"whurrr, whurrr, whurrr" beeping sound

"whurrr, whurrr, whurrr" beeping sound

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Samuraiken.9581



So far, this has only happened when I’m at the Dragons: Tequatl the Sunless, The Shatterer, and Claw of Jormag. Sometimes it happens as they land and are roaring, sometimes it happens when they roar mid-fight, and sometimes it happens as they roar before they die. But it is always at the Dragons!

My sound will cut out, and I get this “whurrr, whurrr, whurrr” beeping sound in my speakers/headphones. It’s not fast, probably about one “whurr” per second. This happens both with headphones and speakers, and (GET THIS) it happens ONLY on the LEFT speaker/headphone.

It’s driving me nuts, because, if I’m playing with speakers on, I have to listen to this crap for the rest of the event (or just mute the speakers), but this is a pain because I use the audible queues that the Dragons give to determine what I’m going to do (whether he’s breathing, etc). If I have my headphones on, I have to push the left “ear muff” behind my ear so I don’t hear it anymore.

I have on-board sound, and all drivers are up to date.
Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-Z77X-UD5H
Motherboard Sound: 8 Channel, Realtek ALC898

Anyone have any ideas? I have scoured my event logs, and nothing is listed there. I have disabled every non-critical service in Windows 7, and it still happens. I’m not playing anything else in the background.

"whurrr, whurrr, whurrr" beeping sound

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: typographie.1742



This seems to happen a lot to people (me included) who have their Sound Quality set to “Highest Quality.” In many cases, it seems to stop if you lower the quality to at least the middle of the slider.

"whurrr, whurrr, whurrr" beeping sound

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Marmalade.9750


Weird problem, though I had a similar issue a few years back on a laptop. Went quietly away with new drivers.

"whurrr, whurrr, whurrr" beeping sound

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Samuraiken.9581


@Marmalade – yea, but I’ve got the latest drivers ;-(
@Typographie – I’ll try that now, and go kill the next dragon that spawns!

"whurrr, whurrr, whurrr" beeping sound

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Samuraiken.9581


Typographie, your answer worked great! Thank you! 4 dragons down and no sound shennanigans at all. That is very much appreciated!

"whurrr, whurrr, whurrr" beeping sound

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Baby.1405


lol i thought there was something wrong with my computer.. its been happening to me in fractals

"whurrr, whurrr, whurrr" beeping sound

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Treeline.3865


I have the same problem on Dynaudio laptop speakers (Latest Realtek drivers).
I’ll try the slider.

Edit: Happens in WvW for me.

Leader of Heroes [Hero] – Seafarers Rest

"whurrr, whurrr, whurrr" beeping sound

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ClaraFee.2579


I experienced this problem very recently too – after turning my sound quality to highest. I’d have to exit the game and restart it in order to fix it. I’ll move the quality back down some. Thanks for the tip.

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