6/14 BP/SBI/AR

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: skeet.1390


To reiterate.


Waiting for the “I have a better job and make more money than you” statements.

Zoe Whiplash

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


Where’s that guy that said we couldn’t cap any of AR’s keeps? Well Kalkz and I thought otherwise.

that guy is currently at work… like most of the rest of our server… Guess you guys proved that you have a lot more unemployed people than AR does… You win in game, we win in life =P

WTF you expect us to work 24 hour shifts or something. 5am to 2pm should be enough already. Maybe that doesn’t count for you, but just because we are on now doesn’t mean we don’t have jobs. Guess any excuse will work when you are that far behind.

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


Where’s that guy that said we couldn’t cap any of AR’s keeps? Well Kalkz and I thought otherwise.

that guy is currently at work… like most of the rest of our server… Guess you guys proved that you have a lot more unemployed people than AR does… You win in game, we win in life =P
Also you guys failed miserably to take any keeps last night when we actually had coverage… You must feel a great scene of accomplishment rolling our map when there is a total of 5 players on it.

You guys had a good number of people in Eternal and in BP BL camping our south tower so don’t use the numbers excuse.

Also, last I checked, not everyone lives in your timezone, so we win in logic.

You guys did not have 5 people, I saw 15+ ALS and pugs defending against our 20.

Can kodiack be the only one that talks on the forums from ALS? You’re embarrassing your guild.

Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


They seem to be doing fine without me trolling up the thread, that and posting from my phone is annoying. I might tag myself in once I get to a PC.

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

I liked the IoJ/AR/SBI match-up thread much better than this one. T’was a lot classier. No one really cares why any of you think you’re better than anyone else, we just want to punch each other a lot, laugh, and have a good time.

I personally think ALS is a pretty cool guild, so I don’t think any of the hate is warranted. I was hanging out on the AR BL the other night solo roaming, and there was an ALS dude at every camp. I dueled something like 12 different dudes, joined their group(s), chatted it up for awhile, gave some people some hints, talked about our servers, and left after a few hours. That sort of banter is what I really love about WvW, and it’d be cool to see more of it here too.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Where’s that guy that said we couldn’t cap any of AR’s keeps? Well Kalkz and I thought otherwise.

muthatruker. I thought you rolled our map got me all excited. 1 keep during NA off hours. Kalk’s your slacking. speaking of Kalks. I’m pretty sure if your going to day cap us, it doesn’t count unless Kalks posts screenies of his golem…. again .. slacker. Instead we get the B team trolls, zara… not even worth a capital Z.

  • three snaps… in Z formation!*

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


I’m the best commander across all three servers, you’re all bad. /thread

Truer words have never been said.

Zara go back to Ebay… and take the B-team trolls with you.


6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


AR play for first? Best joke I’ve heard all day

Strong words coming from the server who is incapable of taking anything major on our bl and is scared kittenless of us in the open field… Go back to SBI bl while they are not playing to make yourself feel better about you points.

LOL, We fought SBI for hours on even numbers until they gave up on us and went to EB to take all of your stuff. And scared in the open field lol? You must be joking right? Thats what you guys do hide in towers until you out number our attacking force by 3 to 1.

I don’t think its possible to fit that many in a tower, just saying. So I call BS.

If you look closely AR has there back turn running into tower on even numbers…

If you look closely.. your about to get flanked. …


6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


In the open field, AR has better movement, with far fewer numbers and are just overall a better server to face. BP blobs and now that they increased their numbers to win coverage wars, people want to chest thump thinking its something great. They won the points battle and they get………wait for it………nothing! Have you’re points Blob Pass, but when you face any server that has the same numbers, you will get rolled.

Depends on the map and the group you are facing. Deltona’s squad can win facing a much larger force in the open most of the time. I haven’t seen anything like that group on either AR or SBI (doesn’t mean it isn’t there just haven’t seen in). EBay (Rekz, GF, GH) forged several of our better groups into really lean stacking machines. If you haven’t seen it yet, probably means you haven’t been in the BLs around NA Prime because they have been running up the points on BL maps. AR had to queue their map last night to defend against that squad in Bay losing SM in the process.

I would argue BPs weakness is actually defense. We rarely siege up any structure, hardly anyone refreshes siege when it is built, few do escorts or guard, REALLY poor supply management (keeping the newbs from squandering keep supply is common) and we frequently let upgraded keeps fall without a fight. SBI on the other hand does a good job keeping supply and keeps guarded. Rarely do I take an SBI camp or keep and someone (or lots of someones) show up to defend it.

You know, when our two most recent opponents that have faced both BP and AR are saying the same thing. You might want to figure that there is something to what they are saying.

Are they saying that all of BP is bad? no, but 9 times of out 10 when they run into you guys on the field it leaves the impression that BP is just one blobby mess.

BPs greatest weakness is that they try to solve everything by throwing numbers at the problem. Not enough people on the TS server, get moar folks on !. That cute WFD 15 man that everyone loved, not good enough to roll zergs, turn it into a 40 man zerg, not good enough yet, get moar zergy.

I mean . we love ya, we really do.. but don’t come here and make it sound like you have no issues. You guys used to be great at having folks defending…. now they get told to join the zerg. meh..


6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


someone tell Kodiack to stop posting…

effin spammer.


