10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnrepentantProcrastinator.7420


No no no no. You blockheads.

Anyone throwing “T1 NA” around like it still means anything doesn’t get a thing. “T1 NA” is the top SIX servers. Yes, this season BG faces SoR a lot. But notice JQ over there? Yes, HALF their season are blowouts because all the “competition” is in three servers.

Next season maybe BG gets 5 weeks of facing #4-5-6. Nobody knows. You want to “find fights”? Keep joining the weakest servers until the top 6 are reasonably balanced. There you go, FIGHTS EVERY WEEK.

Logic too stronk. Then again flocking to bloated servers to let your guilds slowly die from queues and lack of interest seems to be the top plan nowadays.

The top 6 will never be reasonably balanced. You’re talking about several thousand (assuming daily turnout is only a fraction of roster size) international players distributing themselves evenly throughout all of them. That is stupidly optimistic.

Stacking T1, even with Leagues, still makes more sense for a guild or individual than expecting miraculous coverage for the rest of them.

If it becomes a problem, ANet will realize Leagues is stupid (seriously, it’s completely counter to what they said at the launch of the game, and that’s the reason why T1 servers are in this predicament) and remove it. Or the game will die.

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Keiel.7489



I’m on SoR.


10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


The leagues are good. It makes servers go competitive. It’s just that anet needs to fix the wvw population that gets to fight; so things get a bit fair. And get rid of this bloodlust fail. Other than that, the party kick offline still needs fixing.

Other than that. WVW is always fun.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

(edited by Sovereign.1093)

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: ykyk.2740


No no no no. You blockheads.

Anyone throwing “T1 NA” around like it still means anything doesn’t get a thing. “T1 NA” is the top SIX servers. Yes, this season BG faces SoR a lot. But notice JQ over there? Yes, HALF their season are blowouts because all the “competition” is in three servers.

Next season maybe BG gets 5 weeks of facing #4-5-6. Nobody knows. You want to “find fights”? Keep joining the weakest servers until the top 6 are reasonably balanced. There you go, FIGHTS EVERY WEEK.

Logic too stronk. Then again flocking to bloated servers to let your guilds slowly die from queues and lack of interest seems to be the top plan nowadays.

The top 6 will never be reasonably balanced. You’re talking about several thousand (assuming daily turnout is only a fraction of roster size) international players distributing themselves evenly throughout all of them. That is stupidly optimistic.

Stacking T1, even with Leagues, still makes more sense for a guild or individual than expecting miraculous coverage for the rest of them.

If it becomes a problem, ANet will realize Leagues is stupid (seriously, it’s completely counter to what they said at the launch of the game, and that’s the reason why T1 servers are in this predicament) and remove it. Or the game will die.

You are right, of course. Reality hurts.

The incentives laid out by Anet and the interpretations by the player base has led to the current piece of kitten paradigm in WvW, and as you said there seems to no longer be a solution.

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


There’s always a solution. This after all isn’t real life but a game w/c falls under controlled environment.

The moment you start believing there is no solution it will give the designers an excuse not to fix what needs fixing. So, keep reminding them that they need to work on these things; so we continue to support their products.

Other than that, I find BG doing pretty well. Sor, what’s happening to you guys?

TC keep hanging on that bladed edge, this matchup shall pass soon. Hehe

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

(edited by Sovereign.1093)

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: magikfox.9658


That forum is like a burning anuss

1. ZDs came to NA to avoid queue in EU
2. We were 15 at best 20 on EU during our prime with 30-40 in queue including 1-2 RL
3. Core WvW players went to slack due to unreal timers on queues
4. No server but BG approached us prior League and invited us in a respectful manner to join their ranks
5. We did not plan to move before the league starts but the Arena’s Net reality adjusted our plans
6. Core ZDs guild which consists of 300 players is on SFR, only WvW department transferred to BG
7. We came to NA BG for a minmum of 8 weeks
8. We play for fun & for server win
9. We never dodge fights
10. Dear IRON, we don’t have to whisper you for fights nor we will since you are the one map jumping from us whole evening, if you want to fight come and fight in game not on the forums.
11. We are thrilled and looking forward to have fun with BULL which is one of greatest enemies we had before
12. IF you have any bloody questions feel free to ask ingame since we are bit busy fighting rather then pouring gasoline on others kitten s at forums

Welcome to NA, ZDs! You don’t have to explain your self to anyone. The forum is nothing but a troll-fest starring me, Vash, your typical GW2 forum warrior.

Amen, sister.

Amen indeed. Magikfox is another one you might want to watch out for.

Hiiide yo wife… giggity.

Song The Fox
~(-_-~) RALL (~`3`)~

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Liquid.9672


That forum is like a burning anuss

1. ZDs came to NA to avoid queue in EU
2. We were 15 at best 20 on EU during our prime with 30-40 in queue including 1-2 RL
3. Core WvW players went to slack due to unreal timers on queues
4. No server but BG approached us prior League and invited us in a respectful manner to join their ranks
5. We did not plan to move before the league starts but the Arena’s Net reality adjusted our plans
6. Core ZDs guild which consists of 300 players is on SFR, only WvW department transferred to BG
7. We came to NA BG for a minmum of 8 weeks
8. We play for fun & for server win
9. We never dodge fights
10. Dear IRON, we don’t have to whisper you for fights nor we will since you are the one map jumping from us whole evening, if you want to fight come and fight in game not on the forums.
11. We are thrilled and looking forward to have fun with BULL which is one of greatest enemies we had before
12. IF you have any bloody questions feel free to ask ingame since we are bit busy fighting rather then pouring gasoline on others kitten s at forums

So there you have it, stated with 100% awesome. Let’s do this.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Maelwaedd.5842


No no no no. You blockheads.

Anyone throwing “T1 NA” around like it still means anything doesn’t get a thing. “T1 NA” is the top SIX servers. Yes, this season BG faces SoR a lot. But notice JQ over there? Yes, HALF their season are blowouts because all the “competition” is in three servers.

Next season maybe BG gets 5 weeks of facing #4-5-6. Nobody knows. You want to “find fights”? Keep joining the weakest servers until the top 6 are reasonably balanced. There you go, FIGHTS EVERY WEEK.

Logic too stronk. Then again flocking to bloated servers to let your guilds slowly die from queues and lack of interest seems to be the top plan nowadays.

The top 6 will never be reasonably balanced. You’re talking about several thousand (assuming daily turnout is only a fraction of roster size) international players distributing themselves evenly throughout all of them. That is stupidly optimistic.

Stacking T1, even with Leagues, still makes more sense for a guild or individual than expecting miraculous coverage for the rest of them.

