Crystal Desert Commander.
6/28 FA/DB/CD
Crystal Desert Commander.
As above, I know this is late. But I have a very short story about how I was treated by Gismor and his guild;
I was manning a treb and we were about to ‘storm the castle’. I was approached by one of his guild and asked…‘politely’ asked using my name and so courteously to move my aiming point just a bit. I was asked…nicely. No one does that, mostly.
This is a reflection of the guild and it’s leadership. I have no current guild (mostly) and was looking for a home. They won me…if I can find an invitation. The level of cooperation and just dang good leadership really inspires me.
Why would you hold a GvG on the third servers borderlands? :S
So that neither side needs to run all that far to get there/back. Not sure why that needed explaining.
Community retains players. Why do you think TC for example has been steadily growing and FA has been consistently shrinking. One community works together and one tears itself apart. One community has commanders that berate militia and one has commanders that embrace them. One has inter guild and community cooperation and one passes blame and chases away member guilds.
Your view is naive and frankly outright wrong. You used TC as an example so I will as well, this isn’t meant as some kind of issue with TC.
First of all TC is not the working together, everyone sing songs mecca that you think it is. I have played there on a friends toon, I see nothing remarkably different in TC vs other communities, perhaps a tad more mature in LA, but WvW is pretty much the same as every server I have played.
TC is going to win against all but potentially three servers. FA is going to win against all but 5 servers. TC has pretty decent coverage around the clock, FA has.. well limited coverage. The big guilds moving around at this stage of the game are generally moving to places that have solid off-hour populations, which is not FA. TC spends a lot of time, or at least did, recruiting and have a big warchest. FA… well we do not on both fronts.
Your comparison is pretty much fail. There are a lot of reasons guilds will pick TC and DB over FA, community is just one aspect. Not to say FA is a community full of love and harmony, but we have never pretended it to be either.
Another point since you piped in here Gismor, I know for a fact you want to make a difference on CD, it’s obvious and you’ve made it a goal. Know this though Gismor, we are not from where you came from, we’re not all like you and yours and what you’re trying to build. We don’t all want to be on TS3, some don’t want to hear a kitten thing beyond game sounds. Know this though, CD folks do watch keeps, do watch towers, do run dolyaks. CD folks may be “weak underdogs” because of our lower “tier”, but we do refresh siege and set it as we can, and people do sit like kittenes, or dedicated folks to a stupid game, at towers and keeps like any other server.
Yes, I have some animosity in a way and I should say it to you Gismor. You came from what? TC? You expected another group of players and another server to instantly accept you? To accept your style of play and dedication instantly because you came from a “higher” place? Nothing works that way unfortunatly, and I’m sure it’s been kitten you that folks haven’t bowed beneath your superior suggestions.
That all said Gismor, I think you’re getting it. You’re spending alot more time now “sleeping” in towers or spawns because you’re bored that folks aren’t getting “IT”. You chose to come to CD, and we’re not too kitten bad, but if you want to be number 1 then you’re quite a long ways from that and you need to move man. We have shown, vs at least 7 to 1 odds for many weeks now, we still do try. If ya wanna “win” go join the team that has the most numbers.
What the heck? Gismor is doing great, and EK have done nothing if not a wonderful job every single time they enter WvW. EK has really boosted morale on CD, and they are great allies to have in these recent matchups. I, for one, am always happy to see them on our borderlands. Gismor and EK have never talked down to anyone at any time I’ve ever been in WvW with them, so where you got that from, I’ll never know.
No one is forcing you to join teamspeak. Some guilds require it for recruitments and some guilds ask that you be there when in WvW. You don’t have to be in those guilds though. You always have a choice. It helps us coordinate our attacks better and work out better strategies. Besides, teamspeak is actually pretty fun if you give it a listen. Sometimes we have singing. Sometimes we have conversations about nothing relevent at all. This is a game. People are there to have fun. I suggest you lighten up and try to have fun too.
Gismor: Keep up the great work. MOST of us are thrilled to have you back on CD with us. You guys are awesome, and we appreciate everything you guys do.
Is it bad that I know exactly who you’re referring to for the second point? Even before looking at your Guild Tag. :X
Everyone knows who my favourite meal is
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
FA you guys just keep coming and coming… totally overwhelmed at that camp
Èl Cid
(edited by SniffyCube.6107)
I’m just going to leave this here.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Is it bad that I know exactly who you’re referring to for the second point? Even before looking at your Guild Tag. :X
Everyone knows who my favourite meal is
Your mom’s world famous Fish taco?
