10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


League play is going to be better or at worst neutral for the majority of servers. Only the bottom 3-5 servers in the top 2 leagues (10 servers max out of 24) are potentially in a worse situation than they currently are in.

The top few servers in silver and bronze leagues are on the opposite side of the same situation, as are the bottom 3 servers in gold league. They have only a couple suitable opponents, and 5+ servers they will have boring matches with.

The only servers that might come out of this with better matches are the top of gold league, and the bottom of bronze league. And that is only because there are simply no servers above and below them. It’s impossible for Anvil Rock to get anything worse than what is currently possible, because every other server is above them. The league system simply can’t make it worse for them.

AR gets the rid of the small chance of facing a server above rank 16, and BG/SoR/JQ get rid of the small chance to face a server below rank 6. In fact, the chance of this is so small, that it has not actually happened with the current system. The last match AR had that involved a server above 16, was when AR itself was 15. BG has not faced a server below rank 6 in over a year, and they were rank 7 when they did so. Even JQ and SoR’s matches with servers below r6 are very rare, with only 4 occurrences all year.

I’m certainly happy that we won’t see the landslide wins as bad as this week’s, but I don’t consider the league’s forced and guaranteed matches against SBI and FA to be any type of improvement for us.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

(edited by mrstealth.6701)

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: clint.5681


Its funny to watch all your mesmer’s using this glitch of jumping down on the enemy to win a fight, YB is sad all you have is pure numbers and even then your not good so good luck in leagues because I know your gunna get owned up.

But one thing is sure, your server is not gonna own us, not this week, not any time at all.

Im glad you figured that out, when i send my #1 fan TehFoe a cookie ill make sure to send you one too


That enthusiasm its great to see. Keep it up champ.

Rangir Dangir – Ranger | Mr. Ragr- Guardian| Sneak Stab – Thief | Mr. Ragir- Warrior
[url=https://] [/url]

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


The top few servers in silver and bronze leagues are on the opposite side of the same situation, as are the bottom 3 servers in gold league. They have only a couple suitable opponents, and 5+ servers they will have boring matches with.

The only servers that might come out of this with better matches are the top of gold league, and the bottom of bronze league. And that is only because there are simply no servers above and below them. It’s impossible for Anvil Rock to get anything worse than what is currently possible, because every other server is above them. The league system simply can’t make it worse for them.

AR gets the rid of the small chance of facing a server above rank 16, and BG/SoR/JQ get rid of the small chance to face a server below rank 6. In fact, the chance of this is so small, that it has not actually happened with the current system. The last match AR had that involved a server above 16, was when AR itself was 15. BG has not faced a server below rank 6 in over a year, and they were rank 7 when they did so. Even JQ and SoR’s matches with servers below r6 are very rare, with only 4 occurrences all year.

I’m certainly happy that we won’t see the landslide wins as bad as this week’s, but I don’t consider the league’s forced and guaranteed matches against SBI and FA to be any type of improvement for us.

You speak like every match will be like the top server versus the bottom ones the whole 7 weeks… The top server can’t be on all matchups the whole league.

Only the servers involved on the silver league are susceptible to getting bad matches more often, and only because of the server transfers that happened recently, and the rankings couldn’t get stable… We’re not saying that gold and bronze will not have unbalances, but they will be more unlikely than they are now.

Edit: Removed a taunt.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

(edited by Jeknar.6184)

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


Only the servers involved on the silver league are susceptible to getting bad matches more often, and only because of the server transfers that happened recently, and the rankings couldn’t get stable… We’re not saying that gold and bronze will not have unbalances, but they will be more unlikely than they are now.

The top of gold league hasn’t had any more unbalanced than what leagues will allow. They have only faced each other and ranks 4-6, with only 4 exceptions over the last year. Ranks 4-6 get only get balanced matchups versus each other as well, and the rest is a mix of getting decimated by tier 1 servers, or beating (likely less severely) servers in t3 or lower.

