Where can we get help?

Where can we get help?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


[Please don’t read unless you care, it’s going to be lengthy and please don’t comment if you’ve got nothing helpful to say. Thanks!]

Hi! I’ve been posting on these forums regularly for a bit now, but I’m finding a major issue here:

Where can Mac users get help?

Yes, you may say “go to the Mac client forums” but I can assure you that there is no formal help there. I have been the only one on there helping Mac users with their game issues for around a month now and only recently has someone else been helping (thanks Trog). So that is not an option, considering I’ve been waiting over 3 weeks for ANYONE to even write back on a post there from Anet after a moderator told us that they would let someone know of our issues.

You may suggest “submit a ticket” and yet we recently had a dev send a Mac person instructions on how to delete the local.dat file and download a windows software update, then use game advisor as well. Hmmm, that’s not for Mac! Or they just give up on the person.

Oh, we could just post our issues where devs are actually reading posts, yet all of the Mac client related posts are typically ignored or someone rudely says “the Mac forums are over there.” thank you for that, but it’s like being in solitary confinement over there. No one else is there to hear you.

What about this?


This tells us to use the forums, but again, we haven’t had a dev response in over 4-5 months now. So maybe someone should update this and tell Mac users the truth.

So my question again, where are we supposed to go to get help?

I’m posting this on the tech support forum because this isn’t a bug and I figured, if anyone could help us with the issues many of the Mac users are facing, it would be the tech team since most of the Mac issues are similar to the PC ones being brought up and ANSWERED here. We just need different instructions and we don’t have new drivers to worry about or direct x (since that is part of our out-of-date wrapper). Besides, where would we even post our bugs to get them some attention? I’ve had a thread going for 3 weeks without 1 response from a non-Mac person, let alone a dev. I did have one post acknowledged and that was only because it also affected PC users.

So, please, someone… Anyone… Where can we get help for the Mac client?

Thanks for taking the time to read this and offering any viable solutions!

~sorry for the length~

Where can we get help?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Wondering when a dev will read this… Maybe Monday?

Where can we get help?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Okay, how about Tuesday?

Where can we get help?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Is Tuesday a lucky day to get a response to anything related to the Mac client? Here’s to hoping.

Where can we get help?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


I guess this still isn’t being read by the devs

Where can we get help?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ilithis Mithilander.3265

Ilithis Mithilander.3265

The only people I really see who post here with Official ArenaNet tags are Bill and Ashley. Ashley being the more Tech Supportish, I would assume, of the two since Bill seems to have helped make the changes to the recent eyefinity problem people were having. I’m sure Ashley is quite busy if she does more than just troll the forums, like attend to support tickets, or assist those at ArenaNet itself with their own computer related issues. As much as we’d like her to answer all of our questions, that simply isn’t going to happen for one person who probably has other duties besides post on the forums. I’m also sure a lot of the answers we’re seeking are not allowed outside ArenaNet walls or she simply doesn’t have an answer besides something along the lines of “I’m not sure.” which why should someone take the time to go through all the forum posts and post that. It just seems like a waste of valuable time.

Alas, my first white knight post! But seriously, I’m sure they’re busy. It’d be too sadistic to troll the forums and watch people with their problems suffer and just disregard their posts.

Primary Guild: Testing Eternity [TE]
Chloe (Version 3):
[i7 930 @ 4.1Ghz (1.3875V) w/Cooler Master 120M][Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 970 (stock)]

Where can we get help?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ashley Segovia.8276

Ashley Segovia.8276

Technical Support

Hi Kyllaa – I’m sorry that you haven’t been able to get an answer on this post until now. Personally, Mac troubleshooting is not my forte and so you will not likely see my name pop up in the Mac boards though I will see if we can get more of a presence there (even I end up doing this personally).

The one thing I would recommend above all is to create a technical support ticket as we do have a couple of reps in the office who have more familiarity with Macs and would be able to best address these issues for you.

Please also understand that since the Mac client is still in a Beta stage there are some bugs that are still being worked out and so I’d also advise posting these to the “Bug Boards” as well.

TL;DR: Mac board presence in the works, creating a support ticket works best in the meantime!

(edited by Ashley Segovia.8276)

Where can we get help?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


Ashley, I thank you so much for this reply! I will share this post with our current Mac population on the Mac forums.

We understand we’re still in beta and we have posted obvious Mac bugs on the game bugs forum, however, after one full month, we still have yet to be acknowledged.


I know we’ll all be looking forward to any response at all from a dev on the Mac forums… We’ve been waiting a month there too.


I changed the name after 3 weeks because people were still writing there (on the forums, seeking help) thinking they would get an official response.

Thank you again for taking the time to read this!