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
EA having fun this week as always.
Former [EA] DB Commander
EA having fun this week as always.
rB also havin a blast :P
Leader of Reckless Bravery [rB] (Dragonbrand)
Why would you hold a GvG on the third servers borderlands? :S
So that neither side needs to run all that far to get there/back. Not sure why that needed explaining.
The biggest problem about what occurred yesterday was that they started a GvG at a time when the FA force on the map were just done cleaning up Hills>Briar run and had the south camp left to cap.
I, myself hate duel gankers more than anything and understand that GvGs take some time/management to organize. Everybody was just at the wrong place at the wrong time and unwanted PvP from different parties happened in a PvP zone. Anyway, hope you guys managed to finish your GvG. For future scenarios, let us know beforehand, many of us will be happy to spectate and convince the force on the map to leave you be.
[coVn] Witches I Chaotic Good
Fort Aspenwood
Yep, a little forewarning on the official thread about GvG here would have been helpful.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Another point since you piped in here Gismor, I know for a fact you want to make a difference on CD, it’s obvious and you’ve made it a goal. Know this though Gismor, we are not from where you came from, we’re not all like you and yours and what you’re trying to build. We don’t all want to be on TS3, some don’t want to hear a kitten thing beyond game sounds. Know this though, CD folks do watch keeps, do watch towers, do run dolyaks. CD folks may be “weak underdogs” because of our lower “tier”, but we do refresh siege and set it as we can, and people do sit like kittenes, or dedicated folks to a stupid game, at towers and keeps like any other server.
Yes, I have some animosity in a way and I should say it to you Gismor. You came from what? TC? You expected another group of players and another server to instantly accept you? To accept your style of play and dedication instantly because you came from a “higher” place? Nothing works that way unfortunatly, and I’m sure it’s been kitten you that folks haven’t bowed beneath your superior suggestions.
That all said Gismor, I think you’re getting it. You’re spending alot more time now “sleeping” in towers or spawns because you’re bored that folks aren’t getting “IT”. You chose to come to CD, and we’re not too kitten bad, but if you want to be number 1 then you’re quite a long ways from that and you need to move man. We have shown, vs at least 7 to 1 odds for many weeks now, we still do try. If ya wanna “win” go join the team that has the most numbers.
What the heck? Gismor is doing great, and EK have done nothing if not a wonderful job every single time they enter WvW. EK has really boosted morale on CD, and they are great allies to have in these recent matchups. I, for one, am always happy to see them on our borderlands. Gismor and EK have never talked down to anyone at any time I’ve ever been in WvW with them, so where you got that from, I’ll never know.
No one is forcing you to join teamspeak. Some guilds require it for recruitments and some guilds ask that you be there when in WvW. You don’t have to be in those guilds though. You always have a choice. It helps us coordinate our attacks better and work out better strategies. Besides, teamspeak is actually pretty fun if you give it a listen. Sometimes we have singing. Sometimes we have conversations about nothing relevent at all. This is a game. People are there to have fun. I suggest you lighten up and try to have fun too.
Gismor: Keep up the great work. MOST of us are thrilled to have you back on CD with us. You guys are awesome, and we appreciate everything you guys do.
Honestly Love how a lot of CD is stepping up for Gismor. His actions from what I’ve seen never deserved a comment on the public forum that was negative quite the opposite he’s been leading such organized groups it deserves praise. Honestly i wish we had a lot more groups that were just as organized as gismors is.
Also everyone is right you don’t have to go on TS3. I know my guild doesn’t because of the fact we already had an established channel with ventrilo we still send one person usually to TS3 if were running with a decent size group of guildies.
Anyway here’s hoping we get a great match up for next week maybe something on the lines of EB,YB and ourselves I want to see what’s all the rage is about EB.
(edited by Nizio Nightblade.8109)
Yep, a little forewarning on the official thread about GvG here would have been helpful.
FA. Forewarning about GvG brings unwanted attention from trolls and in some cases have not happened because of this. If you see Swords south of the south camp and find out it is a db/cd gvg just leave it be. That means your BL has 20+ enemies filling the queue for your bl from both servers that are not going for points.
also the question as to why db and cd would choose fabl for the gvg. The ease of access from spawn is the answer.
DB and CD, I’m sorry to hear your GvG was interrupted and agree that it shouldn’t have been attacked.
By now, everybody is aware that the spot by the windmill is for duels and GvG.