For the T1 servers, not much changes, as their high rating prevents servers below T2 from being matched up with them. For the T2 servers, leagues lock them into either a balanced matchup with their T2 companions, or in a landslide match involving 1 or more T1 server. What they lose is the chance of an easy matchup vs a lower tier server. While these easy matchups are unbalanced and can be rather boring (if it’s too far mis-matched), it’s preferred to being on the receiving end of the decimation. Like the bottom of every league, the T2 servers are put in a situation where the only possible matches are the less likely even matchups with their tier-mates or a stomping from higher a tier server.

I’d rather have 7 weeks of swapping between stomping, and being stomped, than being stuck in weeks of just one of those options. In either situation, the chance of a truly balanced match with your closest servers is rather low.

It might have been stale, but being matched up against the servers closest in rank was a better system. The randomized matches, and now the upcoming leagues that force you to fight every server in your league, just put us all up against opponents we should never be facing.

If anything, we need tighter limits on what servers are considered viable opponents, not the league system’s hard cut-offs of servers that could potentially offer decent matchups. Ranks 5-6 and 14-15 should have the chance to be matched up with the servers just below those ranks, not being totally sealed off into a league where they are forced to be at the bottom of every round.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

(edited by mrstealth.6701)

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Myst.3082


Positive food for thought Sorrows Furnace and Eredons Terrace.

Last week we (Yak’s) beat Emrhy Bay. If you look at the millenium.com matchup tables you will see that Emrhy Bay is crushing Kaineng and Henge of Denravi.

In theory you guys should be able to give Kain and HoD a run for their money. You are making solid progress and I noticed on the weekend your guilds following your commanders closely and hooking into the rear of our groups. Great tactic. You also gathered supply and sieged up your garrisons quickly and had good placement of supply traps.

You will have to wait until after the league but it will be interesting to see how you advance later this year.

Good luck in the next few weeks. I have no doubt one of you will win the bronze league. Too close to call who it will be.

The Humungos
Yak’s Bend

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: skyhawk.5149


From the current ppt and ranks as well as the win rate of the last few weeks, i’d say the bronze league is gonna be pretty close to. IMAO currently the most favored server to win would be HoD, followed probably by SF, then ET, kittenaineng is probably the wild card here but with their current ppt in their matchup i wouldn’t count on them being a contender. IMAO there are 3deciding factors to win the Bronze league
1. Who plays the smartest, by that i mean who defends the quickest, who launches the most surprise attacks, and in general holding the most structures for points.
2. Night Krewe, whoever has the best night crew will have an edge over the other servers as in this league night krewe can easily flip unmanned keeps and towers, but also have the responsibility of defending there own structures. Basically whose night krewe is the strongest is guaranteed a top spot in this league.
3.Finally Fairweathers, this goes with the coverage issue i know for a fact that ET and SF have a strong base of Fairweathers that play WvW when their server has the lead. Even though most may be inexperienced with WvW they are still players who can still make a difference with the WvW populations these servers farm.

Unless theres a mass transfer either to a server or from a server, i’m pretty sure the bronze league is gonna be a pretty interesting fight to watch.

Retired Oceanic Commander of Eredon Terrace

(edited by skyhawk.5149)

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Euryon.9248


For the T1 servers, not much changes, as their high rating prevents servers below T2 from being matched up with them. For the T2 servers, leagues lock them into either a balanced matchup with their T2 companions, or in a landslide match involving 1 or more T1 server. What they lose is the chance of an easy matchup vs a lower tier server. While these easy matchups are unbalanced and can be rather boring (if it’s too far mis-matched), it’s preferred to being on the receiving end of the decimation. Like the bottom of every league, the T2 servers are put in a situation where the only possible matches are the less likely even matchups with their tier-mates or a stomping from higher a tier server.

