XML error message during linking to GW1 account

XML error message during linking to GW1 account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: larret.8910


Linking to my GW1 account does not work for me or my friend. We both get following XML info instead:

<Error code=“48” module=“3” line=“339” text=“callback (): TypeError: Cannot read property ‘cancel’ of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property ‘cancel’ of undefined at Templates\EJS\Account\link.approve.ejs:32:49 at Object.render (Library/core-template.js:185:15) at Object.reply (Library/sugar-reply.js:85:25) at Library/lib-troll.js:111:32 at Account/before.js:19:13 at Library/lib-troll.js:107:40 at Location/controllers.js:61:13 at Library/lib-troll.js:107:40 at Object.<anonymous> (Location/controllers.js:45:21) at Library/sugar-sts.js:125:72”/>

Please “do the needful”

XML error message during linking to GW1 account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clamlapper.5461


im so glad that im not the only one i get the exact message and have made a ticket will follow up when i get a reply

XML error message during linking to GW1 account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sketch.1278


This happens to me too. I made a ticket on the 12th and still awaiting a reply…

XML error message during linking to GW1 account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SeGreeeen.5183


Got that same Error since last Wednesday and posted it in the german forum as well as to the support, but since then not one Support-Team-Member has adressed this specific issue. I ask myself why this doesn’t seem to be of any importance? I get that a lot of accounts are hacked at the time, but to me it doesn’t look like a big error that would take years to fix.

Could you please at least give us any statement? Will it be fixed or was it forgotten or what happened? It’s a well known bug, Jesus, just tell one of the Web-Programmers, it’s not even a problem for the Support-Team. I guess there are people responsible for the Website…

Well, I guess I won’t get an answer once again. But well, it’s worth a try.



XML error message during linking to GW1 account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: saintdogma.1397


yep, got the something…. but for anyone else after you get that page and then refresh a few times, dose it log you into your old GW account? then if you go back down to ‘link accounts’ it says link successful, but you’re on your old account….and its a lie anyway.

hope to see an answer come out of something.


XML error message during linking to GW1 account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: raveparade.7582


@Saintdogma When I get that XML error and close the browser then restart it even then I’m still logged in to the email that I put in the link accounts box.
Hope this gets fixed soon.

XML error message during linking to GW1 account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Clamlapper.5461


Yep logs me into my old guildwars 1 account

XML error message during linking to GW1 account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Plinius.5709


I get this message/XML error, too

it would be nice to get an official response – at least if it’s something faulty on our side or not

XML error message during linking to GW1 account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sevbot.3569


EXACT same issue here, cant link and when i refresh and try again i get logged into my old gw account…. the ticket is to no avail, ive had an auto response and a normal response and they are trying to tell me the xml means my info is wrong but i regularly log onto both accounts… so idk how thats possible

XML error message during linking to GW1 account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: igneous.8153


Got the same issue. Explained in detail here.