6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Stop posting !!!

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: nothing.7941


someone tell Kodiack to stop posting…

effin spammer.

quit posting K man

Martin Firestorm, Borlis Pass
Gaile Gray wrote:
Oh wait, read Martin Firestorm, he says it better…

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


Where’s that guy that said we couldn’t cap any of AR’s keeps? Well Kalkz and I thought otherwise.

muthatruker. I thought you rolled our map got me all excited. 1 keep during NA off hours. Kalk’s your slacking. speaking of Kalks. I’m pretty sure if your going to day cap us, it doesn’t count unless Kalks posts screenies of his golem…. again .. slacker. Instead we get the B team trolls, zara… not even worth a capital Z.

  • three snaps… in Z formation!*

Kalkz got perma banned from forums.. Someone has to take over.. right?

Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


You know whoever that was outside of Umber just now that was pretty cheap. I watch as you cap umber from sbi, even run off an sbi for you. Then when you come at me I salute you and wait. What did you do, attack.

Now I’m going to take that camp, or help sbi do it.


(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Also you guys failed miserably to take any keeps last night when we actually had coverage… You must feel a great scene of accomplishment rolling our map when there is a total of 5 players on it.

I don’t want to take away from either side during that battle because I think that lessons both sides accomplishments. AR fought valiantly to defend Bay but BP did come incredibly close to capping a fully upgraded and supplied keep on a capped map where the defender has more numbers.

Also worth mentioning is that defense did save keeps but lost a castle in the process. Had SBI focused AR map during that time it is likely AR hills or AR garrison would have fallen. Again lots of good fighting and both sides deserve and atta-boy IMO.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: thel.5423


AR & BP,

Please learn how to forum warrior and troll properly. This thread is incredibly dull and no fun to read.

Do your homework and learn from the masters, BrandWagon and Magummibears: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/matchups/6-14-DB-Mag-FA/page/7


Bored SBIer at work.

Thel – SBI – [AB/iDB]

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Straegen.2938


You know, when our two most recent opponents that have faced both BP and AR are saying the same thing. You might want to figure that there is something to what they are saying.

Consider what you are saying: 90% of BP is a mess and that mess is beating both AR and SBI. Either a server is fighting well against a good opponent or getting hammered by an unorganized mess making said server ineffective. I simply don’t believe AR or SBI to be any less effective or more organized than BP hence the score being so close.

Since the lower tiers are more PUG than organized guilds, everyone around here is messy some of the time. We all have zergs running on our servers in this tier at different times of the day, we all have skilled skirmishers and we all have to fight out manned frequently.

There is no dishonor in admitting an opponent is worthy… there is dishonor in the opposite.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Also you guys failed miserably to take any keeps last night when we actually had coverage… You must feel a great scene of accomplishment rolling our map when there is a total of 5 players on it.

I don’t want to take away from either side during that battle because I think that lessons both sides accomplishments. AR fought valiantly to defend Bay but BP did come incredibly close to capping a fully upgraded and supplied keep on a capped map where the defender has more numbers.

Also worth mentioning is that defense did save keeps but lost a castle in the process. Had SBI focused AR map during that time it is likely AR hills or AR garrison would have fallen. Again lots of good fighting and both sides deserve and atta-boy IMO.

Your the second one to say that AR had the map Qd. We didn’t.

[CRIT] was running homeland defense with about 12-15. I joined with my tag up from SBI with another 10-12. We were cleaning up the map when the attack on Bay started.

You had us outnumbered

Everyone on the map about 30-40 ran to Bay, I threw down lots of defensive siege inside inner to hold out. You busted in thru north and setup your trebs.

You had us outnumbered

about 10 -13 of us went to Garry and ran a suicide run @ your trebs, we failed.

You had us outnumbered

We tried again when we put up a counter treb behind your trebs, it failed.

You had us outnumbered

we fell back to inner bay as the walls were close to falling, I put out a general call for [ALS] to come defend, they showed up, no Q.

You had us outnumbered

Walls down, we held you off with ACs, on your 2nd or 3rd push we maned to wipe you guys. With enough [ALS] on the map , our 2nd commander tagged up and pushed out to clear your trebs. I ran some pugs north to recap and run supply to Bay.

You had us outnumbered

Our 2nd commander sweeped bay and pushed you out for the first time, I ran 25 guys to sweep our north and Eastside of the map . You pushed back into bay for the 2nd time while we had split up.

You had us outnumbered

I swept in from the south with my 25 while you had two groups in Bay, one large group in the water and another @ south gate. our 2nd commander, Smuurr, was dug into inner awaiting our arrival. We clashed @ south and cleared your pugs from the gate and my group manged to close the gate while Smuurr cleaned out both the pugs and then the larger group that came from the water.

You had us outnumbered

I again took 12-15 with me north and east to defend hills north gate, while Smuurr held off your main force inside Bay. I believe he cleared you out for the 2nd time and you pushed back in again from the northgate and setup trebs on our NE wall.

You had us outnumbered

It wasn’t until the 3rd time you busted into Bay that our 3rd commander from EB, 40 oz came to ARBL with his forces…. ARBL still not Qd, maybe after he showed up was it Qd.

