6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: sioux.1653



You made a video of lag.

Bluebell Jones – Engineers rule
Riva Lea – Wonder Twin Powers, Activate!
Eredon Terrace

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Snow Ghost.6817

Snow Ghost.6817

Thanks to the 3 IoJ guys that we had duels with on IoJ BL earlier. Enjoyed the 2v2, would have liked the 3v3 to have happened.. maybe next time.

You guys were good and we learned a lot.


GM of [VP]
Venator Phalanx.

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: katz.8376



You made a video of lag.

ooh. i thought it was gonna be a vid of me. i been laggin like nuts the last couple days.

NOTE! if anyone sees any of the characters pictured in my sig zapping around like in that video… or just standing there for a beating… i’m laggin. enjoy your free kill when i stop warping.

Druids of Dhuum [DoD]|Rally Bait [RALY]
~o hai there :D~ LONG LIVE ET

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kano.3720


Cmon IOJ, only jump on a body if you are actually good or did something great, 50+ golems to take back your own keep at 5 am with 30+ against 10=15 if probably a sign you should uninstall. We held you keep for 17 hours but unfortunately we have no morning crew. I try to invite you to party but you to scared to talk to us. Had fun hiding at Bay for 8m while 20 chased me in lords room, too bad i couldnt do it as long in hills. Sadly you only took hills not because numbers but because you use LOS on those AC’s because you couldnt kill us in there, thanks for the 200 badges today. Take some camps, you guys only worth 3 WvW xp

also the numbers were even, we had 20 and you had 20-25. We wiped a good 10 of you at outer gate and didn’t let those 10 re enter so you might have mistaken your forces for less then they actually were Also did you really think we could win even numbers against a choke with 3 superior ac’s and 3 superior ballistas? We took out the siege so we could fight on even terms.

Here’s the result

Yea, there was no way we had even numbers. Most of the people was in my guild and on TeamSpeak. Counted countless times and never had over 20. We lost cause we were out numbered, with the out manned buff. We wiped you guys so many times cause we had good already placed siege and communication. But for a fact you guys had way more then us. I mean really, gonna golem rush the keep twice with about 5-8 golems each with just that small of a group?

I didn’t count 20 on our side either, no you didn’t lose because you were outnumbered. You had plenty of opportunities to push us out which you missed and you had more then enough siege on all of the gates to defend against our golem rushes. And no you didn’t wipe our golems at outer we ditched them while we defanged the walls and stuff. I then asked the group in teamspeak to build more golems to help break down the outer gate (again you had atleast 3 superior arrow carts in non-AOE spots aimed at the gate we broke) so no rams wouldn’t have worked in that situation. And when we finally broke into inner we were getting pushed back because you had guess what? MORE superior siege! all of it just aimed at are already dwindling forces, so I got a mesmer to portal us to the left of the bridge but only 6-7 of us took the portal so I decided to order a pincer attack, it worked quite well and allowed us to bring the rest of our group to the left of the bridge. While we were rallying our forces we ported up anyone who died and then got ready for our assault on the lord’s room. We set up AC’s to get rid of the siege inside and then had a mesmer port us inside, again only 5 of us took the port and so we attacked you from behind and in front and we still managed to wipe you at the choke with equal numbers.

I remember it vividly and no DR no matter how much you want to say it was just numbers, it simply wasn’t

it was. We actually had Outmanned buff for 5minutes then it flickered on and off every now and then. Next time ill screenshot the outmanned buff. We had about 10 in lords and 4 running around trying to repair

Zultz [JADE] [VDV]
Zerker Everything
Devona’s Rest

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


OMG! I can say, DR you are making us work hard! Last night in IoJ BL hills, that was an exhausting match. I can feel the frustration in the voice of our then commander Saint Azalily.

People come and go, we only got less than 20 people on that map. I have to cross over back and forth to EB to call out our player but EB that time seems like a zombie land.