I’d rather have 7 weeks of swapping between stomping, and being stomped, than being stuck in weeks of just one of those options. In either situation, the chance of a truly balanced match with your closest servers is rather low.

Your entire argument is stemming from the selfish standpoint of what benefits YOUR server (YB) and maybe a few more in your situation. You’re basically wailing and gnashing your teeth over the removal of imbalanced matches where YOU are the dominating server, while glossing over the great benefits of those who will no longer be subject to YOUR server lording it over them.

The new system is far better for the majority of servers, or at the very worst is no real change. Sorry you won’t be able to roflstomp servers 10 ranks below you any more. The rest of us are happy about that.

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: kbenton.4915


I just wanted to thank ET for coming out in between their Garrison and Cliffside last night. Your organization was astounding and you deserved your garrison back. Besides that, that long open field battle was the best of the week. Keep it up!

Yak’s Bend Thief (P/D) [HvC]

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


From the current ppt and ranks as well as the win rate of the last few weeks, i’d say the bronze league is gonna be pretty close to. IMAO currently the most favored server to win would be HoD, followed probably by SF, then ET, kittenaineng is probably the wild card here but with their current ppt in their matchup i wouldn’t count on them being a contender.

I heard Kaineng is doing a very good tanking job… When the change of the leagues were announced (being divided in 3 instead of 2), Kaineng had ~1400 rating (Rank #13, top of old silver) while NSP was still sitting at ~1200.

At week 38, Kaineng was still playing serious, and was able to keep up with EBay even being dominated by Maguuma, granting a small positive rating. Then Kain got roflstomped by SBI, but didn’t even bothered in try to keep up with Yak’s Bend, since they wanted to drop, and that matchup was a good chance for them doing that. Next Kaineng got a fight against HoD and Devona (#15/#18/#24 mind you) where Kaineng did a very pathetic start (HoD was completely dominating the match) in order to lose rating by not being able to roflstomp such low ranked server (even tho Kaineng won this week).

I may be wrong, but it look to me that Kaineng lost all this rating on purpose in order to be able to dominate the Bronze league… If it was NSP, I’m sure we would have more chances, but since Kain is rank 13-14 material, the only hope is that Kaineng is actually bleeding out and not tanking.

But we’ll see…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

(edited by Jeknar.6184)

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Funeral.3604


We didn’t ask for lower ranks to fight. I rather be in ET or SF shoes then steamrolling like this. Give me 10 good defenders and a queued enemy server and I’m happy ( and 1000 supplies)

Sorry ET and SF have to deal with our fair weathers. but on the plus side.. you can farm them pretty easy.

Yaks Bend

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: clint.5681


Yeah Kaining has been acting pretty pathetic these last weeks

Rangir Dangir – Ranger | Mr. Ragr- Guardian| Sneak Stab – Thief | Mr. Ragir- Warrior
[url=https://] [/url]

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


Your entire argument is stemming from the selfish standpoint of what benefits YOUR server (YB) and maybe a few more in your situation. You’re basically wailing and gnashing your teeth over the removal of imbalanced matches where YOU are the dominating server, while glossing over the great benefits of those who will no longer be subject to YOUR server lording it over them.

Actually, YB is in the middle of silver league, so I have no idea why you’re trying to accuse me of this. You might have a point if I were on NSP, IoJ, or CD. Those are the servers in silver league that are getting the short end of the stick. YB is in a better position than most, as far as getting a mixture of reasonable matchups, matches where we get stomped, and matches we can easily win.

I certainly don’t want to “rolfstomp” servers like ET and SF. But the leagues will be giving plenty of that for the servers on the bottom of each league. There is a huge difference in an easy win and a total decimation like what we have this week. Servers like NSP will have nothing but defeats and decimations to look forward to, where they could at least have some wins if they weren’t cut off from others like Kain or HoD.