It wasn’t until 40 showed up that our forces were equal in size that we could afford to push you hard enough to secure bay, secure Garry from 2 golem rushes ( one bailed before it got started cuz I spotted it in the south).

It was a fun night for everyone , but please stop making it sound like you had to overcome our massive numbers.


6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


Also you guys failed miserably to take any keeps last night when we actually had coverage… You must feel a great scene of accomplishment rolling our map when there is a total of 5 players on it.

I don’t want to take away from either side during that battle because I think that lessons both sides accomplishments. AR fought valiantly to defend Bay but BP did come incredibly close to capping a fully upgraded and supplied keep on a capped map where the defender has more numbers.

Also worth mentioning is that defense did save keeps but lost a castle in the process. Had SBI focused AR map during that time it is likely AR hills or AR garrison would have fallen. Again lots of good fighting and both sides deserve and atta-boy IMO.

Your the second one to say that AR had the map Qd. We didn’t.

[CRIT] was running homeland defense with about 12-15. I joined with my tag up from SBI with another 10-12. We were cleaning up the map when the attack on Bay started.

You had us outnumbered

Everyone on the map about 30-40 ran to Bay, I threw down lots of defensive siege inside inner to hold out. You busted in thru north and setup your trebs.

You had us outnumbered

about 10 -13 of us went to Garry and ran a suicide run @ your trebs, we failed.

You had us outnumbered

We tried again when we put up a counter treb behind your trebs, it failed.

You had us outnumbered

we fell back to inner bay as the walls were close to falling, I put out a general call for [ALS] to come defend, they showed up, no Q.

You had us outnumbered

Walls down, we held you off with ACs, on your 2nd or 3rd push we maned to wipe you guys. With enough [ALS] on the map , our 2nd commander tagged up and pushed out to clear your trebs. I ran some pugs north to recap and run supply to Bay.

You had us outnumbered

Our 2nd commander sweeped bay and pushed you out for the first time, I ran 25 guys to sweep our north and Eastside of the map . You pushed back into bay for the 2nd time while we had split up.

You had us outnumbered

I swept in from the south with my 25 while you had two groups in Bay, one large group in the water and another @ south gate. our 2nd commander, Smuurr, was dug into inner awaiting our arrival. We clashed @ south and cleared your pugs from the gate and my group manged to close the gate while Smuurr cleaned out both the pugs and then the larger group that came from the water.

You had us outnumbered

I again took 12-15 with me north and east to defend hills north gate, while Smuurr held off your main force inside Bay. I believe he cleared you out for the 2nd time and you pushed back in again from the northgate and setup trebs on our NE wall.

You had us outnumbered

It wasn’t until the 3rd time you busted into Bay that our 3rd commander from EB, 40 oz came to ARBL with his forces…. ARBL still not Qd, maybe after he showed up was it Qd.

It wasn’t until 40 showed up that our forces were equal in size that we could afford to push you hard enough to secure bay, secure Garry from 2 golem rushes ( one bailed before it got started cuz I spotted it in the south).

It was a fun night for everyone , but please stop making it sound like you had to overcome our massive numbers.

Please quote where in the post you replied to said you guys had a Q. Simply that you had more numbers. You know what would set that guy straight, kitten of it with you guys have the outmanned buff. That would sure prove your side. Should I hold my breath?

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


You know, when our two most recent opponents that have faced both BP and AR are saying the same thing. You might want to figure that there is something to what they are saying.

Consider what you are saying: 90% of BP is a mess and that mess is beating both AR and SBI. Either a server is fighting well against a good opponent or getting hammered by an unorganized mess making said server ineffective. I simply don’t believe AR or SBI to be any less effective or more organized than BP hence the score being so close.

Since the lower tiers are more PUG than organized guilds, everyone around here is messy some of the time. We all have zergs running on our servers in this tier at different times of the day, we all have skilled skirmishers and we all have to fight out manned frequently.

There is no dishonor in admitting an opponent is worthy… there is dishonor in the opposite.

wow. some things never change. that’s a long winded way of using the tired ol BP line, “we’re not bigger than you, we’re just better”

Guess what. 90% of your success comes form fielding a larger force than your opponent. That holds true for every server in every tier. Yet somehow, magically, this does not apply to BP. And that’s your main problem. Every BP troll that has graced this forums has come across and a clueless nub that can’t admit that they win because they have more …. 8 months or so later BP still thinks it wins due to skill.


6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Fxncy.2398


AR play for first? Best joke I’ve heard all day

Strong words coming from the server who is incapable of taking anything major on our bl and is scared kittenless of us in the open field… Go back to SBI bl while they are not playing to make yourself feel better about you points.

LOL, We fought SBI for hours on even numbers until they gave up on us and went to EB to take all of your stuff. And scared in the open field lol? You must be joking right? Thats what you guys do hide in towers until you out number our attacking force by 3 to 1.

I don’t think its possible to fit that many in a tower, just saying. So I call BS.

If you look closely AR has there back turn running into tower on even numbers…

If you look closely.. your about to get flanked. …

[Crit] only runs from a fight if we are severely outnumbered. Last night we had a 20 group of Crit in BPBL just messing around and we lined up in front of your SW tower (This is our way of asking for a fight).. everyone in the tower just sat there :c They were a lot of pugs though so it is understandable.