We finally retook hills and BOOM I was so exhausted I have to go to sleep.

Good play DR, good play.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Cmon IOJ, only jump on a body if you are actually good or did something great, 50+ golems to take back your own keep at 5 am with 30+ against 10=15 if probably a sign you should uninstall. We held you keep for 17 hours but unfortunately we have no morning crew. I try to invite you to party but you to scared to talk to us. Had fun hiding at Bay for 8m while 20 chased me in lords room, too bad i couldnt do it as long in hills. Sadly you only took hills not because numbers but because you use LOS on those AC’s because you couldnt kill us in there, thanks for the 200 badges today. Take some camps, you guys only worth 3 WvW xp

also the numbers were even, we had 20 and you had 20-25. We wiped a good 10 of you at outer gate and didn’t let those 10 re enter so you might have mistaken your forces for less then they actually were Also did you really think we could win even numbers against a choke with 3 superior ac’s and 3 superior ballistas? We took out the siege so we could fight on even terms.

Here’s the result

Yea, there was no way we had even numbers. Most of the people was in my guild and on TeamSpeak. Counted countless times and never had over 20. We lost cause we were out numbered, with the out manned buff. We wiped you guys so many times cause we had good already placed siege and communication. But for a fact you guys had way more then us. I mean really, gonna golem rush the keep twice with about 5-8 golems each with just that small of a group?

I didn’t count 20 on our side either, no you didn’t lose because you were outnumbered. You had plenty of opportunities to push us out which you missed and you had more then enough siege on all of the gates to defend against our golem rushes. And no you didn’t wipe our golems at outer we ditched them while we defanged the walls and stuff. I then asked the group in teamspeak to build more golems to help break down the outer gate (again you had atleast 3 superior arrow carts in non-AOE spots aimed at the gate we broke) so no rams wouldn’t have worked in that situation. And when we finally broke into inner we were getting pushed back because you had guess what? MORE superior siege! all of it just aimed at are already dwindling forces, so I got a mesmer to portal us to the left of the bridge but only 6-7 of us took the portal so I decided to order a pincer attack, it worked quite well and allowed us to bring the rest of our group to the left of the bridge. While we were rallying our forces we ported up anyone who died and then got ready for our assault on the lord’s room. We set up AC’s to get rid of the siege inside and then had a mesmer port us inside, again only 5 of us took the port and so we attacked you from behind and in front and we still managed to wipe you at the choke with equal numbers.

I remember it vividly and no DR no matter how much you want to say it was just numbers, it simply wasn’t

Okay… I was there and at no point did DR have any more than 14 people on your guys last golem push. We were severely outnumbered, you guys had at least 30. Anyone who was there knows.
Yes you did a great job of destroying the siege and getting in. But when it came down to sheer numbers in the lords room you guys had at least 10 or 15 more than us.

like I said we knew the DR group inside hills had even numbers so we lured em out with the golems we ditched and wiped the 5-10 that came out and didn’t let them back in. So ya on our last golem push you did have less people then us but that’s because we killed a portion of your group beforehand, gave us a little bit of an advantage but we needed one to be able to fight past that nasty choke. Was good defense on your part and maybe had you gotten a mesmer to port people back in it may have ended a little differently.


6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


Okay… I was there and at no point did DR have any more than 14 people on your guys last golem push. We were severely outnumbered, you guys had at least 30. Anyone who was there knows.
Yes you did a great job of destroying the siege and getting in. But when it came down to sheer numbers in the lords room you guys had at least 10 or 15 more than us.

Seriously you think we outmanned you and we think you outmanned us. No one will win in this situation.

But that was good defense on your part. I will give credit to those who deserve it.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


So close DR, so close

But no borderlands cap for you

Garrison is ours! >:O

Mr(s) Starkk

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


People say I’m fly.


Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


People say I’m fly.

Fly like phenoix


Mr(s) Starkk

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


People say I’m fly.

