6/7 Yaks vs CD vs Kain
you are thinking too much.
Now there’s an accusation you don’t see everyday on gaming forums.
Just teasing!
Well Kaineng, it has been a great time being in this awesome server from t8 all the way to t2. It was definitely a good learning experience for myself and my guild. So best wishes to all the people in Kaineng, we really hope you find your place and strive for higher. RE is moving to TC today to try and establish a new home there and hopefully the final. We really enjoyed this weeks match up against Yak and CD. Crystal Dessert, i’ll have to hand it to you guys, you have determination and persistence. As for Yak we really enjoyed playing against RAM guild, it would of been nice if we could of got a GvG in.
Whatever the future holds, I hope we can all meet again. Bye bye from RE.
Good luck in TC Ethersin. Learned loads fighting RE. Hope we meet in battle again.
Guild Leader Of [LOOT]
Yaks Bend Allaince Commander [YBA]
(edited by Kronyx.2570)
Well Kaineng, it has been a great time being in this awesome server from t8 all the way to t2 … Bye bye from RE.
Maybe it’s because of caffeine overload, or because I’m listening to sappy love songs, but there’s a part of me that wants to cry.
Ethersin, Banelene, Fading, Avery, and Robertson. Take care in Tarnished Coast. We enjoyed having you here and thank you for staying as long as you did. We appreciate everything you’ve done for Kaineng and its community.
To TC:
Enjoy Ethersin’s voice.
Guild Leader: Zepheris Chronology [CHR]
Kaineng from Beginning to End
Well Kaineng, it has been a great time being in this awesome server from t8 all the way to t2 … Bye bye from RE.
Maybe it’s because of caffeine overload, or because I’m listening to sappy love songs, but there’s a part of me that wants to cry.
“You’d think people had enough of silly love songs / But I look around me and see it isn’t so.”
Gaming communities are tight-knit. We’re all on a mission of escapism. We also live and die next to each other on the battlefield. Having to say goodbye to people you’ve fought alongside of can be difficult. And from what I’ve heard, the Kaineng community is pretty wonderful.
TC huh. Well I suppose we’ll see you guys on the battle field soon.
Best of luck RE.
I know Kain will be fine, they are a good bunch
Also wanted to shout out to Yaks, its been a hella long time since we crossed paths. Have fun all, its really nice to see such a close matchup in the new RNG system.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
RE should be renamed “Roleplayers Extraordinaire” now.
RE should be renamed “Roleplayers Extraordinaire” now.
Huh … I wonder what he likes to ‘roleplay’ … … (uncontrolled blushing.)
Guild Leader: Zepheris Chronology [CHR]
Kaineng from Beginning to End
(edited by Caephire.5238)
RE should be renamed “Roleplayers Extraordinaire” now.
Huh … I wonder what he likes to ‘roleplay’ …
… (uncontrolled blushing.)
they can roleplay this
Yaks Bend zerg seems to know what CD is doing in EB before they do it. Insane response times from all the way across the map.
You decided to post about the moment it got taken without proper respects being given to the guys that kept it guarded for you to have your moment to shine so I see it as an insult to your server mates the boasting on your behalf with this response.
I am sure nobody in that tower defending with Juggs will feel he was boasting, you are thinking too much. All of us were having fun defending and credit have already been given to everyone.
Ah, if I was mistaken about the tone of his post then I appoligize, just reading it in the wrong tone can mean everything when making a response like the one I made. Anyways best of luck to all 3 servers this week.
Guard the Guild lvl 80 Norn Guardian
Outlaws and Vagabonds(LaWz) on TC
You decided to post about the moment it got taken without proper respects being given to the guys that kept it guarded for you to have your moment to shine so I see it as an insult to your server mates the boasting on your behalf with this response.
I am sure nobody in that tower defending with Juggs will feel he was boasting, you are thinking too much. All of us were having fun defending and credit have already been given to everyone.
Ah, if I was mistaken about the tone of his post then I appoligize, just reading it in the wrong tone can mean everything when making a response like the one I made. Anyways best of luck to all 3 servers this week.
