Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pozmol.5061


I´ve just installed the game , full of joy that i can finaly get my hands on this game , which i bought from selling diablo 3 cause it sucked .

Game at char selection and creation runs smoothly , but it drops to like 10-20 FPS ingame . Even if I change setting to low , it won´t do a change , it only get to like 40 FPS when im looking on something steady , when i look at NPCs etc. its dropping to 15 FPS .

I´ve just build my rig this year and finaly i got to get some “sweet” desktop …

AMD Phenom II x4 965 BE
ATI Radehon HD 7850
8GB of RAM
… others doesn´t matter , or if they , I´ll put them here .

I´m able to get steady 60+ FPS on Battlefield 3 on ultra set. I didn´t had problem with any games yet .

I was looking for few hours , but I wasn´t able to find anithing that would solve this .

- It might be some issue with Anet , since I´m not the onlyone whos having a problem here and its not single GPU or CPU problem , but its problemating with various brands and series.

- It could be CPU bottleneck , but any of my cores aren´t running at full speed while game is on , maybe 1st. core is up to like 80perc and others are something below 40perc .

- It CANT be my GPU , it simply cant be it cause there are waaaay more GPU dependant games on market and I had no problems with those .

- I was trying to change CPU freq , as I saw on few forums related to this problem , and it didn´t affected game at all …

Is there any solution out yet ? Should I just wait for Anet to fix this up ?

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gibbel.5734


Have you tried out the AMD 12.11 BETA drivers ?
It’s not your CPU btw i got the same and only in massive events/WvW you will get low FPS.

I am using a HD 6870 × 2 my self and i am getting average of 60 fps vsync when questing.

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pozmol.5061


Thank you for feedback Gibbel ,

I´m just downloading that beta driver , are u currently running on it also ?
Also , I was checking driver notes . There are mentioned lot of games which will run faster , however , there no mentions about GW 2.

Anyway , I´ll give it a try and let u guys know if it helps

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pozmol.5061


Ok , I installed that beta driver aaaaaaand … nothing happend
I´ve ordered this game with my mate , who has a really slower PC and yet he can handle running the game with 35+ FPS .

I starting to be kinda worried , but I hope it will be repaired or I´ll find some solution soon

keep posting your ideas

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pozmol.5061


Can anybody specify theese problems with HUGE FPS drops on theese Pc rigs which should be able to handle this game with any doubts ?

- Is it problem caused by somekind of bottlenecking or is it problem caused by Anet and not supporting some hardware combinations ?

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pozmol.5061



I somehow figured out whats the problem … I´ve done some researching and foun that there are few problems with shadows , shaders and reflections . Just turn them off and it will take those problems of , it´s still not best , but at least playable .

hope this will help some of u guys

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pozmol.5061


There is still a big FPS drop during turning aropund with my char .

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SQLOwns.7316


Um. download latest video drivers, remove spyware, turn off shadows, if none of that works buy an SSD. You running windows 7 64 bit I assume?

SQL Owns – Elementalist
Dragon Steel [DSL]
Henge of Denravi

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: alphacentari.7692


The only places with that cpu you will have bad fps is wvw zergs, citys and large events everywhere else should be fine.

Fort Aspenwood -RET

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pozmol.5061


Yes , i run 64bit version of win 7 , I have no spywares , lates drivers etc … I didn´t had problem with any other game …
I guess I´ll have to wait till there wiull be some fixes to this …

Im having about 30-50 , sometimes jump to 70ies , but thats pretty much it , it is constatnly dropping while turning around and much worse its inside city , there I´m getting like 5-15 FPS which is soooo ugly , boring and disgraceful for this PC imho :/

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kirito.4138


Your CPU is bottlenecking when running GW2.

Read this thread to understand why in detail and how to confirm it yourself.
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/tech/FPS-GPU-CPU-Performance-issues-FAQ/first#post504481 Question #4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 15 applies to you the most.

The only exclusive skyhammer stream

(edited by kirito.4138)

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gibbel.5734


Obviously his CPU will bottleneck his GPU in WvW/Towns/Events etc but in normal play including Spvp his CPU should be getting allot more then what he’s getting now.