My argument is for servers that are being given no chance to win at all, and has nothing to do with my own server’s position, as we are in a fairly decent one. Under no circumstances should a server ever face one 6+ ranks away from them, nor should they ever be locked out of facing one 2 ranks lower while being locked in with servers 6 ranks higher. Leagues are keeping the former, and even forcing it unnaturally for many, while totally preventing the latter from ever happening for servers at the bottom of each league.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

(edited by mrstealth.6701)

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


I still think that the only server that will suffer the so terrible consequences of being in the silver league is NSP, since it’s being FORCED on the Silver League by Kaineng tanking.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: clint.5681


Yeah I feel bad for NSP

Rangir Dangir – Ranger | Mr. Ragr- Guardian| Sneak Stab – Thief | Mr. Ragir- Warrior
[url=https://] [/url]

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Runamok.9638


Kaineg will blow the doors off the bronze league due to its coverage. Even if Kaineg had an exodus even a small contingent of oceanics will gobble up the PPT in all potential matchups. None of the other servers in bronze have any really significant off-peak coverage. The outcome of the next matchup will tell us a lot! Friday will be awesome!



One Angry Brotha — Stafro Elementalist
Once in a While Mediocre Commander

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

Hold on. I thought NSP wanted to go to Silver League to show Devon Carver the ‘fun’ of WvW. Kaineng may be doing it for selfish reasons but it seems to lead to a desired result. If I can find the thread, I’ll edit my post later.

Finally found the post!

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

(edited by Avatar of Belle.9623)

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


I still think that the only server that will suffer the so terrible consequences of being in the silver league is NSP, since it’s being FORCED on the Silver League by Kaineng tanking.

Yeah, NSP is probably getting the worst position. Maguuma is also in a fairly bad situation due to Dragonbrand’s collapse. The only server they have any real chance of beating in gold league is SoS. TC will easily defeat them, but it’s a matchup where they can hold some ground and put up a fight. BG/SoR/JQ will likely crush Mag just as bad as ET/SF are getting from YB this week, especially in a matchup with no other T1 server keeping them busy.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: mrstealth.6701


Hold on. I thought NSP wanted to go to Silver League to show Devon Carver the ‘fun’ of WvW. Kaineng may be doing it for selfish reasons but it seems to lead to a desired result. If I can find the thread, I’ll edit my post later.

That does sound familiar. I recall seeing a few posts about wanting to get into the bottom of silver league, which I think were from NSP. Of course, that doesn’t represent the desire of their community as a whole, but it’s something a few wvw leaders could make happen.

Footsteps Of War [FoW] | Yak’s Bend
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: clint.5681


Nah that was more of the WvW community wanting to punish Devon. NSP didn’t want to go silver.

Rangir Dangir – Ranger | Mr. Ragr- Guardian| Sneak Stab – Thief | Mr. Ragir- Warrior
[url=https://] [/url]

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

I was not aware of the exodus of Kaineng’s WvW guilds. I’m rather astonished at the news but I actually expect that to make bronze league even more competitive.

I found WvW to be more fun when it’s small groups that fight each other. Mass blobs of 30v30 or 50v50 lead to lag and chaos. Three cheers for another small group server coming into the fold.

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: losieight.4807


Couple of duels going on at SF windmill, if anyone is interested.

Died with Basic [BS]

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

Tuna, stop having duels when I’m at work. It makes me jelly.

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Riondron.1069


NSP has lost many key players and guilds over the last few months due to infighting and belligerence. These were the players who worked diligently in their home BL, upgrading, building siege, protecting yaks and defending. Whenever they went to EB to call for help, they were ridiculed, and rarely got the help they needed. So many of us left for other servers, and I imagine that if it looks like NSP is locked into silver, many, many more will bail before the deadline, and NSP will decline dramatically. My guildies and I joined ET, because we liked the community, especially in wvw. We were quite shocked at the enormous difference between ET and NSP. ET plays to win, and plays very well. There are many players who are highly skilled here, and I don’t doubt one bit that ET could hold it’s own against NSP, or Kaining for that matter. If anyone reading this is interested in joining a different server, I would not recommend any server other than ET, as it is a very mature, community minded server, and you would be very welcomed here. We need good, wvw dedicated players and guilds, who are willing to help the server win, and your efforts will be applauded and appreciated here. I wish everyone ‘good luck’ in the Leagues.