If it becomes a problem, ANet will realize Leagues is stupid (seriously, it’s completely counter to what they said at the launch of the game, and that’s the reason why T1 servers are in this predicament) and remove it. Or the game will die.

the closest we have ever got to a balanced top 6 was before free transfers being ended was announced and we all know what happened after that

guilds and players can only do so much to balance the game when the game itself has no incentive to balance it and actively does such things such as leagues and end free transfers which promote stacking

Maelwaedd Sylvari Necromancer Blackgate
Resonance WvW Officer

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evilliquorz.1360


look like Karma train will start early in this week.
Opps .. sorry we are PvE guilds.

[MGR] Ma Gu Ri : Homeless

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolbryne.4037


[IRON] is probably pretty excited to have another big EU guild to fight, I would imagine.

we would be excited. the problem is that zd’s stop playing only one hour into our primetime so we haven’t been able to fight them much at all. as always we’re stuck with around 30 iron + randoms vs the coin+rk+randoms map zerg. wish they could run those two guilds separate from time to time. Don’t get me wrong, I love the challenge it poses to fight a much bigger force, but having to wait 20 seconds just to switch weapons makes it kinda bad.

Pret Orian / Pretorían
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hobbitz.5831


30v50 = Sure, its a good challenge
50v50 against 3 orbs = Sure, its a good challenge
30v50 against 3 orbs = No thank you. I’ll find something else to do.

Call me a fairweather, I’m not playing in that kitten.

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Retsuko.2035


10. Dear IRON, we don’t have to whisper you for fights nor we will since you are the one map jumping from us whole evening, if you want to fight come and fight in game not on the forums.

I’m not speaking for iron, nor am i a member of it. But yesterday, SoR guilds had no choice but to respond to calls elsewhere instead of toying with you. I was there when we were fighting at inner bay gate. We stomped you guys outside after you made an obvious/predictable veil on us over the wall. But after playing with you guys right there, iron and others were called over to EB to protect something, which is possible when we have no que’s on maps.
But you’re right, you don’t have to whisper any guild for a fight, so don’t bother calling guilds out on it? Seems like you guys chose the wrong server for “fun fights”? Last weekend was good though when numbers are equal. But in my WvW experience, when numbers are equal, it’s BG that runs.

Retsu ~ Inner Monkey [IM] ~ Piken Square

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kalla.4290


[IRON] is probably pretty excited to have another big EU guild to fight, I would imagine.

we would be excited. the problem is that zd’s stop playing only one hour into our primetime so we haven’t been able to fight them much at all. as always we’re stuck with around 30 iron + randoms vs the coin+rk+randoms map zerg. wish they could run those two guilds separate from time to time. Don’t get me wrong, I love the challenge it poses to fight a much bigger force, but having to wait 20 seconds just to switch weapons makes it kinda bad.

Everyone is to scared of IRON to split up.

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolbryne.4037


WM did OT and BG was ticking at 400+ PPT during EU pretty much every day. That’s why IRON transferred when they did. It was pretty justified, too. KISS came out of no where, so there’s not much to say about that, but they aren’t a prescense anymore.

I wouldn’t consider transferring to a time zone with no native pop. justified. Also pretty peculiar for people who claim to play for the fights. Point is, IRON didn’t end up fighting Euros when they transferred (or anyone, for that matter. The new BG strat after IRON transferred was to exploit “Hawaiin time”). The match histories don’t lie. Luckily, HB got rezzed soon after.

IRON didn’t transfer to sor to fight EU. They transferred to SoR because we needed the help the most, especially during that timeslot, because WM was causing BG to tick extremely high during EU. They’ve said it themselves when they transfferred here on the forums. SoR needed help the most, that’s why they joined us. It was both a logical and justified decision. IRON was dying in EU(actually the official EU IRON is dead, the ones that transferred was a fraction of the original IRON IIRC), and they wanted to move to NA. SoR offerred the best option for them.

Actually you’re wrong. The reason that we left desolation was because of two big reasons:
we became fed up with the server and it’s people. It was a very toxic enviroment filled to the brim with drama, insults, backstabbing and generally bad conduct. we pretty much carried the server and got nothing but crap thrown back in our faces. We had a community ts set up for everyone to use. they managed to ruin that too and cause drama over. we had an EB branch of iron that saw one of it’s highest officers steal everything we put in to the guild bank and go off create their own guild while spitting insults of the worst kind to wrex. they still send her whispers etc wishing her all the worst and death by different illnesses, like 12yo kids. we got worn out pulling mad hours week after week because the majority of desolations playerbase is 100% pve’ers who almost never went in to wvw. the list goes on. but all in all, we wanted away from there because of the drama, toxic enviroment and the lack of wvw participation.

reason two was Visuna. Iron wants fights. fighting is what we like to do. ppt is and always will be secondary to us. eu tier1 had gone incredibly stale. Visuna had an entire map blob but refused to come out of their keeps… EVER. they siege capped every tower and keep and had their entire force sit on arrowcarts 24/7. It was so boring we started crying blood. we wanted fights, so we left for NA.

The reasoning for picking SOR over any other NA T1 server was very simple and logical. Who had the shortest queues? Who faced the most enemies? Who had the biggest wvw guilds?
sor had no queues
sor faced the most enemies in wvw at any given time
bg had the biggest wvw guilds

so we went to the server where we would have no queues and be able to fight the biggest forces. as simple as that. we transferred to fight, not for ppt. our move was, as should be for any guild, for the good of the guild and it’s members.

Pret Orian / Pretorían
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kiff.8157


10. Dear IRON, we don’t have to whisper you for fights nor we will since you are the one map jumping from us whole evening, if you want to fight come and fight in game not on the forums.

I’m not speaking for iron, nor am i a member of it. But yesterday, SoR guilds had no choice but to respond to calls elsewhere instead of toying with you. I was there when we were fighting at inner bay gate. We stomped you guys outside after you made an obvious/predictable veil on us over the wall. But after playing with you guys right there, iron and others were called over to EB to protect something, which is possible when we have no que’s on maps.
But you’re right, you don’t have to whisper any guild for a fight, so don’t bother calling guilds out on it? Seems like you guys chose the wrong server for “fun fights”? Last weekend was good though when numbers are equal. But in my WvW experience, when numbers are equal, it’s BG that runs.

Do you know why you feel that BG always runs when numbers are equal?
It’s because SOR always thinks BG has superior numbers or may I precisely say they always multiply the numbers by 2.

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kalla.4290


WM did OT and BG was ticking at 400+ PPT during EU pretty much every day. That’s why IRON transferred when they did. It was pretty justified, too. KISS came out of no where, so there’s not much to say about that, but they aren’t a prescense anymore.

I wouldn’t consider transferring to a time zone with no native pop. justified. Also pretty peculiar for people who claim to play for the fights. Point is, IRON didn’t end up fighting Euros when they transferred (or anyone, for that matter. The new BG strat after IRON transferred was to exploit “Hawaiin time”). The match histories don’t lie. Luckily, HB got rezzed soon after.

