SFR | Deso | Kodasch [DE] 09/13
HAHAHA DVG you bunch of scrubs HAHAHA im glad you finaly leaver our server!!!
First you say you want to reunite all the pugs in desolation FOR desolation and now you got all the pugs your gonna leave because kitten got to hard for you??!!
Noone liked you anyway and im glad your gone and you wont be missed!
And dont even try coming back!!/end rant
What a shameful post from a commander we fought alongside for months. Interestingly, your guild leader thinks the exact opposite of what you just posted. Oh well, why did I even come to the forums.
Apologies for my post but im just kittening kitten ed off because of this…
Before DVG we had a really nice pug community going and since DVG got created it all went down the drain…
I might have chosen the wrong words to express what i feel but it wont change my opinion on how i feel about DVG and all i can say is good riddance!Really? Well I was one of these ‘evil’ pugs before DVG was created along with many of others. We now understand WvW and we have improve dramatically as a guild and individuals. We’ve fought alongside many EXG members and I remember following Rox and studying him when i wanted to get my own commander tag. Thanks for the kind words anyway. EXG was my favourite guild on deso, shame you don’t feel the same.
I must admit though, your post is just a complete load of kittene. Anyway yeah, we’re really kitten DVG. We just managed to hold all 3 keeps on SFR borderland for a couple of hours on reset. And we managed to flip the tier 3 bay on Deso (twice) and the same on SFR hills. But yeah, we’re really kitten don’t worry.
You still fail to realise that skill isn’t connected to numbers. All DVG ever did was lead their massive paintrains and blobs on a borderland with stupid music bots the teamspeak. And to think you aren’t a pug anymore is ridiculous, 99% of DVG are just pugs with the same three letters after their name. If you think deso didn’t care about the tick, wait until you get acquainted with piken, i’m sure they will love the skill of arrow carts and blobbing you will bring to the server
You started the guild by saying you were going to train the pugs of deso, but did nothing but please them with plenty of golem rushes and pvdoor. Honestly, that mock guild called “Doors vs guild” is probably the most accurate title for you guys.
Then to make things worse, after you teach everybody new to wvw that the only way to win is to pvd, you discourage those who would disagree with you and rather take a skillful approach to it. You tell other commanders to tag down so they dont take anybody from you 60 man blob, and those that disagree with golem rushing are just being negative and don’t “play for the server”.
It really is funny how a bunch of fair weather fools like yourself have the nerve to claim others don’t play for the server, then when you realize you’re the only person who gave a rats kitten you leave the server.
Deso will be much better off without you, take the pugs who think pvdooring is good with you and leave the ones with an ounce of skill here. I can’t wait for the day deso is matched with piken so I can see for myself the true ferocity of the “commander on training wheels”.
See you later Jarrod.
PvD though? How many tier 3, fully sieged up keeps did you manage to flip this week in prime time?
The way you use the term pug makes me laugh. You’re an elitist kitten who thinks he’s some sort of superior race because he played a game longer than others.
Former Leader of Vendetta [VnT]
(edited by LJMaster.6214)
Wasn’t it INVI who tried to do the same? You got like full zone guild blob in eb.
INVI never took the mantle of trying to train the pugs, our roster is less than 70 with around 40 active members and an average of 20-25 man raids. We often get members from TLA to run with us after their raid and that may bolster our numbers, but to say INVI alone ran an eb blob is false.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
(edited by warriorjrd.8695)
DvG was wiping us? Good to know. Poor Piken btw …
Oh wow, this thread started out as a common ’ lol sfr blobs ’ but evolved into something beautiful to behold.
Like a worm turning into the proverbial butterfly…
Wasn’t it INVI who tried to do the same? You got like full zone guild blob in eb.
INVI never took the mantle of trying to train the pugs, our roster is less than 70 with around 40 active members and an average of 20-25 man raids. We often get members from TLA to run with us after their raid and that may bolster our numbers, but to say INVI alone ran an eb blob is false.
I know you hated us and i personally hate you, but I don’t post bad thing about invi on the forums.
But well your like 14…. I can understand your childish posts in here you will learn in time when you finally grow up and get some sence it that young brain of yourself.
Wasn’t it INVI who tried to do the same? You got like full zone guild blob in eb.
