6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gravy.7589


I guess SBI decided to show tonight after all, after having 10-12 in our BL’s most of the night. And kitten you EB people and your Que ><,

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mastermavrick.2439


Sooooo IMPRESSED with folks that were defending me and the [War] train that just crushed the zerg hitting SBI hills (we control) after holding out for 30min+.

And yes that zerg got wiped out =D we started with 15+/- with out maned till they showed up, i wish i knew why/how it took you so long to take the central entrance.


The Revenant Apostle [Rvnt]→ DragonBand
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer

(edited by Mastermavrick.2439)

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mastermavrick.2439


Grats to the SBI 20+/- zerg on your map that kept at it and finally retaking your Hills from my defense team with [War] helping and learning/doing/practicing Defense. Took you 6rounds+/- of attacks and near missed hidden Messer portal attack. Bravo to both sides that stuck it out all i can say.

ps: ARGGGGG vs Lords getting bugged and staying outside of the room

pps: @Joey.3928 been a while havn’t ran into you yet

The Revenant Apostle [Rvnt]→ DragonBand
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer

(edited by Mastermavrick.2439)

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rinzler.8072


No hate, but…

IOJ and SBI, where is your small group/solo talent?

All my guild seems to run into is:

A: Zergs
B: Cowards (Even when they outnumber us 2:1)
C: Equal size groups that get utterly destroyed

The only semi decent fights we have run into are JQ and a few GEN peeps.

Where have you been lately dude? [TRBO] always run around but as I said in an earlier post I haven’t visited AR BL yet.

I might go to your BL just to meet your guild tonight.

Oh, really? There is a new content? Sorry [vT], guild responsibilities first, need to get all of us that kittenty wings.

HAha no prob dude, yea im gonna be mixin in a little pve too, dem wings :-p But ya, we will keep an eye out for ya!

Rinzler [Mesmer] -BROLIS PASS- Violent Tendencies (vT)

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thorp.7982


Last thing i’d wanna see outside a heavy zerg is <a red name plate – rank> [vT]. not too many small groups have that kind of coordination.


6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: mechanizeddeath.3127


For people who aren’t familiar with SBI, I’ll explain a bit. We have no major WvW guilds, and while we have guilds with a greater presence in WvW than others, they’re all PvX and they don’t have a presence all days of the week. We are a group comprised of the surviving players from when every major WvW guild left the server in December and early January.

Trimmed the quote for brevity, but I couldn’t agree more, especially with the above. I was in the middle of taking a break from the game when the exodus happened, and prior to that I had such limited play time that most times I would never get out of the queue and into WvW.

I’m happy to finally be able to play, but the exodus means that our overall skill, however high it may be, is spread relatively thin. I’m not sure if that makes us unique among the servers or not, as I don’t pay much attention to such things: I just enjoy good battles.

That said, I’ve had a ton of fun with this match up and will be sad when it ends. I especially love the attitude everyone has shown, both in this thread and during battle. Hope to face both of you again soon!

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: RageExpert.2453


Sorry SBI you deserved it for taking our BL

Credit to all the guilds who helped,


and to to all the other guilds i forgot to mention (sorry!)


(edited by RageExpert.2453)

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: KiraAlf.3456


Hope it will motivate the AR players to push on as we still lacking in points and amazing week to clock a high score for us. We did turn over from SBI pushing us to last garrison the same day just hours ago. Any thing can happen still, lets just pit ourselves together again.

Kiramerciless Level 80 Norn Thief
Knight of Zero Guild
Anvil Rock


(edited by KiraAlf.3456)

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: KiraAlf.3456


Sorry SBI you deserved it for taking our BL

Credit to all the guilds who helped,


and to to all the other guilds i forgot to mention (sorry!)


6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Setun.4368


Sorry SBI you deserved it for taking our BL

Credit to all the guilds who helped,


and to to all the other guilds i forgot to mention (sorry!)

Cute, AR and IoJ teaming up against us. One the one hand I’m flattered that we’re posing that much of a threat again, but on the other hand….really?

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: VanysRonz.4061


Sooooo IMPRESSED with folks that were defending me and the [War] train that just crushed the zerg hitting SBI hills (we control) after holding out for 30min+.

And yes that zerg got wiped out =D we started with 15+/- with out maned till they showed up, i wish i knew why/how it took you so long to take the central entrance.

you didn’t mention that we took your t3 hill with 10 people under 5 minutes:D just fyi

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gravy.7589


That screen shot is 6am in the morning. Thats some great pvd door action. Lets see if SBI can continue to bring numbers like we did last night. Hope AR enjoyed TB + friends in your BL’s .