Fly like phenoix


Fly like a Void Ray.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Gee gooooooo IoJ! lol

Props to DDLG and friends for managing to absolutly DOMINATE our borderlands this week, our IoJ commands should really start rethinking Eternal battlegrounds.

Drowning in the red see, SOS!
</3 DR


Mr(s) Starkk

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


[DDLG] is at it again. Deym, more work for me when I get home.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


to the DR zerg that just glitched their way inside sunnyhill and took it…just wow


6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: CrazyCanuck.4265


Maybe this is why IoJ has trouble holding their BL. 20 people chasing 2 people from NN to NE sentry, only to have half of them die falling off the cliff.


Tarnished Coast

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: maxsettings.2834


to the DR zerg that just glitched their way inside sunnyhill and took it…just wow

It’s a glitch with the tower. Report it via /bug ingame or make a thread in https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs

Devona’s Rest [TDD] – [OBS]
Bukems Mailbox

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Maybe this is why IoJ has trouble holding their BL. 20 people chasing 2 people from NN to NE sentry, only to have half of them die falling off the cliff.


Mr(s) Starkk

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chilly.2087


Maybe this is why IoJ has trouble holding their BL. 20 people chasing 2 people from NN to NE sentry, only to have half of them die falling off the cliff.

“Who doesn’t have a wrack of kittens on their wall?” – Darkestshadows

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Maybe this is why IoJ has trouble holding their BL. 20 people chasing 2 people from NN to NE sentry, only to have half of them die falling off the cliff.

we have trouble holding our BL because no one wants to hold our BL. We came into this week knowing we’d win anyways so most of us have been taking it easy and enjoying ourselves in EB.


6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Psyanide.9806


I’m surprised by how respectable and well mannered DR is as a server. I hope Tiers 1 through 6 will get to experience it and take note!


6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


If DR do something about Belittled/Hatescream they will get my respect 100%.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


I’m surprised by how respectable and well mannered DR is as a server. I hope Tiers 1 through 6 will get to experience it and take note!

Get build sighted on.

- Leading commander of DR.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Congrats on zerging down garrisson with 30 against our 5 IoJ.


6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467


9 ACs on garrison and only 5 person manning. Where are all the IoJ people?

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: CrazyCanuck.4265


Congrats on zerging down garrisson with 30 against our 5 IoJ.

So is this a thing now? Chest thumping your nightly pvdoor for weeks, and then when you lose your fairweathers coming to the forums to complain when no one from DR is chest thumping.

Tarnished Coast

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Congrats on zerging down garrisson with 30 against our 5 IoJ.

You five IoJ just need to put down your jelly beans.


Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Raestloz.7134


I’m surprised by how respectable and well mannered DR is as a server. I hope Tiers 1 through 6 will get to experience it and take note!

Tell me when and where that took place

And I’ll do something!

…about my gaming schedule

Because that many DR at any given time is very rare

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Raestloz.7134


Congrats on zerging down garrisson with 30 against our 5 IoJ.

IoJ has been ZergvOutmanned for so long, I didn’t know someone can complain when it happens to them

Btw, perhaps IoJ can start attacking OW/Pang instead of anz all the time? I swear, you guys have a fetish for Anz, and we usually fortify pang

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


I’m surprised by how respectable and well mannered DR is as a server. I hope Tiers 1 through 6 will get to experience it and take note!

Tell me when and where that took place

And I’ll do something!

…about my gaming schedule

Because that many DR at any given time is very rare

…where have you been all week?

Mr(s) Starkk

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Raestloz.7134


I’m surprised by how respectable and well mannered DR is as a server. I hope Tiers 1 through 6 will get to experience it and take note!

Tell me when and where that took place

And I’ll do something!

…about my gaming schedule

Because that many DR at any given time is very rare

…where have you been all week?

Skyrim… Fallout: New Vegas… Megapolis… Devil may Cry… Call of Honorfield: Modern Battlemedal (I forgot which one of those 3), Hitman… there’s a whole lot of world out there man!