INVI never took the mantle of trying to train the pugs, our roster is less than 70 with around 40 active members and an average of 20-25 man raids. We often get members from TLA to run with us after their raid and that may bolster our numbers, but to say INVI alone ran an eb blob is false.
I know you hated us and i personally hate you, but I don’t post bad thing about invi on the forums.
But well your like 14…. I can understand your childish posts in here
you will learn in time when you finally grow up and get some sence it that young brain of yourself.
Bit rich coming from the childish person always beating his chest in the forums saying how good you are in game and how many lootbags you got, are you trying to compensate for a lack of something else…?
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
(edited by warriorjrd.8695)
Id like to thank DVG I had some fun times following you around whenever i ventured into WvW although Elpro is crazy scary on TS sometimes lol, good luck on your new server.
Warriorjrd you calling someone immature is something I find very strange.
and repuran, I recall you whispering me 2-3 weeks ago asking me for forgiveness. And now you are here again flaming us openly. Desolation really has ALOT OF forum warriors. why not grow up?
Wasn’t it INVI who tried to do the same? You got like full zone guild blob in eb.
INVI never took the mantle of trying to train the pugs, our roster is less than 70 with around 40 active members and an average of 20-25 man raids. We often get members from TLA to run with us after their raid and that may bolster our numbers, but to say INVI alone ran an eb blob is false.
Well maybe you are new member. When i saw invi tag first time in eb that blob was huge.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Wasn’t it INVI who tried to do the same? You got like full zone guild blob in eb.
INVI never took the mantle of trying to train the pugs, our roster is less than 70 with around 40 active members and an average of 20-25 man raids. We often get members from TLA to run with us after their raid and that may bolster our numbers, but to say INVI alone ran an eb blob is false.
Well maybe you are new member. When i saw invi tag first time in eb that blob was huge.
Sure, members of INVI have been part of a blob if not led a blob, but our guild raids when it’s just us comprise of 20-25 members. That’s what I was getting at.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
(edited by warriorjrd.8695)
Warriorjrd you calling someone immature is something I find very strange.
and repuran, I recall you whispering me 2-3 weeks ago asking me for forgiveness. And now you are here again flaming us openly. Desolation really has ALOT OF forum warriors. why not grow up?
Elpro, you have the mental capacity of a 4 year old, and can hardly string two sentences together when you command, all I can ever hear is PUSHPUSHPUSHPUSH. Just leave and be done with it already, the sooner you leave, the happier we’ll all be. Except for piken of course, I do feel bad for them.
Okay, well alot of people seem to enjoy my commanding. Dont think I care of your opinion , cause I dont. Go play with your op ranger instead jarrod.
I’m off this thread now again, its to much flaming and namedropping.
Only because they don’t know what real commander sounds like. And lets be honest you are probably the best commander EU when it comes to skill against doors, it seems people liked it when you gave them WXP.
Okay thats your opinion and your entitled to it. Have a nice life m8
As an unbiased spectator, can I mention that warriorjrd should stop being a forum warrior and go try to get laid, cause jeez man you need it. Do you realise how arrogant you sound. Your making INVI look bad please stop.
[HL] Hellbound Legion – Yak’s Bend
pure popcorn material.
Oh wow, this thread started out as a common ’ lol sfr blobs ’ but evolved into something beautiful to behold.
Like a worm turning into the proverbial butterfly…
Sadly enough the SFR bandwagon blob became unbearable and people stoppet doing WvW so nobody cared about it after a while and decided to wait and see how things would turn out in the next couple of weeks. But then a selfproclaimed best WvW guild on Deso decided to jump the reward bandwagon after taking pugs and things got stirred up. Feelings hurt, backstabs, betreyals, drama, it simply became a hispanic day time ’’telemundo’’ drama show.
Next time on Drama Wars- Will Seafarer rest bandwagon EVER STOP, will the warriors of Desolation take back their glory! Will Kodash ever get a break from this nonsense! Find it out tmr
As an unbiased spectator, can I mention that warriorjrd should stop being a forum warrior and go try to get laid, cause jeez man you need it. Do you realise how arrogant you sound. Your making INVI look bad please stop.
“unbiased” you say but it seems you were defending DVG in an earlier post about how much they did for the server (aside from give deso a bad rep). I’ve been keeping this pent up for a long time, and there’s only so long you can hold your tongue.
