Week 7 - FA/SBI/DB [Wagon burning 2.0]
A few weeks after we were in the mix for gold league – with Mag and SoS (FA was tanking, as we know it).
was gonna read it all until that. the moment anyone in gw2 ever accuses another server of tanking is the moment they show they dont know anything about the mentality of WvW’ers.
we lost to mag, because mag came out strong that week, and our server was in panic mode and couldnt muster the defense needed. you can ask anyone from any server who actually played in that matchup, and they’ll tell you the same thing (but im sure you, the SBI player who wasnt there, knows better).
Most people have already gotten over the fact that FA tanked to be in silver league. Why can’t you?
thats what you guys tell yourself to feel better eh? Like i said before, your just making us seem even better by saying we deserve to be even higher than you. Maybe you are right, even though populations are close, you trying to beat us is just an impossible dream.
A mans got to know his limitations
glad you know yours,
know your role number 3
really wish we could have shuffled sbi out for yaks this week, thats a server with determination and spirit right there.
I would just like to take this time to remind FA how terrible they are and how much better bags is than any of ur guilds and u should feel bad about being so bad u baddies.
Thank you for your time.
Who? 15characters
I know its hard to see other guild tags from inside ur 50 man blob but u should learn to show superior and more talented guilds more respect. Its unbecoming of irellevant zerglings such as yourself to talk to your betters in such a fashion.
Hehe, SBI skill.
I saw a lot of it last night on your home BL. Yup, so good that garrison was all that your full queue could maintain on the map.
SBI #1 most skilled at crying NA
When did I say SBI had skill? I said bags had skill and we were on fa and db borderlands last night doing or usual wipes of ur 40-50 man terriblobs with our 12-13 man group. Learn to read before u respond next time plz ur embarrassing urself.
I can make up random numbers 108% of the time. As a matter of fact our group of threeve wiped your group of eleventy godzillian.
Ok sparky listen up and ill learn ya something. First of all I have no reason to lie or make up numbers. They simply are what they are. Just because u are so bad u cannot even fathom wiping a group without outnumbering them does not mean other guilds have to zerg to win. Bags is simply better than u. We have no need to brag or exaggerate we simply state the facts.
Our pleasure
You guys can certainly end this week similarly if you want to. Two consecutive 3rd place would make SBI absolutely CRAZY and this thread will hit ATLEAST 50 pages of Q.Q
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE
(edited by NiloyBardhan.9170)
I would just like to take this time to remind FA how terrible they are and how much better bags is than any of ur guilds and u should feel bad about being so bad u baddies.
Thank you for your time.
Who? 15characters
I know its hard to see other guild tags from inside ur 50 man blob but u should learn to show superior and more talented guilds more respect. Its unbecoming of irellevant zerglings such as yourself to talk to your betters in such a fashion.
Hehe, SBI skill.
I saw a lot of it last night on your home BL. Yup, so good that garrison was all that your full queue could maintain on the map.
SBI #1 most skilled at crying NA
When did I say SBI had skill? I said bags had skill and we were on fa and db borderlands last night doing or usual wipes of ur 40-50 man terriblobs with our 12-13 man group. Learn to read before u respond next time plz ur embarrassing urself.
I can make up random numbers 108% of the time. As a matter of fact our group of threeve wiped your group of eleventy godzillian.
Ok sparky listen up and ill learn ya something. First of all I have no reason to lie or make up numbers. They simply are what they are. Just because u are so bad u cannot even fathom wiping a group without outnumbering them does not mean other guilds have to zerg to win. Bags is simply better than u. We have no need to brag or exaggerate we simply state the facts.
You have every reason to lie. It raises your internetz fame and trolling skills +1. I can also make up cool nicknames for anonymous people over the internet, Cheese Nipplez. BAGS is garbage. I can run into a room full of special olympics candidates and throw advanced algebraic equations at them and get more intelligent responses than most BAGS trolls. The only thing you people are good for is keeping the Twinkies production lines going, porn industry wallets full and Comic Book men on the air.
Now to rebut your statement, i ran into sleven BAGS one shot you all with a 4598 × 095820834/433 PI r squared hammersmash.
Oh and before you retort with more trolling, I was running black ops in PVP before you were a dusty box on the shelf at Best Buy.
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood
(edited by grabemx.9836)
I would just like to take this time to remind FA how terrible they are and how much better bags is than any of ur guilds and u should feel bad about being so bad u baddies.
Thank you for your time.
Who? 15characters
I know its hard to see other guild tags from inside ur 50 man blob but u should learn to show superior and more talented guilds more respect. Its unbecoming of irellevant zerglings such as yourself to talk to your betters in such a fashion.
Hehe, SBI skill.
I saw a lot of it last night on your home BL. Yup, so good that garrison was all that your full queue could maintain on the map.