Oh, and I’m GMT+7 and I play at night

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kano.3720


Well after staying up till 5am yesterday defending hills i can only defend DR BL till 3am. been defending all day on my thief. Nice attempt ioj with those 4 alphas and o.e omega even though you didnt hit one gate with them. Im hoping to wake up and be in the lead or atleast just 2k behind. Sorry for typing im on my phonw. gl darkest on the all nighter.

Zultz [JADE] [VDV]
Zerker Everything
Devona’s Rest

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Euryon.9248


IoJ has been ZergvOutmanned for so long, I didn’t know someone can complain when it happens to them

Apparently you haven’t met HoD.

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

Thanks for the good fights and fun nights!

<3 TBE

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Way to absolutely pummel us this week DR and ET!


Mr(s) Starkk

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Coma Kid.5184

The Coma Kid.5184

Maybe this is why IoJ has trouble holding their BL. 20 people chasing 2 people from NN to NE sentry, only to have half of them die falling off the cliff.

RICO WHAT YOU’RE GIVING PRECURSERS? Should give me the lover. And I guess you guys had all the fun starting when I logged to sleep :c

Gwen Andraste – Human Elementalist
Nameless Accord [NA]
Your Cute [Babe] – Maguuma

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


Too many IoJ’ers went into this week going “meh…” including myself. I focused more on trading and leveling my guard than anything. We’re sure paying for it now. Honestly we knew ET would be spunky but we didn’t expect the kind of long-term focus on us (most of the time) instead of playing for 2nd.

I think most servers in general have finally shifted away from “play for 2nd” since they realize it’s a myth to begin with, and despite ET’s low score they’ve been a major factor, stepping up with fewer people when IoJ as a whole mainly dismissed them.

We have a kitten for fighting DR, and it shows. ET were able to take full advantage of that all week. It’s 8 hours till the reset and DR as it stands now, going into IOJ’s weakest timezone will take 1st place within a few hours. We’re dealing with some tasty internal drama after last night too, so the real question is will we rally enough people in our weakest timezone against 2 servers gunning for us? The odds aren’t in our favor at this point. And I’m just as guilty as the next guy, woot.

I really shoulda done the math in my head when I listened to someone at random saying “Yeah even if the +695 the rest of the match we’ll still get 1st.” Really shoulda just double checked that last night before fooking off…woops.

In fairness to the IoJ’ers, we’re used to being underdogs, and being put in with the most overall people and steamrolling EB on oceanic time just didn’t seem…natural to many of us. It turned into “well you guys got this wrapped up, seeya when it’s challenging again.” By the middle of the week, we just plain got lazy.

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

(edited by GavinGoodrich.1382)

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Way to absolutely pummel us this week DR and ET!

Aside from occasionally resetting SM, ET has been focusing DR in EB 90% of the time.

I also find it amusing how we see all these apologetic posts from ÌoJ about how they should have done things differently and weren’t paying attention and so on, as if they are expecting DR to jump in and call you bads any second now.

I personally don’t think you are gonna see much of that from DR, aside from maybe a few people who amused by the fact THAT A SERVER THAT QUEUES MAPS DURING EUROPEAN PRIMETIME ON SUNDAYS AND HAS SOME OF THE BEST OCEANIC COVERAGE LOSES TO TWO T8 SERVERS. LOL.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


EDGE Commander, why you no fight like a man?

Let your fellow devonas die so you can come in and get cheap finishes
Always running away

soh sahd


Mr(s) Starkk

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Koala.5842


As an IoJ citizen im pulling for DR to really just win this so it smacks home to my server that we suck as a whole in WvW which might really get these forum warrior commanders we have on here to really shut the hell up.

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dream In A Dream.7213

Dream In A Dream.7213

As an IoJ citizen im pulling for DR to really just win this so it smacks home to my server that we suck as a whole in WvW which might really get these forum warrior commanders we have on here to really shut the hell up.