PS: I speak for myself and for myself only. The INVI tag is not related in any way to what I say. Please refrain from generalizing.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
So you are saying with your attitude and posts your giving desolation a positive rep?
So you are saying with your attitude and posts your giving desolation a positive rep?
Are you saying dvg’s style of play gives deso a positive rep xD?
So you are saying with your attitude and posts your giving desolation a positive rep?
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
(edited by warriorjrd.8695)
feed me more. i am definitely entertained
DvG was wiping us? Good to know. Poor Piken btw …
. Do you not remember reset? As I stated we had more players when we did it. I didn’t say we’d won a 20man organised GvG because you’d obviously wipe the floor with us .
I would just responding to the suggestion that we ever get wiped by much less numbers, we only raid with like 40. As stated previously, ZBs maybe but they are awesome.
Former Leader of Vendetta [VnT]
Oh Jarrod, you say we blob a t3 objective during prime time. We had 40 in our channel during our raid and were running without tag. GT also had an event with 15ish members and were awesome also. Do you think SFR, the best European server, give away these waypoints? They defended epically and we had to build about 6 trebs in total because they kept suiciding them.
I know we’re not the best fighters, we don’t really care for ‘theorycrafting’ and telling certain professions or players that they are not welcome. Anyone was welcome into DVG if they enjoyed playing WvW. That might not mean anything to you or any fellow elitists (it’s a game guys, get a girlfriend or something). I mean its my first MMO and I heard they had some funny elitists, I thought it was a joke when I heard because it’s only a game. It’s funny how you get so worked up over a game mate, relax mate.
As to Toby, if you think that we think we are the best guild you are kidding yourself. We have the biggest presence, but it doesn’t take a genius to work out that COIN are by far the best fighters on deso.
Former Leader of Vendetta [VnT]
(edited by LJMaster.6214)
So who’s next?
Former Leader of Vendetta [VnT]
Oh Jarrod, you say we blob a t3 objective during prime time. We had 40 in our channel during our raid and were running without tag. GT also had an event with 15ish members and were awesome also. Do you think SFR, the best European server, give away these waypoints? They defended epically and we had to build about 6 trebs in total because they kept suiciding them.
I know we’re not the best fighters, we don’t really care for ‘theorycrafting’ and telling certain professions or players that they are not welcome. Anyone was welcome into DVG if they enjoyed playing WvW. That might not mean anything to you or any fellow elitists (it’s a game guys, get a girlfriend or something). I mean its my first MMO and I heard they had some funny elitists, I thought it was a joke when I heard because it’s only a game. It’s funny how you get so worked up over a game mate, relax mate.
As to Toby, if you think that we think we are the best guild you are kidding yourself. We have the biggest presence, but it doesn’t take a genius to work out that COIN are by far the best fighters on deso.
SFR has the most coverage, not skill. Please for the love of god stop confusing the two. PUG=somebody who is new to wvw and has little experience. AKA a noob, nothing negative, as everybody was once a pug. I’m not elitist, I do not claim I am the best, I realise I can improve in game. I am simply saying all this in reply to what i’ve been told the past few months by your happy crew. Infact, just the other day while you were commanding and stuck inside bay and facerubbing from the inside, you told Elpro to take all of DVG to the camp so bay would stop getting supplies. Then when you had no more DVG with you and was losing the fight, you complained that DVG seems to be the only skilled people on the server. And calling everybody else who was following you idiots or a word referring to women’s genitalia, seems a bit elitist to me no? It seems that once you reach a killcount of 10k doors you’re the only group left on the server with skill. So forgive me for coming across as elitist when I point out the truths.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Thank you OSC and whoever else was on Kodash BL tonight.
Even though the lag was unbearable it got quite entertaining after a while.
The new BL has tons of potential to deliver nice fights with all the possibilities of surprise attacks and everything. Really looking forward to see more fights there in the future.
Hopefully with a better serverperformance then…but who am I kidding? The performance really went downhill the last few months. That’s kinda sad. It’s not only skilllag now, it became full force lag with rubberbanding and DCs…
Big hugs to the EXG warrior I fought on SFR BL but ended up /bowing and disengaging from because neither of us seemed able to kill the other. That was funny
I’m loving all of this drama from Desolation. Keep going guys, you’ll look back a month from now and think wtf was I posting.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
I wanna thank Jarrod for making Deso a top3 server in EU after all those months losing.