Also shout out to the following guilds that are very fun to play against and [Crit] would like to GvG: WFD, BS, SFH, BURN, Soul.. and there may have been a few others.

I am the only commander on AR to challenge Rekz to a GvG (was in WAR at the time).
[Crit] is always looking for fun fights and we are newer guild so we have to make do with the numbers we have.

Also great job to all servers involved in this match-up, BP is way stronger than before and I know for a fact that y’all have some big zergs but that is not the only thing that helps you win your commanders are pretty good and you seem to work well together. I also hope that everyone knows that these lame forum warriors do not represent the entirety of a server.


Kae – Maguuma
Brorannosaurus [Rekz] & Less Talkin More [Sekz]

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: lover.8351


Also you guys failed miserably to take any keeps last night when we actually had coverage… You must feel a great scene of accomplishment rolling our map when there is a total of 5 players on it.

I don’t want to take away from either side during that battle because I think that lessons both sides accomplishments. AR fought valiantly to defend Bay but BP did come incredibly close to capping a fully upgraded and supplied keep on a capped map where the defender has more numbers.

Also worth mentioning is that defense did save keeps but lost a castle in the process. Had SBI focused AR map during that time it is likely AR hills or AR garrison would have fallen. Again lots of good fighting and both sides deserve and atta-boy IMO.

Your the second one to say that AR had the map Qd. We didn’t.

[CRIT] was running homeland defense with about 12-15. I joined with my tag up from SBI with another 10-12. We were cleaning up the map when the attack on Bay started.

You had us outnumbered

Everyone on the map about 30-40 ran to Bay, I threw down lots of defensive siege inside inner to hold out. You busted in thru north and setup your trebs.

You had us outnumbered

about 10 -13 of us went to Garry and ran a suicide run @ your trebs, we failed.

You had us outnumbered

We tried again when we put up a counter treb behind your trebs, it failed.

You had us outnumbered

we fell back to inner bay as the walls were close to falling, I put out a general call for [ALS] to come defend, they showed up, no Q.

You had us outnumbered

Walls down, we held you off with ACs, on your 2nd or 3rd push we maned to wipe you guys. With enough [ALS] on the map , our 2nd commander tagged up and pushed out to clear your trebs. I ran some pugs north to recap and run supply to Bay.

You had us outnumbered

Our 2nd commander sweeped bay and pushed you out for the first time, I ran 25 guys to sweep our north and Eastside of the map . You pushed back into bay for the 2nd time while we had split up.

You had us outnumbered

I swept in from the south with my 25 while you had two groups in Bay, one large group in the water and another @ south gate. our 2nd commander, Smuurr, was dug into inner awaiting our arrival. We clashed @ south and cleared your pugs from the gate and my group manged to close the gate while Smuurr cleaned out both the pugs and then the larger group that came from the water.

You had us outnumbered

I again took 12-15 with me north and east to defend hills north gate, while Smuurr held off your main force inside Bay. I believe he cleared you out for the 2nd time and you pushed back in again from the northgate and setup trebs on our NE wall.

You had us outnumbered

It wasn’t until the 3rd time you busted into Bay that our 3rd commander from EB, 40 oz came to ARBL with his forces…. ARBL still not Qd, maybe after he showed up was it Qd.

It wasn’t until 40 showed up that our forces were equal in size that we could afford to push you hard enough to secure bay, secure Garry from 2 golem rushes ( one bailed before it got started cuz I spotted it in the south).

It was a fun night for everyone , but please stop making it sound like you had to overcome our massive numbers.

Now I regret not taking screenshots of my outmanned buff since BP is going to be all like “PICS OR IT DIDN’T HAPPEN.” Derps…

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aether the Nob.9172

Aether the Nob.9172

Can kodiack be the only one that talks on the forums from ALS? You’re embarrassing your guild.

Ohmygosh I’m so embarrassed

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


And AR is still coming in 2nd, or well according to the medal chart, last quite a bit

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


We don’t have a guild as big as BURN.

BURN and GOAT have transferred or are transferring to Maguuma. But we’re not going to fall back and cry we’ll fight harder!

I need to watch more movies with inspirational quotes..

Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


You know, when our two most recent opponents that have faced both BP and AR are saying the same thing. You might want to figure that there is something to what they are saying.

Consider what you are saying: 90% of BP is a mess and that mess is beating both AR and SBI. Either a server is fighting well against a good opponent or getting hammered by an unorganized mess making said server ineffective. I simply don’t believe AR or SBI to be any less effective or more organized than BP hence the score being so close.

Since the lower tiers are more PUG than organized guilds, everyone around here is messy some of the time. We all have zergs running on our servers in this tier at different times of the day, we all have skilled skirmishers and we all have to fight out manned frequently.

There is no dishonor in admitting an opponent is worthy… there is dishonor in the opposite.

wow. some things never change. that’s a long winded way of using the tired ol BP line, “we’re not bigger than you, we’re just better”

Guess what. 90% of your success comes form fielding a larger force than your opponent. That holds true for every server in every tier. Yet somehow, magically, this does not apply to BP. And that’s your main problem. Every BP troll that has graced this forums has come across and a clueless nub that can’t admit that they win because they have more …. 8 months or so later BP still thinks it wins due to skill.

We are winning, and have the outmanned buff for awhile now on eb.
Um, next excuse?