I wasn’t there, but I would have spoken up if I’d seen it happening.
I can’t apologize for others, but hopefully it won’t happen again.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
CD you just had to use your Keep trebs in EB to take out our treb at the cliff…
We were trying to treb the same spot on SMC as you!!
So yah thats why FA went over there and AOE’d down your trebs/mortars/arrow carts. And then we took Mendons etc…
Don’t poke a bear in the zoo!!
I heard this is where all the kitten talk was going down.
FA down 15, waiting for SoS and Ehmry Bay to eat the bear.
I was gonna say.. I miss you guys, but with all the TC hate. I guess I’ll go back to the horrible forums with the MAGs SADNESS. We’re honestly not that horrible, when we are winning, our forum kungfu is strong (with the wrong bunch of people). TC is a much better place when we are fighting tooth and nail, and our ‘green’ people leave.
I would also ask any you who like, to please go to our forums at and see what guilds we have paid to come over. You can get into our WvW forum. RE paid for their own transfer, INVC/NAGA/AWE asked for help farming gold, and many of our members did. There is a farming thread for groups to help bring over the last few. ZN, KH, and a number of others also paid for their own transfers. I honestly think you would be suprised at the guilds TC has said no. We don’t have some massive warchest. However, since I am sure no one will REALLY believe me, please see for yourselves.
Don’t text me unless you mean it, FA! I saw you with those DB folks! DB, text me! :P
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast
(edited by RoninDB.9540)
Yep, a little forewarning on the official thread about GvG here would have been helpful.
FA. Forewarning about GvG brings unwanted attention from trolls and in some cases have not happened because of this.
DB, sounds like you were trolled anyway.
P.S., I was not there and only heard about the incident here. Please don’t assume I speak for my server. That’s real annoying.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Renexian seems to be a new poster who likes to stir up some drama. I wouldn’t put any stock in it.
Summer is here and I’m sure everybody will start to see pop drops.
I’m not a new poster, just an uncommon one. I do visit the FA forums occasionally, but activities to stir up participation only work if the commanders do not make those that do participate feel crappy when things don’t go their way.
I am not stirring up drama, just calling it like I see it. I’ve sat through multiple community meetings and listened to the commanders squabble like angry old ladies, and I watch them do it in community teamspeak and map chat. I’ve listened to commanders berate militia after losing a fight against an organized guild group countless times.
I’m not terribly interested where you think I should have posted it. The things I expressed are neither new, nor have they remained unmentioned. However, they have been ignored.
I love FA, but I am not looking at it through rose colored glasses. We can do better.
You my friend have no idea wtf is going on in FA. I feel you are sort of in a bubble in your guild.
Out of the 15+ commanders/guild leaders, only one has trouble getting along with nearly all of the other commanders/guild leaders.
There are a handful of former guild leaders/members of each other that don’t get along, but I can guarantee you know nothing about it, because you are in your bubble of confusion(feedback!??!). They also keep it private.
This type of gonads and strife is not endemic to just FA. Every server has at least one kitten.
Everyone else gets along just great. There are a lot of people in TS3, that have fun and laugh together every day….the exception of course are the guilds that don’t want to use ts3…
I am mostly a roamer and scout, so assuming I am in a guild bubble is kind of hilarious. I spent hours yesterday organizing militia to defend towers, upgrading all of our keeps in EB to T3 walls only to have some moronic commander come in, tag up for no reason and try to override the on-site commander who was doing very well. He then refused to support the on site commander, screwing up our SMC golem rush, and promptly lost all the T3 keeps when the original commander tagged off.
I’ve been on your TS3 and if it was as great as you imply, you people wouldn’t be posting stupid stuff like “omg we’re so funny on TS” to try to get people to just log onto it.
Guilds don’t like your TS3 because:
1. it’s poorly administrated, allowing people to openly troll the channel.
2. It’s useless. Being on TS3 with everyone does nothing when there are 6 commander tags up all refusing to cooperate. We may as well be communicating with smoke signals.
3. The fact that we are having server meeting to try to get pve guilds to wvw is a sign of how desperate we are for people to come fight. The fact that people like you cannot see the endemic problem, and are instead focused on the theoretical cure is a sign of just how far off FA really is.
It’s you, sir, who have no freaking idea what is going on on FA. Hey, no worries though. We have commanders running karma trains facerubbing empty keeps in weaker BLs instead of fighting to defend our stuff in EB and FABL. nbd.
Are you in a guild or run solo? What time zone do you play in the most?