Commander Kitadia
Kill a few: there won’t be a many

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: clint.5681


This isnt the server recruitment subform man. We are all glad you like ET.

Rangir Dangir – Ranger | Mr. Ragr- Guardian| Sneak Stab – Thief | Mr. Ragir- Warrior
[url=https://] [/url]

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Riondron.1069


This isnt the server recruitment subform man. We are all glad you like ET.

And the vast majority of my post relates to NSP and ET as a whole. The last couple sentences are merely food for thought. I apologize if I did not clearly state the intent of the post. But considering that this thread seems to be leading off of the matchup topic…

Commander Kitadia
Kill a few: there won’t be a many

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Runamok.9638


This isnt the server recruitment subform man. We are all glad you like ET.

Thank you for the constructive post forum police. Now back to your regularly scheduled useless drivel. His post at least contained some insight into the server situation at NSP which will potentially impact league play and therefore one or both of our servers.


One Angry Brotha — Stafro Elementalist
Once in a While Mediocre Commander

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Runamok.9638


This isnt the server recruitment subform man. We are all glad you like ET.

Thank you for the constructive post forum police. Now back to your regularly scheduled useless drivel. His post at least contained some insight into the server situation at NSP which will potentially impact league play and therefore one or both of our servers.


In other news, I am glad I have a job. I would gouge my eyes out trying to play during the day. All I see is SF and ET waffle between 0-75 PPT. That is miserable and I bet those out there are just trying take objectives as fast as they can and run and hide from the zerg. For those out there fighting, keep it up, its almost over! The pain must end!


One Angry Brotha — Stafro Elementalist
Once in a While Mediocre Commander

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

It was boring yesterday. I was on a map where the only PPT ET had was the camp and tower we recently capped. Usually we wait for fights but this time the entire YB WvW population came by because we were the only thing to fight. We downed a few but it wasn’t too fun.

On the other hand the zerg was noticeably smaller due to new pve content pulling away some of their fairweathers.

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: clint.5681


Actually about 50% of his post can be seen as recruitment starting with “ET plays to win” If i posted everything after that in the recruitment subform it would fit right in.

I thank him for the insight on NSPs current situation. And you dont need to apologize Rion the post was cool and all but you if you look at it from someone elses eyes that second half really looks like your trying to sell your server to us.

@Runamok k

Rangir Dangir – Ranger | Mr. Ragr- Guardian| Sneak Stab – Thief | Mr. Ragir- Warrior
[url=https://] [/url]

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Boreal.9826


I’m on YB and haven’t logged into this matchup even once… blah blah prefer to be outnumbered/the underdog and all that.

I did notice that ET was in the PPT lead for part of reset night, before YB’s superior coverage took over (causing the fairweathers to bail).

Doesn’t that bode well for them in bronze league? I don’t really follow the lower ranked servers much.

YB’s NA, while not the strongest in silver, is still pretty solid.

Just wondering.

(edited by Boreal.9826)

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: clint.5681


ET and FC are poised to do well in the leagues

Rangir Dangir – Ranger | Mr. Ragr- Guardian| Sneak Stab – Thief | Mr. Ragir- Warrior
[url=https://] [/url]

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cantur Soulfyre.5409

Cantur Soulfyre.5409

The three of us, ET, FC, and SF all had to share the Glicko Ghetto for a long, long time. It helps develop certain skills that higher Tier servers never had to master.

ET and FC will do well as Clint said.