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


People asked about the different levels of zoom in the game, and what they look like for various reasons. So I uploaded 2 screen shots.



One higher zoom, and one regular.

The game is much more beautiful with higher zoom. I couldn’t stand playing that way though. The depth blur from it makes my head pound like crazy. This does apply to wvw though, for example placing an ac targeting area.

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


You know, when our two most recent opponents that have faced both BP and AR are saying the same thing. You might want to figure that there is something to what they are saying.

Consider what you are saying: 90% of BP is a mess and that mess is beating both AR and SBI. Either a server is fighting well against a good opponent or getting hammered by an unorganized mess making said server ineffective. I simply don’t believe AR or SBI to be any less effective or more organized than BP hence the score being so close.

Since the lower tiers are more PUG than organized guilds, everyone around here is messy some of the time. We all have zergs running on our servers in this tier at different times of the day, we all have skilled skirmishers and we all have to fight out manned frequently.

There is no dishonor in admitting an opponent is worthy… there is dishonor in the opposite.

wow. some things never change. that’s a long winded way of using the tired ol BP line, “we’re not bigger than you, we’re just better”

Guess what. 90% of your success comes form fielding a larger force than your opponent. That holds true for every server in every tier. Yet somehow, magically, this does not apply to BP. And that’s your main problem. Every BP troll that has graced this forums has come across and a clueless nub that can’t admit that they win because they have more …. 8 months or so later BP still thinks it wins due to skill.

We are winning, and have the outmanned buff for awhile now on eb.
Um, next excuse?

Would someone on BP please explain to this guy that there are 4 maps in WvW , 7 days in the match and 24 hours in each day. Big numbers I know, maybe you could use crayons.


6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


You know, when our two most recent opponents that have faced both BP and AR are saying the same thing. You might want to figure that there is something to what they are saying.

Consider what you are saying: 90% of BP is a mess and that mess is beating both AR and SBI. Either a server is fighting well against a good opponent or getting hammered by an unorganized mess making said server ineffective. I simply don’t believe AR or SBI to be any less effective or more organized than BP hence the score being so close.

Since the lower tiers are more PUG than organized guilds, everyone around here is messy some of the time. We all have zergs running on our servers in this tier at different times of the day, we all have skilled skirmishers and we all have to fight out manned frequently.

There is no dishonor in admitting an opponent is worthy… there is dishonor in the opposite.

wow. some things never change. that’s a long winded way of using the tired ol BP line, “we’re not bigger than you, we’re just better”

Guess what. 90% of your success comes form fielding a larger force than your opponent. That holds true for every server in every tier. Yet somehow, magically, this does not apply to BP. And that’s your main problem. Every BP troll that has graced this forums has come across and a clueless nub that can’t admit that they win because they have more …. 8 months or so later BP still thinks it wins due to skill.

We are winning, and have the outmanned buff for awhile now on eb.
Um, next excuse?

Would someone on BP please explain to this guy that there are 4 maps in WvW , 7 days in the match and 24 hours in each day. Big numbers I know, maybe you could use crayons.

You said 90% of our success comes from fielding a larger group. Yet here we are winning on eb specifically while having outmanned pretty much all day/last night. Now let’s say that 10% of the total hours in a week. That’s 168 hours, we should only be able to do that ~17 hours. Yet we’ve been doing it for longer. So either you have to rethink your numbers, OR you have to admit that superior tactics can make up for it sometimes. Not all of the time, but a fair portion of it. Though admittedly SBI is pushing the map like crazy they can’t crack ow/vel/keep and we were at the lord in sm.

By the way, did AR just give up eb completely?

(edited by GSSBlunaspike.4153)

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


We don’t have a guild as big as BURN.

BURN and GOAT have transferred or are transferring to Maguuma. But we’re not going to fall back and cry we’ll fight harder!

I need to watch more movies with inspirational quotes..

So who’s going to be left in charge of BP?


6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


And AR is still coming in 2nd, or well according to the medal chart, last quite a bit

Heres the problem, go read the BP forums (most of it is a pretty funny read) according to these forums we play for second, according to your forums we shouldn’t be hitting BP even though they are in first because what did you do to deserve it. I’m just curious now … who exactly are we suppose to hit so no one is offended ?

I did enjoy the “ALS commander using hacks to cap their BL” thread, even when another BP pointed out the placement of the AC works people deny it.

(edited by Nuzt.7894)

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


You know, when our two most recent opponents that have faced both BP and AR are saying the same thing. You might want to figure that there is something to what they are saying.

Consider what you are saying: 90% of BP is a mess and that mess is beating both AR and SBI. Either a server is fighting well against a good opponent or getting hammered by an unorganized mess making said server ineffective. I simply don’t believe AR or SBI to be any less effective or more organized than BP hence the score being so close.

Since the lower tiers are more PUG than organized guilds, everyone around here is messy some of the time. We all have zergs running on our servers in this tier at different times of the day, we all have skilled skirmishers and we all have to fight out manned frequently.

