7/12 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate v2
Why does TW insist on making these threads into huge troll-fests? The evidence is in the game. I’m not going to sit here and play your game in the forums.
I am confused as to why you are blaming TW for making this thread into a troll fest when it was your unfounded accusations that were actually the cause. Please explain yourself. Thanks
Anyway, back to wvw where I have been pulling overtime for 12 hours now. Y’know, server rally and all.
Would you have played 12 hours if you didn’t have an “all-call”?
The only game I ever played where there was an “all call” was DAoC. I remember many a time when Albion spooled up a relic raid, and the call was sent out, and people logged in specifically to counter said raid. GW2 WvW doesn’t hold a candle to anything DAoC offered, and I’d be surprised if anyone anywhere, held “all calls”.
I only recently started following the match up threads, and I kind of wish I didn’t. All this crying and whining from all three servers. For kitten’s sake, get everyone together, and write some sort of Server charter stating what’s fair and what’s not, so everyone will stop accusing each other over petty crap.
I feel jipped without my .gif Fade.
Ok, here’s a .gif.
If JQ, BG and SoR were all old ladies (and face it, enough posters here are acting like one) this is what you’d see
(From left to right, JQ, BG and Sor).
JQ has a fatty
Malevolent Omen -Guardian
Mad King Mal -Rev
I mean we are lookin for small mans vs small mans. Have literally zero or maybe even negative interest in ppt or Zerging or meta. So if those two servers have groups that don’t run 5/6…. Like i asked its basically pointless right? Cuz a few people have said coming to jq will present us with server matchups against good small man action (along with 60-80 mans which well just flat out avoid)… Trying to find a place to xfer our 5 man to see if any small man action exists before we quit the game entirely.
Tier 1 never runs Pure 5v5 groups. But there are many 2v5,3v1,4v8,3v25,4v5,5v2,1v1,2v4 formations out there. JQ has more small man groups because we are outnumbered by bg and sor by a great number, now even SEA timezone is crazy. What happened to tier 8 becoming the official 5v5 man battleground?
Here are some pics today of the clash of the titans.
The maps are way to small to have any decent roaming esp with waypoints. Now if you had to walk from your homeland borderland to SM castle, there would be plenty of ganking opportunities.
People love to bash straw men here, don’t they? Redefine terms, then bash their own illogical conclusion.
The maps are way to small to have any decent roaming esp with waypoints. Now if you had to walk from your homeland borderland to SM castle, there would be plenty of ganking opportunities.
Their next map they are working on is a GvGvG map aka agramon map
Look at that BG ppt. Gotta be loving that PvD.
Hey not our problem that SoR burnt themselves out with all that overtime
Just because Indo plays 24/7 doesn’t mean everyone does.
Did you even log in yesterday? Or the day before? Welcome back. Your server has been doing overtime.
We have been doing overtime.
Waha should just transfer to BG, he papers everything and after the 5 minute buff wears off BG takes it. Nice way to get around the queue and worth about 7k to BG today.
Edit: I should qualify, we did overtime Sunday night and Monday morning\afternoon.
It would be easier and more effective if BG Oceanics and EU transfer to JQ and your guys are used to transfers.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
The maps are way to small to have any decent roaming esp with waypoints. Now if you had to walk from your homeland borderland to SM castle, there would be plenty of ganking opportunities.
Their next map they are working on is a GvGvG map aka agramon map
I truly hope this is the case. I wish they fashioned their WvW zones more on the DAOC map system. Unfortunately they did not.
The maps are way to small to have any decent roaming esp with waypoints. Now if you had to walk from your homeland borderland to SM castle, there would be plenty of ganking opportunities.
Their next map they are working on is a GvGvG map aka agramon map
I truly hope this is the case. I wish they fashioned their WvW zones more on the DAOC map system. Unfortunately they did not.
It is actually quite puzzling. We know some Mythic-EA employees left for Anet and we know Anet’s WvWvW system was meant to present a better play experience than RvRvR but somewhere, somehow in the middle of developing GW2 wvw system, things did not quite go that way.
Perhaps because they decided to design everything in-house, from scratch and were unfortunately banking on their “e-sports pvp” rather than their more profitable and now more successful WvWvW playmode.
I mean we are lookin for small mans vs small mans. Have literally zero or maybe even negative interest in ppt or Zerging or meta. So if those two servers have groups that don’t run 5/6…. Like i asked its basically pointless right? Cuz a few people have said coming to jq will present us with server matchups against good small man action (along with 60-80 mans which well just flat out avoid)… Trying to find a place to xfer our 5 man to see if any small man action exists before we quit the game entirely.