IRON didn’t transfer to sor to fight EU. They transferred to SoR because we needed the help the most, especially during that timeslot, because WM was causing BG to tick extremely high during EU. They’ve said it themselves when they transfferred here on the forums. SoR needed help the most, that’s why they joined us. It was both a logical and justified decision. IRON was dying in EU(actually the official EU IRON is dead, the ones that transferred was a fraction of the original IRON IIRC), and they wanted to move to NA. SoR offerred the best option for them.

Actually you’re wrong. The reason that we left desolation was because of two big reasons:
we became fed up with the server and it’s people. It was a very toxic enviroment filled to the brim with drama, insults, backstabbing and generally bad conduct. we pretty much carried the server and got nothing but crap thrown back in our faces. We had a community ts set up for everyone to use. they managed to ruin that too and cause drama over. we had an EB branch of iron that saw one of it’s highest officers steal everything we put in to the guild bank and go off create their own guild while spitting insults of the worst kind to wrex. they still send her whispers etc wishing her all the worst and death by different illnesses, like 12yo kids. we got worn out pulling mad hours week after week because the majority of desolations playerbase is 100% pve’ers who almost never went in to wvw. the list goes on. but all in all, we wanted away from there because of the drama, toxic enviroment and the lack of wvw participation.

reason two was Visuna. Iron wants fights. fighting is what we like to do. ppt is and always will be secondary to us. eu tier1 had gone incredibly stale. Visuna had an entire map blob but refused to come out of their keeps… EVER. they siege capped every tower and keep and had their entire force sit on arrowcarts 24/7. It was so boring we started crying blood. we wanted fights, so we left for NA.

The reasoning for picking SOR over any other NA T1 server was very simple and logical. Who had the shortest queues? Who faced the most enemies? Who had the biggest wvw guilds?
sor had no queues
sor faced the most enemies in wvw at any given time
bg had the biggest wvw guilds

so we went to the server where we would have no queues and be able to fight the biggest forces. as simple as that. we transferred to fight, not for ppt. our move was, as should be for any guild, for the good of the guild and it’s members.

Serious question, in an atmosphere that is described as toxic who are the ones who experience this? The guild leaders or the general populace. As a member of SoR’s general populace I have no idea what the mover and shakers guilds are doing nor if everyone gets along. I mean, TS is always cordial and friendly and seems to work well, there also there seems to be no real conflicts, so I guess am asking when a server becomes toxic does the general populace feel it or is it still confined to the to leaders?

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: DKNS.2135


10. Dear IRON, we don’t have to whisper you for fights nor we will since you are the one map jumping from us whole evening, if you want to fight come and fight in game not on the forums.

I’m not speaking for iron, nor am i a member of it. But yesterday, SoR guilds had no choice but to respond to calls elsewhere instead of toying with you. I was there when we were fighting at inner bay gate. We stomped you guys outside after you made an obvious/predictable veil on us over the wall. But after playing with you guys right there, iron and others were called over to EB to protect something, which is possible when we have no que’s on maps.
But you’re right, you don’t have to whisper any guild for a fight, so don’t bother calling guilds out on it? Seems like you guys chose the wrong server for “fun fights”? Last weekend was good though when numbers are equal. But in my WvW experience, when numbers are equal, it’s BG that runs.

Yes, BG always prefers to runs but i blame Anet for it. Didn’t you know they changed WvW so that running gives you ppt and not fighting people to capture/defend keeps, towers, etc. which is what you would have expected of BG since they won the last round.

BG LA Best LA !!!

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kiff.8157


we transferred to fight, not for ppt. our move was, as should be for any guild, for the good of the guild and it’s members.

Someone mention that IRON rallied up during NA or OCX or some sort of timezone last week in this thread earlier if I recall correctly. For fight? I wouldn’t abandon my work or study or rest time for fight. For ppt? ridiculous, IRON clearly wouldn’t do that.

Oh I get it! You were getting bored pvdooring during EU, am I right?

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolbryne.4037


That forum is like a burning anuss

1. ZDs came to NA to avoid queue in EU
2. We were 15 at best 20 on EU during our prime with 30-40 in queue including 1-2 RL
3. Core WvW players went to slack due to unreal timers on queues
4. No server but BG approached us prior League and invited us in a respectful manner to join their ranks
5. We did not plan to move before the league starts but the Arena’s Net reality adjusted our plans
6. Core ZDs guild which consists of 300 players is on SFR, only WvW department transferred to BG
7. We came to NA BG for a minmum of 8 weeks
8. We play for fun & for server win
9. We never dodge fights
10. Dear IRON, we don’t have to whisper you for fights nor we will since you are the one map jumping from us whole evening, if you want to fight come and fight in game not on the forums.
11. We are thrilled and looking forward to have fun with BULL which is one of greatest enemies we had before
12. IF you have any bloody questions feel free to ask ingame since we are bit busy fighting rather then pouring gasoline on others kitten s at forums

Dear ZD’s.
We are glad you’re where you are. Very happy for the opportunity to fight you guys. Fought you a few times so far and it was great. We wiped you. You wiped us. It’s all great fun. Unfortunately you guys end your primetime only a short time into ours and I wish that was different since I’d rather fight you guys than the megablobs of T1.
We always run untagged and try to avoid getting randoms to stick on us. Iron fields around 30 people during prime. Around 40 on a good day. We never back down from a fight and will clash no matter the odds. I assure you, we have never tried to get away from you, nor will we ever do that. We play to fight, but for the good of the server we also have to respond to calls for help on different borderlands when help is asked for.
Also, yesterday we had a very low turnout. There was 26 iron on the commander during primetime and that number was down to 12 iron mid/end prime time. I dunno what was up yesterday, but I was not a happy camper

Hope to meet you guys in force today.

With high hopes for epic fights

Pret Orian / Pretorían
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu

(edited by Wolbryne.4037)

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolbryne.4037


WM did OT and BG was ticking at 400+ PPT during EU pretty much every day. That’s why IRON transferred when they did. It was pretty justified, too. KISS came out of no where, so there’s not much to say about that, but they aren’t a prescense anymore.

I wouldn’t consider transferring to a time zone with no native pop. justified. Also pretty peculiar for people who claim to play for the fights. Point is, IRON didn’t end up fighting Euros when they transferred (or anyone, for that matter. The new BG strat after IRON transferred was to exploit “Hawaiin time”). The match histories don’t lie. Luckily, HB got rezzed soon after.

IRON didn’t transfer to sor to fight EU. They transferred to SoR because we needed the help the most, especially during that timeslot, because WM was causing BG to tick extremely high during EU. They’ve said it themselves when they transfferred here on the forums. SoR needed help the most, that’s why they joined us. It was both a logical and justified decision. IRON was dying in EU(actually the official EU IRON is dead, the ones that transferred was a fraction of the original IRON IIRC), and they wanted to move to NA. SoR offerred the best option for them.