Just to put it out there, most of us on CD are pretty chill and I haven’t seen many exceptions on the forums in particular. If we’re taking a jab at you it’s most likely in a playful teasing way. We’re not being jerks, we just like a lively bit of friendly rivalry. Don’t tase us bros!
I’m about to leave for the next two weeks, but before I go I just had to say that this has been one of the best match ups yet. I feel like all our servers have up times around the same time and this truthfully causes some epic sieges and holds. Although it does get a bit bunkery at times we still manage to take golem rushes to the face
Tiany, Kaineng
You guys have such a close matchup! I am literally on the edge of my seat following your scores.
Seriously wish there was a spectator mode in WvW haha, I would love to be able to observe you guys!
Sanctum of Rall
Seriously wish there was a spectator mode in WvW haha, I would love to be able to observe you guys!
Stranger Danger! Stranger Danger!
Guild Leader: Zepheris Chronology [CHR]
Kaineng from Beginning to End
Oh , haven’t had that much fun in " Couple " of days in KN BL , because it’s all about fun in this match up. The fight at Bay and the long kitten fight in Longview , oh boy ..but there is that one time when the TS3 went silence and facepalming when we are at the longview tower that belongs to KN and we are fighting with KN and all that ..looking behind us and find out that there is about 10-15 YB looking at us and putting a ballista up while both of us fighting ..“facepalm” so we held but the catas went down YB went home and KN still inside their tower which they held it pretty well, fun times indeed.
YB took first again last night! This match is insane!
Guild Leader Of [LOOT]
Yaks Bend Allaince Commander [YBA]
Its the little engineer asura ive been killing for the last several hours. Your the one that keeps coming to the gate (Tagging it) to stop us from using the wp. I got some good video of me killing you……..all them bags. Hope to see more of you before server change (Could always use the extra loot).
(Pro) P/D Thief Kwangtungtiger
If you think that you can solo me then bring it (just more video footage and bags for me).
Once im done with the video i’ll send you the video so you can re-live all those great moments again.
Just made another video of you getting stomped the first time i saw you this morning. Then the 10 min video of you running around hiding behind walls just trying your hardest to tag that wall.
I have been anxiously awaiting this video for some time now. . . I would like to compare your toon to a P/D thief I had a tussle with just north of Bay on one of the Borderlands this week.
You weren’t just making that kitten up to be cool, were you?
Oh , haven’t had that much fun in " Couple " of days in KN BL , because it’s all about fun in this match up. The fight at Bay and the long kitten fight in Longview , oh boy ..but there is that one time when the TS3 went silence and facepalming when we are at the longview tower that belongs to KN and we are fighting with KN and all that ..looking behind us and find out that there is about 10-15 YB looking at us and putting a ballista up while both of us fighting ..“facepalm” so we held but the catas went down YB went home and KN still inside their tower which they held it pretty well, fun times indeed.
clowns and jokers man, clowns and jokers…
So jealous of this match-up right now lol. I miss these kinds of fights.
yb-cd-kn is the most balanced matchup so far among all matchups, basing on the current scores.
Its the little engineer asura ive been killing for the last several hours. Your the one that keeps coming to the gate (Tagging it) to stop us from using the wp. I got some good video of me killing you……..all them bags. Hope to see more of you before server change (Could always use the extra loot).
(Pro) P/D Thief Kwangtungtiger
If you think that you can solo me then bring it (just more video footage and bags for me).
Once im done with the video i’ll send you the video so you can re-live all those great moments again.
Just made another video of you getting stomped the first time i saw you this morning. Then the 10 min video of you running around hiding behind walls just trying your hardest to tag that wall.
I have been anxiously awaiting this video for some time now. . . I would like to compare your toon to a P/D thief I had a tussle with just north of Bay on one of the Borderlands this week.
You weren’t just making that kitten up to be cool, were you?
I make kitten up all the time to be cool, its what all the cool people do.
You weren’t just making that kitten up to be cool, were you?
I make kitten up all the time to be cool, its what all the cool people do.
What?? You just made that up. . .
