Keeps disconnecting - Help required

Keeps disconnecting - Help required

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tyrion.6508


The keeps disconnecting and kicking me out to the character select screen every 15 minutes. I’ve already forwarded the ports, made exceptions in my firewall. I know it is not my ISP because my teamspeak continues to stay connected.

I need a fix for this. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to take down a veteran solo and getting him to 10% and then getting booted. Or waiting on an EB queue and then getting kicked out 5 minutes after you get in. If nothing changes, I’m going to have to quit.

Keeps disconnecting - Help required

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dexodrill.9415


I am having the same trouble… It first started up after the games release. After quitting for some months and getting the wiring redone for my internet I tried again and worked to clean any issues up for around 2 months however the problem is back. After 1 to 15 mins of play the game disconnects and boots me to the char select screen. After a very in depth examination of my equipment and connection I can clearly state that it is not on my end. The most common error code comes back to a connection issue with the server please try again. With no solutions Iv almost given up.

Keeps disconnecting - Help required

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vorlidian.1045


Keep getting disconnected, what the hell is going on Anet, why do you fail at so many levels. Fix the kittening game before releasing more content.
This wasnt happening before, only happens when you guys mess with new builds.
Hire some skilled people.
So many people aretalking about Elder Scrolls online, now i know why. Just sick to death with your level of incompetence.

Keeps disconnecting - Help required

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ace bandit.8405

ace bandit.8405

yea…. same here mates, I keep getting DCed… I log in, walk a little then like 30-60 seconds later I am getting that Lost Connection To Servers gibberish lol

Keeps disconnecting - Help required

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


Getting worse and worse for the last month. First, once in awhile. Then more. After reset…every 5 minutes.

Keeps disconnecting - Help required

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grishnok.8402


You all are not alone. I keep getting disconnected as well. There is really nothing you can do to help the situation. This is the only thing stopping me from playing. Please fix the internet disconnection issue. I don’t know how much longer I can take this as I am having a hard time doing a quest six times straight due to the lag resetting me from the beginng >.<.

Keeps disconnecting - Help required

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shobster.7602


I am also experiencing this. My connections is fine. Dunno if it helps though, but I’m having the same problem in League of legends aswell. Never had this issue in the past. Maybe it’s a peer problem

Keeps disconnecting - Help required

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Djemo.7153


Theres already a thread.
But the more threads the merrier.
Fix this.

Keeps disconnecting - Help required

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bas.7406


This is the same issue we are having. I have an open ticket and I am tempted to print the explanations they are sending me as their reasons don’t make any logical sense.

Keeps disconnecting - Help required

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Oktane.3510


this keeps happening to me too every time i try to make my new character. I just got the game and so far i hate it. Ive been playing for about an hour…but the only play time ive had is in the character creation…

Keeps disconnecting - Help required

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Thunderball.7583


ld for me too. this sucks.

Keeps disconnecting - Help required

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Death Stroke.9875

Death Stroke.9875

the old glitch is back

Keeps disconnecting - Help required

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: furricane.9758


This is getting so f**** annoying. Sometimes lagging like crazy and random disconnects all the time.

And yeah…. this is just at gw2 and yes i have checkd and done everything.

PikenSQ EU / Hässisen Pällikone ~Warrior / Ei Niin Pehmeä~Mesmer / Ei Niin Tiukka~Ele