SBI #1 most skilled at crying NA
When did I say SBI had skill? I said bags had skill and we were on fa and db borderlands last night doing or usual wipes of ur 40-50 man terriblobs with our 12-13 man group. Learn to read before u respond next time plz ur embarrassing urself.
I can make up random numbers 108% of the time. As a matter of fact our group of threeve wiped your group of eleventy godzillian.
Ok sparky listen up and ill learn ya something. First of all I have no reason to lie or make up numbers. They simply are what they are. Just because u are so bad u cannot even fathom wiping a group without outnumbering them does not mean other guilds have to zerg to win. Bags is simply better than u. We have no need to brag or exaggerate we simply state the facts.
Our pleasure
You guys can certainly end this week similarly if you want to. Two consecutive 3rd place would make SBI absolutely CRAZY and this thread will hit ATLEAST 50 pages of Q.Q
Lol it’s nice you are taking time out from your own thread but the fact is its not going to make a difference to the standings even if sbi does come 3rd. You need to troll harder.
I wish YB was up here instead of SBI, at least the fights would be better. :P
Shout outs to DB, we love you guys. Old DB would have smashed SBI. Current DB SEA already does smash them.
Yeah YB’s tower hugging fights, sending omegas to do the fighting is very intense lol.
I would just like to take this time to remind FA how terrible they are and how much better bags is than any of ur guilds and u should feel bad about being so bad u baddies.
Thank you for your time.
Who? 15characters
I know its hard to see other guild tags from inside ur 50 man blob but u should learn to show superior and more talented guilds more respect. Its unbecoming of irellevant zerglings such as yourself to talk to your betters in such a fashion.
Hehe, SBI skill.
I saw a lot of it last night on your home BL. Yup, so good that garrison was all that your full queue could maintain on the map.
SBI #1 most skilled at crying NA
When did I say SBI had skill? I said bags had skill and we were on fa and db borderlands last night doing or usual wipes of ur 40-50 man terriblobs with our 12-13 man group. Learn to read before u respond next time plz ur embarrassing urself.
I can make up random numbers 108% of the time. As a matter of fact our group of threeve wiped your group of eleventy godzillian.
Ok sparky listen up and ill learn ya something. First of all I have no reason to lie or make up numbers. They simply are what they are. Just because u are so bad u cannot even fathom wiping a group without outnumbering them does not mean other guilds have to zerg to win. Bags is simply better than u. We have no need to brag or exaggerate we simply state the facts.
You have every reason to lie. It raises your internetz fame and trolling skills +1. I can also make up cool nicknames for anonymous people over the internet, Cheese Nipplez. BAGS is garbage. I can run into a room full of special olympics candidates and throw advanced algebraic equations at them and get more intelligent responses than most BAGS trolls. The only thing you people are good for is keeping the Twinkies production lines going, porn industry wallets full and Comic Book men on the air.
Now to rebut your statement, i ran into sleven BAGS one shot you all with a 4598 × 095820834/433 PI r squared hammersmash.
Oh and before you retort with more trolling, I was running black ops in PVP before you were a dusty box on the shelf at Best Buy.
Grab.. this is the greatest troll ever made. LOL’d so hard at this
I would just like to take this time to remind FA how terrible they are and how much better bags is than any of ur guilds and u should feel bad about being so bad u baddies.
Thank you for your time.
Who? 15characters
I know its hard to see other guild tags from inside ur 50 man blob but u should learn to show superior and more talented guilds more respect. Its unbecoming of irellevant zerglings such as yourself to talk to your betters in such a fashion.
Hehe, SBI skill.
I saw a lot of it last night on your home BL. Yup, so good that garrison was all that your full queue could maintain on the map.
SBI #1 most skilled at crying NA
When did I say SBI had skill? I said bags had skill and we were on fa and db borderlands last night doing or usual wipes of ur 40-50 man terriblobs with our 12-13 man group. Learn to read before u respond next time plz ur embarrassing urself.
I can make up random numbers 108% of the time. As a matter of fact our group of threeve wiped your group of eleventy godzillian.
Ok sparky listen up and ill learn ya something. First of all I have no reason to lie or make up numbers. They simply are what they are. Just because u are so bad u cannot even fathom wiping a group without outnumbering them does not mean other guilds have to zerg to win. Bags is simply better than u. We have no need to brag or exaggerate we simply state the facts.
You have every reason to lie. It raises your internetz fame and trolling skills +1. I can also make up cool nicknames for anonymous people over the internet, Cheese Nipplez. BAGS is garbage. I can run into a room full of special olympics candidates and throw advanced algebraic equations at them and get more intelligent responses than most BAGS trolls. The only thing you people are good for is keeping the Twinkies production lines going, porn industry wallets full and Comic Book men on the air.
Now to rebut your statement, i ran into sleven BAGS one shot you all with a 4598 × 095820834/433 PI r squared hammersmash.
Oh and before you retort with more trolling, I was running black ops in PVP before you were a dusty box on the shelf at Best Buy.