There is no dishonor in admitting an opponent is worthy… there is dishonor in the opposite.

wow. some things never change. that’s a long winded way of using the tired ol BP line, “we’re not bigger than you, we’re just better”

Guess what. 90% of your success comes form fielding a larger force than your opponent. That holds true for every server in every tier. Yet somehow, magically, this does not apply to BP. And that’s your main problem. Every BP troll that has graced this forums has come across and a clueless nub that can’t admit that they win because they have more …. 8 months or so later BP still thinks it wins due to skill.

We are winning, and have the outmanned buff for awhile now on eb.
Um, next excuse?

Would someone on BP please explain to this guy that there are 4 maps in WvW , 7 days in the match and 24 hours in each day. Big numbers I know, maybe you could use crayons.

You said 90% of our success comes from fielding a larger group. Yet here we are winning on eb specifically while having outmanned pretty much all day/last night. Now let’s say that 10% of the total hours in a week. That’s 168 hours, we should only be able to do that ~17 hours. Yet we’ve been doing it for longer. So either you have to rethink your numbers, OR you have to admit that superior tactics can make up for it sometimes. Not all of the time, but a fair portion of it. Though admittedly SBI is pushing the map like crazy they can’t crack ow/vel/keep and we were at the lord in sm.

By the way, did AR just give up eb completely?


sadly he is serious. If he was trolling it would be semi entertaining.


6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


And AR is still coming in 2nd, or well according to the medal chart, last quite a bit

Heres the problem, go read the BP forums (most of it is a pretty funny read) according to these forums we play for second, according to your forums we shouldn’t be hitting BP even though they are in first because what did you do to deserve it. I’m just curious now … who exactly are we suppose to hit so no one is offended ?

I did enjoy the “ALS commander using hacks to cap their BL” thread, even when another BP pointed out the placement of the AC works people deny it.

Awww. there is teh Kalkz we all know and love.


and yes, you guys need to learn to peek over the gate and hit stuff on the other side. You know, the stuff folks used to do waaaaay back before zoom hax became the cool new toy.

The AC placement on the inside is placed to hit the gate, so they have a hard time peeking over . This gives the guys on the outside the advantage of placing ACs just close enough to the gate but just outside all the red circles to peek over and hit the ACs on the inside.

Its a lost art, and since only the Commander has enough opportunities to learn from trial and error, that very few folks learn how to counter properly.


6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Ya my bad it was AR commander not ALS commander, I wouldn’t want to start a forum war because that wouldn’t make me giggle.

<.< >.>

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: docbon.3486


And AR is still coming in 2nd, or well according to the medal chart, last quite a bit

Heres the problem, go read the BP forums (most of it is a pretty funny read) according to these forums we play for second, according to your forums we shouldn’t be hitting BP even though they are in first because what did you do to deserve it. I’m just curious now … who exactly are we suppose to hit so no one is offended ?

I did enjoy the “ALS commander using hacks to cap their BL” thread, even when another BP pointed out the placement of the AC works people deny it.

Awww. there is teh Kalkz we all know and love.


and yes, you guys need to learn to peek over the gate and hit stuff on the other side. You know, the stuff folks used to do waaaaay back before zoom hax became the cool new toy.

The AC placement on the inside is placed to hit the gate, so they have a hard time peeking over . This gives the guys on the outside the advantage of placing ACs just close enough to the gate but just outside all the red circles to peek over and hit the ACs on the inside.

Its a lost art, and since only the Commander has enough opportunities to learn from trial and error, that very few folks learn how to counter properly.

Decided to take a few minutes to check this out since I’m specced into ACs.

I’m standing where the AC operator was and there’s no absolutely no way to angle, and fire, an arrow cart barrage centered on the stairs northwest of the gate, as shown in the left edge of the second screenshot.

Can you explain how to do this?

[GAF] Dragula – Asuran Engineer, SBI

(edited by docbon.3486)

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Nope I can’t, but then I’m not spec’d into AC so I really couldn’t.

My original quote was directed towards the playing for second comment, I really didn’t intend for the AC thing to overshadow that. I just found it funny but hey, whatever makes peoples bums hum.

(edited by Nuzt.7894)

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


And AR is still coming in 2nd, or well according to the medal chart, last quite a bit

Heres the problem, go read the BP forums (most of it is a pretty funny read) according to these forums we play for second, according to your forums we shouldn’t be hitting BP even though they are in first because what did you do to deserve it. I’m just curious now … who exactly are we suppose to hit so no one is offended ?

I did enjoy the “ALS commander using hacks to cap their BL” thread, even when another BP pointed out the placement of the AC works people deny it.

Awww. there is teh Kalkz we all know and love.


and yes, you guys need to learn to peek over the gate and hit stuff on the other side. You know, the stuff folks used to do waaaaay back before zoom hax became the cool new toy.

The AC placement on the inside is placed to hit the gate, so they have a hard time peeking over . This gives the guys on the outside the advantage of placing ACs just close enough to the gate but just outside all the red circles to peek over and hit the ACs on the inside.

Its a lost art, and since only the Commander has enough opportunities to learn from trial and error, that very few folks learn how to counter properly.

Decided to take a few minutes to check this out since I’m specced into ACs.

I’m standing where the AC operator was and there’s no absolutely no way to angle, and fire, an arrow cart barrage centered on the stairs northwest of the gate, as shown in the left edge of the second screenshot.

Can you explain how to do this?

Can’t right now, no access to Bay at the moment. However he is on the correct side of the gate (left) to be able to angle over to the right side.