Bit late with reply but try out Eredon Terrace. They have guaranteed small fights and any new players will really help them out especially if you’re able to help develop new strategies. Chatted with a few and sounds like they have a W3 experience all of us can only dream off whislt punching well above their weight.
-Plush Griffon Recruit of the Jade Quarry Militia-
The maps are way to small to have any decent roaming esp with waypoints. Now if you had to walk from your homeland borderland to SM castle, there would be plenty of ganking opportunities.
Their next map they are working on is a GvGvG map aka agramon map
Its not going to help much unless they fix the skill lag first
Everyone who has been playing WvW knows SoR has had an all-call of sorts going on for the past 2 days.
What is an all-call ? That is simply one of the funniest things I have heard on these boards to date. It is a little absurd to to think anyone would dictate other people’s play time and even more absurd that anyone would actually listen to them.
This is a game, not a job. lmfao
Goldfarming is more challenging than fighting BG or JQ….haha joke….. dont get crazy.
But what really kills it for me is skill lag…. normally i would be out there, but with the combination of my relative ambivalenceto wvw ( lets face it for alot of us… its been there done that type thing) and SKILL LAG, A GAMEBREAKING ISSUE…. MAKES ME NOT WANT TO HELP DEFEND MY GARRISON DURING OUR SERVER’S WEAKEST TIMEZONE ( no offense intended to our incredible SEA players on SOR, they know me and know I have nothing but the highest praise and respect for them, and that it is just a numbers zerg balling numbers game…..).. ANET FIX THE SKILL LAG ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The posters above are the first ones to point out skill lag in this thread. Bet the other one makes no mention of it. If a majority of you focused on complaining about the lag maybe just maybe Anet would listen.
But continue the tug of war it’s fun to watch people accomplish nothing.
The posters above is the first one to point out skill lag in this thread. Bet the other one makes no mention of it. If a majority of you focused on complaining about the lag maybe just maybe Anet would listen.
But continue the tug of war it’s fun to watch people accomplish nothing.
I think we have are all resigned to the fact that they have no interest in getting rid of skill lag. They’ve said the issue is hardware related. That’s about as an easy as a fix you can have. They still have chosen not to address it. What else can we do at this point? They’ve heard the complaints already.
Oh then by all means continue the 2v1 and coverage talk.
We could make a gentlemen’s agreement to not run around in groups of more than 30? :x
Irl has no lag, I demand wvw have the same!
I really hope anet is planning on dropping the population per server on the other maps when they introduce the new one.
We could make a gentlemen’s agreement to not run around in groups of more than 30? :x
Anet should add more maps. Specifically…population-tiered maps. Scaled down maps where the max pop would be 40 for each opposing server. 3 maps of this type would be good. Then some 30/20 max pop maps thrown into the mix. Spread out the population. Reduce skill lag. Those that wanna continue to zerg stay on the high pop maps.
Yep, and with MERC and KISS coming to JQ to fight things other than doors next week, things should shape up nicely.
I would like to be the first to welcome [MERC] and [KISS] to JQ.
On a serious note, we had a hilariously fun time in SoR BL after running into a brick wall in EB. We tried to hide inside Bay by sleeping under the tree but it didn’t work unfortunately.
TW: I have a video of the best fight between both servers (this isn’t a chestthump video, this was seriously a good fight). Shame you had to respond to Blackgate backdooring your keep.
EB red keep is a pain. Next time we’ll swap maps earlier to tangle with TW I think.
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]
First time I hear of it and I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and ask him, but from my experience, we barely run with a tag. He just turns it on in big fights so we can find him more easily. In fact, we frequently port around to lose the pugs when we find that the group, or zerg if you will, following us is getting too big. But I can understand we hit like 50 when there’s only 30 of us smashing into you
JQ is in the same position SBI and SoS found themselves in.
Trying to survive on one strong time zone and being smashed / limping along in the other 3. It indeed is not able to compete in T1 at the moment but also it would destroy the tier 2 servers (I believe) it is a weird vacuum to be in, which we won’t see the outcome of until the 3 get split up and JQ gets – JQ/TC/DB. The stigma of being #1 for so long takes it’s toll on a server, be wary T1.
Good luck to JQ to pull itself out of this, may I just ask, don’t pull a SBI and abandon your map every night, actually fight back.
Edit: @Kryyg – What point is there to spending all night upgrading a BL knowing noone is there to hold it when the SoR map zerg shows up? Waha is playing for the enjoyment of the game and seems to be enjoying himself a lot more.