Cantar Soulfyre-Norn W|Canter Soulfyre-Human G|Cantirus Foghorn – Charr R
Born and raised in Sorrow’s Furnace – WvWvWest Coast Squad
“All hail the mighty Flame Ram!!!” – said by Someone Somewhere at Sometime

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: TonukMaktao.8904


I just love reading Yak’s comments on how bad we are, and how god kitten great their playerstyle is. Both SF and ET got 1/15 of your population combined. Yes, you are so many that even with incredibile skill, numbers will win. And once you meet servers with equal numbers you’ll wipe like a bunch of stuck pigs. You just suck enough to not be in the train with the big boys, so Anet had to bring you down to something you can handle.
Still love seing your guys running away from me when I am one and they are three, they are just afraid of the humiliation. Go back to minecraft where building stuff(siege) is a part of the game

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

I both surprised and pleased at the perception that ET (and bro FC) will do well in leagues.

The point I like the most is that bronze league is shaping up to be the most competitive (least blowout) league of the three. I honestly do not know who will win.

I can pretty much predict the top two contenders of gold & silver league. People in higher tiers don’t know what they’re missing out on.

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

I still think that the only server that will suffer the so terrible consequences of being in the silver league is NSP, since it’s being FORCED on the Silver League by Kaineng tanking.

Yeah, NSP is probably getting the worst position. Maguuma is also in a fairly bad situation due to Dragonbrand’s collapse. The only server they have any real chance of beating in gold league is SoS. TC will easily defeat them, but it’s a matchup where they can hold some ground and put up a fight. BG/SoR/JQ will likely crush Mag just as bad as ET/SF are getting from YB this week, especially in a matchup with no other T1 server keeping them busy.

I was on Mag for a week, consensus from their core guilds was that they wanted to get into gold. They were actually trying VERY hard to not get into silver, so that they could get fights easily and not steamroll the majority of the servers below them.

Edit: Had my league names confused :z

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Eye Mohini.7938

Eye Mohini.7938

I just love reading SF/ET’s comments on how bad we are, and how god kitten great their playerstyle is.


the internet, where everyone is as hard as nails

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Spica.9308


My Predictions of strongest contenders,

Gold – JQ and SoR will Dominate. Dunno what happened to BG this week.

Silver – Zerguuma, Stormzerg Isle, Fort Zergenwood and even Zerg’s bend after
obliterating Zergy Bay Last week.

Bronze – Not sure if KAIN is better than NSP down here but they’re biggest server
in terms of Oceanic-Sea coverage. NSP coverage is more spread-out but
strong in all of it. KAIN however is somehow weaker in prime time but will
destroy nearly everything in off peak. if 2 servers can defend or 2v1 during
off peak then maybe they won’t grow so bold like their previous Match-Up.

Problem with W vs W vs W is most servers/guilds/people have too much
pride they won’t care to make strategies with another server to win resulting
in a lopsided match-up between first and a fight for 2nd place between the
rest by doing 2v1 on the lowest ranked server.

Anyway this week has been so boring. It’s like Arena Nets science fair experiments went horribly wrong at the worst possible time. You pretty much discouraged all our potential transfers that would’ve help us make up for out constant out manned buff even with fair weathers on it.

(edited by Spica.9308)

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

YB you cant have our Aldons! We in here like roaches with the lights off.

Thank you for the suicide rushes and Pbomb failures! Hopefully you guys are having fun, stop relying on siege so much and you might have taken it!

Mag Server Leader

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


YB you cant have our Aldons! We in here like roaches with the lights off.

Thank you for the suicide rushes and Pbomb failures! Hopefully you guys are having fun, stop relying on siege so much and you might have taken it!