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Cute, AR and IoJ teaming up against us. One the one hand I’m flattered that we’re posing that much of a threat again, but on the other hand….really?

Oh no the 2 weaker servers ganging up on the winning one, call the Wambulance

Even though IoJ didnt help, you guys got stomped by AR alone

Mr(s) Starkk

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gravy.7589


Cute, AR and IoJ teaming up against us. One the one hand I’m flattered that we’re posing that much of a threat again, but on the other hand….really?

Oh no the 2 weaker servers ganging up on the winning one, call the Wambulance

Even though IoJ didnt help, you guys got stomped by AR alone

2v1 doesn’t matter. Don’t be a kitten bout that. AR stomped doors, its pretty impressive. Maybe you can ask AR who got stomped last night, when for the first time in days SBI had numbers on, besides that freaking EB mess. Stay classy IOJ.

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


To AR the core WvW SPI players just thought you had your own keeps for long enough so we decided to turn them to paper. That is all.

So you decide to take our stuff at 6AM on a night after a patch with likely paper borderlands with no siege protection none the less. Meh… PvDoor must have been fun for you.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Cute, AR and IoJ teaming up against us. One the one hand I’m flattered that we’re posing that much of a threat again, but on the other hand….really?

Oh no the 2 weaker servers ganging up on the winning one, call the Wambulance

Even though IoJ didnt help, you guys got stomped by AR alone

2v1 doesn’t matter. Don’t be a kitten bout that. AR stomped doors, its pretty impressive. Maybe you can ask AR who got stomped last night, when for the first time in days SBI had numbers on, besides that freaking EB mess. Stay classy IOJ.

It seems that AR has taken the lead and last time i checked WvW was 24/7 and every timezone gets their chance to contribute

Has SBI turned into another DR?!
Last week our oceanics managed 680ppt.
Good on AR for taking the lead! Be proud of it guys and dont let the “PvDoor” sooks get to ya! IoJ has copped that for as long as i can remember!

Mr(s) Starkk

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gravy.7589


DR? lol. DR does nothing but complain about numbers and zerging. Don’t think anyone on SBI has done that in this thread. I am sure AR is feeling great about how they have performed this week, but worry about your own server man. For the most part you guys are playing it REALLY safe. Staying behind towers and AC’s. You know you are not in the points battle, so like go fight.

We were massively out manned against DB and we were in the open field ALL night during NA prime time and learned A LOT. You are a commander, make this a learning experience and push your server against larger numbers. Nothing to gain or keep but kittening points when you stay in your towers. Or you just can just post on the forums about how great AR is and how happy your for them and continue to sit and watch the game from the sidelines.

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


DR? lol. DR does nothing but complain about numbers and zerging. Don’t think anyone on SBI has done that in this thread. I am sure AR is feeling great about how they have performed this week, but worry about your own server man. For the most part you guys are playing it REALLY safe. Staying behind towers and AC’s. You know you are not in the points battle, so like go fight.

We were massively out manned against DB and we were in the open field ALL night during NA prime time and learned A LOT. You are a commander, make this a learning experience and push your server against larger numbers. Nothing to gain or keep but kittening points when you stay in your towers. Or you just can just post on the forums about how great AR is and how happy your for them and continue to sit and watch the game from the sidelines.

Dont judge the whole server from the times that you play on.
I havent commanded all that much as of late.

The way myself and my group/zerg work out if we can beat an opponents group/zerg is by running at them! I personally do not sit behind tower walls unless its clear that no matter what we’d do outside those walls, we’ll get wiped.

I think its obvious to those that are still playing that our server is no where near as strong as it was last week! If we had those same kind of numbers we wouldnt be this far behind in the points.

EDIT: I meant SBI being DR when you whinge about PvDooring.

Mr(s) Starkk

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


Cute, AR and IoJ teaming up against us. One the one hand I’m flattered that we’re posing that much of a threat again, but on the other hand….really?

Oh no the 2 weaker servers ganging up on the winning one, call the Wambulance

Even though IoJ didnt help, you guys got stomped by AR alone

2v1 doesn’t matter. Don’t be a kitten bout that. AR stomped doors, its pretty impressive. Maybe you can ask AR who got stomped last night, when for the first time in days SBI had numbers on, besides that freaking EB mess. Stay classy IOJ.

It seems that AR has taken the lead and last time i checked WvW was 24/7 and every timezone gets their chance to contribute

Has SBI turned into another DR?!
Last week our oceanics managed 680ppt.
Good on AR for taking the lead! Be proud of it guys and dont let the “PvDoor” sooks get to ya! IoJ has copped that for as long as i can remember!