BG wont enjoy it if Waha really play for ppt
In a three way fight, I’m sure one of the two servers wont enjoy the attention…..
JQ can do what they want, it isn’t like BG didn’t get to snuggle with them (I do recall all those INC FOO ZERGS calls, not always legit) and JQ just wants to share their loving feelings towards us all.
In conclusion, suck it up. It happens, I’m sure it wont stay this way forever even if it feels kinda cruddy now. And from what I’ve been told some of my SoR friends are enjoying these fights… even if it does feel like a constant 2v1 against them.
I think you’re missing the point, its about them abandoning their home bl with T3 stuff that their NA pulled all possible tricks out of their hats to defend only to know BG will be allowed to PvDoor that keep.
And the fact that points wise, JQ could be doing better while eating at a chunk of the easy ppt that BG is getting. (easy -> the higher the ppt the tougher it gets to defend everything)
Why would we want to hit JQ garrison? Yours looks so much nicer
Don’t ask me, ask the ppl on your server that always go PvDoor that whole map.
I get it man, you’re trying to rile us up, it’s cute and all I could quote your post, replace HB with IRON and everyone of our members would agree with me.
Now I am just waiting that JQ server implodes and transfer over TC to give them a run to T1 that they ll fight heavy for at least. JQ times are over please consider giving your rank to TC. If every JQ wvw oreinted guilds transfer over TC you might get a real retaliation and boost moral effect unlike staying in JQ. Anyway JQ won’t be able to hold their T1 rank forever better jump out before it s too late
The only way JQ is guaranteed to drop T1 is if SoR and BG focus them, but with the “rivalry” it will never happen.
well another fact is SoR also pvdoor pretty much during NA time as well because of
their overwhelm numbers during that time. ( especially early NA )
It’s shame for BG though. >>
Now I am just waiting that JQ server implodes and transfer over TC to give them a run to T1 that they ll fight heavy for at least. JQ times are over please consider giving your rank to TC. If every JQ wvw oreinted guilds transfer over TC you might get a real retaliation and boost moral effect unlike staying in JQ. Anyway JQ won’t be able to hold their T1 rank forever better jump out before it s too late
The only way JQ is guaranteed to drop T1 is if SoR and BG focus them, but with the “rivalry” it will never happen.
This is WvW all of us get focused. 2 v 1 happens to everyone. JQ is often left having to defend only the north of our map at times and you say if we get focused? We already are lol.
Arenanet please delete more of my post plz your moderation abilities on these forums are awesome. Keep up the good work.
Malevolent Omen -Guardian
Mad King Mal -Rev
These gifs are childish and annoying.
well another fact is SoR also pvdoor pretty much during NA time as well because of
their overwhelm numbers during that time. ( especially early NA )
It’s shame for BG though. >>
Maps only allow a certain amount of people in. It is a shame that those ‘overwhelming’ numbers can’t be matched during NA on a NA server. I know both JQ and BG have the numbers to fill the maps up if people actually came out to play.
Now I am just waiting that JQ server implodes and transfer over TC to give them a run to T1 that they ll fight heavy for at least. JQ times are over please consider giving your rank to TC. If every JQ wvw oreinted guilds transfer over TC you might get a real retaliation and boost moral effect unlike staying in JQ. Anyway JQ won’t be able to hold their T1 rank forever better jump out before it s too late
The only way JQ is guaranteed to drop T1 is if SoR and BG focus them, but with the “rivalry” it will never happen.
This is WvW all of us get focused. 2 v 1 happens to everyone. JQ is often left having to defend only the north of our map at times and you say if we get focused? We already are lol.
-_- dude wtf. im not talking about a casual 2v1 that occurs when playing map politics (which is how it is intended to work) but about 2 sides focusing the other while pretty much ignoring each other for the most part.
And if you are insinuating that BG and SoR have an unspoken “lets both hit JQ” agreement, …. [CENSORED].
These gifs are childish and annoying.
You and my gifs have something in common.
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.”
http://youtu.be/wpoQk2OnbJs [SG since ’99]
Now I am just waiting that JQ server implodes and transfer over TC to give them a run to T1 that they ll fight heavy for at least. JQ times are over please consider giving your rank to TC. If every JQ wvw oreinted guilds transfer over TC you might get a real retaliation and boost moral effect unlike staying in JQ. Anyway JQ won’t be able to hold their T1 rank forever better jump out before it s too late
The only way JQ is guaranteed to drop T1 is if SoR and BG focus them, but with the “rivalry” it will never happen.