Yeah, SF know how to take Aldon Tower with Reinforced Gates without using any siege. Listen to the voice of experience.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


THE TRUTH : Every server I have seen ( including us) often will lose ONE major fight and 90% of the casual players just log off. Sad that this happens over and over. I have seen servers FULL, lose 1 zerg VS zerg fight and drop down to 5-10 left on in 2 mins or less. I wont even get into how many are hacking or ALT+F4 when attacked. At the end of the day folks…it is a game. So much talk and people that whine on these forums. Here is video PROOF of sub par typical players. Read comments and Subscribe. DAOC Yaks Bend !
Watch all vids, PLEASE have your servermates watch. Subscribe! If you Xfer to yaks bend contact FASTCAR for a trial.

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

Tonight was super fun. I rarely go to EB but for some reason my guild was there tonight. YB was spawn camping (WITH SIEGE) and we went out and wiped them several times. Pity they were using cannons or we would have pushed them to Keep and left them there.

Thank you YB spawn campers for being easy kills. I know it is hard to play when you have more than 3 skills on your bar.

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neural.1824


Tonight was super fun. I rarely go to EB but for some reason my guild was there tonight. YB was spawn camping (WITH SIEGE) and we went out and wiped them several times. Pity they were using cannons or we would have pushed them to Keep and left them there.

Thank you YB spawn campers for being easy kills. I know it is hard to play when you have more than 3 skills on your bar.

Tonight was the most fun I’ve ever had in WvW. When I got to EB, we had pushed out of OL keep right up to the edge of the ranged weapons on SF’s legendary guards. Still, we had small group skirmishes for a good hour or so.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


I went to EB this night aswell… Capped some towers right under Yak’s Bend nose (didn’t even bothered contesting the wps). Thanks for the easy wxp.

It’s was funny making 5-6 people run back into their towers with 3 people. Maybe our minion necro scared them away with so many names… I’ll still make a 10-man minion necro zerg to scare the kitten of people (OMG THERE ARE LIKE 50 ET COMMING OUR WAY!!1!).

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

YB you cant have our Aldons! We in here like roaches with the lights off.

Thank you for the suicide rushes and Pbomb failures! Hopefully you guys are having fun, stop relying on siege so much and you might have taken it!

Yeah, SF know how to take Aldon Tower with Reinforced Gates without using any siege. Listen to the voice of experience.

Jek you are getting sandy in your old age, everyone knows PVGATE is a superior tactic…

I had to channel my inner [MEND] we went ET-Old School, and held a paper Aldons (for close to 3 full ticks) with 2 walls down, gate down, under 2-3 trebs, 2-3 morters, and countless ACs, oh yeah and they brought 2 omega golems.

Eventually we were overwhelmed by superior ACs and sheer YB brute force. (That is to say they brought about 50 people against our 15 or so that were still left standing).

We started with about 25 (or less) and YB did a good job of picking our people off that had died and were trying to run back. We had to push out a few times to wipe their Superior ACs, so eventually we lost enough and they called enough in to overwhelm us.

It was a pretty fun fight that showed some of our people that you can win fights against superior numbers if you are going about it properly.

Mag Server Leader

(edited by King Amadaeus.8619)

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

YB you cant have our Aldons! We in here like roaches with the lights off.

Thank you for the suicide rushes and Pbomb failures! Hopefully you guys are having fun, stop relying on siege so much and you might have taken it!

Yeah, SF know how to take Aldon Tower with Reinforced Gates without using any siege. Listen to the voice of experience.

Jek you are getting sandy in your old age, everyone knows PVGATE is a superior tactic…

I had to channel my inner [MEND] we went ET-Old School, and held a paper Aldons (for close to 3 full ticks) with 2 walls down, gate down, under 2-3 trebs, 2-3 morters, and countless ACs, oh yeah and they brought 2 omega golems.

Eventually we were overwhelmed by superior ACs and sheer YB brute force. (That is to say they brought about 50 people against our 15 or so that were still left standing).

We started with about 25 (or less) and YB did a good job of picking our people off that had died and were trying to run back. We had to push out a few times to wipe their Superior ACs, so eventually we lost enough and they called enough in to overwhelm us.