6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: SirV.7245


AR play for first? Best joke I’ve heard all day

Strong words coming from the server who is incapable of taking anything major on our bl and is scared kittenless of us in the open field… Go back to SBI bl while they are not playing to make yourself feel better about you points.

LOL, We fought SBI for hours on even numbers until they gave up on us and went to EB to take all of your stuff. And scared in the open field lol? You must be joking right? Thats what you guys do hide in towers until you out number our attacking force by 3 to 1.

I don’t think its possible to fit that many in a tower, just saying. So I call BS.

If you look closely AR has there back turn running into tower on even numbers…

If you look closely.. your about to get flanked. …

[Crit] only runs from a fight if we are severely outnumbered. Last night we had a 20 group of Crit in BPBL just messing around and we lined up in front of your SW tower (This is our way of asking for a fight).. everyone in the tower just sat there :c They were a lot of pugs though so it is understandable.

Also shout out to the following guilds that are very fun to play against and [Crit] would like to GvG: WFD, BS, SFH, BURN, Soul.. and there may have been a few others.

I am the only commander on AR to challenge Rekz to a GvG (was in WAR at the time).
[Crit] is always looking for fun fights and we are newer guild so we have to make do with the numbers we have.

Also great job to all servers involved in this match-up, BP is way stronger than before and I know for a fact that y’all have some big zergs but that is not the only thing that helps you win your commanders are pretty good and you seem to work well together. I also hope that everyone knows that these lame forum warriors do not represent the entirety of a server.

Crit I like you guys, fought you guys a few times and you’re cool. But many other guilds , i’m not talking about pugs, in AR just want to run karma trains. They don’t care about the good fight and when they see a good fight with even numbers they also too well hide in towers until more come.

FanisaDream – Mesmer – [Lost]

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: SirV.7245


Hey out of curiosity who is this awesome commander in ALS? I’m sure you in AR know him.


FanisaDream – Mesmer – [Lost]

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


And AR is still coming in 2nd, or well according to the medal chart, last quite a bit

Heres the problem, go read the BP forums (most of it is a pretty funny read) according to these forums we play for second, according to your forums we shouldn’t be hitting BP even though they are in first because what did you do to deserve it. I’m just curious now … who exactly are we suppose to hit so no one is offended ?

I did enjoy the “ALS commander using hacks to cap their BL” thread, even when another BP pointed out the placement of the AC works people deny it.

Awww. there is teh Kalkz we all know and love.


and yes, you guys need to learn to peek over the gate and hit stuff on the other side. You know, the stuff folks used to do waaaaay back before zoom hax became the cool new toy.

The AC placement on the inside is placed to hit the gate, so they have a hard time peeking over . This gives the guys on the outside the advantage of placing ACs just close enough to the gate but just outside all the red circles to peek over and hit the ACs on the inside.

Its a lost art, and since only the Commander has enough opportunities to learn from trial and error, that very few folks learn how to counter properly.

Decided to take a few minutes to check this out since I’m specced into ACs.

I’m standing where the AC operator was and there’s no absolutely no way to angle, and fire, an arrow cart barrage centered on the stairs northwest of the gate, as shown in the left edge of the second screenshot.

Can you explain how to do this?

Can’t right now, no access to Bay at the moment.

Sorry about that.

Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Straegen.2938


What is with BURN and GOAT leaving BP? I need a TMZ style scoop on this!

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Consider what you are saying: 90% of BP is a mess and that mess is beating both AR and SBI. Either a server is fighting well against a good opponent or getting hammered by an unorganized mess making said server ineffective. I simply don’t believe AR or SBI to be any less effective or more organized than BP hence the score being so close.

Since the lower tiers are more PUG than organized guilds, everyone around here is messy some of the time. We all have zergs running on our servers in this tier at different times of the day, we all have skilled skirmishers and we all have to fight out manned frequently.

There is no dishonor in admitting an opponent is worthy… there is dishonor in the opposite.

wow. some things never change. that’s a long winded way of using the tired ol BP line, “we’re not bigger than you, we’re just better”

Guess what. 90% of your success comes form fielding a larger force than your opponent. That holds true for every server in every tier. Yet somehow, magically, this does not apply to BP. And that’s your main problem. Every BP troll that has graced this forums has come across and a clueless nub that can’t admit that they win because they have more …. 8 months or so later BP still thinks it wins due to skill.

Did you read my post, assume I was talking down to your server, or just decide to post your own troll post? I know this is the internet but don’t people get tired of yammering on about the same pointless message particularly when it has little to do with the CC’d text?

Our servers in this match up are similar, the fights have been fairly well balanced and the OVERALL scores pretty close. Can we be happy that many of us have enjoyed a good match this week without getting into a kitten measuring contest without a ruler?

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

(edited by Straegen.2938)

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeros.2046


Good lord AR, what did you expect to happen, golem rushing SBI Borderlands? Hat off to that Char Hammer warrior that bravely tried to defend Dreadfall bay from the Shadaran Defense Forces after his zerg and all its golems were wiped at the north gate and left the map. Least he had the right idea. Props to you man.

Speaking of the SDF, we are still holding Hills. Coming on Day 3 now. The body count is approaching 20 alphas golems, dozens of trebuchets and at least 5 omegas.