I like JQ, great server and great people… Would hate to see them go :/
2 more drinks for those of you playing at home!!!
My fun laughs at your server pride.
well another fact is SoR also pvdoor pretty much during NA time as well because of
their overwhelm numbers during that time. ( especially early NA )
It’s shame for BG though. >>
Did someone seriously say BG gets PvD during NA prime? I’m at a loss for words…
well another fact is SoR also pvdoor pretty much during NA time as well because of
their overwhelm numbers during that time. ( especially early NA )
It’s shame for BG though. >>
Did someone seriously say BG gets PvD during NA prime? I’m at a loss for words…
Early NA = NA EST
BG is known to lack an NA EST presence.
well if u actually play u would have seen BG ticking around 150 – 200 while SoR ticking
around 300 – 400 during NA time. SoR basically clean the BLs up everyday.
well another fact is SoR also pvdoor pretty much during NA time as well because of
their overwhelm numbers during that time. ( especially early NA )
It’s shame for BG though. >>
Did someone seriously say BG gets PvD during NA prime? I’m at a loss for words…
Early NA = NA EST
BG is known to lack an NA EST presence.
“SoR also pvdoor pretty much during NA time” means more than just EST in my opinion.
@Punny – thank you for confirming what I typed earlier. BG now has played the PvD during NA time slot card.
@Punny – thank you for confirming what I typed earlier. BG now has played the PvD during NA time slot card.
How do you figure? Does Punny represent all of BG? Should I take everything that you post as representative of SoR?
[KnT] – Blackgate
After spending the day on SoR border, and BG holding at least a 100 PPT lead, with it being over 200 most of the day, (not to mention seeing hordes of BG all over the place) it really looks like the majority of whines from BG are largely baseless. (if you have a beef with anyone, it’s those individuals that stated that SoR passes guilds on to other servers etc. or other claims)
BG can more than hold their own.
Edit: Even if you have to have people pull overtime at times, you can still hold your own if you want to win. There aren’t any rules forbidding it. SoR has done the same from what I can tell. The only server that really has a bonafide complaint is JQ. Why people/guilds don’t go there, I have no clue.
The large PPT SoR AND BG enjoy at various times, comes at the expense of JQ. If JQ could hold onto their property as well as BG/SoR do, then I think you’d start to see which server is doing the best.
(edited by Fade.7658)
BG has plenty of coverage. The scores show that.
JQ is the server that needs help.
Dear HB, IRON heard you are looking for us tonight. It is hard looking over 4 maps so we are on BG in case you need help.
EDIT: we moved BL
(edited by Starscream.7803)
Dear HB, IRON heard you are looking for us tonight. It is hard looking over 4 maps so we are on JQ in case you need help.
oooh, let me know who wins. IRON v HB.
Is there a stream we can watch?
(edited by Kryyg.8576)
Its not a GvG, more of a open field they are coming for us type of thing.
HB rarely runs untagged, they usually have a map zerg behind them.
How are you going to do that?
They can bring as many as they want. Win or lose long as its a good fight. Just hope they dont take too long, we will have people logging off soon, or maybe they dont want to fight us full strength :P
We will be running untagged as usual though
@Punny – thank you for confirming what I typed earlier. BG now has played the PvD during NA time slot card.
How do you figure? Does Punny represent all of BG? Should I take everything that you post as representative of SoR?
I was only pointing out the ridiculousness of the statement. Nothing more. You BG are so jumpy lately.
Oh before I forget, I had a good chuckle on SoRBL last night watching what went down while we were there. SoR trebs our spawn tower from Hills, and when the wall is low JQ sets up Catas to finish the job. Before coming in SoR comes over and wipes JQ. While that’s happening we dump supply into the wall. So SoR sets up three trebs to work the wall down again. So the JQ zerg comes over and smashes right into the SoR zerg. As they’re clashing I see one single /shrug emote from an SoR player lol. Cracked me up.
We lost the tower in the end but it was fun to watch from the battlement. JQ’s goal was a BG tower (probably because we kitten ed you off for flipping your spawn tower) but nobody can say they don’t hit SoR. Then again, I think Joker from [Pro] was tagged up so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
[KnT] – Blackgate
Man, the Gif’s this week was the best thing going for this thread, and the Mods lock it, how lame. Guess its back to reading the same arguments over and over and over and over.
and over……
I was only pointing out the ridiculousness of the statement. Nothing more. You BG are so jumpy lately.
LOL! You just did it again.
[KnT] – Blackgate