It was a pretty fun fight that showed some of our people that you can win fights against superior numbers if you are going about it properly.

If you truly had gone ET-Old School, you would have been holding NE tower in your BL. And own nothing else on the map.

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vumol.3942


So to the Sadrows Furnace / ErrorRun TehRace players QQing about how we have soo many more players than you i would just like to let you know that if your server wasn’t terrible you would have better numbers. But i guess the smart ones left when they saw you failing horribly with your PvD tactics. I hope you guys had fun getting completely smashed this week, I know that i sure didn’t have any fun rolling over you. The two highlights of my week were 1. When we literally owned everything (that was a nice 695 tick) and 2. Just today chasing one of your ET commanders, a guard no less, from the north gate of hills to almost the south gate finally shooting him off the cliff much to my dismay didn’t kill him so i had to jump my tiny asuran kitten off on-top of him (mind you ranger not mes so don’t try to pull the i was glitched to all hell and back cuz that’s not gunna happen) killed him with a great sword, was going to just walk away and let him respawn but nooo you guys sent an uplevel ele to try to res him, I felt bad for killing them as well, But i won’t just play my side of the story because it has quite a sad ending as you had to throw 2 thieves and an actually 80 ele to kill me so yeah well played.

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kurieg.4158


We started with about 25 (or less)

Do you honestly have no idea how many people are on your side?

Because 25 is a terribly low estimate for the number of SF in Aldon’s.

ps – The defense was well done. Don’t cheapen it with cluelessness.

Crafty [CR]
Yak’s Bend
Ir Regardless – Engineer

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: quickflash.6314



does a number count to. But you have to do that “stacking” thing. Maybe that PhD commander can teach ya.

Commander Rena [POV]
Mistress of Death
Yaksbend | Evil Empire

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: quickflash.6314


o why is CoSA talking kitten anyway. Lets see CoSA o yes i remember them.

They were running a group of about 15-20. Little after 7pm eastern. Went to orge mercs and were wiped out by a group of 12 yaksbend.

I did that supplyinfo thing. Advanced Command kitten /smile

Then we faced them again. They were stacked behind vista hill north side going up the hill. They were forced up there hill and then jumped down, unfortunately we saw that coming and pushed back let them come at us, CCed / Tornadoed / Wiped them almost to the man. I think a few of you guys ported out.

All that being said. I was happy that someone came out and played for a bit. CoSA i think your commander needs a little more field experience.

Was fun fighting ya though. You guys almost had a nice flank on two instances.

Commander Rena [POV]
Mistress of Death
Yaksbend | Evil Empire

10/11 SF/ET/YB(zergs bend)

in Match-ups

Posted by: ptitminou.6489


o why is CoSA talking kitten anyway. Lets see CoSA o yes i remember them.

They were running a group of about 15-20. Little after 7pm eastern. Went to orge mercs and were wiped out by a group of 12 yaksbend.

I did that supplyinfo thing. Advanced Command kitten /smile

Then we faced them again. They were stacked behind vista hill north side going up the hill. They were forced up there hill and then jumped down, unfortunately we saw that coming and pushed back let them come at us, CCed / Tornadoed / Wiped them almost to the man. I think a few of you guys ported out.

All that being said. I was happy that someone came out and played for a bit. CoSA i think your commander needs a little more field experience.

Was fun fighting ya though. You guys almost had a nice flank on two instances.

I saw a group of 8 CoSA and 3 pugs yesterday wipe [FoW] and a ton of [LOOT]. Well until they respawned and came back with 40+ and arrow carts for 12 people. No matter what comes from YB after that one, there is 0 credibility left now.

Oh yeah, [Glob] wiped that same group with about 20 people and no siege. Probably the only guild on YB that has a bit of hope. Seriously, pay them so they can teach you guys how to play.

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten
Because censorship is the most important part of the MMO business.