I don’t think that too many of us in DR care if we win or not. There were some really nice fights in this match up. A lot of great plays by all 3 servers and players. And you should really give more praise to your scouts and defenders ioj. They have been very good at spotting ninja attempts all week.

I think the star of the week was ET. I was expecting them to be a no show, but they really did great. I think the new system has been pretty nice for us on low tier servers.

Lion of the Wind
PS: watch us draw Maguma next match.

(edited by Dream In A Dream.7213)

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


EDGE Commander, why you no fight like a man?

Let your fellow devonas die so you can come in and get cheap finishes
Always running away

soh sahd



Mr(s) Starkk

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Interpretor.3091


EDGE Commander, why you no fight like a man?

Let your fellow devonas die so you can come in and get cheap finishes
Always running away

soh sahd


You got me good job!


6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


EDGE Commander, why you no fight like a man?

Let your fellow devonas die so you can come in and get cheap finishes
Always running away

soh sahd


You got me good job!

Nawww, i get beckoned at (usually means 1v1 does it not?) so i jump down in good faith

and get 3v1d, poor form, dont expect any love from GEN </3


Mr(s) Starkk

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Interpretor.3091


EDGE Commander, why you no fight like a man?

Let your fellow devonas die so you can come in and get cheap finishes
Always running away

soh sahd


You got me good job!

Nawww, i get beckoned at (usually means 1v1 does it not?) so i jump down in good faith

and get 3v1d, poor form, dont expect any love from GEN </3

GF Friend


6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

EDGE Commander, why you no fight like a man?

Let your fellow devonas die so you can come in and get cheap finishes
Always running away

soh sahd


You got me good job!

Nawww, i get beckoned at (usually means 1v1 does it not?) so i jump down in good faith

and get 3v1d, poor form, dont expect any love from GEN </3

That chat log.

Are you going to a European server? I heard they have even less people online during your time, so it would fit you well.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Epsilon Atreides.3816

Epsilon Atreides.3816

First post eva….

Just wanted to say thanks to DR and ET for a fun week. You all demonstrated a lot of class, skill and non-zerginess that made this one of the better weeks of late.

When I started wvw it was DH/DR/IoJ each week and I thought after the first few weeks that the home team was just always blue……so young, so naive. So, if we finish behind you guys once again I’m not gonna be too beat up about it. Nice push especially later in the week. DR runs some of the better 10 – 15 man groups I’ve run into in terms of organization so far.

IoJ forum warriors, a mild week for you guys. Nonetheless, temper your comments, you might just be having fun but your attitudes reflect on everyone else and leave others feelin’ kinda stupid when our collective bite doesn’t match your bark.

Ultimately, we will need more people interested in wvw, and more people consistently interested, for us to be successful. Representing ourselves in the best possible way can only help to facilitate that.

Best of luck this coming week guys, whoever that may be against.



6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


We sit in our spawn talking about snu snu and ugly sylvaris as we wait for DR to take the lead

Well played guys


Mr(s) Starkk

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: The Coma Kid.5184

The Coma Kid.5184

We sit in our spawn talking about snu snu and ugly sylvaris as we wait for DR to take the lead

Well played guys

I did appreciate you coming at me naked while my lightning chain animation kept going at you, didn’t exactly expect you to be naked and disappear

Gwen Andraste – Human Elementalist
Nameless Accord [NA]
Your Cute [Babe] – Maguuma

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


We sit in our spawn talking about snu snu and ugly sylvaris as we wait for DR to take the lead

Well played guys

I did appreciate you coming at me naked while my lightning chain animation kept going at you, didn’t exactly expect you to be naked and disappear

died in like 2 hits with no gear

Mr(s) Starkk

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Xom.9264



Shame I missed fight night, anyway thats lag. Good sportsman ship buddy posting a vid calling the whole ET server hackers when it was really just a BS player lagging out.


Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET