Playlists and Getting Them to Work

Playlists and Getting Them to Work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nightbringer.8596



Hello all!

Since I learned of the ability to have our own music play in-game using playlists, I’ve been tinkering with the feature and doing my best to get it to work. So far my attempts at doing so have met with mixed results and some success. My goal obviously, is to have complete success with them through the insight, tips and observations of other players or direct help through one of the community managers (If that’s what they’re called here at least!)

That said, let’s start with the basics. From the page of the wiki itself, ( ) it says you must name your playlists as one of the following in order for the game to recognize it:


And that the playlist format must be of one of these types:


And finally, that the music files themselves must be one of these:


Following this criteria, one should be able to have the music work flawlessly, right? Well.. such is not always the case. For example, I follow these guidelines to a T and I am still having issues.

The issues I am currently encountering are that several of my playlists are outright not being recognized. The playlists I’ve yet to hear a peep from include the Ambient and Crafting playlists. After checking these two for any inconsistencies, I conclude that both are of the .m3u format and both use exclusively .mp3 files.

That being said, I am stumped as to why they aren’t being recognized. At first I surmised it was because my Ambient playlist has a ton of tracks on it, no less than 32. That however, shouldn’t be an issue as my Battle playlist has 57 songs to it!

So if file format, length and naming aren’t the issues here what could be causing my problem?

Here are a few observations that may or may not be related to my issue:

- Setting the ‘Music Interval’ option on the Sound Options tab all the way over to ‘Shorter’ will prevent several of my playlists from being recognized, most notably the NightTime and Battle playlists will be overrided by the game’s default music. I have no idea what is causing this, but setting the tab to the middle of the bar seems to have fixed this issue.

-At times during the transition between musics, there will be a jarring stuttering sound. Don’t know what causes this.

-Currently, in order to have the tracks you set be randomized, you have to insert a track of silence in order for the shuffle to get going. Otherwise, the first song on your playlist will ALWAYS be played first. While I’m not certain if this is intended or not, this leads to another observation..

-The MainMenu playlist seems to ignore this rule, as having a track of silence does nothing to keep the game from playing the tracks in order each time I log on. Again, no idea what could be causing this.

-BossBattle music doesn’t seem to have a trigger. I’ve fought world bosses, story mode bosses and dungeon bosses with the BossBattle soundtrack sitting in my music folder, and each time I’ve engaged these creatures, the normal battle music plays. Either my playlist here is not being recognized, or the BossBattle playlist is not being triggered for some reason.

So that’s that. If anyone is experiencing similar issues, or has found a work-around or permanent solution to my problem, please share your method! If anyone else has some strange observations about playlists, please share those as well. As always, if a CM has any input on the issues I am encountering, I would greatly appreciate their input as well. Let’s hammer out these bugs!

And in case anyone skimmed through my post and think that I have set up my files incorrectly:

Yes, I have the playlists named correctly.
Yes, I have the music files set as of the recognized formats.
Yes, the playlist are in one of the recognized formats.
Yes, the files are in the correct location.
Yes, the Music folder is placed correctly. (Otherwise my other playlists wouldn’t be working..)

Playlists and Getting Them to Work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NuDimon.3027


Crafting and City wont ever play for me.

Playlists and Getting Them to Work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nightbringer.8596


So there seems to be at least some sort of bugginess for Crafting that I’m not alone in, good to hear!

Anyone else have any observations or possible solutions?

Playlists and Getting Them to Work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grendell.9805


I’m having the same problem – I know Arenanet have more important issues to deal with right now (guesting feature), but i do hope they will be able to address this sooner rather than later.

also wish there were at the very least an in-game means to stop playing the custom list and go back to the original music, (as well as a back and next key).

Keeping my fingers crossed, but still loving the game,

Playlists and Getting Them to Work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: xNightMareNightx.3945


None of my playlists, not even main menu are working for me, they are all mp3s in a m3u playlist, all named correctly. But nothing. Just default music.

Playlists and Getting Them to Work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nightbringer.8596


None of my playlists, not even main menu are working for me, they are all mp3s in a m3u playlist, all named correctly. But nothing. Just default music.

Are you sure you’re putting them in the correct Music folder? It has to be in the My Documents/Guild Wars 2 directory.

Playlists and Getting Them to Work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RipVanWinkleX.9725


Bumping this as I have the same issue.

The music are in mp3. I put them in the music folder of…

\Documents\Guild Wars 2\Music\Battle
\Documents\Guild Wars 2\Music\MainMenu

…so I know what music I am using.

I have used .mpu and .mpl, both which give the entire directory of the music inside them.

My main menu looks like this…

<?wpl version=“1.0”?>

</head> <body> <seq> <media src="C:\Users\***\***\Guild Wars 2\Music\MainMenu\01 - Metroid Prime Title.mp3"/> </seq> </body> </smil>

And still it does not work >.<

Playlists and Getting Them to Work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RipVanWinkleX.9725


Ok, I just changed all my music to take out special characters and numbers. Even then, it does not work >.<

Playlists and Getting Them to Work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RipVanWinkleX.9725


Now I am trying to use itunes to make a playlist… and the export playlist is blanked out and I do not know why. Freaking hell >.<

I have used the GW2 fan made playlist editor, but that does not work as well. Even with the changed music names. So yea…

Playlists and Getting Them to Work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RipVanWinkleX.9725


Now I used VLC to make a playlist for the MainMenu. Checked the .m3u, and it had the full file destination.

That did not work either. So… am I missing something? Did they get rid of the custom soundtracks because either I am doing something stupid, or they just got rid of it leaving the wiki page up.

Playlists and Getting Them to Work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RipVanWinkleX.9725


Here is the playlist here from the VLC…

#EXTINF:149,Kenji Yamamoto – 01 Metroid Prime Title
C:\Users\*\Documents\Guild Wars 2\Music\MainMenu\Metroid Prime Title.mp3

So… I am going to delete the author and title to see if that works.

EDIT: Nope.

Playlists and Getting Them to Work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: RipVanWinkleX.9725


Well, I got it to work because of a SMALL detail that I had to search ALLOVER for. Had it not been for munkaybiznaz in…

Saying that it should be in the DOCUMENTS area, that I should put it in the GAME INSTALLATION area.

A small detail that made me crazy, but I got it to work… Thank god. Anyone having this issue try that. OMG…