@ KN, good luck, maybe it’s best that you know who you have now than to wait till you stabilize then people leave. We had the same thing happen to us, a large (2nd time mind you) exodus from the server then we started stabilizing at top of t4 then another couple of guilds left.
Since then we have found a happy medium and enjoy the fights very much (found even match-ups against SBI, YB and KN now). Lets hope this continues.
@ Lychon
Stop trolling!
We just took 2nd and only 5k behind KN, I think we can push past them if we try …. AGAIN.
I need an infusion though. 4 hour sleep nights for 2 weeks straight … I ain’t as young as I used to be. But come on…. when’s the last time we won a match-up 2 weeks in a row?
Oh I remember … Fort Janthir match-up XD
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
.... when’s the last time we won a match-up 2 weeks in a row?
Oh I remember ... Fort Janthir match-up XD
*blink* *blink*
That feels like forever ago.
last nights EB was a lot of fun for a Yaks Bender.. had a large pug zerg on me for a large part of the night.. Kain seemed to be mad at us for that and came to our BL strong today haha.. Well played..
Its the little engineer asura ive been killing for the last several hours. Your the one that keeps coming to the gate (Tagging it) to stop us from using the wp. I got some good video of me killing you……..all them bags. Hope to see more of you before server change (Could always use the extra loot).
(Pro) P/D Thief Kwangtungtiger
If you think that you can solo me then bring it (just more video footage and bags for me).
Once im done with the video i’ll send you the video so you can re-live all those great moments again.
Just made another video of you getting stomped the first time i saw you this morning. Then the 10 min video of you running around hiding behind walls just trying your hardest to tag that wall.
I have been anxiously awaiting this video for some time now. . . I would like to compare your toon to a P/D thief I had a tussle with just north of Bay on one of the Borderlands this week.
You weren’t just making that kitten up to be cool, were you?
I make kitten up all the time to be cool, its what all the cool people do.
The video is in coming. It was 100+ gigs and having problems separating because of its size. Didnt mean for it to be so big but forgot to stop recording after paying with the engie. Im starting to gather more video of other duels, 1vX’s and guild battles. I just started making videos so please be patient.
If your looking for me in battles im always roaming on Kain and Crystal solo in the morning and with a couple from the guild on EB at late night.
To all Kain and Crystal defenders and roamers, If i laugh at you after killing you its no disrespect. I generally do this to people who try to sneak me or on those 1vX occasions.
With Love,
(Pro) P/D Thief Kwangtungtiger
(edited by Shadowskill.9852)
Its the little engineer asura ive been killing for the last several hours. Your the one that keeps coming to the gate (Tagging it) to stop us from using the wp. I got some good video of me killing you……..all them bags. Hope to see more of you before server change (Could always use the extra loot).
(Pro) P/D Thief Kwangtungtiger
If you think that you can solo me then bring it (just more video footage and bags for me).
Once im done with the video i’ll send you the video so you can re-live all those great moments again.
Just made another video of you getting stomped the first time i saw you this morning. Then the 10 min video of you running around hiding behind walls just trying your hardest to tag that wall.
I have been anxiously awaiting this video for some time now. . . I would like to compare your toon to a P/D thief I had a tussle with just north of Bay on one of the Borderlands this week.
You weren’t just making that kitten up to be cool, were you?
I make kitten up all the time to be cool, its what all the cool people do.
The video is in coming. It was 100+ gigs and having problems separating because of its size. Didnt mean for it to be so big but forgot to stop recording after paying woth th engie.
I am pretty excited for this video..
someone from CNB have nyx pm me back prease
This matchup has been so close and I’m loving it. I even looked back through the history of various matches and I honestly couldn’t find one this close. This is how it should be kitten it. (Though I have to admit some deficiencies in times, Kain in the pre-morning of North America, and Yak in the evening in North America) CD seems to have a good mix in both. Not sure how the hell you work that out, but it’d be nice to not see folks dominating and the disappearing. This is from the CD side personally.
Didjia of CD
To Didjia….well, some of us sleep/work/school….so can’t help but to disappear. >.>
It is a great match up though! I just wish the Dragon Bash wouldn’t have started during the middle of it! >.< Our numbers are low due to it!