No we are not becoming DR not that I know how DR reacts or really care for that matter. I am sure they do their best with what they have to work with. I refuse to judge another server. We are also not complaining. We know that the majority of the reasons why you are currently in the lead is our own fault. We were just making a comment that you likely did not meet much resistance. While when we took your borderlands we likely did.

Congrats on the lead. I wonder for how long you will hold it.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

(edited by anzenketh.3759)

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: VanysRonz.4061


Cute, AR and IoJ teaming up against us. One the one hand I’m flattered that we’re posing that much of a threat again, but on the other hand….really?

Oh no the 2 weaker servers ganging up on the winning one, call the Wambulance

Even though IoJ didnt help, you guys got stomped by AR alone

IOJ got sold out again after your EB keep is taken by AR

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gravy.7589


When you post that score and you pvd to get that score, its not something to be proud of. Many servers will have issue when you brag about high points against no enemies. The AR group that defended Hills in our BL’s had something to be proud but you really think that pvdooring those points shows anything? It shows me that AR had to wait for us to log off to do anything last night, and then posted wanting to brag about it. If you don’t understand that then IDK :/

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: nyckolag.2394


Everyone chill!

Awesome 3-way at SM just then. Lots of loot bags for me when SBI portalled to inner that first time.

Both AR and SBI’s pushes were impeccable – SBI from the top floor and AR from the north entrances. My little arrow cart couldn’t keep up with all those numbers.

Fellblade is best blade.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gravy.7589


You were on an AC? For shame man. You should have went and attacked some red, cause SM 3-way fights are like never laggy :p. And Jebus SM is changing colors like crazy this morning.

(edited by Gravy.7589)

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Well I think this has been a great match. Good fights, good defenses, good attacks, good comebacks, good frustrations

I don’t think we’ve (SBI) ever been in a match this close. It’s Wednesday and we don’t know who’s going to win! Amazing.

Regarding AR taking the whole map, what time was that? I’m just interested because we do have some good OCN – it must’ve been right before their primetime? Cause, now we have have it all back. Guess we’ll need to recruit some people in Hawaii and the South Pacific

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gravy.7589


I am just happy that our ocean and sea players are not getting blobbed on, like they did against DB and SoS, and are getting some good fights. You all have earned it.

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


Well I think this has been a great match. Good fights, good defenses, good attacks, good comebacks, good frustrations

I don’t think we’ve (SBI) ever been in a match this close. It’s Wednesday and we don’t know who’s going to win! Amazing.

Regarding AR taking the whole map, what time was that? I’m just interested because we do have some good OCN – it must’ve been right before their primetime? Cause, now we have have it all back. Guess we’ll need to recruit some people in Hawaii and the South Pacific

It was at 4AM at whatever time MOP time is. You can tell by looking at the income evolution.


IOJ believe it or not you may be the determining factor on who the winner is. Currently AR is in the lead. But depending on your targets that may change. Don’t let our current ranking fool you. I think AR and SBI are a good match our playstyles are just a bit different due to the players that we have. AR smaller numbers but more organization. SBI larger numbers but mostly shepherds herding sheep PUGs. That is not meant to be a derogatory comment against our PUGs either. They are great at what they do without them well…. You saw what happened when the patch came.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

(edited by anzenketh.3759)

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Redgrass.3067


We don’t need a double team to keep up with you.

Yes, you do. That much is obvious. I’m not complaining, the team with more numbers should be 2v1’d. You’re delusional if you actually believe what you said, though.

I still stand by this because SBI doesn’t have enough wvw guilds to keep up with us and IoJ doesn’t have a wvw guild big enough. Our militia is more numerous than IoJ’s and fights better than the average SBI player. SBI can field some impressive numbers but AR is used to being in overwhelming situations. Anyone that has done homeland defense on AR during reset can attest to that! Overall I feel I come across your better wvw players in the late hours of the night. The ones that no what takes to win this week.

On the “multiple” commander thing. AR will have up to four tags at once on a map. We recognize each other. I know most all commanders and what they can bring to the table from their guild roster. Sometimes we pool resources, sometimes we just keep ya guessing. I think for the most part our commanders play nice with each other. I have heard stories but really people prefer some commanders over other commanders. They know who to follow.

I ran into VZ once. I am sorry for the misunderstanding. We roll over the majority of server I thought, “what the heck.” Yea big mistake…it was outside of south-gate bay somewhere.

Cmdr. Sinema Kane-80 Necro
Lil Bully-80 Thief

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: VanysRonz.4061


I still stand by this because SBI doesn’t have enough wvw guilds to keep up with us and IoJ doesn’t have a wvw guild big enough.