Actually you’re wrong. The reason that we left desolation was because of two big reasons:
we became fed up with the server and it’s people. It was a very toxic enviroment filled to the brim with drama, insults, backstabbing and generally bad conduct. we pretty much carried the server and got nothing but crap thrown back in our faces. We had a community ts set up for everyone to use. they managed to ruin that too and cause drama over. we had an EB branch of iron that saw one of it’s highest officers steal everything we put in to the guild bank and go off create their own guild while spitting insults of the worst kind to wrex. they still send her whispers etc wishing her all the worst and death by different illnesses, like 12yo kids. we got worn out pulling mad hours week after week because the majority of desolations playerbase is 100% pve’ers who almost never went in to wvw. the list goes on. but all in all, we wanted away from there because of the drama, toxic enviroment and the lack of wvw participation.

reason two was Visuna. Iron wants fights. fighting is what we like to do. ppt is and always will be secondary to us. eu tier1 had gone incredibly stale. Visuna had an entire map blob but refused to come out of their keeps… EVER. they siege capped every tower and keep and had their entire force sit on arrowcarts 24/7. It was so boring we started crying blood. we wanted fights, so we left for NA.

The reasoning for picking SOR over any other NA T1 server was very simple and logical. Who had the shortest queues? Who faced the most enemies? Who had the biggest wvw guilds?
sor had no queues
sor faced the most enemies in wvw at any given time
bg had the biggest wvw guilds

so we went to the server where we would have no queues and be able to fight the biggest forces. as simple as that. we transferred to fight, not for ppt. our move was, as should be for any guild, for the good of the guild and it’s members.

Serious question, in an atmosphere that is described as toxic who are the ones who experience this? The guild leaders or the general populace. As a member of SoR’s general populace I have no idea what the mover and shakers guilds are doing nor if everyone gets along. I mean, TS is always cordial and friendly and seems to work well, there also there seems to be no real conflicts, so I guess am asking when a server becomes toxic does the general populace feel it or is it still confined to the to leaders?

Desolation’s wvw map chat was just a never ending scrolling of insults, flaming, name calling, whining and other spam. The general tone on TS was bad. The server meetings on TS was 99% drama and refusal to cooperate with one of the loudest voices refusing to hear anything wrex said because she’s a woman. LA map chat was full of hate and when asking for people to come help in wvw you were told to go have interactions of a sexual nature with yourself. It was just bad… very bad.

Pret Orian / Pretorían
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kalla.4290


WM did OT and BG was ticking at 400+ PPT during EU pretty much every day. That’s why IRON transferred when they did. It was pretty justified, too. KISS came out of no where, so there’s not much to say about that, but they aren’t a prescense anymore.

I wouldn’t consider transferring to a time zone with no native pop. justified. Also pretty peculiar for people who claim to play for the fights. Point is, IRON didn’t end up fighting Euros when they transferred (or anyone, for that matter. The new BG strat after IRON transferred was to exploit “Hawaiin time”). The match histories don’t lie. Luckily, HB got rezzed soon after.

IRON didn’t transfer to sor to fight EU. They transferred to SoR because we needed the help the most, especially during that timeslot, because WM was causing BG to tick extremely high during EU. They’ve said it themselves when they transfferred here on the forums. SoR needed help the most, that’s why they joined us. It was both a logical and justified decision. IRON was dying in EU(actually the official EU IRON is dead, the ones that transferred was a fraction of the original IRON IIRC), and they wanted to move to NA. SoR offerred the best option for them.

Actually you’re wrong. The reason that we left desolation was because of two big reasons:
we became fed up with the server and it’s people. It was a very toxic enviroment filled to the brim with drama, insults, backstabbing and generally bad conduct. we pretty much carried the server and got nothing but crap thrown back in our faces. We had a community ts set up for everyone to use. they managed to ruin that too and cause drama over. we had an EB branch of iron that saw one of it’s highest officers steal everything we put in to the guild bank and go off create their own guild while spitting insults of the worst kind to wrex. they still send her whispers etc wishing her all the worst and death by different illnesses, like 12yo kids. we got worn out pulling mad hours week after week because the majority of desolations playerbase is 100% pve’ers who almost never went in to wvw. the list goes on. but all in all, we wanted away from there because of the drama, toxic enviroment and the lack of wvw participation.

reason two was Visuna. Iron wants fights. fighting is what we like to do. ppt is and always will be secondary to us. eu tier1 had gone incredibly stale. Visuna had an entire map blob but refused to come out of their keeps… EVER. they siege capped every tower and keep and had their entire force sit on arrowcarts 24/7. It was so boring we started crying blood. we wanted fights, so we left for NA.

The reasoning for picking SOR over any other NA T1 server was very simple and logical. Who had the shortest queues? Who faced the most enemies? Who had the biggest wvw guilds?
sor had no queues
sor faced the most enemies in wvw at any given time
bg had the biggest wvw guilds

so we went to the server where we would have no queues and be able to fight the biggest forces. as simple as that. we transferred to fight, not for ppt. our move was, as should be for any guild, for the good of the guild and it’s members.

Serious question, in an atmosphere that is described as toxic who are the ones who experience this? The guild leaders or the general populace. As a member of SoR’s general populace I have no idea what the mover and shakers guilds are doing nor if everyone gets along. I mean, TS is always cordial and friendly and seems to work well, there also there seems to be no real conflicts, so I guess am asking when a server becomes toxic does the general populace feel it or is it still confined to the to leaders?

Desolation’s wvw map chat was just a never ending scrolling of insults, flaming, name calling, whining and other spam. The general tone on TS was bad. The server meetings on TS was 99% drama and refusal to cooperate with one of the loudest voices refusing to hear anything wrex said because she’s a woman. LA map chat was full of hate and when asking for people to come help in wvw you were told to go have interactions of a sexual nature with yourself. It was just bad… very bad.

Wow, yea that is definitely and obviously toxic. I was just wonder who comes into contact with such behavior (I recently found out from my guilds commanders that commanding in WvW is just inviting a constant assault of insults) and I was wondering where this completely other, darker world existed that I had never experienced before was.

I guess map chat and general behavior in TS or whatever is the best key since commanders shield you from so much.

