, press again nope, wait 10 secs, suddenly manic mining in a split second and node done ok off to do the next node…..

WvW, help out retaking longview on JQ BL. All my allies stationary on apporach to gate, wait 10 secs -statues, wait more – statues, wait more – statues, suddenly everyone moves with lightning speed and golems get built double quick time, gate down just as I unfreeze to run thru. I really helped with that one…

Run over to cliffside to stop BG ninja’ing it, hammer time, warp around, as my enemies warp around, manage to help kill them all in slideshow format and got kill credit as well. Shame all I saw was a comic strip

From reading the other threads and other gaming forums it seems that the issue is actually in some of the Level 3 routers coming through NY. Latin America and parts of europe get routed through there on the way to ncsofts network according to Level3’s global network map. I guess there might be other issues as well such as Anets servers etc but a few other ncsoft games are reporting issues starting 1st july and traceroutes seem to indicate that bunch of level 3 kit.

Anet, do yourselves a favour, you must be talking to level3 to sort this out. I can’t believe that your gamers have identified the issue and you have not. Acknowledge the issue with your service provider and tell us you are working to resolve it. This is killing your business and giving you a bad rep.

I fight for JQ.
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.