I do not know what the black ops reference has to do with anything but clearly u are taking my comments the wrong way. Clearly u are an angry person and I feel bad for anyone in your lifr who has to deal with ur intense rage derived from failing at a child’s video game. I am not trolling you I am simply addressing the state of things. U are a bad player and we are better than you. No emotion involved.
On behalf of SIC, I’d like to apologize to those who may have been injured, maimed, or killed by our members this week. We are a 100% PvE guild. Members caught doing that PvP thing will be swiftly dealt with. Guild rush starts at 8pm tonight! Hope we get the quaggan one this time.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
I would just like to take this time to remind FA how terrible they are and how much better bags is than any of ur guilds and u should feel bad about being so bad u baddies.
Thank you for your time.
Who? 15characters
I know its hard to see other guild tags from inside ur 50 man blob but u should learn to show superior and more talented guilds more respect. Its unbecoming of irellevant zerglings such as yourself to talk to your betters in such a fashion.
Hehe, SBI skill.
I saw a lot of it last night on your home BL. Yup, so good that garrison was all that your full queue could maintain on the map.
SBI #1 most skilled at crying NA
When did I say SBI had skill? I said bags had skill and we were on fa and db borderlands last night doing or usual wipes of ur 40-50 man terriblobs with our 12-13 man group. Learn to read before u respond next time plz ur embarrassing urself.
I can make up random numbers 108% of the time. As a matter of fact our group of threeve wiped your group of eleventy godzillian.
Ok sparky listen up and ill learn ya something. First of all I have no reason to lie or make up numbers. They simply are what they are. Just because u are so bad u cannot even fathom wiping a group without outnumbering them does not mean other guilds have to zerg to win. Bags is simply better than u. We have no need to brag or exaggerate we simply state the facts.
You have every reason to lie. It raises your internetz fame and trolling skills +1. I can also make up cool nicknames for anonymous people over the internet, Cheese Nipplez. BAGS is garbage. I can run into a room full of special olympics candidates and throw advanced algebraic equations at them and get more intelligent responses than most BAGS trolls. The only thing you people are good for is keeping the Twinkies production lines going, porn industry wallets full and Comic Book men on the air.
Now to rebut your statement, i ran into sleven BAGS one shot you all with a 4598 × 095820834/433 PI r squared hammersmash.
Oh and before you retort with more trolling, I was running black ops in PVP before you were a dusty box on the shelf at Best Buy.
I do not know what the black ops reference has to do with anything but clearly u are taking my comments the wrong way. Clearly u are an angry person and I feel bad for anyone in your lifr who has to deal with ur intense rage derived from failing at a child’s video game. I am not trolling you I am simply addressing the state of things. U are a bad player and we are better than you. No emotion involved.
My black ops reference was clearly directed at you who is definitely not better than me. I would be more than happy to accept any 1 v 1 request anywhere. OS, behind the windmill, your mom’s basement. Anywhere you want. And yes I am angry. I am angry all the time. I punch random babies in Walmart if they look at me the incorrect way. I club baby seals on weekends. And when I am feeling really randy I like to steal the change cups from the homeless and kick them in the groin.
Want to know why I’m angry? The economy is in the garbage, Breaking Bad is over and Walking Dead doesn’t come back until February. Just be lucky that I haven’t strapped a nuke to my back and paraded through your neighborhood.
PS: If you doubt my 1 v1 skills, just ask the old lady that just left 7-11. The decrepit old wench was hogging the slurpee machine and I was really thirsty. I poured a large coffee and threw it at her. Grab needs his sugar.
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood
(edited by grabemx.9836)
I would just like to take this time to remind FA how terrible they are and how much better bags is than any of ur guilds and u should feel bad about being so bad u baddies.
Thank you for your time.
Who? 15characters
I know its hard to see other guild tags from inside ur 50 man blob but u should learn to show superior and more talented guilds more respect. Its unbecoming of irellevant zerglings such as yourself to talk to your betters in such a fashion.
Hehe, SBI skill.
I saw a lot of it last night on your home BL. Yup, so good that garrison was all that your full queue could maintain on the map.
SBI #1 most skilled at crying NA
When did I say SBI had skill? I said bags had skill and we were on fa and db borderlands last night doing or usual wipes of ur 40-50 man terriblobs with our 12-13 man group. Learn to read before u respond next time plz ur embarrassing urself.
I can make up random numbers 108% of the time. As a matter of fact our group of threeve wiped your group of eleventy godzillian.
Ok sparky listen up and ill learn ya something. First of all I have no reason to lie or make up numbers. They simply are what they are. Just because u are so bad u cannot even fathom wiping a group without outnumbering them does not mean other guilds have to zerg to win. Bags is simply better than u. We have no need to brag or exaggerate we simply state the facts.