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neuromancer.2148


That forum is like a burning anuss

1. ZDs came to NA to avoid queue in EU
2. We were 15 at best 20 on EU during our prime with 30-40 in queue including 1-2 RL
3. Core WvW players went to slack due to unreal timers on queues
4. No server but BG approached us prior League and invited us in a respectful manner to join their ranks
5. We did not plan to move before the league starts but the Arena’s Net reality adjusted our plans
6. Core ZDs guild which consists of 300 players is on SFR, only WvW department transferred to BG
7. We came to NA BG for a minmum of 8 weeks
8. We play for fun & for server win
9. We never dodge fights
10. Dear IRON, we don’t have to whisper you for fights nor we will since you are the one map jumping from us whole evening, if you want to fight come and fight in game not on the forums.
11. We are thrilled and looking forward to have fun with BULL which is one of greatest enemies we had before
12. IF you have any bloody questions feel free to ask ingame since we are bit busy fighting rather then pouring gasoline on others kitten s at forums

Dear ZD’s.
We are glad you’re where you are. Very happy for the opportunity to fight you guys. Fought you a few times so far and it was great. We wiped you. You wiped us. It’s all great fun. Unfortunately you guys end your primetime only a short time into ours and I wish that was different since I’d rather fight you guys than the megablobs of T1.
We always run untagged and try to avoid getting randoms to stick on us. Iron fields around 30 people during prime. Around 40 on a good day. We never back down from a fight and will clash no matter the odds. I assure you, we have never tried to get away from you, nor will we ever do that. We play to fight, but for the good of the server we also have to respond to calls for help on different borderlands when help is asked for.
Also, yesterday we had a very low turnout. There was 26 iron on the commander during primetime and that number was down to 12 iron mid/end prime time. I dunno what was up yesterday, but I was not a happy camper

Hope to meet you guys in force today.

With high hopes for epic fights

“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu

Apprentice Namer – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolbryne.4037


Wow, yea that is definitely and obviously toxic. I was just wonder who comes into contact with such behavior (I recently found out from my guilds commanders that commanding in WvW is just inviting a constant assault of insults) and I was wondering where this completely other, darker world existed that I had never experienced before was.

I guess map chat and general behavior in TS or whatever is the best key since commanders shield you from so much.

oh it wasn’t hidden on deso. it was very much out in the open. given there was a lot behind the scenes too, but alot of it was right there in the chat.

Pret Orian / Pretorían
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fannwong.3059


Hello Kalla,

Everybody will feel the toxicity if it’s allowed to continue.

That’s partly the reason why I stayed in SOR. Team/Map chat is largely clean. It’s partly a result of community policing and mass reporting of folks (it does work, people get temp banned for verbal abuse) who verbally abuse other people on chat. SOR TS also has ground rules. It’s unfortunate we have to take a strong stance on civility but it creates a great environment for people to have fun. FYI, Shifty is really nice guy on team chat.

Last year, I was in another server where the folks would throw racist remarks against Asians almost nightly, it was unfortunate as those Asians were the ones helping out the server and giving their all. Rude/Uncivil folks in team chat and TS should not be tolerated, for the sake of the community.


I wouldn’t consider transferring to a time zone with no native pop. justified. Also pretty peculiar for people who claim to play for the fights. Point is, IRON didn’t end up fighting Euros when they transferred (or anyone, for that matter. The new BG strat after IRON transferred was to exploit “Hawaiin time”). The match histories don’t lie. Luckily, HB got rezzed soon after.

Actually you’re wrong. The reason that we left desolation was because of two big reasons:
we became fed up with the server and it’s people. It was a very toxic enviroment filled to the brim with drama, insults, backstabbing and generally bad conduct. we pretty much carried the server and got nothing but crap thrown back in our faces. We had a community ts set up for everyone to use. they managed to ruin that too and cause drama over. we had an EB branch of iron that saw one of it’s highest officers steal everything we put in to the guild bank and go off create their own guild while spitting insults of the worst kind to wrex. they still send her whispers etc wishing her all the worst and death by different illnesses, like 12yo kids. we got worn out pulling mad hours week after week because the majority of desolations playerbase is 100% pve’ers who almost never went in to wvw. the list goes on. but all in all, we wanted away from there because of the drama, toxic enviroment and the lack of wvw participation.

reason two was Visuna. Iron wants fights. fighting is what we like to do. ppt is and always will be secondary to us. eu tier1 had gone incredibly stale. Visuna had an entire map blob but refused to come out of their keeps… EVER. they siege capped every tower and keep and had their entire force sit on arrowcarts 24/7. It was so boring we started crying blood. we wanted fights, so we left for NA.

The reasoning for picking SOR over any other NA T1 server was very simple and logical. Who had the shortest queues? Who faced the most enemies? Who had the biggest wvw guilds?
sor had no queues
sor faced the most enemies in wvw at any given time
bg had the biggest wvw guilds

so we went to the server where we would have no queues and be able to fight the biggest forces. as simple as that. we transferred to fight, not for ppt. our move was, as should be for any guild, for the good of the guild and it’s members.

Serious question, in an atmosphere that is described as toxic who are the ones who experience this? The guild leaders or the general populace. As a member of SoR’s general populace I have no idea what the mover and shakers guilds are doing nor if everyone gets along. I mean, TS is always cordial and friendly and seems to work well, there also there seems to be no real conflicts, so I guess am asking when a server becomes toxic does the general populace feel it or is it still confined to the to leaders?

Desolation’s wvw map chat was just a never ending scrolling of insults, flaming, name calling, whining and other spam. The general tone on TS was bad. The server meetings on TS was 99% drama and refusal to cooperate with one of the loudest voices refusing to hear anything wrex said because she’s a woman. LA map chat was full of hate and when asking for people to come help in wvw you were told to go have interactions of a sexual nature with yourself. It was just bad… very bad.

Wow, yea that is definably obviously toxic. I was just wonder who comes into contact with such behavior (I recently found out from my guilds commanders that commanding in WvW is just inviting a constant assault of insults) and I was wondering where this completely other, darker world existed that I had never experienced before was.

[SoX] – JQ

(edited by Fannwong.3059)

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kalla.4290


That forum is like a burning anuss

1. ZDs came to NA to avoid queue in EU
2. We were 15 at best 20 on EU during our prime with 30-40 in queue including 1-2 RL
3. Core WvW players went to slack due to unreal timers on queues
4. No server but BG approached us prior League and invited us in a respectful manner to join their ranks
5. We did not plan to move before the league starts but the Arena’s Net reality adjusted our plans
6. Core ZDs guild which consists of 300 players is on SFR, only WvW department transferred to BG
7. We came to NA BG for a minmum of 8 weeks
8. We play for fun & for server win
9. We never dodge fights
10. Dear IRON, we don’t have to whisper you for fights nor we will since you are the one map jumping from us whole evening, if you want to fight come and fight in game not on the forums.
11. We are thrilled and looking forward to have fun with BULL which is one of greatest enemies we had before
12. IF you have any bloody questions feel free to ask ingame since we are bit busy fighting rather then pouring gasoline on others kitten s at forums

Dear ZD’s.
We are glad you’re where you are. Very happy for the opportunity to fight you guys. Fought you a few times so far and it was great. We wiped you. You wiped us. It’s all great fun. Unfortunately you guys end your primetime only a short time into ours and I wish that was different since I’d rather fight you guys than the megablobs of T1.
We always run untagged and try to avoid getting randoms to stick on us. Iron fields around 30 people during prime. Around 40 on a good day. We never back down from a fight and will clash no matter the odds. I assure you, we have never tried to get away from you, nor will we ever do that. We play to fight, but for the good of the server we also have to respond to calls for help on different borderlands when help is asked for.
Also, yesterday we had a very low turnout. There was 26 iron on the commander during primetime and that number was down to 12 iron mid/end prime time. I dunno what was up yesterday, but I was not a happy camper

Hope to meet you guys in force today.

With high hopes for epic fights

“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu

Actual quote would be closer to “All warfare is based on deception.”

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Neuromancer.2148


That forum is like a burning anuss

1. ZDs came to NA to avoid queue in EU
2. We were 15 at best 20 on EU during our prime with 30-40 in queue including 1-2 RL
3. Core WvW players went to slack due to unreal timers on queues
4. No server but BG approached us prior League and invited us in a respectful manner to join their ranks
5. We did not plan to move before the league starts but the Arena’s Net reality adjusted our plans
6. Core ZDs guild which consists of 300 players is on SFR, only WvW department transferred to BG
7. We came to NA BG for a minmum of 8 weeks
8. We play for fun & for server win
9. We never dodge fights
10. Dear IRON, we don’t have to whisper you for fights nor we will since you are the one map jumping from us whole evening, if you want to fight come and fight in game not on the forums.
11. We are thrilled and looking forward to have fun with BULL which is one of greatest enemies we had before
12. IF you have any bloody questions feel free to ask ingame since we are bit busy fighting rather then pouring gasoline on others kitten s at forums

Dear ZD’s.
We are glad you’re where you are. Very happy for the opportunity to fight you guys. Fought you a few times so far and it was great. We wiped you. You wiped us. It’s all great fun. Unfortunately you guys end your primetime only a short time into ours and I wish that was different since I’d rather fight you guys than the megablobs of T1.
We always run untagged and try to avoid getting randoms to stick on us. Iron fields around 30 people during prime. Around 40 on a good day. We never back down from a fight and will clash no matter the odds. I assure you, we have never tried to get away from you, nor will we ever do that. We play to fight, but for the good of the server we also have to respond to calls for help on different borderlands when help is asked for.
Also, yesterday we had a very low turnout. There was 26 iron on the commander during primetime and that number was down to 12 iron mid/end prime time. I dunno what was up yesterday, but I was not a happy camper

Hope to meet you guys in force today.

With high hopes for epic fights

“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu

Actual quote would be closer to “All warfare is based on deception.”

Ah, thanks for that. I took it from his signature and didn’t bother to cross-check for accuracy.

Apprentice Namer – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Axle.5182


Im not sure where people get these assumptions that SOR has had superior EU numbers from. In the 4-5 weeks iv been here apart from facing SOS,TC and SBI it is BG that has been the most consistently on top Only IRON as an EU guild has the numbers on SOR to make a difference and that’s only one map at a time.

Now even if it was so what would be the problem? as im quite confident in saying JQ and BG dominate other time zones for example from about midnight on there’s a gap in our coverage for a few hours where it’s a two horse race between JQ and BG.

It is not ideal that BG would overestimate SOR’s numbers and desire more and more EU just to counter an imaginary list of SOR EU guilds, you don’t need RK, ZD’s Bull, Coin all guilds that can field good numbers just to counter a 40 man group of IRON and certainly not a 1- 155 man group of AFTL the 2 guilds very rarely even work together on the same map, wouldn’t it have been better if some had of gone to JQ and at least attempted to balance things out?

BG i mean no offence but you guys come across like your are afraid of the monster in the closet that doesn’t exist. the only additional reinforcement SOR has had before the league was two EU Havoc sized teams that don’t individually have the numbers to get noticed much on the maps they play on in comparison to what they face.

[AFTL] Afterlife Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Axle.5182)

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

SoR is just very demoralized from losing last week and from having their 20k lead turn into a 20k deficit. I really hope you guys pick it up like what we saw last week…

Personally, I’m bored. I’m bored of BG, Bored of WvW, and already bored of Leagues. Though to be fair to WvW and Leagues, BG is the single most boring part of it all. Beginning of the week was a karma train rolling over BG. Everyone gets bored and stops logging in. BG logs in and has more presence over a greater part of the maps. SoR do what they always do and consolidate their force. Every encounter with a BG force results in a roflstomp rollover of the BG force. SoR, while loosing PPT, walks across the map with impunity resulting in {pause for effect} a karma train…. the cycle continues ad infinitum.

BG you bore me.

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolbryne.4037


That forum is like a burning anuss

1. ZDs came to NA to avoid queue in EU
2. We were 15 at best 20 on EU during our prime with 30-40 in queue including 1-2 RL
3. Core WvW players went to slack due to unreal timers on queues
4. No server but BG approached us prior League and invited us in a respectful manner to join their ranks
5. We did not plan to move before the league starts but the Arena’s Net reality adjusted our plans
6. Core ZDs guild which consists of 300 players is on SFR, only WvW department transferred to BG
7. We came to NA BG for a minmum of 8 weeks
8. We play for fun & for server win
9. We never dodge fights
10. Dear IRON, we don’t have to whisper you for fights nor we will since you are the one map jumping from us whole evening, if you want to fight come and fight in game not on the forums.
11. We are thrilled and looking forward to have fun with BULL which is one of greatest enemies we had before
12. IF you have any bloody questions feel free to ask ingame since we are bit busy fighting rather then pouring gasoline on others kitten s at forums

Dear ZD’s.
We are glad you’re where you are. Very happy for the opportunity to fight you guys. Fought you a few times so far and it was great. We wiped you. You wiped us. It’s all great fun. Unfortunately you guys end your primetime only a short time into ours and I wish that was different since I’d rather fight you guys than the megablobs of T1.
We always run untagged and try to avoid getting randoms to stick on us. Iron fields around 30 people during prime. Around 40 on a good day. We never back down from a fight and will clash no matter the odds. I assure you, we have never tried to get away from you, nor will we ever do that. We play to fight, but for the good of the server we also have to respond to calls for help on different borderlands when help is asked for.
Also, yesterday we had a very low turnout. There was 26 iron on the commander during primetime and that number was down to 12 iron mid/end prime time. I dunno what was up yesterday, but I was not a happy camper

Hope to meet you guys in force today.

With high hopes for epic fights

“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu



Pret Orian / Pretorían
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cliques.3947


Spies everywhere! BWERP BWERP! Code red I repeat code red!


Chimichunga [Eng] – Salsa Machina [Warrior]
oPP – Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Axle.5182


That is actually the true situation on SOR all week i have been focused on consolidation on a map whilst BG runs rampant capping and holding blood-lust whilst ignoring our keeps and towers and open field fights.

In reality BG have not been interested in our objectives Blood-lust is their priority as they can then pull back to a heavily reinforced objective such as bay or hills and farm gullible people for points. The proof is in the pudding if they are playing the defensive on a map blood-lust is a must and they will send the zerg to disrupt 5-10 man groups who get in the way and force them to go open field and risk their own troops to the same strategy.

[AFTL] Afterlife Sanctum of Rall

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Takauri.1689


[IRON] is probably pretty excited to have another big EU guild to fight, I would imagine.

we would be excited. the problem is that zd’s stop playing only one hour into our primetime so we haven’t been able to fight them much at all. as always we’re stuck with around 30 iron + randoms vs the coin+rk+randoms map zerg. wish they could run those two guilds separate from time to time. Don’t get me wrong, I love the challenge it poses to fight a much bigger force, but having to wait 20 seconds just to switch weapons makes it kinda bad.

We weren’t coordinating with Coin or moving together but sometimes we did end up in the same spot which gave us the numbers advantage but still some excellent fighting. We were running with 20ish RK last night and some randoms and it looked to me like Coin had around the same. We prefer to be outnumbered so very rarely join other forces unless a major defence is required.

There were quite a few times when we were fighting the SOR randoms zerg and while we were getting into it your guild came along and smashed us from behind. Sometimes planned I assume when your help was requested, sometimes just a coincidence but always fun.

Looking forward to more

Radiant Knights – Guild Leader
EU guild on Blackgate

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: magikfox.9658


Spies everywhere! BWERP BWERP! Code red I repeat code red!

Payment secured. Operation cleared for next level phase. Over.

Song The Fox
~(-_-~) RALL (~`3`)~

(edited by magikfox.9658)

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wolbryne.4037


[IRON] is probably pretty excited to have another big EU guild to fight, I would imagine.

we would be excited. the problem is that zd’s stop playing only one hour into our primetime so we haven’t been able to fight them much at all. as always we’re stuck with around 30 iron + randoms vs the coin+rk+randoms map zerg. wish they could run those two guilds separate from time to time. Don’t get me wrong, I love the challenge it poses to fight a much bigger force, but having to wait 20 seconds just to switch weapons makes it kinda bad.

We weren’t coordinating with Coin or moving together but sometimes we did end up in the same spot which gave us the numbers advantage but still some excellent fighting. We were running with 20ish RK last night and some randoms and it looked to me like Coin had around the same. We prefer to be outnumbered so very rarely join other forces unless a major defence is required.

There were quite a few times when we were fighting the SOR randoms zerg and while we were getting into it your guild came along and smashed us from behind. Sometimes planned I assume when your help was requested, sometimes just a coincidence but always fun.

Looking forward to more

like I said before in here today, we had 26 people on when prime time started last night and 12 halfway through. we ended up having to just go to eb and stick to the active commander there since we couldn’t even muster a zerg of our own :/

Pret Orian / Pretorían
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Baronvonhippo.3157


I know this is selfish and impossible to accomplish, but for me its way more important fighting for than ppt.

You’ve always had your own interests in mind Smokee, and as a result, it’s always had at least a little positive influence in balancing your time zone, as well as benefit Blackgate because it kept you playing. Dem was some dark days when you retired. Regarding ZDs, you’re right I think. Where else could they have gone? You’d think JQ at first, but the back-to-back-to-back of MERC —> ATM --> ZDs (not discounting other guilds/players in those time zones by the way .. just trying to keep it simple) would have probably been a bit ridiculous. SoR? ZDs —> IRON --> EST NA. Similar effect I’d would think I don’t know. I’m not saying ZDs will not have a similar effect on BG, only that the overall influence on the outcome might be less impactful than the alternatives.

In the end, perfect balance is a pipe dream. If it ever exists, it would only last a short while I think. Too much can change too quickly and off-prime time coverage balance is too delicate.

My 2 cents anyways. As always, I disclaim my posts with the chance that I’m a total idiot regarding this stuff.

I think what smokee was looking for is more competitive fielding from JQ in that timeslot, and I don’t mean it as a slight to JQ EU but there isn’t any competition from that side, you have IRON, who is a very good fielding guild and fields a large force from SoR, and basically alphabet soup from JQ. again no offense meant towards JQ EU.

There’s one small flaw in your statments, ZD’s start primetime vs no opposition, so they can cap all the keeps across all 3 bdl’s, having the highest impact of all the guilds in t1 and besides BG already has Coin + RK + HB and some handfull of EU time guilds in the field, They have the numbers to fight IRON, and don’t say you don’t cause you have jsut been running hand-in-hand the whole EU time, and when ZD’s prime is almost over, IRON is starting with 25-30 having to fight at least 40+ ZD’s, like yesterday. Those being replaced by the previous said guilds.

And we don’t run from the fights, but we do have to border hop when we are outmanned in 2 maps and ocasionally need to defend.
Anyways, as you are winning, i expect you to be fighting in the open field instead of behind towers, without having to field 2x numbers + siege.

Thank you, see you on the battlefield

Oh how the mighty have fallen IRON whimpering and asking for handicaps, how sad. BG please leave some fight in SOR for when they face JQ again please!

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mance.5640


“Anyways, as you are winning, i expect you to be fighting in the open field instead of behind towers, without having to field 2x numbers + siege.”

I am confused. Is [IRON] fighting [TW] ? I thought you guys were on the same server?

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Elano.2014


“Anyways, as you are winning, i expect you to be fighting in the open field instead of behind towers, without having to field 2x numbers + siege.”

I am confused. Is [IRON] fighting [TW] ? I thought you guys were on the same server?

Did you take care of that mesmer of yours? :O
(Sorry if this seems completely random but I just thought I could ask since it’s the first thing that came across my mind when I see your name.)

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mance.5640


He transferred to SoR he is in FEAR now. =(

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: magikfox.9658


He transferred to SoR he is in FEAR now. =(

lol, how embarrassing was that btw?

Song The Fox
~(-_-~) RALL (~`3`)~

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mance.5640


All too easy young skywalker.

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Botinhas.2018


Amazing how can one twist another’s words, keep it up, forum warriors,

gona grab popcorn

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Vash.9183


He transferred to SoR he is in FEAR now. =(

Oh lol. Just lol.

Funny guy

Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


I know this is selfish and impossible to accomplish, but for me its way more important fighting for than ppt.

You’ve always had your own interests in mind Smokee, and as a result, it’s always had at least a little positive influence in balancing your time zone, as well as benefit Blackgate because it kept you playing. Dem was some dark days when you retired. Regarding ZDs, you’re right I think. Where else could they have gone? You’d think JQ at first, but the back-to-back-to-back of MERC —> ATM --> ZDs (not discounting other guilds/players in those time zones by the way .. just trying to keep it simple) would have probably been a bit ridiculous. SoR? ZDs —> IRON --> EST NA. Similar effect I’d would think I don’t know. I’m not saying ZDs will not have a similar effect on BG, only that the overall influence on the outcome might be less impactful than the alternatives.

In the end, perfect balance is a pipe dream. If it ever exists, it would only last a short while I think. Too much can change too quickly and off-prime time coverage balance is too delicate.

My 2 cents anyways. As always, I disclaim my posts with the chance that I’m a total idiot regarding this stuff.

I think what smokee was looking for is more competitive fielding from JQ in that timeslot, and I don’t mean it as a slight to JQ EU but there isn’t any competition from that side, you have IRON, who is a very good fielding guild and fields a large force from SoR, and basically alphabet soup from JQ. again no offense meant towards JQ EU.

There’s one small flaw in your statments, ZD’s start primetime vs no opposition, so they can cap all the keeps across all 3 bdl’s, having the highest impact of all the guilds in t1 and besides BG already has Coin + RK + HB and some handfull of EU time guilds in the field, They have the numbers to fight IRON, and don’t say you don’t cause you have jsut been running hand-in-hand the whole EU time, and when ZD’s prime is almost over, IRON is starting with 25-30 having to fight at least 40+ ZD’s, like yesterday. Those being replaced by the previous said guilds.

And we don’t run from the fights, but we do have to border hop when we are outmanned in 2 maps and ocasionally need to defend.
Anyways, as you are winning, i expect you to be fighting in the open field instead of behind towers, without having to field 2x numbers + siege.

Thank you, see you on the battlefield

Oh how the mighty have fallen IRON whimpering and asking for handicaps, how sad. BG please leave some fight in SOR for when they face JQ again please!

Spoiler role is gonna be so much fun! The remaining matchup threads will be nothing compared to the tears and accusations that will come forward in week 7 when the 3rd wheel becomes Kingmaker. That thread is gonna be epic as the server that has trash talked the most leading up to that match will find themselves 2v1’ed 24/7,

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mance.5640


The only thing SoR “kingmakers” are getting in week 7 from JQ and BG are buckets to wear around your necks to catch the QQ.

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Big congrats to this weeks winners ZD guild and TC server, I wonder which one of you got paid more gold for the move/ throwing the match LOL,

Alas its good to see a guild on BehindaGate that like to battle open field.

BG the pay to win server LOL.

Hopefully JQ’s easy matchup will allow them to win the Season 1, then all that buying out guilds etc that BG did will be in vain gg, gg.

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


The only thing SoR “kingmakers” are getting in week 7 from JQ and BG are buckets to wear around your necks to catch the QQ.

Heh, JQ for one would raise a huge fit if they get 2v1’ed as they bought guilds specifically to win the golden doly. It would be such a shame for them to miss out on that final week, so close….

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Burl.9567


I personally love the stomp we are getting right now. 7pm central time and no queue on BG BL all the while tri-keeping the map. If getting stomped means having no queue, getting the full guild in a BL and farming the opposing server in their gari, I’ll take that every day of the week.

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Olonnais.4307


Just to clarify, only 2 [BuLL] members have moved to SoR. We’ll check the server (queues, skill lag, opponents) during this week and then we’ll make a decision.
Main reason is that we can’t play in EU because of the queues (3-4 hours) and that can be demotivating as you can understand.
Also, our “prime time” is different from standard EU so it gives us the opportunity to fight american guilds as well and have constant action.

I can say there are big chances for us to transfer since we like it here, but still… Shoepato (our RL) & company will have the final say. Hope we can bring the spanish passion to NA!

See you on the battlefield,

Olomez – The Bullfighters [BuLL]

PS: Special greetings to [ZDs], [Coin] and [IRON]

Olomez – The Bullfighters [BuLL]

(edited by Olonnais.4307)

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Reslinal.2359


Hope you guys decide to come to SoR, the more EU guilds in NA the merrier!

Blackgate Engineer

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


WM did OT and BG was ticking at 400+ PPT during EU pretty much every day. That’s why IRON transferred when they did. It was pretty justified, too. KISS came out of no where, so there’s not much to say about that, but they aren’t a prescense anymore.

I wouldn’t consider transferring to a time zone with no native pop. justified. Also pretty peculiar for people who claim to play for the fights. Point is, IRON didn’t end up fighting Euros when they transferred (or anyone, for that matter. The new BG strat after IRON transferred was to exploit “Hawaiin time”). The match histories don’t lie. Luckily, HB got rezzed soon after.

IRON didn’t transfer to sor to fight EU. They transferred to SoR because we needed the help the most, especially during that timeslot, because WM was causing BG to tick extremely high during EU. They’ve said it themselves when they transfferred here on the forums. SoR needed help the most, that’s why they joined us. It was both a logical and justified decision. IRON was dying in EU(actually the official EU IRON is dead, the ones that transferred was a fraction of the original IRON IIRC), and they wanted to move to NA. SoR offerred the best option for them.

Actually you’re wrong. The reason that we left desolation was because of two big reasons:
we became fed up with the server and it’s people. It was a very toxic enviroment filled to the brim with drama, insults, backstabbing and generally bad conduct. we pretty much carried the server and got nothing but crap thrown back in our faces. We had a community ts set up for everyone to use. they managed to ruin that too and cause drama over. we had an EB branch of iron that saw one of it’s highest officers steal everything we put in to the guild bank and go off create their own guild while spitting insults of the worst kind to wrex. they still send her whispers etc wishing her all the worst and death by different illnesses, like 12yo kids. we got worn out pulling mad hours week after week because the majority of desolations playerbase is 100% pve’ers who almost never went in to wvw. the list goes on. but all in all, we wanted away from there because of the drama, toxic enviroment and the lack of wvw participation.

reason two was Visuna. Iron wants fights. fighting is what we like to do. ppt is and always will be secondary to us. eu tier1 had gone incredibly stale. Visuna had an entire map blob but refused to come out of their keeps… EVER. they siege capped every tower and keep and had their entire force sit on arrowcarts 24/7. It was so boring we started crying blood. we wanted fights, so we left for NA.

The reasoning for picking SOR over any other NA T1 server was very simple and logical. Who had the shortest queues? Who faced the most enemies? Who had the biggest wvw guilds?
sor had no queues
sor faced the most enemies in wvw at any given time
bg had the biggest wvw guilds

so we went to the server where we would have no queues and be able to fight the biggest forces. as simple as that. we transferred to fight, not for ppt. our move was, as should be for any guild, for the good of the guild and it’s members.

So you left desolation to bring all of its problems with you? GG

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.