I have the same CPU as him and i am getting average 60 Vsync cap in PVE questing.
Towns i am getting 28 FPS + and i am running it with everything on High.
And with Towns i mean Lion Arch any other town it’s 40+

“Game at char selection and creation runs smoothly , but it drops to like 10-20 FPS ingame . Even if I change setting to low , it won´t do a change , it only get to like 40 FPS when im looking on something steady , when i look at NPCs etc. its dropping to 15 FPS”

Ingame you should be getting allot more unless your in a Event/WvW/LA

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pozmol.5061


New patch is out and still no change .
I would be grateful if any of technicians would reply this …

As I mentioned , I checked my CPU and its not even at full usage during game , while GPU is at 100perc .

Thing taht bothers me most is that mate who have crappy pc can run this game smoothly at around 30 fps , even in towns , events etc . I would be grateful if i would have even something about 40fps , but constantly , not dropping like 30 FPS . Even if my CPU was bottlenecking my GPU , it shouldn´t be as bad as it is .

again , I would like to hear opinion from some Anet tech. . But if anybody have some suggestion , feel free to post them here , I´m willing to try almost anything at this condition .

- Should I consider formating my PC and reinstall windows ?

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


You can try, but it looks like once this kitten client starts hating your PC it´s a done deal.

Good luck.

Polish > hype

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pozmol.5061


Since I saw on the other forums that few people tryed this , and it didn´t worked at all , I decided not to do it until there´s some proven case . I Have a lot of things for my school on HDD , even a lot of music , films etc. It would be pain in the a** to do those things right now .

Anyway , I´m still browsing internet for any solution and I´ll keep posting here if I found something which would help .

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ST Babaganosh.3745

ST Babaganosh.3745

My 6790 is unplayable with the latest video drivers after a constant drop in performance with each new video driver. I tested all the previous version of the drivers. I had to go back to the ones release in July V 8.94 I think I have to check when I am at home. It may help your issue trying the older drivers

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pozmol.5061


Are those older drivers helping in significant way ( if yes , write how much improvement u get from it) ? How do I Instal older drivers ? just download the older version and instal it over , or do I have to somehow uninstal my drivers as they are now and instal older one after ?

As I´m chceking amd site , every new driver is improoving quality of games , not downgrading them . But all theese issues are against normal sense so I wont be surprised if it would help .

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ST Babaganosh.3745

ST Babaganosh.3745

I started first week of play with 70 + FPS and on the latest driver without changing my graphics options I was getting 24-30 FPS. Downgraded to the older versions I am back up to 60-75 FPS.

You can get the old drivers from the amd website there is a older version link or if you have already used them the extracted files should still exsist in C:\amd or C:\ati if you have not deleted them.

New drivers don’t guarantee a fix like anything software related a patch today might break something that was working previously. They try really hard to ensure everyone is working but that is not always the case. Unfortunately due to the coding difference between one game and the next a new set of drivers may improve performance in one game and lower performance in another.

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Locomoto.7918


I had HD 7850 bad issues as well. However, I found that video card was placed in wrong slot (1x lane). I changed the slot to 16x lane (usually the topmost on the Motherboard) one and experienced a fantastic improvement. FPS jumped from 10-20 to 100-110.

Additionally, I have discovered weird RAM problems that causing crashes: Memtest gives a lot of errors while running PC with TWO GOOD RAM sticks in any configuration. I removed one of them and had no crashes whatsoever since (1 month ago). I don’t care about the explanation, it just works.

Best of luck!

Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Blue.8913


I have Radeon HD5650, and have the same problems, exactly the same. I know the cases of people with GeForce 680GTX having the same issue.
I don’t think it’s the problem of the computer or drivers or anythik like this.
I send a few questions to AN, they answered that they are aware of the problem….. and that’s all. I think there is a problem of the game by itself and they can’t solve it till now.
It makes me angry and stops me playing :-(
ArenaNet – do something or people will fly away


Low FPS - Radeon HD7850

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pozmol.5061



I have it in x16 slot for sure , its written on mobo and on gpu-z also .
I didn´t had any problem with crashes and RAMs are working well .


Fact that they are aware doesn´t change a thing unless thay won´t say what is goin on ( even their opinions if they don´t “know” it )
I don´t think they even read what are we writing , they just read bunch of words and ctrl+c – ctrl+v prewritten “solutions” , even if you have written that you have already tryed them ….
I though that at least this game won´t punnish me for buying it (I´ve played WoW for 1,5 year on blizz , then moved to unofic cause it was almost the same and free , Then Diablo 3 which was my greatest dissapointment ever , and now GW 2 ) – those are the only games I´ve ever bought and every one of them made me angry … And when you download games ur´e pirate and deserves punishment . But why would I buy games , when all I have from it is headache and nerves ….