Game freeze - Crash.dmp file ???

Game freeze - Crash.dmp file ???

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


My game crashed just a few moments ago. I had just taken the Asura gate to Rata Sum and was going through the Asura Gate to the newbie area, but never made it. As I stepped into the portal, the game froze, a error report box opened up where I clicked to send the report to Anet then it closed without providing an error number or text.

I checked my GW2 directory and found a Crash.dmp file that corresponded to the time/date of the crash = 6-13-2013 10:53pm (EST).

Can’t upload the file because of the following:

3 Errors Prevented Saving:

Messages is invalid
Forumattachments is invalid
File You are not allowed to upload “dmp” files, allowed types: [“jpg”, “jpeg”, “gif”, “png”, “txt”, “log”]

Edit: I was able to save the message but not able to attach the .dmp file.