You have every reason to lie. It raises your internetz fame and trolling skills +1. I can also make up cool nicknames for anonymous people over the internet, Cheese Nipplez. BAGS is garbage. I can run into a room full of special olympics candidates and throw advanced algebraic equations at them and get more intelligent responses than most BAGS trolls. The only thing you people are good for is keeping the Twinkies production lines going, porn industry wallets full and Comic Book men on the air.
Now to rebut your statement, i ran into sleven BAGS one shot you all with a 4598 × 095820834/433 PI r squared hammersmash.
Oh and before you retort with more trolling, I was running black ops in PVP before you were a dusty box on the shelf at Best Buy.
I do not know what the black ops reference has to do with anything but clearly u are taking my comments the wrong way. Clearly u are an angry person and I feel bad for anyone in your lifr who has to deal with ur intense rage derived from failing at a child’s video game. I am not trolling you I am simply addressing the state of things. U are a bad player and we are better than you. No emotion involved.
GW2 is rated T for teen. It’s not a child’s game… Technically, it would be a teenagers game
I’m not the greatest WvW player, but even I have successfully grabbed some nice loot off [bags]. I’ve seen many in the large SBI blobs and they fall just as quickly as the rest.
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA
This thread needs more drama.
Quick, throw some random insults.
Grabem has the troll of the year award hands down. Omg lmao
Until Overlord reaches more than 50 posts on his account, I’ll consider him a botter with multiple accounts. He’s probably the next Jayne.
Lots of bark with no bite. Typical small dog attitude.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
I would just like to take this time to remind FA how terrible they are and how much better bags is than any of ur guilds and u should feel bad about being so bad u baddies.
Thank you for your time.
Who? 15characters
I know its hard to see other guild tags from inside ur 50 man blob but u should learn to show superior and more talented guilds more respect. Its unbecoming of irellevant zerglings such as yourself to talk to your betters in such a fashion.
Hehe, SBI skill.
I saw a lot of it last night on your home BL. Yup, so good that garrison was all that your full queue could maintain on the map.
SBI #1 most skilled at crying NA
When did I say SBI had skill? I said bags had skill and we were on fa and db borderlands last night doing or usual wipes of ur 40-50 man terriblobs with our 12-13 man group. Learn to read before u respond next time plz ur embarrassing urself.
I can make up random numbers 108% of the time. As a matter of fact our group of threeve wiped your group of eleventy godzillian.
Ok sparky listen up and ill learn ya something. First of all I have no reason to lie or make up numbers. They simply are what they are. Just because u are so bad u cannot even fathom wiping a group without outnumbering them does not mean other guilds have to zerg to win. Bags is simply better than u. We have no need to brag or exaggerate we simply state the facts.
You have every reason to lie. It raises your internetz fame and trolling skills +1. I can also make up cool nicknames for anonymous people over the internet, Cheese Nipplez. BAGS is garbage. I can run into a room full of special olympics candidates and throw advanced algebraic equations at them and get more intelligent responses than most BAGS trolls. The only thing you people are good for is keeping the Twinkies production lines going, porn industry wallets full and Comic Book men on the air.
Now to rebut your statement, i ran into sleven BAGS one shot you all with a 4598 × 095820834/433 PI r squared hammersmash.
Oh and before you retort with more trolling, I was running black ops in PVP before you were a dusty box on the shelf at Best Buy.
I do not know what the black ops reference has to do with anything but clearly u are taking my comments the wrong way. Clearly u are an angry person and I feel bad for anyone in your lifr who has to deal with ur intense rage derived from failing at a child’s video game. I am not trolling you I am simply addressing the state of things. U are a bad player and we are better than you. No emotion involved.
My black ops reference was clearly directed at you who is definitely not better than me. I would be more than happy to accept any 1 v 1 request anywhere. OS, behind the windmill, your mom’s basement. Anywhere you want. And yes I am angry. I am angry all the time. I punch random babies in Walmart if they look at me the incorrect way. I club baby seals on weekends. And when I am feeling really randy I like to steal the change cups from the homeless and kick them in the groin.
Want to know why I’m angry? The economy is in the garbage, Breaking Bad is over and Walking Dead doesn’t come back until February. Just be lucky that I haven’t strapped a nuke to my back and paraded through your neighborhood.
PS: If you doubt my 1 v1 skills, just ask the old lady that just left 7-11. The decrepit old wench was hogging the slurpee machine and I was really thirsty. I poured a large coffee and threw it at her. Grab needs his sugar.
You’re trying way too hard
I don’t think you understand his post. Not even in the slightest.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
I would just like to take this time to remind FA how terrible they are and how much better bags is than any of ur guilds and u should feel bad about being so bad u baddies.
Thank you for your time.
Who? 15characters
I know its hard to see other guild tags from inside ur 50 man blob but u should learn to show superior and more talented guilds more respect. Its unbecoming of irellevant zerglings such as yourself to talk to your betters in such a fashion.