SBI doesn’t have any hardcore wvw guild, actually we are formation of pugs. We take SM by pugs, We wiped out your zerg by pugs, We take everything from you by pugs.

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


I still stand by this because SBI doesn’t have enough wvw guilds to keep up with us and IoJ doesn’t have a wvw guild big enough.

SBI doesn’t have any hardcore wvw guild, actually we are formation of pugs. We take SM by pugs, We wiped out your zerg by pugs, We take everything from you by pugs.

We actually have one in the process of forming Champions of StormBluff. Tag SBI.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Joey.3928


Grats to the SBI 20+/- zerg on your map that kept at it and finally retaking your Hills from my defense team with [War] helping and learning/doing/practicing Defense. Took you 6rounds+/- of attacks and near missed hidden Messer portal attack. Bravo to both sides that stuck it out all i can say.

ps: ARGGGGG vs Lords getting bugged and staying outside of the room

pps: @Joey.3928 been a while havn’t ran into you yet

Hah indeed! I have been busy and now…Dragon Bash. I will pop in AR BL tonight though so keep an eye out :P

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Radioactive.1248


I’m an SBI commander who commands EB occasionally, Star Player in game. I have to say, for all the AR trash talk directed at SBI in regards to our tacticless zergs (that you lose to in open field fights 80% of the time on EB), you only do a few things that really impress me.

-You spend countless amounts of money on upgrades for towers/keeps, it’s something SBI does not do well, even ones you have almost no chance of keeping like AP or MG.
-You effectively siege up towers, and have people man and refresh the siege
-You play for points on the borderlands, even if it means tons of omega golems.

At the end of the day however, you can’t come close to touching SBI in open field fights. Obviously, open field fights don’t increase our PPT, but it’s what most of the people on SBI pride ourselves for. I stopped playing for points when Warmachine started the exodus from SBI, it’s just for fun and lootbags now.

Star Player

(edited by Radioactive.1248)

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mastermavrick.2439


@Joey.3928 I’ll see i can do been running/helping with offense a lot this week vs defense and yea i got to get started on the DragonBash stuff myself here.

The Revenant Apostle [Rvnt]→ DragonBand
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Agriope.4523


At the end of the day however, you can’t come close to touching SBI in open field fights.

Guild tag? We’d love to test that theory.

Agriope – Purple hair’d menace.
Violent Tendency [vT]; twitch.tv/agriope & YouTube Agriope

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

Man all this talk about oceanic has got me thinking (that I really need another trip to Hawaii or Guam) why the score isn’t more in the favor of the folks w/ sea teams. I don’t even think AR has any do we? Can’t be all that big if we do.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

(edited by Steve Whitley.8359)

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


At the end of the day however, you can’t come close to touching SBI in open field fights.

Guild tag? We’d love to test that theory.

Guild Tag is SBI PuGs. So you won’t get what you are looking for. There is no WvW guild besides SBI on SBI. The SBI guild worries more about managing the WvW effort and managing the WvW PuGs.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: LAD Infinitum.1675

LAD Infinitum.1675

Just popping in for a second to say:

1) I envy your guys’ matchup … looks very exciting!
2) The scores are quite close!
3) Go AR! Brolis Rock for life!

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pedra.4381


Guild Tag is SBI PuGs. So you won’t get what you are looking for. There is no WvW guild besides SBI on SBI. The SBI guild worries more about managing the WvW effort and managing the WvW PuGs.

I saw that Tag run over my solo Ranger this morning with about 10 folks when you jammed me right after I killed a thief right outside your Garrison. You’re right though, it did happen in open field.

JonPeters.5630:]I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement…

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


Guild Tag is SBI PuGs. So you won’t get what you are looking for. There is no WvW guild besides SBI on SBI. The SBI guild worries more about managing the WvW effort and managing the WvW PuGs.

I saw that Tag run over my solo Ranger this morning with about 10 folks when you jammed me right after I killed a thief right outside your Garrison. You’re right though, it did happen in open field.

You talking about the tag SBI or [SBI PUGs] Because there is no tag SBI PuGs my comment was to say that he won’t find what he is looking for. In SBI most guilds are PvX so we all play a bit of everything so there is no one Guild he can go GvG to test Open Field battles.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pedra.4381


You talking about the tag SBI or [SBI PUGs] Because there is no tag SBI PuGs my comment was to say that he won’t find what he is looking for. In SBI most guilds are PvX so we all play a bit of everything so there is no one Guild he can go GvG to test Open Field battles.

I’m pretty sure the TAG I saw this morning said simply [PuG]. I remember thinking, “How appropriate”.

