Guild Forced to change server - loss Influence and Tomes of Influence
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Hgeighty.4816
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Hgeighty.4816
Our Guild has been forced to change servers 1 week after launch due to it being constantly full and new members not being able to join us on that server.
We took the decision to move to a less populated server to allow all our guild members to play together and its worked we now are less likely to be placed in the overflow servers and we are all on the same world and new members/friends can create characters on said world.
However we originally picked a server which unknowingly to us and many other players become full in a matter of a day or so, this split the guild and by the time we had already spent our Tomes of Influence and started to acquire guild influence and started spending it to get our guild established.
Is there a way we could get any of this influence back, as we will not be going back to that world for the reasons stated above.
Really Hope something can come of this as I’m sure our guild is not the only one which was forced to change server and by doing so we have also helped Arenanet by moving a bunch of players to a less populated world, taking strain of the ‘full’ world
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Gaile Gray
ArenaNet Communications Manager
At the present time, and I don’t know that this will change, guilds accrue their Influence and upgrades on a specific world. They’re welcome to gain Influence and upgrades on multiple worlds, but we don’t shift things around upon request or through a mechanic tied to their world change.
I personally feel that the benefits of being on a less-populated world are considerable. As you mention, you can have folks join you in the future and that’s a real good thing.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Destrina.7263
Guilds aren’t limited to one server. You can keep your guild and do not have to remake it.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: BloodEagle.3809
I believe the problem they are facing, and the reason my guild decided to stay put, is that when you select a “home” world, your guild members will only get guild perks on that home world, and will not receive them on another server.
If your guild decides to move “home” worlds, so that all your members are together, and can all reap the rewards of the influence they gained, you lose everything you had built for your guild on your original home world, and are not refunded that influence, nor do the thing you have built travel with you to the new “home” world.
So in essence, if you start on server X, build a whole bunch of stuff, then are forced to move your guild to server Y, you lose everything you worked for.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mencae.5678
I have just had the same problem, transferred to a new server, guild lost all of it’s upgrades and 1000IP.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kirito.4158
ummm our guild consisting of about 15-20 IRL friends just stayed on the same server because over time other people transferred allowing our straggler friends to transfer to ours at no cost. but because your guild transferred when you should have waited for the other to join in on the more full server when they up’d the caps
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Hgeighty.4816
@BloodEagle.3809 yes this is what we mean
@Kirito.4158 unfortunately nothing was mentioned about upping the server caps when we moved and also it isn’t a risk we were willing to take.
As the Game gains momentum and reviews come in etc more of our RL friends want to join us and what’s not to say that those servers will not become full again?
Therefore we took the decision to move from ‘full’ world to a ‘medium’ world to ensure all of our friends who are buying the retail game (as digital sales are disabled) will be able to join us in a few days and for the foreseeable future
The whole idea behind us building a guild was for RL friends to play together and use the guild resources together. This we could not do while being split on different servers.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Unreal Havoc.7590
I think this is a legitimate issue. I’m in a US based guild from Tarnished Coast but I play on an EU server, Desolation. Therefore I don’t get the benefits of any of their perks. I have to earn influence and build my own perks up, for that guild, on my server.
I think this is a big flaw in the cross server guild structure and I hope once bigger issues are fixed that this is looked at appropiately.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Xelonir.5921
It’s actually explained on the Influence wiki page:
However, Influence is accrued and spent separately by the guild members on each world. For example, a guild with players in Maguuma, Blacktide, and Riverside will have three different pools of Influence and three different build queues, one for each world.
So if your guild has players on world A and on world B, those on A gather influence which can be spent on A, and those on B gather influence to spend on B.
Can’t say that I really like that feature, having used my influence tome on the “wrong” world myself. IMHO the influence pool and the basic upgrades should be guild-wide, while e.g. the WvWvW bonus upgrades should require to be build on a per-server basis.
(edited by Xelonir.5921)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Hgeighty.4816
@Xelonir.5921 Yes i know its explained on the wiki but the wiki was down for a good few days following launch and at the time of us transferring the guild over, so we were none the wiser.
After all said and done we didn’t have to move, we could have stayed put on the full server but we moved to help our guild grow and to help GuildWars 2 grow too. Ensuring our RL friends could purchase the game knowing they would be able to join us on the same world and benefit from being in the guild.
Because we have moved and because of the hype behind the game alot more friends and members of UK gaming community’s i am a member of have taken the plunge and purchased the game and are now playing the game alongside us, on the new world.
As mentioned on our guild forums many people who hadn’t purchased the game already were in doubt about buying the game as they were concerned about not being able to play on the same world as us, now we have moved they have all purchased the game
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: RoyHarmon.5398
My wife and I tried this. We ended up switching back.
In case it helps anyone, the influence points and upgrades were still there when we switched back.
But I agree, it would be nice if this system worked differently.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Mencae.5678
Thanks Roy, had wondered if this was an option.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: RobotJello.3178
This is a problem for our guild as well.
I certainly appreciate Xelonir providing a link to the documentation on the wiki. Even so, I think this behavior flies in the face of intuition, and I hope we will see either:
1) A change to the game so things that are intuitively guild-specific aren’t also world-specific.
2) A detailed rationale on the wiki that describes why this must be how it works, and ample warnings in the game’s user interface (the sort of thing you need when you implement something that’s counter-intuitive).
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751
It’s pretty obvoiuse why it is done this way. It’s to discourage server hopping. Can you imagine what a mess WvW would be if guilds could jump from one server to the next with no penelty? I am a guild leader myself, and have no problem with this system and actually think it was very well thought out.
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