Hehe, SBI skill.
I saw a lot of it last night on your home BL. Yup, so good that garrison was all that your full queue could maintain on the map.
SBI #1 most skilled at crying NA
When did I say SBI had skill? I said bags had skill and we were on fa and db borderlands last night doing or usual wipes of ur 40-50 man terriblobs with our 12-13 man group. Learn to read before u respond next time plz ur embarrassing urself.
I can make up random numbers 108% of the time. As a matter of fact our group of threeve wiped your group of eleventy godzillian.
Ok sparky listen up and ill learn ya something. First of all I have no reason to lie or make up numbers. They simply are what they are. Just because u are so bad u cannot even fathom wiping a group without outnumbering them does not mean other guilds have to zerg to win. Bags is simply better than u. We have no need to brag or exaggerate we simply state the facts.
You have every reason to lie. It raises your internetz fame and trolling skills +1. I can also make up cool nicknames for anonymous people over the internet, Cheese Nipplez. BAGS is garbage. I can run into a room full of special olympics candidates and throw advanced algebraic equations at them and get more intelligent responses than most BAGS trolls. The only thing you people are good for is keeping the Twinkies production lines going, porn industry wallets full and Comic Book men on the air.
Now to rebut your statement, i ran into sleven BAGS one shot you all with a 4598 × 095820834/433 PI r squared hammersmash.
Oh and before you retort with more trolling, I was running black ops in PVP before you were a dusty box on the shelf at Best Buy.
I do not know what the black ops reference has to do with anything but clearly u are taking my comments the wrong way. Clearly u are an angry person and I feel bad for anyone in your lifr who has to deal with ur intense rage derived from failing at a child’s video game. I am not trolling you I am simply addressing the state of things. U are a bad player and we are better than you. No emotion involved.
My black ops reference was clearly directed at you who is definitely not better than me. I would be more than happy to accept any 1 v 1 request anywhere. OS, behind the windmill, your mom’s basement. Anywhere you want. And yes I am angry. I am angry all the time. I punch random babies in Walmart if they look at me the incorrect way. I club baby seals on weekends. And when I am feeling really randy I like to steal the change cups from the homeless and kick them in the groin.
Want to know why I’m angry? The economy is in the garbage, Breaking Bad is over and Walking Dead doesn’t come back until February. Just be lucky that I haven’t strapped a nuke to my back and paraded through your neighborhood.
PS: If you doubt my 1 v1 skills, just ask the old lady that just left 7-11. The decrepit old wench was hogging the slurpee machine and I was really thirsty. I poured a large coffee and threw it at her. Grab needs his sugar.
You’re trying way too hard
I don’t think you understand his post. Not even in the slightest.
I was just trying to make him aware of my anger management issues.
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood
I take that back about the lack of bags, FA just personally delivered them to our Bay! ty FA! <3
I take that back about the lack of bags, FA just personally delivered them to our Bay! ty FA! <3
GJ while we are ticking 300+.
Keep hiding with those arrow carts.
Better luck next time. RIP SBI[/quote]
lol your time will come when you reach gold league.[/quote]
So you’re admitting that your server is conceding/collapsing in Silver League?
But no, we’ve been one of the most stable servers and getting out-coveraged in tier 2 for months and fighting more T1s than your SBI 2.0 Bandwagon. What makes you think it’ll happen when we go to the league where we should belong?[/quote]
I didn’t admit to anything. SBI is a strong server and people that fail to see it and ASSUME we are falling is false.
And to answer your question, I will ask a question. Compare week 1 to week 7. How come you guys are struggling to destroy us like you did in week 1?[/quote]
SBI will have a mass server exodus within the next 6 months. Just look at whaf happened to DB and Kain. You guys arent special little snowflakes. Also, its because we have DB in the matchup, who actually contest stuff unlike ioj who had a mass exodus prior to the leagues. (Thank Brother Alaric, MVP of FA season 1! Basically destroyed a server by himself)[/quote]
Like FA is any better. I moved from TC to SBI, and TC farmed FA every time we fought. Mag, and SOS has replaced you in Gold Tier. TC was starting to fall apart when we left so it doesn’t say much for FA.
Also we farmed Gods, and Hope for quite a while on DBBL. We had a good laugh when you hid in the tower and build siege. Every time you pushed you got destroyed. Only after you had three guilds stacked did you push us back. Keep up the good work guys. If you can’t beat them build siege.
Member of RoT on SBI
I would just like to take this time to remind FA how terrible they are and how much better bags is than any of ur guilds and u should feel bad about being so bad u baddies.
Thank you for your time.
Who? 15characters
I know its hard to see other guild tags from inside ur 50 man blob but u should learn to show superior and more talented guilds more respect. Its unbecoming of irellevant zerglings such as yourself to talk to your betters in such a fashion.
Hehe, SBI skill.
I saw a lot of it last night on your home BL. Yup, so good that garrison was all that your full queue could maintain on the map.