JonPeters.5630:]I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement…

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


You talking about the tag SBI or [SBI PUGs] Because there is no tag SBI PuGs my comment was to say that he won’t find what he is looking for. In SBI most guilds are PvX so we all play a bit of everything so there is no one Guild he can go GvG to test Open Field battles.

I’m pretty sure the TAG I saw this morning said simply [PuG]. I remember thinking, “How appropriate”.

Ya PuG is a actual guild It is a PvX guild. Not a WvW guild.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


10 people from PuG you say?

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: RageExpert.2453


Man all this talk about oceanic has got me thinking (that I really need another trip to Hawaii or Guam) why the score isn’t more in the favor of the folks w/ sea teams. I don’t even think AR has any do we? Can’t be all that big if we do.

i think its more a bunch of americans who stay up late :P (ME) lol

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Pedra.4381


10 people from PuG you say?

Not all [PuG]. There were others mixed in, but about 10 all together of various tags. [PuG] tag stood out to me though.

JonPeters.5630:]I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement…

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Ronin.4501


For the most part this matchup has been great this week, but definitely very unimpressed with the [ALS] guild from AR, several of whom seem overly willing to employ the zoom hack on the ACs. Sadly I’ve seen it from them all week long. I guess it’s not only the T1/2 servers that employ the hacks and exploits…

Ronin V/Skhaar/Vicious Blacktongue
Dog Biscuits [DOG] – Stormbluff Isle
Self-Proclaimed King of Orr – “It’s MY Island”

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gravy.7589


ALS get your kitten Ele outta our tower, who either hacked in or got in through that door glitch. Sad sad guild if you gonna play it this way. Have a ton of screen shots of them running around our tower.

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gravy.7589


And you have a certain player who seems to have crazy angels on his AC. Same person on both towers. Whole bunch of win going on right now. Guess you really want those points at any cost, just lol.

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Maladon.5760


Being green this week has definitely brought out some new players to WvW on SBI. At any given moment 25% of our force is off chasing something shiny or taking supply from a tower or supply camp in need of an upgrade. Our gameplay overall is pretty sloppy this week.

It’s odd being in a close match. It’s also uncommon for us to be green. I think we’ve all gotten accustomed to being severely outnumbered (vs. SoS, DB, Mag, TC, SoR, etc.). In matches like that our only recourse has been to smash those people in open field zerg on zerg battles (at least in EB, I rarely play on the BLs). We’ve gotten pretty good at large scale zerg busting, it’s basically all most of us want to do.

We haven’t had to watch the scoreboard for as long as I can remember. I don’t recall a matchup in the past 6 months (at least) that hasn’t been decided within 12-24 hours of reset (or even before the match started in many, many cases). We aren’t in the habit of playing for points and it shows.

All that being said, I doubt the competitiveness of this matchup will have much of an effect on how we play. We are a militia server that has found a way to have fun in any kind of matchup. Most of us would rather smash a bunch of players in the middle of a road somewhere than beat down a door or kill a keep lord. That kind of gameplay won’t do us any favors with the scoreboard but we haven’t cared about the scoreboard all year, why start now?

Malzarius – Guardian
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Krash.9486


Sooooo IMPRESSED with folks that were defending me and the [War] train that just crushed the zerg hitting SBI hills (we control) after holding out for 30min+.

And yes that zerg got wiped out =D we started with 15+/- with out maned till they showed up, i wish i knew why/how it took you so long to take the central entrance.

Nice…that is kinda similar to our taking of the AR T3 hills……but we were in the Lords Room and our flanking zerg wiped your defense on the bridge in about 3 mins there…

That was sweet =)

[SBI] Champions of Stormbluff Isle

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


took SM twice today both times while being outmanned :-) I’d say IoJ did pretty good this morning. Also SBI please don’t treat us like equals, both SBI and AR outman IoJ most of the day and I find it funny that you talk to us like we’re a threat since we don’t even have the numbers to make a push on more then one map at a time.

also for a side note I saw some guild with the tag [TB] (the balance I think?) and it has some pretty nice roamers, gave me and my group of 10 a pretty hard time


6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Also SBI please don’t treat us like equals, both SBI and AR outman IoJ most of the day and I find it funny that you talk to us like we’re a threat since we don’t even have the numbers to make a push on more then one map at a time.

You are a threat if you happen to hit us while AR are pushing into us at the same time elsewhere. It forces us to make sacrifices and pick and choose what matters more to us, regardless of if you’re outmanned or whatever. This is especially relevant when our entire BL is turning a color other than ours for the entire week because we can only queue one map at a time in NA primetime. Don’t underestimate what you can do with 20 people who aren’t afraid of death; we’ve been there and felt it.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!