(edited by Kyllaa.1385)
Possible fix for problem downloads/patches
Several pc users have confirmed that this works for them! Yay for an odd fix ;p
Just a bump for peeps still having issues.
After having this happen to me 3 times in a row with no firewall/anti-virus, I was about to call it quits. But this might work, and it’s a lot faster than deleting everything and restarting from scratch. I’ll give this a go, hope it works. Thanks for the info.
Still relevant.
I still cannot get this to finish patching. Stuck at 1 file left.
I tried the language switching, I even tried adding -repair to the shortcut.
In the end, just let it sit open and ‘downloading’ and it will eventually finish. It took about 20 minutes or so for me. But finished and I can get in now
The devs recommend the waiting option, since after 10-20 mins it’s supposed to re-initiate an alternate download. However, some players have stated that they’ve waiting overnight plus several more hours for it to work. So sometimes this option is faster for them. But I’m glad to hear you got yours finished
I sat at 99% overnight, trying German for my first attempt, this is frustrating, ill have to wait for this huge package to download just to trip the last 1%.. hiyoo!
This still seems to be relevant for some.
not working still stuck @ 1 file did German and Im using PC
Have you tried French? Also, as mentioned previously, waiting is the devs advice; that takes 10-20 mins to kick in. (some have said theirs took overnight plus a few hours of waiting)
If it still doesn’t start up again, file a ticket.
This seems to still be happening to some, so bumping for relevance.
I was having the 1 file problem too and also went through a reinstall still no good then tried German and viola it worked for me. Hope it helps others too.
Keeping this current.
Worked for me. thanks alot
I’m still seeing peeps with this issue, so it still seems relevant.
My launcher was refusing to connect, switched from Eng to Germ and now it is working.
I honestly wish I knew why switching languages forces the game to work. There is a similar fix for a tp that’s playing up. (changing text language in the game options while the tp is open forces it to reload, but more importantly, forces it to actually work again)
People are still experiencing this.
Having this issue atm, changing the lanuguage does not seem to fix it for me.