"whurrr, whurrr, whurrr" beeping sound
This seems to happen a lot to people (me included) who have their Sound Quality set to “Highest Quality.” In many cases, it seems to stop if you lower the quality to at least the middle of the slider.
Weird problem, though I had a similar issue a few years back on a laptop. Went quietly away with new drivers.
@Marmalade – yea, but I’ve got the latest drivers ;-(
@Typographie – I’ll try that now, and go kill the next dragon that spawns!
Typographie, your answer worked great! Thank you! 4 dragons down and no sound shennanigans at all. That is very much appreciated!
lol i thought there was something wrong with my computer.. its been happening to me in fractals
I have the same problem on Dynaudio laptop speakers (Latest Realtek drivers).
I’ll try the slider.
Edit: Happens in WvW for me.
I experienced this problem very recently too – after turning my sound quality to highest. I’d have to exit the game and restart it in order to fix it. I’ll move the quality back down some. Thanks for the tip.
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