SBI #1 most skilled at crying NA
When did I say SBI had skill? I said bags had skill and we were on fa and db borderlands last night doing or usual wipes of ur 40-50 man terriblobs with our 12-13 man group. Learn to read before u respond next time plz ur embarrassing urself.
I can make up random numbers 108% of the time. As a matter of fact our group of threeve wiped your group of eleventy godzillian.
Ok sparky listen up and ill learn ya something. First of all I have no reason to lie or make up numbers. They simply are what they are. Just because u are so bad u cannot even fathom wiping a group without outnumbering them does not mean other guilds have to zerg to win. Bags is simply better than u. We have no need to brag or exaggerate we simply state the facts.
You have every reason to lie. It raises your internetz fame and trolling skills +1. I can also make up cool nicknames for anonymous people over the internet, Cheese Nipplez. BAGS is garbage. I can run into a room full of special olympics candidates and throw advanced algebraic equations at them and get more intelligent responses than most BAGS trolls. The only thing you people are good for is keeping the Twinkies production lines going, porn industry wallets full and Comic Book men on the air.
Now to rebut your statement, i ran into sleven BAGS one shot you all with a 4598 × 095820834/433 PI r squared hammersmash.
Oh and before you retort with more trolling, I was running black ops in PVP before you were a dusty box on the shelf at Best Buy.
I do not know what the black ops reference has to do with anything but clearly u are taking my comments the wrong way. Clearly u are an angry person and I feel bad for anyone in your lifr who has to deal with ur intense rage derived from failing at a child’s video game. I am not trolling you I am simply addressing the state of things. U are a bad player and we are better than you. No emotion involved.
My black ops reference was clearly directed at you who is definitely not better than me. I would be more than happy to accept any 1 v 1 request anywhere. OS, behind the windmill, your mom’s basement. Anywhere you want. And yes I am angry. I am angry all the time. I punch random babies in Walmart if they look at me the incorrect way. I club baby seals on weekends. And when I am feeling really randy I like to steal the change cups from the homeless and kick them in the groin.
Want to know why I’m angry? The economy is in the garbage, Breaking Bad is over and Walking Dead doesn’t come back until February. Just be lucky that I haven’t strapped a nuke to my back and paraded through your neighborhood.
PS: If you doubt my 1 v1 skills, just ask the old lady that just left 7-11. The decrepit old wench was hogging the slurpee machine and I was really thirsty. I poured a large coffee and threw it at her. Grab needs his sugar.
You’re trying way too hard
I don’t think you understand his post. Not even in the slightest.
Yeah that’s really deep stuff…
In your case, it would appear that things don’t need to be “deep” to confuse you.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
I would just like to take this time to remind FA how terrible they are and how much better bags is than any of ur guilds and u should feel bad about being so bad u baddies.
Thank you for your time.
Who? 15characters
I know its hard to see other guild tags from inside ur 50 man blob but u should learn to show superior and more talented guilds more respect. Its unbecoming of irellevant zerglings such as yourself to talk to your betters in such a fashion.
Hehe, SBI skill.
I saw a lot of it last night on your home BL. Yup, so good that garrison was all that your full queue could maintain on the map.
SBI #1 most skilled at crying NA
When did I say SBI had skill? I said bags had skill and we were on fa and db borderlands last night doing or usual wipes of ur 40-50 man terriblobs with our 12-13 man group. Learn to read before u respond next time plz ur embarrassing urself.
I can make up random numbers 108% of the time. As a matter of fact our group of threeve wiped your group of eleventy godzillian.
Ok sparky listen up and ill learn ya something. First of all I have no reason to lie or make up numbers. They simply are what they are. Just because u are so bad u cannot even fathom wiping a group without outnumbering them does not mean other guilds have to zerg to win. Bags is simply better than u. We have no need to brag or exaggerate we simply state the facts.
You have every reason to lie. It raises your internetz fame and trolling skills +1. I can also make up cool nicknames for anonymous people over the internet, Cheese Nipplez. BAGS is garbage. I can run into a room full of special olympics candidates and throw advanced algebraic equations at them and get more intelligent responses than most BAGS trolls. The only thing you people are good for is keeping the Twinkies production lines going, porn industry wallets full and Comic Book men on the air.
Now to rebut your statement, i ran into sleven BAGS one shot you all with a 4598 × 095820834/433 PI r squared hammersmash.
Oh and before you retort with more trolling, I was running black ops in PVP before you were a dusty box on the shelf at Best Buy.
I do not know what the black ops reference has to do with anything but clearly u are taking my comments the wrong way. Clearly u are an angry person and I feel bad for anyone in your lifr who has to deal with ur intense rage derived from failing at a child’s video game. I am not trolling you I am simply addressing the state of things. U are a bad player and we are better than you. No emotion involved.