What’s up with your sky is falling posts?
We are reaching out to the pve community so they can hopefully have a good experience when they enter wvw for the first time. It’s always more fun to play with a group than alone, especially if you’re new to something. TC is probably one of the biggest servers and has been doing it for ages. It didn’t hurt them if you’ve noticed.
TS is administered very well and I haven’t heard a troll in a long time. Try hanging out in a channel with some friends if the channels with 50+ people are getting to you.
Get some fresh air, because you are mad.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
(edited by Furiousbeard.7602)
CD you just had to use your Keep trebs in EB to take out our treb at the cliff…
We were trying to treb the same spot on SMC as you!!
So yah thats why FA went over there and AOE’d down your trebs/mortars/arrow carts. And then we took Mendons etc…
Don’t poke a bear in the zoo!!
We were there and we ran in behind you at SMC and tried to wipe both groups with our small group (skill lag roflpwned us though)… honestly, I live for those kinds of fights and would do it again in a heartbeat. That’s why we kept luring you to your camp even though we knew your zerg was a lot larger than our ~23 people. Poking the bear is kind of my thing… it doesn’t always work out but it beats rolling over everything with a large mindless zerg. Call it nostalgia from being outmanned on ET for 2-3 months.
Èl Cid
(edited by SniffyCube.6107)
Renx you really should just talk to a commander or bring up any issues you have on our forum. Right now you just come across as trying to vaguely stir up drama and you are incorrect/ignorant about a lot of your points. No one will respect your words because of this. Go onto our forum, PM a commander, say something on TS3, etc.
Fort Aspenwood
Folks, do not listen to Renxian. If he was serious about helping FA, he would not be posting here stirring things up. He would post in FA forums. Haters will hate. But I will address a few things.
1. FA is reaching out to PvE guilds to get more WvW involvement. All servers should.
2. Of course our WvW leaders squabble. Why wouldn’t we at times? We are all trying to win, and there will obviously be some disagreement. That does not mean we dislike each other as the poster would have you think. In fact, we meet to get better coordination, and plan our strategies for the upcoming week (although we rarely stick to the plan, we are all free spirits here ). Btw, there are private conversations and planning that a regular roamer, such as the poster, would not know anything about.
3. Nobody trolls on Teamspeak. I have never seen anybody troll on Teamspeak. I have however, seen troll commanders try to steal militia from the real commanders that are on Teamspeak. I guess that’s what was meant by commanders tagging on for no reason, but I imagine every servers has those people. Either way, people on Teamspeak know not to follow those commanders. We all know who they are.
For my closing statement, I would like to say that FA WvW is a tight community. In every community, group, or society, there will be an oddball, but 98% of FA is on board with each other, and works great together.
Just wanted to clarify some things regarding TC, no we do not have a massive ‘warchest’ and we do not consistently buy guilds. We convince them to choose us for many reasons other than transfer assistance. Do we help guilds who have decided to transfer to us? Certainly we do because we understand how important it is for the transfer process to be immediate for the health of their guild and playerbase.
The gold that goes into helping guilds transfers is completely voluntary and community driven effort and often we are unable to even cover 5-10% of the total gold that is required for the guild to transfer. So in the end they do pay for most of it out of their own pocket.
People come to us because we are very straightforward and honest with our recruitment. We give intelligent responses to their questions and have a back and forth conversation that builds rapport with the guild that is interested, we dont just try to drown them in facts and figures, we use extensive examples in most of our answers. All in all we are just better at conversing in those meetings.
Some of the reasons guilds have chosen us are things like
- Community
- Stability
- Maturity
- Cooperative environment
- Attention to PPT/Meta
- Focus on training and growth on a weekly basis
- Pro-militia
But most of all we listen to the motivations of the guild interested in transferring and address those motivations and any concerns they have as honestly as possible. Also we have said NO to a LOT OF GUILDS because we believed they were not needed (NA) or woudn’t fit the TC environment (history of bandwagoning etc).
TC also has incredible forum coverage.
I’m confused. I am in the right place, right? This is the DB/FA/CD match up thread??
Former [EA] DB Commander
I’m confused. I am in the right place, right? This is the DB/FA/CD match up thread??
kitten no
DB since Headstart
Hey FA, quick question:
On your borderlands right now….why aren’t you taking your 40-50 people outside Briar and just steaming through the gate? We have around 15 people. Why are you trebbing a reinforced wall from the island? You would have wiped us long ago.
rB also havin a blast :P
2:00 to 2:45 is my favorite part… with 2:30 giving me goosebumps everytime. :-) Hard to believe all this happened within just a few hours.