“We are a WvW organization! We don’t throw tea parties!
We burn them to the ground and put the teddy bears to death!”
Yeah, this has been pretty fun. With all the battles here lately, Ive been putting more time in and the wife isn’t feeling it……lol
With battles like this it makes WvW so much more fun. I kinda feel bad for the other servers and the crappy roll they got. Every other server has one that is just rocking the hell out of the others.
Its a shame they can’t enjoy what we are.
someone from CNB have nyx pm me back prease
haha sorry I haven’t been online the past few days. RL was busyyy >< I will look for you in game tomorrow added you to my friends list haha
[CNB] Guild leader/Commander
Sea of Sorrows
Considering how close this matchup has been, we all are incredibly lucky. I’m praying next week would continue being like this. Would suck to have something like TC/FA/CD. Or awesome for some CDers that want revenge on certain guilds.
This matchup has been so close and I’m loving it. I even looked back through the history of various matches and I honestly couldn’t find one this close. This is how it should be kitten it. (Though I have to admit some deficiencies in times, Kain in the pre-morning of North America, and Yak in the evening in North America) CD seems to have a good mix in both. Not sure how the hell you work that out, but it’d be nice to not see folks dominating and the disappearing. This is from the CD side personally.
Didjia of CD
in NA there has only been 1 matchup close to the current one
Early October last year was YB-SoR-NSP matchup that by the end of it was 4k between 1st and 3rd
in EU on the other hand there have been 4
December last Year on EU PS-AR-GD 5k
early April UW-DL-MS 3k
mid May GD-MS-FS 3k
last week UW-RoS-FR 4k
Yak’s Bend
Just goes to show how close the gap was between t3 to t5, infact i would argue there actually was no gap.
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php
This matchup has been so close and I’m loving it. I even looked back through the history of various matches and I honestly couldn’t find one this close. This is how it should be kitten it. (Though I have to admit some deficiencies in times, Kain in the pre-morning of North America, and Yak in the evening in North America) CD seems to have a good mix in both. Not sure how the hell you work that out, but it’d be nice to not see folks dominating and the disappearing. This is from the CD side personally.
Didjia of CD
in NA there has only been 1 matchup close to the current one
Early October last year was YB-SoR-NSP matchup that by the end of it was 4k between 1st and 3rdin EU on the other hand there have been 4
December last Year on EU PS-AR-GD 5k
early April UW-DL-MS 3k
mid May GD-MS-FS 3k
last week UW-RoS-FR 4k
My guild LoM was actually in the match with YB-NSP-SoR and I gotta say it was a fun match. We were on NSP back then, but that was a while ago and CD is our home now.
Grieve Logdan (Human War) | Rifte Torin (Charr Thief)
Feylicia Logdan (Human Mes) | Elias Foralli (Asura Guard)
@ Lychon
Stop trolling!
Altie, I’m offended! I do not troll, I simply point out the obvious.
Couple shout outs:
To the bow/condition/bad kitten warrior in [Fist]: I usually find one enemy in a matchup that simply shines as knowing/using their class to the absolute fullest. You, my friend, are that person in this matchup, in my opinion. Ever consider transferring? ;P
To the D/P thief in [HoD]: your tenacity is both inspiring and annoying. I’m merely referencing your ability to not kill a single person yet keep multiple enemies busy trying to find you for minutes at a time.
I’ve had only a few duels where my enemies didn’t run to a tower or zerg. For those few of you, good show and I appreciate your willingness to actually fight. I certainly hope to run into each one of you again.
See ya on the battlefield.
Some guys from Kaineng are seriously lacking in manners – today i died during camp defense in our borderlands and someone vomitted repeatedly onto the corpse of my character. Didn’t even know one could do that. It was a Charr, so it didn’t surprise me that much. And you remove your corpses afap because you seem to be afraid to be treated in a similar disrespectful manner. I would post the guild tag here, but instead i will just treat every Kaineng the same way. You got no honor.