My black ops reference was clearly directed at you who is definitely not better than me. I would be more than happy to accept any 1 v 1 request anywhere. OS, behind the windmill, your mom’s basement. Anywhere you want. And yes I am angry. I am angry all the time. I punch random babies in Walmart if they look at me the incorrect way. I club baby seals on weekends. And when I am feeling really randy I like to steal the change cups from the homeless and kick them in the groin.
Want to know why I’m angry? The economy is in the garbage, Breaking Bad is over and Walking Dead doesn’t come back until February. Just be lucky that I haven’t strapped a nuke to my back and paraded through your neighborhood.
PS: If you doubt my 1 v1 skills, just ask the old lady that just left 7-11. The decrepit old wench was hogging the slurpee machine and I was really thirsty. I poured a large coffee and threw it at her. Grab needs his sugar.
You’re trying way too hard
I don’t think you understand his post. Not even in the slightest.
I was just trying to make him aware of my anger management issues.
Yeah I get it, it was just really, really bad. It sounded more like some hack comic at an open mic night or maybe a blogger desperately trying to generate web traffic by being “edgy”. I don’t even know who you are or what server you’re on (FA I’m guessing?) but that was just horrible.
I can’t let you keep posting. He was being ridiculous for a reason. That reason was to get you to respond like this.
I take that back about the lack of bags, FA just personally delivered them to our Bay! ty FA! <3
GJ while we are ticking 300+.
Keep hiding with those arrow carts.
Says the guys who had a half dozen of the things in bay we had to treb down before entering.
But no, seriously, you can have the PPT: I got 46 heavy loot bags out of that chain suicide run you guys spent the last twenty minutes doing to banner res the lord.
I would just like to take this time to remind FA how terrible they are and how much better bags is than any of ur guilds and u should feel bad about being so bad u baddies.
Thank you for your time.
Who? 15characters
I know its hard to see other guild tags from inside ur 50 man blob but u should learn to show superior and more talented guilds more respect. Its unbecoming of irellevant zerglings such as yourself to talk to your betters in such a fashion.
Hehe, SBI skill.
I saw a lot of it last night on your home BL. Yup, so good that garrison was all that your full queue could maintain on the map.
SBI #1 most skilled at crying NA
When did I say SBI had skill? I said bags had skill and we were on fa and db borderlands last night doing or usual wipes of ur 40-50 man terriblobs with our 12-13 man group. Learn to read before u respond next time plz ur embarrassing urself.
I can make up random numbers 108% of the time. As a matter of fact our group of threeve wiped your group of eleventy godzillian.
Ok sparky listen up and ill learn ya something. First of all I have no reason to lie or make up numbers. They simply are what they are. Just because u are so bad u cannot even fathom wiping a group without outnumbering them does not mean other guilds have to zerg to win. Bags is simply better than u. We have no need to brag or exaggerate we simply state the facts.
You have every reason to lie. It raises your internetz fame and trolling skills +1. I can also make up cool nicknames for anonymous people over the internet, Cheese Nipplez. BAGS is garbage. I can run into a room full of special olympics candidates and throw advanced algebraic equations at them and get more intelligent responses than most BAGS trolls. The only thing you people are good for is keeping the Twinkies production lines going, porn industry wallets full and Comic Book men on the air.
Now to rebut your statement, i ran into sleven BAGS one shot you all with a 4598 × 095820834/433 PI r squared hammersmash.
Oh and before you retort with more trolling, I was running black ops in PVP before you were a dusty box on the shelf at Best Buy.
I do not know what the black ops reference has to do with anything but clearly u are taking my comments the wrong way. Clearly u are an angry person and I feel bad for anyone in your lifr who has to deal with ur intense rage derived from failing at a child’s video game. I am not trolling you I am simply addressing the state of things. U are a bad player and we are better than you. No emotion involved.
My black ops reference was clearly directed at you who is definitely not better than me. I would be more than happy to accept any 1 v 1 request anywhere. OS, behind the windmill, your mom’s basement. Anywhere you want. And yes I am angry. I am angry all the time. I punch random babies in Walmart if they look at me the incorrect way. I club baby seals on weekends. And when I am feeling really randy I like to steal the change cups from the homeless and kick them in the groin.
Want to know why I’m angry? The economy is in the garbage, Breaking Bad is over and Walking Dead doesn’t come back until February. Just be lucky that I haven’t strapped a nuke to my back and paraded through your neighborhood.
PS: If you doubt my 1 v1 skills, just ask the old lady that just left 7-11. The decrepit old wench was hogging the slurpee machine and I was really thirsty. I poured a large coffee and threw it at her. Grab needs his sugar.
You’re trying way too hard
I don’t think you understand his post. Not even in the slightest.
I was just trying to make him aware of my anger management issues.
Yeah I get it, it was just really, really bad. It sounded more like some hack comic at an open mic night or maybe a blogger desperately trying to generate web traffic by being “edgy”. I don’t even know who you are or what server you’re on (FA I’m guessing?) but that was just horrible.