Just wanted to clarify some things regarding TC, no we do not have a massive ‘warchest’ and we do not consistently buy guilds. We convince them to choose us for many reasons other than transfer assistance. Do we help guilds who have decided to transfer to us? Certainly we do…..
WAGON COAST WAGON COAST!!!!! wah wah wah !!! you guys are stacked already!!! why do you need more players? wagon coast must be trying to buy some talent.
WAGON COAST WAGON COAST!!!!! wah wah wah !!!
Well, this certainly creates a visual.
WAGON COAST WAGON COAST!!!!! wah wah wah !!!
Well, this certainly creates a visual.
I liked your first comment better.
WAGON COAST WAGON COAST!!!!! wah wah wah !!!
Well, this certainly creates a visual.
Just wanted to clarify some things regarding TC, no we do not have a massive ‘warchest’ and we do not consistently buy guilds. We convince them to choose us for many reasons other than transfer assistance. Do we help guilds who have decided to transfer to us? Certainly we do because we understand how important it is for the transfer process to be immediate for the health of their guild and playerbase.
The gold that goes into helping guilds transfers is completely voluntary and community driven effort and often we are unable to even cover 5-10% of the total gold that is required for the guild to transfer. So in the end they do pay for most of it out of their own pocket.
People come to us because we are very straightforward and honest with our recruitment. We give intelligent responses to their questions and have a back and forth conversation that builds rapport with the guild that is interested, we dont just try to drown them in facts and figures, we use extensive examples in most of our answers. All in all we are just better at conversing in those meetings.
Some of the reasons guilds have chosen us are things like
- Community
- Stability
- Maturity
- Cooperative environment
- Attention to PPT/Meta
- Focus on training and growth on a weekly basis
- Pro-militiaBut most of all we listen to the motivations of the guild interested in transferring and address those motivations and any concerns they have as honestly as possible. Also we have said NO to a LOT OF GUILDS because we believed they were not needed (NA) or woudn’t fit the TC environment (history of bandwagoning etc).
Why even post this, you are just going to get trolled…….
DB since Headstart
WAGON COAST WAGON COAST!!!!! wah wah wah !!!
Well, this certainly creates a visual.
Get out of here <3, go back to the EU! We miss you
DB since Headstart
WAGON COAST WAGON COAST!!!!! wah wah wah !!!
Well, this certainly creates a visual.
Get out of here <3, go back to the EU! We miss you
EU is insane. I’m not kidding. But in a good way
I miss ya’ll too, have been reading and playing catchup tonight.
my two favourite TCers are visiting c:
WAGON COAST WAGON COAST!!!!! wah wah wah !!!
Well, this certainly creates a visual.
Get out of here <3, go back to the EU! We miss you
EU is insane. I’m not kidding. But in a good way
I miss ya’ll too, have been reading and playing catchup tonight.
Heard EU has more smaller scale fights? Zerg is not the meta
DB since Headstart
WAGON COAST WAGON COAST!!!!! wah wah wah !!!
Well, this certainly creates a visual.
Get out of here <3, go back to the EU! We miss you
EU is insane. I’m not kidding. But in a good way
I miss ya’ll too, have been reading and playing catchup tonight.
Heard EU has more smaller scale fights? Zerg is not the meta
There are zergs, but not to the extreme as I saw on NA (well except for Jade Sea, lol man there are an awful lot of french who play GW2). More open-field fights at multiple points on the map by separate guild pushes, less focus on meta/ppt, and not as much siege (which, as you know, gives me the twitchies, cos I have this odd siege addiction issue — I really went to EU to deal with it cold turkey, lol).
To keep reasonably on topic of thread: TC reached out to PVE crowd for months .. I know I (and others) would go into all the major hubs and recruit each morning, offering WvW clinics for beginners pretty much since November. FA reaching out to the PVE crowd is just smart.
Edited to add map example of typical night, showing multiple fights all over:
(edited by Jayne.9251)
WAGON COAST WAGON COAST!!!!! wah wah wah !!!
Well, this certainly creates a visual.
Get out of here <3, go back to the EU! We miss you
EU is insane. I’m not kidding. But in a good way
I miss ya’ll too, have been reading and playing catchup tonight.