Without you it wouldn’t be possible.
(why are we really feeding a 10 year old frustrated baby?)
DVG stopped having fun in Deso, commanding 24/7? Carrying all the load and still having to take kitten from ungrateful people? Nah, we’re done.
All of you complaining are the ones who don’t care about having fun or winning at all. You are all bad boys and the best players this game has, are you trying to hide anything else (as you said yourself?).
I’m sad for leaving Deso as it was my first and only server but my home is where ‘my poeple’ go and if they go to Piken, I will go with them.
Now you can have all the fights you want and lose all of the match-ups again. The very same reason that created DVG, because we we’re tired of losing but thanks to Jarrod, we went to be a top3 server again.
Couldnt end this post without making a remark about EXG, you guys are awsome.
See you around Rox and Rubio.
DvG was wiping us? Good to know. Poor Piken btw …
. Do you not remember reset? As I stated we had more players when we did it. I didn’t say we’d won a 20man organised GvG because you’d obviously wipe the floor with us .
I would just responding to the suggestion that we ever get wiped by much less numbers, we only raid with like 40. As stated previously, ZBs maybe but they are awesome.
More players = whole zone in that case. Something u can be really proud of. U guys have the same annoying attitude like GoD and also no skill. Nice move joining a server with better guilds so you can hide behind them …
Goodbye DVG, you may not have been the best open field fighters or run a very disciplined TS but you have contributed more to Deso’s PPT than most of the WvW guilds put together, and you have done so nonstop since your creation with commanders taking turns to ensure there is always someone to follow.
So thanks for that, and goodbye to the many friends I have in there even if I do laugh everytime I hear about you wiping to much less numbers haha! Goodluck on Piken and I’m sure I’ll be seeing you ingame soon, let me know how a pain train looks from the other side :p
Hahahaha. The only solo guild we have ever wiped to on a raid is ZBs, yes we have more numbers than CON, Second Law when we beat them. I think people get confused when we are having a guild raid and community commanding. I die like once each reset night for the past 2 months, yes it’s because we often have more numbers. But what you say is complete bullkitten, ZBs maybe, but I don’t think anyone else.
Do not compare a community DVG commander with 20 DVG following with a DVG raid, we are usually singing or joking around.
you have never ever wiped CoN,ZBs.
if you run alone 25++++ and wipe us solo you wipe us.
but if you run with 3 other guilds and zone blob and somehow ambush us and wipe us it doesn’t count.
As an officer from INVI, let me put an end to this drama:
Warriorjrd does not speak for the guild. It is his opinion and only his. Elpro, you should know due to incidents of the past that he has his reasons but outsiders will not understand and therefore:
Warrior has been warned for this conversation holding on open forums and we take care of him from here on.
BUT also for the folks of DVG: I kindly ask you to take care of your members and not provoke him on personal level again, I won’t stop him if he needs to defend himself.
So, end to this drama and from this point:
Good luck to DVG and hope to fight you someday on the battlefield.
DvG was wiping us? Good to know. Poor Piken btw …
. Do you not remember reset? As I stated we had more players when we did it. I didn’t say we’d won a 20man organised GvG because you’d obviously wipe the floor with us .
I would just responding to the suggestion that we ever get wiped by much less numbers, we only raid with like 40. As stated previously, ZBs maybe but they are awesome.
More players = whole zone in that case. Something u can be really proud of. U guys have the same annoying attitude like GoD and also no skill. Nice move joining a server with better guilds so you can hide behind them …
I don’t know how you can have the nerve to say god and dvg hide behind other guilds because they have no skill, con are clearly one of these guilds you say “hide behind other guilds” one of the poorest on sfr IMO
DvG was wiping us? Good to know. Poor Piken btw …
. Do you not remember reset? As I stated we had more players when we did it. I didn’t say we’d won a 20man organised GvG because you’d obviously wipe the floor with us .
I would just responding to the suggestion that we ever get wiped by much less numbers, we only raid with like 40. As stated previously, ZBs maybe but they are awesome.
