Guild Leader Of [LOOT]
Yaks Bend Allaince Commander [YBA]
Only if KN and YB merged
But I don’t think CD is T4 any longer. I am actually interested in seeing the outcome of a Mag Vs CD matchup now.
What happened to Yak’s Bend last few days? They are 3rd now in the matchup
You mean what happened to CD?
I think the commitment of foregoing sleep is what happened to CD. lol Most of our crew work days during the week, so we are light, light, light then. Add this to overnights and yeah…lol It was more even when everyone but Kain was asleep and at work! haha….still having fun, though! Thanks for this awesome week guys!
Only if KN and YB merged
But I don’t think CD is T4 any longer. I am actually interested in seeing the outcome of a Mag Vs CD matchup now.
Nah, I think some of CD is still licking its wounds from the last Mag match-up. Those Golem pushes of theirs are painful. I enjoy their fight clubs, but actually WvWing them now that’s a different story. YB & KN can keep Mag to themselves.
Also, we were really psyched up for this match. I mean we missed YB and there was some people on CD that just wanted to beat up KN as I believe they were making claims about how they’d slaughter us a couple weeks back. Oh, and no more absurd SoS Oceanic zergs…
This has been a great week for CD regardless of the outcome. Both Yaks and Kain have been great opponents that we could sponge knowledge off of. This has been closest matchup i’ve been involved in.
For the person wondering, i dont think we could match up with Maguuma if we could’t beat SoS for 10 weeks but i bet one of these weeks we will get to see.
Wow good job cd! Way to grab the bull by the horns. Fights like this are why the new ranking system is a success.
There’s been a lot of people trying hard in CD. The arrival of KWBH did help a bit for morale and the new system/ascended gear helped everyone I would hope. We want to win this matchup, badly. And there’s no more satisfying way to do it than in a close tight fight.
To those unsung heroes that defend the caravan, yay.
Also I had such a good laugh about the 10 golem rush by YB last night. I know you guys must’ve been mad, credit goes to great scouting we had. After that the huge YB zerg just left, which is the goal in defense anyways.
As for Maguuma, great roamers so in that respect I get to have fun because I roam a lot, but overall I don’t care too much for the match up since Maguuma just trolls a bunch and that’s what they are famous for. Kind of sad because they are also the result of some of the best fights but their mouth is by far their biggest weapon.
As for the remainder of the 2 days… We expect YB to push hard before the reset, but we are prepared to defend this lead and win the week.
Good luck to all.
There’s been a lot of people trying hard in CD. The arrival of KWBH did help a bit for morale and the new system/ascended gear helped everyone I would hope. We want to win this matchup, badly. And there’s no more satisfying way to do it than in a close tight fight.
To those unsung heroes that defend the caravan, yay.
Also I had such a good laugh about the 10 golem rush by YB last night. I know you guys must’ve been mad, credit goes to great scouting we had. After that the huge YB zerg just left, which is the goal in defense anyways.
As for Maguuma, great roamers so in that respect I get to have fun because I roam a lot, but overall I don’t care too much for the match up since Maguuma just trolls a bunch and that’s what they are famous for. Kind of sad because they are also the result of some of the best fights but their mouth is by far their biggest weapon
As for the remainder of the 2 days… We expect YB to push hard before the reset, but we are prepared to defend this lead and win the week.
Good luck to all.
if your talking about the same golem rush im thinking of I wasn’t there but heard about it.. I think we had them built and were planning the push when the build hit.. not everyone was back when the push was actually made after..
if your talking about the same golem rush im thinking of I wasn’t there but heard about it.. I think we had them built and were planning the push when the build hit.. not everyone was back when the push was actually made after..
Could be, it was last night. There were 10 golems and 3 portals were dropped, for some unknown reason the portals were dropped away from the gate, we managed to get 9 down before they went the 10 feet to the gate, one was able to hit the gate once.
We knew you had a big zerg there, but no one came with the golems (just a few players). So it was lots of “wtf” and “lol” on our part.
Who would have ever thought that moving CD (rank 11) against higher ranked opponents Kaineng (rank and Yak’s Bend (rank 9) would result in CD pulling ahead in the last day.
This is why I love CD…The greatest small server in this game with the best ppl…Apparently our commanders have come out strong in the last 14 hours and brought us this surge towards victory!!!
I just want to say congratz to my brothers and sisters from CD and praise our commanders and WvWers who are the most tenacious of any PvP game I have ever played in the last 17 years/ GO CD GO !!!
You’re right, KN is rank cool.
This one
And a few seconds later…
if your talking about the same golem rush im thinking of I wasn’t there but heard about it.. I think we had them built and were planning the push when the build hit.. not everyone was back when the push was actually made after..
Could be, it was last night. There were 10 golems and 3 portals were dropped, for some unknown reason the portals were dropped away from the gate, we managed to get 9 down before they went the 10 feet to the gate, one was able to hit the gate once.
We knew you had a big zerg there, but no one came with the golems (just a few players). So it was lots of “wtf” and “lol” on our part.
yeah my bet is a few people jumped the gun and pushed without the zerg with them.. ohhwell haha.. bet that was fun..
What a difference five months makes.
We had this same matchup back when the server transfers were made paid. This was the score:
And then here we are:
Magnificent rally, CDers.
As for Maguuma, great roamers so in that respect I get to have fun because I roam a lot, but overall I don’t care too much for the match up since Maguuma just trolls a bunch and that’s what they are famous for. Kind of sad because they are also the result of some of the best fights but their mouth is by far their biggest weapon
Nah we’re sweeties. Just gotta spend a few months with us.
Not rank too cool for school?
This one
Yeah, that one. We had built all the golems but then the new build hit and when we came back they were gone, so had to build more. Not everyone came back when that happened. I think we would have been ok, but our little zerg (if zerg it was….was only about 15-20 people, not counting golems) would not let their sights off of the golems. A couple of CD came to take the SE camp and that was when you saw us. Few stragglers jumped into the water and well…yeah, all that red would not be hard to see. haha.
I do not know what happened with the portals. I think the mes’s were just trying to hurry and do the best they could (and maybe forgot how far AC’s can go now). I just know they portaled before the others made it up there (when I got there all the golems were gone) and yeah….rest is just sad. I know we were laughing also. Isn’t often we try stuff like that and even less often it fails so epic’ly. lol
We left to defend home after that and then played with Kain.
I am so proud of CD! And thank you everyone who “called out” of work today for our “NA business hours” raiding. EBG was on queue all day and that hasn’t happened in a long time!
All our commanders are doing awesome and I love you all. Oh and Jacked, and the other commanders that were there, thank you for staying in CDBL all day long and getting everything fortified. It’s not always the most exciting position being defensive for 12 hours straight!
Spotted your golems today YB in the hole under hills
noticed you left quickly :P
this week me and my guildmates from [HAX] always try to paint the southern part of enemy borderland red during SEA time.
Good fights in YBBL tonight. I wasn’t there when we lost garrison unfortunately. But we did kill quite a bit of CD while retaking everything.
Good fights in YBBL tonight. I wasn’t there when we lost garrison unfortunately. But we did kill quite a bit of CD
while retaking everything.
I can only say the same..BACK at you!
I don’t often come to the forums but I’ve really got to give props out to the many late (and even sleepless) nights this week on CD’s behalf. I think once people started to realize we had a chance to win this match-up, we all rallied and began to get some momentum going.
An equal amount of props to Kaineng and Yak’s Bend who have made for one of the most fun weeks of WvW I’ve played in quite some time.
What’s up, Yak?
Its the little engineer asura ive been killing for the last several hours. Your the one that keeps coming to the gate (Tagging it) to stop us from using the wp. I got some good video of me killing you……..all them bags. Hope to see more of you before server change (Could always use the extra loot).
(Pro) P/D Thief Kwangtungtiger
(edited by Shadowskill.9852)
What’s up, Yak?
Its the little engineer asura ive been killing for the last several hours. Your the one that keeps coming to the gate (Tagging it) to stop us from using the wp. I got some good video of me killing you……..all them bags. Hope to see more of you before server change (Could always use the extra loot).
(Pro) P/D Thief Kwangtungtiger
That’s me! I see [Pro] upgraded to a four thief squad. The two of you yesterday got sick of getting toasted?
I’m sure your thief gank squad videos are entertaining and all, but… keep contested; doesn’t matter!
P.S. enjoy the loots <3
(edited by Recursivision.2367)
What a difference five months makes.
We had this same matchup back when the server transfers were made paid. This was the score:
And then here we are:
Magnificent rally, CDers.
And then people got bored being green in T2 and jumped ship. So here we are
Haven’t done much WvW this week but gj to CD. I’ll miss Kaineng we had some fun over the past 6 months!
What’s up, Yak?
Its the little engineer asura ive been killing for the last several hours. Your the one that keeps coming to the gate (Tagging it) to stop us from using the wp. I got some good video of me killing you……..all them bags. Hope to see more of you before server change (Could always use the extra loot).
(Pro) P/D Thief Kwangtungtiger
That’s me! I see [Pro] upgraded to a four thief squad. The two of you yesterday got sick of getting toasted?
I’m sure your thief gank squad videos are entertaining and all, but… keep contested; doesn’t matter!
P.S. enjoy the loots <3
LOL……im talking about me and you SOLO. Not the gank squad. Anyway, your the one that keeps walking right up to us as if you have a death wish. Hey, more bags the better right? If you want some more solo stomping come hit me up latter. Gonna see if i can hit next months WvW kills off you alone. Peace
I don’t think it counts solo in the middle of guards and cannon fire but, then again, I don’t recall you travelling without your pack.
Epic SMC siege at 4am est Crystal Desert! You guys are awesome
I don’t think it counts solo in the middle of guards and cannon fire but, then again, I don’t recall you travelling without your pack.
Epic SMC siege at 4am est Crystal Desert! You guys are awesome
Dude….stop trying to look cool. There were NO guards in the tunnel when i stomped you TWICE. After that whenever you saw me near the tunnel you just ran off. If you think that you can solo me then bring it (just more video footage and bags for me).
Once im done with the video i’ll send you the video so you can re-live all those great moments again. Hope to see you later…………hmmmmmmmmm, more bags.
P.S. Guards dont roam the tunnels and cannons cant hit inside…….try again.
(edited by Shadowskill.9852)
I can only comment from my limited view of the battlefield during NA primetime but CD seems far more organised & numerous than the last time we (YB) met. There seemed to be CD scouts everywhere & I don’t thing I came across a single CD tower that didn’t have at least one defender, usually manning an AC. Borderland defence is key to winning these matches & from my view CD easily had the best defence of the three servers.
I can only comment from my limited view of the battlefield during NA primetime but CD seems far more organised & numerous than the last time we (YB) met. There seemed to be CD scouts everywhere & I don’t thing I came across a single CD tower that didn’t have at least one defender, usually manning an AC. Borderland defence is key to winning these matches & from my view CD easily had the best defence of the three servers.
Yup, we’ve been working on that quite a bit as a server and when you discover that actively defending can actually get you a bunch of loot, badges, & wXP it can be entertaining.
It’s thanks to magumma and SOS that we developed this new bunkering European soccer style tactic. We were swarmed by mag During NA period and SOS during oceanic/SEA for the past few months that we have no choice but learn to defend and to strike only when the opportunity strikes. Their Zerg can take down any fully fortified towers within mins using all superior seige, and the only way to counter them is to post sentries.
It’s thanks to magumma and SOS that we developed this new bunkering European soccer style tactic. We were swarmed by mag During NA period and SOS during oceanic/SEA for the past few months that we have no choice but learn to defend and to strike only when the opportunity strikes. Their Zerg can take down any fully fortified towers within mins using all superior seige, and the only way to counter them is to post sentries.
Your guild tag looks familiar, do you happen to be the little blonde haired female asura? Only ask because I had some great duels with you if so.
Good fights this week. But, I just have to ask… Did CD’s WvW population double since last Friday? Over the last day or two it seems like CD is everywhere.
I don’t think it counts solo in the middle of guards and cannon fire but, then again, I don’t recall you travelling without your pack.
Epic SMC siege at 4am est Crystal Desert! You guys are awesome
Dude….stop trying to look cool. There were NO guards in the tunnel when i stomped you TWICE. After that whenever you saw me near the tunnel you just ran off. If you think that you can solo me then bring it (just more video footage and bags for me).
Once im done with the video i’ll send you the video so you can re-live all those great moments again. Hope to see you later…………hmmmmmmmmm, more bags.
P.S. Guards dont roam the tunnels and cannons cant hit inside…….try again.
Calm down man, I’m just playing with ya
You [Pro]’s are so quick to fly off the handle!
Good fights this week. But, I just have to ask… Did CD’s WvW population double since last Friday? Over the last day or two it seems like CD is everywhere.
Nah, no new guilds. You’re just imagining things.
Good fights this week. But, I just have to ask… Did CD’s WvW population double since last Friday? Over the last day or two it seems like CD is everywhere.
I think we have had renewed interest from casual players this week. Plus a bit of just new enthusiasm for WvW. Lots were bored with the stale match-ups of the old system. We have had some short ques this week on both the Eternal and home BLs. We all have been camping the scores from work waiting to get home to log and play! I’d also like to say we have had so much fun this week with YB and KN. There have been some truly awesome fights.
(edited by hmsgoddess.3869)
Good fights these past few days, CD holding SMC while we raided KN and YB was too crazy.
I give my kudos to Daeronz, His dedication really moved a bunch on our server.
I don’t think it counts solo in the middle of guards and cannon fire but, then again, I don’t recall you travelling without your pack.
Epic SMC siege at 4am est Crystal Desert! You guys are awesome
Dude….stop trying to look cool. There were NO guards in the tunnel when i stomped you TWICE. After that whenever you saw me near the tunnel you just ran off. If you think that you can solo me then bring it (just more video footage and bags for me).
Once im done with the video i’ll send you the video so you can re-live all those great moments again. Hope to see you later…………hmmmmmmmmm, more bags.
P.S. Guards dont roam the tunnels and cannons cant hit inside…….try again.
Calm down man, I’m just playing with ya
You [Pro]’s are so quick to fly off the handle!
Talk crap and now trying to look like the good guy. Just made another video of you getting stomped the first time i saw you this morning. Then the 10 min video of you running around hiding behind walls just trying your hardest to tag that wall.
I can almost admire your dedication to just tagging walls all day. Just not you talking crap about (Pro) needing a hit squad to take down. I easily do that myself.
Anyway, good job to all of Crystal Desert and the great battles you allowed me to have along the way. Hope to see ya’ll in the near future.
Kaineng, you will also be missed. Ive had some good times roaming against your guys/girls and you will definitely missed also.
Best of luck to all of you on server change.
Kwangtungtiger (Pro) P/D Thief
I don’t think it counts solo in the middle of guards and cannon fire but, then again, I don’t recall you travelling without your pack.
Epic SMC siege at 4am est Crystal Desert! You guys are awesome
Dude….stop trying to look cool. There were NO guards in the tunnel when i stomped you TWICE. After that whenever you saw me near the tunnel you just ran off. If you think that you can solo me then bring it (just more video footage and bags for me).
Once im done with the video i’ll send you the video so you can re-live all those great moments again. Hope to see you later…………hmmmmmmmmm, more bags.
P.S. Guards dont roam the tunnels and cannons cant hit inside…….try again.
Calm down man, I’m just playing with ya
You [Pro]’s are so quick to fly off the handle!
Talk crap and now trying to look like the good guy. Just made another video of you getting stomped the first time i saw you this morning. Then the 10 min video of you running around hiding behind walls just trying your hardest to tag that wall.
I can almost admire your dedication to just tagging walls all day. Just not you talking crap about (Pro) needing a hit squad to take down. I easily do that myself.
Anyway, good job to all of Crystal Desert and the great battles you allowed me to have along the way. Hope to see ya’ll in the near future.
Kaineng, you will also be missed. Ive had some good times roaming against your guys/girls and you will definitely missed also.
Best of luck to all of you on server change.
Kwangtungtiger (Pro) P/D Thief
lol, I dunno why you take it so personally! So serious.
Were you really waiting in that tunnel for me all morning before I logged on? And then you stealth and run back into your keep every time your elites on cooldown? Post that video please. You running back to your keep 20 times to reset the fight while you wait for your elite to come up again, until I got trampled by your zerg. You were doing better with thieves guild, btw. Dagger storm’s a death trap.
I wanna thank [TS] for the challenge yesterday though! You guys were pretty good at managing to patrol my routes. Definitely challenged me to learn the land so I could avoid your squad. Pretty cool guys to boot.
Should be exciting to see what the new match ups will be!
I don’t think it counts solo in the middle of guards and cannon fire but, then again, I don’t recall you travelling without your pack.
Epic SMC siege at 4am est Crystal Desert! You guys are awesome
Dude….stop trying to look cool. There were NO guards in the tunnel when i stomped you TWICE. After that whenever you saw me near the tunnel you just ran off. If you think that you can solo me then bring it (just more video footage and bags for me).
Once im done with the video i’ll send you the video so you can re-live all those great moments again. Hope to see you later…………hmmmmmmmmm, more bags.
P.S. Guards dont roam the tunnels and cannons cant hit inside…….try again.
Calm down man, I’m just playing with ya
You [Pro]’s are so quick to fly off the handle!
Talk crap and now trying to look like the good guy. Just made another video of you getting stomped the first time i saw you this morning. Then the 10 min video of you running around hiding behind walls just trying your hardest to tag that wall.
I can almost admire your dedication to just tagging walls all day. Just not you talking crap about (Pro) needing a hit squad to take down. I easily do that myself.
Anyway, good job to all of Crystal Desert and the great battles you allowed me to have along the way. Hope to see ya’ll in the near future.
Kaineng, you will also be missed. Ive had some good times roaming against your guys/girls and you will definitely missed also.
Best of luck to all of you on server change.
Kwangtungtiger (Pro) P/D Thief
lol, I dunno why you take it so personally! So serious.
Were you really waiting in that tunnel for me all morning before I logged on? And then you stealth and run back into your keep every time your elites on cooldown? Post that video please. You running back to your keep 20 times to reset the fight while you wait for your elite to come up again, until I got trampled by your zerg. You were doing better with thieves guild, btw. Dagger storm’s a death trap.
I wanna thank [TS] for the challenge yesterday though! You guys were pretty good at managing to patrol my routes. Definitely challenged me to learn the land so I could avoid your squad. Pretty cool guys to boot.
Should be exciting to see what the new match ups will be!
You refused to duel…… i just waited for you to come back and play. NEVER did i ever go back in the keep to reset my elite.
10 minutes after i got on, saw you about to enter the tunnel then proceeded to stomped you.
Best way to settle this is set a time and ill meet you (before server reset) so we can have a good clean duel, no running, no hiding just a nice duel between you and me…
I don’t think it counts solo in the middle of guards and cannon fire but, then again, I don’t recall you travelling without your pack.
Epic SMC siege at 4am est Crystal Desert! You guys are awesome
Dude….stop trying to look cool. There were NO guards in the tunnel when i stomped you TWICE. After that whenever you saw me near the tunnel you just ran off. If you think that you can solo me then bring it (just more video footage and bags for me).
Once im done with the video i’ll send you the video so you can re-live all those great moments again. Hope to see you later…………hmmmmmmmmm, more bags.
P.S. Guards dont roam the tunnels and cannons cant hit inside…….try again.
Calm down man, I’m just playing with ya
You [Pro]’s are so quick to fly off the handle!
Talk crap and now trying to look like the good guy. Just made another video of you getting stomped the first time i saw you this morning. Then the 10 min video of you running around hiding behind walls just trying your hardest to tag that wall.
I can almost admire your dedication to just tagging walls all day. Just not you talking crap about (Pro) needing a hit squad to take down. I easily do that myself.
Anyway, good job to all of Crystal Desert and the great battles you allowed me to have along the way. Hope to see ya’ll in the near future.
Kaineng, you will also be missed. Ive had some good times roaming against your guys/girls and you will definitely missed also.
Best of luck to all of you on server change.
Kwangtungtiger (Pro) P/D Thief
lol, I dunno why you take it so personally! So serious.
Were you really waiting in that tunnel for me all morning before I logged on? And then you stealth and run back into your keep every time your elites on cooldown? Post that video please. You running back to your keep 20 times to reset the fight while you wait for your elite to come up again, until I got trampled by your zerg. You were doing better with thieves guild, btw. Dagger storm’s a death trap.
I wanna thank [TS] for the challenge yesterday though! You guys were pretty good at managing to patrol my routes. Definitely challenged me to learn the land so I could avoid your squad. Pretty cool guys to boot.
Should be exciting to see what the new match ups will be!
You refused to duel…… i just waited for you to come back and play. NEVER did i ever go back in the keep to reset my elite.
10 minutes after i got on, saw you about to enter the tunnel then proceeded to stomped you.
Best way to settle this is set a time and ill meet you (before server reset) so we can have a good clean duel, no running, no hiding just a nice duel between you and me…
What do you mean I refused to duel? I was sitting in your keep for half an hour. You’d come in pop your thieves, then run back to your guards when below 30%… rinse, repeat. That’s all I was trying to do.
(edited by Recursivision.2367)
I don’t think it counts solo in the middle of guards and cannon fire but, then again, I don’t recall you travelling without your pack.
Epic SMC siege at 4am est Crystal Desert! You guys are awesome
Dude….stop trying to look cool. There were NO guards in the tunnel when i stomped you TWICE. After that whenever you saw me near the tunnel you just ran off. If you think that you can solo me then bring it (just more video footage and bags for me).
Once im done with the video i’ll send you the video so you can re-live all those great moments again. Hope to see you later…………hmmmmmmmmm, more bags.
P.S. Guards dont roam the tunnels and cannons cant hit inside…….try again.
Calm down man, I’m just playing with ya
You [Pro]’s are so quick to fly off the handle!
Talk crap and now trying to look like the good guy. Just made another video of you getting stomped the first time i saw you this morning. Then the 10 min video of you running around hiding behind walls just trying your hardest to tag that wall.
I can almost admire your dedication to just tagging walls all day. Just not you talking crap about (Pro) needing a hit squad to take down. I easily do that myself.
Anyway, good job to all of Crystal Desert and the great battles you allowed me to have along the way. Hope to see ya’ll in the near future.
Kaineng, you will also be missed. Ive had some good times roaming against your guys/girls and you will definitely missed also.
Best of luck to all of you on server change.
Kwangtungtiger (Pro) P/D Thief
lol, I dunno why you take it so personally! So serious.
Were you really waiting in that tunnel for me all morning before I logged on? And then you stealth and run back into your keep every time your elites on cooldown? Post that video please. You running back to your keep 20 times to reset the fight while you wait for your elite to come up again, until I got trampled by your zerg. You were doing better with thieves guild, btw. Dagger storm’s a death trap.
I wanna thank [TS] for the challenge yesterday though! You guys were pretty good at managing to patrol my routes. Definitely challenged me to learn the land so I could avoid your squad. Pretty cool guys to boot.
Should be exciting to see what the new match ups will be!
You refused to duel…… i just waited for you to come back and play. NEVER did i ever go back in the keep to reset my elite.
10 minutes after i got on, saw you about to enter the tunnel then proceeded to stomped you.
Best way to settle this is set a time and ill meet you (before server reset) so we can have a good clean duel, no running, no hiding just a nice duel between you and me…
What do you mean I refused to duel? I was sitting in your keep for half an hour. You’d come in pop your thieves, then run back to your guards when below 30%… rinse, repeat. That’s all I was trying to do.
LOL….scrub please. You hid in the kitten cata the entire time. NOT waiting to duel. Im on right now…..Come on over and give me some more loot.
I’ll record from start to end and post the video here right away….deal?
I think you two officially derailed this match thread. Kudos! /slowclap
Suddenly, flashbacks to a 6th grade basketball court.
Sorry, guys v__v
How ’bout… that SMC?
yeah, sorry. Never really meant to derail the thread. I’ll go sit in my time out chair
But technically its still a matchup of Crystal vs Yaks…..just on a really small scale.
Anyway, thats enough from me.
handle it like grown ups – meet up in real life, unzip and see who’s is larger.
handle it like grown ups – meet up in real life, unzip and see who’s is larger.
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