Some guys from Kaineng are seriously lacking in manners – today i died during camp defense in our borderlands and someone vomitted repeatedly onto the corpse of my character. Didn’t even know one could do that. It was a Charr, so it didn’t surprise me that much. And you remove your corpses afap because you seem to be afraid to be treated in a similar disrespectful manner. I would post the guild tag here, but instead i will just treat every Kaineng the same way. You got no honor.
I’ve seen this happen alot. In which case, I just /dance on their corpses while my friends /laugh.
Some guys from Kaineng are seriously lacking in manners – today i died during camp defense in our borderlands and someone vomitted repeatedly onto the corpse of my character. Didn’t even know one could do that. It was a Charr, so it didn’t surprise me that much. And you remove your corpses afap because you seem to be afraid to be treated in a similar disrespectful manner. I would post the guild tag here, but instead i will just treat every Kaineng the same way. You got no honor.
Thats bad, I am from Kaineng. Which guild was it ? I have also been made fun on few occasions. So we shouldnt really take it personally.. cant help it you see.. Some people are like that.
Rangerajay (Human Ranger)
Some guys from Kaineng are seriously lacking in manners – today i died during camp defense in our borderlands and someone vomitted repeatedly onto the corpse of my character. Didn’t even know one could do that. It was a Charr, so it didn’t surprise me that much. And you remove your corpses afap because you seem to be afraid to be treated in a similar disrespectful manner. I would post the guild tag here, but instead i will just treat every Kaineng the same way. You got no honor.
I duel and 1vX alot on Kain and this happens far and few between. When we get wiped by say a zerg, they tend to just keep moving. Mag on the other hand was well known for this. I would 1v3 some roamers and when their main zerg would roll me the same people i had stomped earlier would start dancing on me as if they did something.
Kain has been a pretty stand-up server with little complaint from me.
Crystal, I still can’t believe that you have people who spend ALL DAY tagging the gate on EB. The sheer boredom with such a task blows my mind. I can’t complain to much with all the bags i keep getting, but still.
Crystal, I still can’t believe that you have people who spend ALL DAY tagging the gate on EB. The sheer boredom with such a task blows my mind. I can’t complain to much with all the bags i keep getting, but still.
Honestly, the same can be said regarding Yak’s folks sitting ALL DAY on arrow carts and cannons inside towers and not coming out to fight a solo thief who /beckons them.
At least tagging the gate serves a purpose; the sheer boredom sitting on AC’s and cannons inside an uncontested tower blows my mind.
I guess you guys are right, such things happen and i should not hold a grudge against Kaineng. Besides, afterwards when we caught that group i danced on one of the guys corpse. So i am not free of such behaviour myself. And the guild in question…
(edited by Frosch.7809)
Crystal, I still can’t believe that you have people who spend ALL DAY tagging the gate on EB. The sheer boredom with such a task blows my mind. I can’t complain to much with all the bags i keep getting, but still.
Honestly, the same can be said regarding Yak’s folks sitting ALL DAY on arrow carts and cannons inside towers and not coming out to fight a solo thief who /beckons them.
At least tagging the gate serves a purpose; the sheer boredom sitting on AC’s and cannons inside an uncontested tower blows my mind.
Then you never seem to visit your own borderlands much. Almost every tower, bridge and camp had at least 1 person there just chilling. As soon as i would run towards them they would run into the tower.
So please don’t make it sound that everyone on crystal is ready to solo battle.
Just this morning on Crystal I killed 2 who tried to run but couldn’t (Ranger and Engie) , 1 (Mesmer) at a camp i was taking and the lone Guardian who stood his/her ground. Everyone else ran inside the towers. When I go onto Kain borderlands that hardly ever happens.
Different strokes and all.
Trust me, If I see you i’ll heed the call.
Crystal, I still can’t believe that you have people who spend ALL DAY tagging the gate on EB. The sheer boredom with such a task blows my mind. I can’t complain to much with all the bags i keep getting, but still.
Honestly, the same can be said regarding Yak’s folks sitting ALL DAY on arrow carts and cannons inside towers and not coming out to fight a solo thief who /beckons them.
At least tagging the gate serves a purpose; the sheer boredom sitting on AC’s and cannons inside an uncontested tower blows my mind.
Also, what i said before wasn’t meant as an insult. The dedication it takes to perform gate tapping for your server is pretty astounding.
Again, I’ll be looking for you on the battle field
Almost every tower, bridge and camp had at least 1 person there just chilling. As soon as i would run towards them they would run into the tower.
This certainly seems counter-intuitive, or (gasp!) hyperbolized. Why would one person stand outside a tower then run into it if he/she didn’t want to fight at all? Wouldn’t it make more sense to just stand inside it? Or, perhaps, fight a tad outside the tower and then run inside for protection? But, according to you, as soon as you’re seen, this person, who happens to be standing outside the tower for no apparent reason, runs inside before doing anything. It’s almost as if you’re trying to imply that everyone on CD is afraid of you. Gotta tell ya, cowboy, that seems a little stretched.
So please don’t make it sound that everyone on crystal is ready to solo battle.
Please, re-read my post. I say nothing, absolutely nothing, about Crystal Desert, or imply what you are alleging here.
Trust me, If I see you i’ll heed the call.
Here’s to hoping you will post that video soon so I can compare your toon with the P/D thief I had a fight with North of Bay a day or two ago. For my own curiosity, of course.
Almost every tower, bridge and camp had at least 1 person there just chilling. As soon as i would run towards them they would run into the tower.
This certainly seems counter-intuitive, or (gasp!) hyperbolized. Why would one person stand outside a tower then run into it if he/she didn’t want to fight at all? Wouldn’t it make more sense to just stand inside it? Or, perhaps, fight a tad outside the tower and then run inside for protection? But, according to you, as soon as you’re seen, this person, who happens to be standing outside the tower for no apparent reason, runs inside before doing anything. It’s almost as if you’re trying to imply that everyone on CD is afraid of you. Gotta tell ya, cowboy, that seems a little stretched.
So please don’t make it sound that everyone on crystal is ready to solo battle.
Please, re-read my post. I say nothing, absolutely nothing, about Crystal Desert, or imply what you are alleging here.
Trust me, If I see you i’ll heed the call.
Here’s to hoping you will post that video soon so I can compare your toon with the P/D thief I had a fight with North of Bay a day or two ago. For my own curiosity, of course.
Purple Pistol/Blue Shard Dagger SB Back up? I’ve never lost to a S/D thief (Other than Kaezilla (Hope I spelled that right?) in are Guild on PvP) so im curious. If you want to meet up some time PM me.
And keep it friendly. If I took what you said the wrong way then I’m sorry.
(edited by Shadowskill.9852)
Crystal, I still can’t believe that you have people who spend ALL DAY tagging the gate on EB. The sheer boredom with such a task blows my mind. I can’t complain to much with all the bags i keep getting, but still.
Honestly, the same can be said regarding Yak’s folks sitting ALL DAY on arrow carts and cannons inside towers and not coming out to fight a solo thief who /beckons them.
At least tagging the gate serves a purpose; the sheer boredom sitting on AC’s and cannons inside an uncontested tower blows my mind.
Then you never seem to visit your own borderlands much. Almost every tower, bridge and camp had at least 1 person there just chilling. As soon as i would run towards them they would run into the tower.
So please don’t make it sound that everyone on crystal is ready to solo battle.
Just this morning on Crystal I killed 2 who tried to run but couldn’t (Ranger and Engie) , 1 (Mesmer) at a camp i was taking and the lone Guardian who stood his/her ground. Everyone else ran inside the towers. When I go onto Kain borderlands that hardly ever happens.
Different strokes and all.
Trust me, If I see you i’ll heed the call.
That happens with everyone. Now, I can’t say much since I camp out at points as well but at least I call out movements/numbers/siege/directions whenever there is an update and constantly patrolling the walls to check for scouts. kittening out in towers without contributing to the overall cause makes you more detrimental than you’de think.
Outmanned is great for the server because of the no armor damage and added xp. This allows your server to not care about dying so much which leads into reckless abandon. Reckless abandon without any consequences is powerful. So if you are camping towers and not contributing to the cause, you are a body that is taking away from a pretty good buff. Essentially, you are kittening your server over.