More players = whole zone in that case. Something u can be really proud of. U guys have the same annoying attitude like GoD and also no skill. Nice move joining a server with better guilds so you can hide behind them …
I don’t know how you can have the nerve to say god and dvg hide behind other guilds because they have no skill, con are clearly one of these guilds you say “hide behind other guilds” one of the poorest on sfr IMO
‘’rida nothing personal just drama words don’t take it seriously’’
your saying that MAYBE gw2 biggest GvG fanatic roaming battle guild guild wars 2 got is hiding behind other guilds?
okey I was in con for a 5-6 months before leaving and well they never hided:)
clearly some ppls here need to get facts how about we do it like this guys.
screenshot or video or it never happened?
if you had say con and some other guilds sometimes teamup for example. they roam alone some pugs always tag up and rally bot what ever guilds in sfr roam alone and if they see orange swords on one location they might go there but as long as its fair fight guild v guild I have yet to see someone rush in and kill it(maybe a Russian have attacked or two but jaja we just don’t care we kill what we see<3)
there is scenarios in sfr when zone blob from another server then yes 3 guilds might make a hugh sandwich on border:)
so get some facts thx<3
(edited by Wemil.7052)
DvG was wiping us? Good to know. Poor Piken btw …
. Do you not remember reset? As I stated we had more players when we did it. I didn’t say we’d won a 20man organised GvG because you’d obviously wipe the floor with us .
I would just responding to the suggestion that we ever get wiped by much less numbers, we only raid with like 40. As stated previously, ZBs maybe but they are awesome.
More players = whole zone in that case. Something u can be really proud of. U guys have the same annoying attitude like GoD and also no skill. Nice move joining a server with better guilds so you can hide behind them …
I don’t know how you can have the nerve to say god and dvg hide behind other guilds because they have no skill, con are clearly one of these guilds you say “hide behind other guilds” one of the poorest on sfr IMO
‘’rida nothing personal just drama words don’t take it seriously’’
your saying that MAYBE gw2 biggest GvG fanatic roaming battle guild guild wars 2 got is hiding behind other guilds?
okey I was in con for a 5-6 months before leaving and well they never hided:)
clearly some ppls here need to get facts how about we do it like this guys.
screenshot or video or it never happened?
if you had say con and some other guilds sometimes teamup for example. they roam alone some pugs always tag up and rally bot what ever guilds in sfr roam alone and if they see orange swords on one location they might go there but as long as its fair fight guild v guild I have yet to see someone rush in and kill it(maybe a Russian have attacked or two but jaja we just don’t care we kill what we see<3)
there is scenarios in sfr when zone blob from another server then yes 3 guilds might make a hugh sandwich on border:)
so get some facts thx<3
Pretty much all of what you have just said had nothing to do with anything I said,
You being kitteny on a forum is hilarious though.
I was saying there is better guilds on sfr then con in the same way that there is better guilds on deso then god and dvg…
Something very weird just happened in eb that I think Anet should look into, Desolation were in the lord room of a t3 ogrewatch lord just went down and SFR had just finished capping kodash keep, it was clear they wouldn’t make it in time and all of a sudden the map crashed for all 3 servers, this may be a coincidence but it was a very weird one if so seems as when we returned the t3 tower had been fully repaired by SFR…
Something very weird just happened in eb that I think Anet should look into, Desolation were in the lord room of a t3 ogrewatch lord just went down and SFR had just finished capping kodash keep, it was clear they wouldn’t make it in time and all of a sudden the map crashed for all 3 servers, this may be a coincidence but it was a very weird one if so seems as when we returned the t3 tower had been fully repaired by SFR…
Servers are crashing left and right from what I’m hearing.
I guess that’s how WvW on deso looks/looked like (at least for me and some friends)
Nice find by guys on priv server forums
im hungry now!
Message Body length must at least be 15.
The new cap points and graphics of the new stuff are just incredible, best thing ever!
But.. server transfers….
Soon we will just have 3-6 servers playing WvW.
Anet listen to this…
I will not change my server because of others leave it to win WvW. But I will leave the game when it gets boring, think of that.
And I believe more people are thinking the same.
Oh man VOLT and Just like chasing 1 guy? I know it sucks when no matter how hard you play the only skill you guys increase is typing /laugh faster.
forget it, not needed
(edited by gjop.8612)
I am naturally disappointed to hear the news, I feel angry and let down in fact.