Heard EU has more smaller scale fights? Zerg is not the meta
There are zergs, but not to the extreme as I saw on NA (well except for Jade Sea, lol man there are an awful lot of french who play GW2). More open-field fights at multiple points on the map by separate guild pushes, less focus on meta/ppt, and not as much siege (which, as you know, gives me the twitchies, cos I have this odd siege addiction issue — I really went to EU to deal with it cold turkey, lol).
LOL, yea this sounds like it would very interesting and tempting…. how is the ping/lag on the servers?
DB since Headstart
WAGON COAST WAGON COAST!!!!! wah wah wah !!!
Well, this certainly creates a visual.
Get out of here <3, go back to the EU! We miss you
EU is insane. I’m not kidding. But in a good way
I miss ya’ll too, have been reading and playing catchup tonight.
Heard EU has more smaller scale fights? Zerg is not the meta
There are zergs, but not to the extreme as I saw on NA (well except for Jade Sea, lol man there are an awful lot of french who play GW2). More open-field fights at multiple points on the map by separate guild pushes, less focus on meta/ppt, and not as much siege (which, as you know, gives me the twitchies, cos I have this odd siege addiction issue — I really went to EU to deal with it cold turkey, lol).
LOL, yea this sounds like it would very interesting and tempting…. how is the ping/lag on the servers?
We’re gonna get spanked for this, lol.
I freaked out for a bit because my second week there I had massive lag, literally unplayable, so I thought it was an issue of someone from NA playing on EU, and was grousing to myself over “what did I do?!!” I found out it was an Anet issue and not just EU players were experiencing it. Relief. Next week was normal .. in fact in some cases it was better, simply because you’d get 100+ zergs on the map and I could actually still use all my skills. I assume this was the same on NA? That lag has improved?
portal camping db at south hills for a good 20 minutes ^^ good fights
[Mada] Apocryfia
WAGON COAST WAGON COAST!!!!! wah wah wah !!!
Well, this certainly creates a visual.
Get out of here <3, go back to the EU! We miss you
EU is insane. I’m not kidding. But in a good way
I miss ya’ll too, have been reading and playing catchup tonight.
Heard EU has more smaller scale fights? Zerg is not the meta
There are zergs, but not to the extreme as I saw on NA (well except for Jade Sea, lol man there are an awful lot of french who play GW2). More open-field fights at multiple points on the map by separate guild pushes, less focus on meta/ppt, and not as much siege (which, as you know, gives me the twitchies, cos I have this odd siege addiction issue — I really went to EU to deal with it cold turkey, lol).
LOL, yea this sounds like it would very interesting and tempting…. how is the ping/lag on the servers?
We’re gonna get spanked for this, lol.
I freaked out for a bit because my second week there I had massive lag, literally unplayable, so I thought it was an issue of someone from NA playing on EU, and was grousing to myself over “what did I do?!!” I found out it was an Anet issue and not just EU players were experiencing it. Relief. Next week was normal .. in fact in some cases it was better, simply because you’d get 100+ zergs on the map and I could actually still use all my skills. I assume this was the same on NA? That lag has improved?
I don’t get much lag anymore except for the massive fights inside SM but other than that not really much lag for me. However, I know some others still have some issues
DB since Headstart
WAGON COAST WAGON COAST!!!!! wah wah wah !!!
Well, this certainly creates a visual.
Get out of here <3, go back to the EU! We miss you
EU is insane. I’m not kidding. But in a good way
I miss ya’ll too, have been reading and playing catchup tonight.
Heard EU has more smaller scale fights? Zerg is not the meta
There are zergs, but not to the extreme as I saw on NA (well except for Jade Sea, lol man there are an awful lot of french who play GW2). More open-field fights at multiple points on the map by separate guild pushes, less focus on meta/ppt, and not as much siege (which, as you know, gives me the twitchies, cos I have this odd siege addiction issue — I really went to EU to deal with it cold turkey, lol).
To keep reasonably on topic of thread: TC reached out to PVE crowd for months .. I know I (and others) would go into all the major hubs and recruit each morning, offering WvW clinics for beginners pretty much since November. FA reaching out to the PVE crowd is just smart.
Edited to add map example of typical night, showing multiple fights all over:
God, I love this screenshot. Wish this sorta thing happened more on NA servers.
To keep reasonably on topic of thread: TC reached out to PVE crowd for months ..
Is TC recruitment strategy the topic of this thread? Interesting.
Why is TG so salty? ;(
TC just loves FA so much that they want to be on the same thread as us. <3
I hope to see you guys tomorrow, but only if there is another server who will help us push you guys. Last time, that was not really the case.