6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Walabone.6713


IF anyone from the [lost] Guild would like to have a open field GVG match against ALS just send me a message in game we can set this up.

You guys realize you can’t bring 60 people to a GvG, right? :P

Walabone – Borlis Pass
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Perphection.8209


Good lord AR, what did you expect to happen, golem rushing SBI Borderlands? Hat off to that Char Hammer warrior that bravely tried to defend Dreadfall bay from the Shadaran Defense Forces after his zerg and all its golems were wiped at the north gate and left the map. Least he had the right idea. Props to you man.

Haha, well I had a good time trying to defend! Outnumbered or not I’ll generally stick around for a fight if I know there is even a chance. (.0001% is still a chance)

As far as AR players/commanders are concerned I don’t know what to tell you. I really question why half of our server enters WvW when all they do is run from fights. Just another reason Commander tags should be earned and not purchased.

Moose Man Jones [vT]
- Charr Warrior
- Charr Necromancer

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


IF anyone from the [lost] Guild would like to have a open field GVG match against ALS just send me a message in game we can set this up.

You guys realize you can’t bring 60 people to a GvG, right? :P

Most BP can’t count to 60.. or past 10 for that matter. Everything past 10 is 60 or omergerd zerg….“how many?” 60!


6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


Hey out of curiosity who is this awesome commander in ALS? I’m sure you in AR know him.

Dunno… to low ranked to be me : P


6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Stone.6751


In the open field, AR has better movement, with far fewer numbers and are just overall a better server to face. BP blobs and now that they increased their numbers to win coverage wars, people want to chest thump thinking its something great. They won the points battle and they get………wait for it………nothing! Have you’re points Blob Pass, but when you face any server that has the same numbers, you will get rolled.

Depends on the map and the group you are facing. Deltona’s squad can win facing a much larger force in the open most of the time. I haven’t seen anything like that group on either AR or SBI (doesn’t mean it isn’t there just haven’t seen in). EBay (Rekz, GF, GH) forged several of our better groups into really lean stacking machines. If you haven’t seen it yet, probably means you haven’t been in the BLs around NA Prime because they have been running up the points on BL maps. AR had to queue their map last night to defend against that squad in Bay losing SM in the process.

I would argue BPs weakness is actually defense. We rarely siege up any structure, hardly anyone refreshes siege when it is built, few do escorts or guard, REALLY poor supply management (keeping the newbs from squandering keep supply is common) and we frequently let upgraded keeps fall without a fight. SBI on the other hand does a good job keeping supply and keeps guarded. Rarely do I take an SBI camp or keep and someone (or lots of someones) show up to defend it.

You know, when our two most recent opponents that have faced both BP and AR are saying the same thing. You might want to figure that there is something to what they are saying.

Are they saying that all of BP is bad? no, but 9 times of out 10 when they run into you guys on the field it leaves the impression that BP is just one blobby mess.

BPs greatest weakness is that they try to solve everything by throwing numbers at the problem. Not enough people on the TS server, get moar folks on !. That cute WFD 15 man that everyone loved, not good enough to roll zergs, turn it into a 40 man zerg, not good enough yet, get moar zergy.

I mean . we love ya, we really do.. but don’t come here and make it sound like you have no issues. You guys used to be great at having folks defending…. now they get told to join the zerg. meh..

This is an interesting post, not because you had anything that unique or enlightening, but because its a great example of how people try to paint large group play in WvW as a negative thing. Its thrown both as an insult to skill, usually with the intent to dissuade others from using large group tactics, even though raising a large army is important.

While I would agree with you that a large, unorganized group of PUGs mindlessly following the only Commander tag on the map because they don’t know what else to do, don’t communicate, and have no other type of strategy is truly a “zerg”. What you see from BP isn’t always that. While you may think is a “blobby mess” is often a well coordinated group that’s working together and communicating. There is a major difference between the two things. Larger groups also allow for more supply per group, meaning more siege placed faster – which is especially important when going through two gates on keep (even more true now when defense now is a downpour of death from half a dozen arrowcarts at each gate)

Numbers alone don’t always win, but they are perhaps the most important factor when two armies collide on the field. Communication, coordination and skill no doubt are added bonuses as you see in skill groups like the infamous Rekz who can often wipe groups larger than them, yet they will still fall if overwhelmed.

So continue your perception that large groups, or zergs, are somehow a lesser way to play the game and continue to not utilize them. Oh wait, AR and SBI already does utilize zergs…

(p.s. note the text that “AR is running” that’s because AR had an equally large zerg coming from Ogre’s that ran away when SBI moved in)


Penny Royalty – Level 80 Guardian
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer

(edited by Stone.6751)

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jyeoi.6027


I agree in large group tactics and believe in organized wvw. Glad to know BP does it too. Ive seen some of it, but what depth of coordination you guys do beyond a veil I’m not too clear.

Yulo – Champions of Stormbluff [SBI]

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jyeoi.6027


AR imo has good duelist small group tactics and players. I think it’s due to being an spvp server. I know several sbi who were good in spvp transfer there for spvp. They do occasionally wvw too.

I have to say one AR on average is worth at least 2 SBI in small group situations. Ie. Anything less than 20.

Yulo – Champions of Stormbluff [SBI]