I think you guys did a fantastic job at first to rally the community to fight back no matter the opposition, but you guys did it at a cost as you tried to take on too much.
It doesn’t matter to me if we’re No.1 or No.15 on the EU ladder, that would take so much time and hard work, a much stronger wvw community with more dedicated guilds/wvwers than the community could muster, especially with the 1800 gem transfer cost to Deso.
I wish you guys well on Piken especially those who I always felt would back me up whenever I tagged up, started the ‘Facerubio’ meme that spread through the Deso wvw community and whom I had some good times during those months we helped put Deso on the right track, I’m just sad history had to repeat itself for Desolation.
I’m sure wherever Deso ends up in the Leagues we’ll be fighting the best we can, no matter the drama and politics that seems to hit our community.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
Thanks to [OSC] for another great night at Kodash BL! Many guilds would’ve jumped the map, but you guys stayed and kept coming at us over and over, respect!
New ruins are amazing place to fight in! Still wish the buffs weren’t flat stat increase though, can’t feel accomplished winning when having +100 everything.
Also thanks to all Kodash players for massive fight at north camp, amazing fun! Seeing all these ballistas and rams made me go proper WTF. I still can’t comperhend how I got out of there alive.
@Ljoey & Elpro – shame to see you guys go, had a lot of fun running with both of you. Good luck on Piken
. (Still hope to see you back sometime :P)
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”
Dvg was not the best but the biggest and one of the most friendly guilds in desolation. Its understanding when some people flame that only means that they are upset with the blow and the only thing to make the pain stop is to tell ye self that DVG were no good and that we were really kitten against doors.
We are a guild! We support each other! When ever I logged in and seen a Boarder land unclaimed I’d shout in guild chat for DVG bodies to come over and support me, so we could put pressure on another map. The response was incredible always with out hesitation. You say we killed doors I say we captured points! You say we blobbed I say we played the game to what resorts we have. Im sure SFR/VIZ dont care if they are bigger then the opposition. AIN’T WAR HELL
I’m a Desolation born and bread, one of the firsts to be in here and after a while i left the game and while after I came back to play world versus world. I had no friends I knew no body and of course I got picked up on the DVG wagon of love and straight away in no time I made my rank up in with DVG and made some incredible friends.
Desolation has still got great guilds, all that deso lost is numbers and a awesome night crew which I have to say and repeat awesome night crew. Im sorry deso for leaving, yes we are not a total bunch of a certain womens private. We have a heart as you can tell by earlier posts with the singing and bunter that some people disliked so much. All we tried was to make this a more fun experience for all so we could attract more people for world versus world, deso is a pve server I’m afraid, when ever you do a call to arms in lions arch all you got was flame and grieve. In my eyes times have changed and if I don’t change with it, I will stop playing and I don’t want to.
I ’’piken’’ my side, now have you?
Much love from Euriloco
I also want to thank DVG for all the fun hours and the very entertaining TS. You are what actually got me to play wvw a lot more than before. And just when I thought about joining you leave Deso –
depending on how wvw turns out in the next days / weeks I might follow you and apply for a guild membership
Is this matchup over already?
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Is this matchup over already?
It was over even before it began lol
Thanks DVG for all the support you have given Deso bl over the months even if many have forgotten the fact or taken advantage of it
Let me just make it clear… there is no guild on Deso or Kodash that can kill CoN or Zbs in fair fights this is why you blob us… But we like it keep it coming with the bloodlust even more fun…
As for deso drama. SFR does not really give a kitten bad guild leave to join the new FOTM server ok bring it on. We want to fight everyone..
What is pitty that people are whining on forums instead of fighthing …Seya on battlefields…. And if you claim something prove it there..
And bloodlust patch is pathetic shadowsteping broken mechanics and …etc… but we have to live with it… I expect to see more small scale roaming even some spvp builds now on the capture points seems like it maybe have potential for fun time will tell though…
As for gvg I wont say they are dead but half dead maybe.
Let me just make it clear… there is no guild on Deso or Kodash that can kill CoN or Zbs in fair fights this is why you blob us…
Thursday night 20 vs 20 at windmill. CoN and Zds can have 3x orb buff if they like. Let’s see if that statement holds true. Official matches?