Lag issues but only at night

Lag issues but only at night

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MrCharger.5480



Well this may sound weird but I start lagging rather badly around night time (my time which is +4 gmt) Right now it’s 10:35pm here (server time reads 11:35am) and I’m starting to lag.

I should say that during day time (my time) there’s no lag whatsoever. I’ve contacted my ISP and they say they’re not changing anything during evening/night time. GW2 ports are forwarded on my router. I barely have any programs running in the background, the ones that are running are the same during the day so if one of them was causing the issue it would happen during the day as well.

I know this problem is isolated to me cause I’ve asked people in game if they are lagging or not (whenever I’m lagging) and the answer is no. Have asked guild members, and even 2 friends who live in the same region as me and they don’t lag when I lag.

It makes no sense and I’m at my wits end. If anyone can help me figure this out it would be great.


Edit: I forgot to mention that I tried checking latency with “resmon” command in windows and this is what it says:
3 instances of GW2.exe (dunno why 3)
1- Remote address: – latency: 380
2- Remote address: – Latency: between 150 and 250 (changes a lot)
3- Remote address: – Latency: 370

No clue what this means but from experience of other online games (such as WoW) a latency of 380 was not enough to cause this amount of lag. Sometimes I press a button and the ability happens/shows a good 2-3 seconds later.

(edited by MrCharger.5480)

Lag issues but only at night

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Slicendice.8390


I’m having the exact same problem as you.
I even logged onto rift and checked the latency on that game and its running perfectly with 62ms. This lag hit me around 45mins ago in WvW after working fine all day and now my skills are taking 30secs to execute.

Lag issues but only at night

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nyspar.6103


Same problem, im in Canada. skill lag causes them to go off 3 seconds after pressing button, dodge rolls are late, etc.

game fps is still high, over 100. but connection lag is bad.

[DnT] TargNyspar
Targaryen / Nymaria / Dwagonfire / Dwagonhunter

(edited by Nyspar.6103)

Lag issues but only at night

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MrCharger.5480


Glad I’m not the only one having this issue. The only logical explanation I could think of was my ISP throttling my net speed so I called and asked and they said no. I also tested it with downloading a bunch of big files (such as apps and program trails) and they worked perfect and with high speed. I also asked my brother to check his WoW account since I canceled mine, he got in the game and had no issues with lag.

This sucks

Lag issues but only at night

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nyspar.6103


I been having this skill lag issue ever since that big patch around april 30. Its horrible, i cant play any of my characters competitively.

[DnT] TargNyspar
Targaryen / Nymaria / Dwagonfire / Dwagonhunter

Lag issues but only at night

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pandalishus.8426


Will I get banned for a “that’s what she said?”

Lag issues but only at night

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


Ive got this problem since last patch aswell.. my game works fine till night comes then i got insane lag whatever/wherever i go, i also thought its my net provider doing something and wasnt worried but now after reading this i am worried XD

Has anyone tried reinstalling the game? I know it seems kinda not related but just incase.

Lag issues but only at night

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Khey.4735


Same issue, and it gets worse after every patch it seems.

I joined the game around August/September and had no problem during the Halloween event, then the Lost Shores came and it seemed the lag issue/skill delay/all actions freezing, was a world wide issue so it was going to be resolved anyway, but some of us are still experiencing this abomination which makes using the simplest skill extremely frustrating to the point where you just want to logoff.

I just don’t get it, I’ve never had these issues anywhere else, and nobody around me cares because obviously they’re not affected, only slightly in WvW at times, for me it’s simply unplayable at this point.

Something very weird I noticed is that I have NO ISSUE whatsoever if I waypoint to Metrica Province, I can stay here all day and never experience any skill lag or disconnects, could it be because this place is underpopulated? Even when group events like the Fire Elemental start and people start to pile up, I still have no problem, but if I waypoint to another map, even small maps such as Rata Sum, it becomes a nightmare again.

I’m at a loss, it saddens me that we still have no answer on this issue when clearly it affects hundreds of players across servers, there is something, somewhere that is deadlocking hard for those of us affected, and for some reason, only this game is affected.

Right now I’m sitting in Metrica Province, because it’s the only place I found where I have no issues, everything is responsive and I don’t get any disconnects.

Am I supposed to stay here forever?

Khey Scattershot – Engineer
[GuM] – Underworld

Lag issues but only at night

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Infctd Angel.7140

Infctd Angel.7140

Yeah I’m getting the same problem every night i try to press my skills but it takes over 20 seconds to cast, Also I can’t log in alot of a night i just get a loading screen and i’ve let it sit there for over 30 minutes loading multiple times

(edited by Infctd Angel.7140)

Lag issues but only at night

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: johnnymiller.5968


For me the lag & skill lag has become worse over the last two weeks and first became a real issue when Tower of Nightmare’s living world content was introduced.