I’m on SBI. I thought I made it quite clear by attaching a sig. Sheesh…some people.
Admit it, I danced around you and now you have no idea what to do. Your response of “OMGZ SO NOT FUNNY” is all you have.
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood
(edited by grabemx.9836)
Like FA is any better. I moved from TC to SBI, and TC farmed FA every time we fought. Mag, and SOS has replaced you in Gold Tier. TC was starting to fall apart when we left so it doesn’t say much for FA.
Also we farmed Gods, and Hope for quite a while on DBBL. We had a good laugh when you hid in the tower and build siege. Every time you pushed you got destroyed. Only after you had three guilds stacked did you push us back. Keep up the good work guys. If you can’t beat them build siege.
Member of RoT on SBI
lol some dude on RoT is talking smack.
I would just like to take this time to remind FA how terrible they are and how much better bags is than any of ur guilds and u should feel bad about being so bad u baddies.
Thank you for your time.
Who? 15characters
I know its hard to see other guild tags from inside ur 50 man blob but u should learn to show superior and more talented guilds more respect. Its unbecoming of irellevant zerglings such as yourself to talk to your betters in such a fashion.
Hehe, SBI skill.
I saw a lot of it last night on your home BL. Yup, so good that garrison was all that your full queue could maintain on the map.
SBI #1 most skilled at crying NA
When did I say SBI had skill? I said bags had skill and we were on fa and db borderlands last night doing or usual wipes of ur 40-50 man terriblobs with our 12-13 man group. Learn to read before u respond next time plz ur embarrassing urself.
I can make up random numbers 108% of the time. As a matter of fact our group of threeve wiped your group of eleventy godzillian.
Ok sparky listen up and ill learn ya something. First of all I have no reason to lie or make up numbers. They simply are what they are. Just because u are so bad u cannot even fathom wiping a group without outnumbering them does not mean other guilds have to zerg to win. Bags is simply better than u. We have no need to brag or exaggerate we simply state the facts.
You have every reason to lie. It raises your internetz fame and trolling skills +1. I can also make up cool nicknames for anonymous people over the internet, Cheese Nipplez. BAGS is garbage. I can run into a room full of special olympics candidates and throw advanced algebraic equations at them and get more intelligent responses than most BAGS trolls. The only thing you people are good for is keeping the Twinkies production lines going, porn industry wallets full and Comic Book men on the air.
Now to rebut your statement, i ran into sleven BAGS one shot you all with a 4598 × 095820834/433 PI r squared hammersmash.
Oh and before you retort with more trolling, I was running black ops in PVP before you were a dusty box on the shelf at Best Buy.
I do not know what the black ops reference has to do with anything but clearly u are taking my comments the wrong way. Clearly u are an angry person and I feel bad for anyone in your lifr who has to deal with ur intense rage derived from failing at a child’s video game. I am not trolling you I am simply addressing the state of things. U are a bad player and we are better than you. No emotion involved.
My black ops reference was clearly directed at you who is definitely not better than me. I would be more than happy to accept any 1 v 1 request anywhere. OS, behind the windmill, your mom’s basement. Anywhere you want. And yes I am angry. I am angry all the time. I punch random babies in Walmart if they look at me the incorrect way. I club baby seals on weekends. And when I am feeling really randy I like to steal the change cups from the homeless and kick them in the groin.
Want to know why I’m angry? The economy is in the garbage, Breaking Bad is over and Walking Dead doesn’t come back until February. Just be lucky that I haven’t strapped a nuke to my back and paraded through your neighborhood.
PS: If you doubt my 1 v1 skills, just ask the old lady that just left 7-11. The decrepit old wench was hogging the slurpee machine and I was really thirsty. I poured a large coffee and threw it at her. Grab needs his sugar.
You’re trying way too hard
I don’t think you understand his post. Not even in the slightest.
Yeah that’s really deep stuff…
In your case, it would appear that things don’t need to be “deep” to confuse you.
If you want to defend that abortion of a post then by all means, don’t let me stop you. I’m just saying it was embarrassingly bad. If you liked it or thought it was funny then I’m happy you found some joy. Have a nice day.
I will have a good day, and I am happy!
You on the other hand seem upset and miserable. Please find some joy in your life.
Have a good day.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
I would just like to take this time to remind FA how terrible they are and how much better bags is than any of ur guilds and u should feel bad about being so bad u baddies.
Thank you for your time.
Who? 15characters
I know its hard to see other guild tags from inside ur 50 man blob but u should learn to show superior and more talented guilds more respect. Its unbecoming of irellevant zerglings such as yourself to talk to your betters in such a fashion.
Hehe, SBI skill.
I saw a lot of it last night on your home BL. Yup, so good that garrison was all that your full queue could maintain on the map.
SBI #1 most skilled at crying NA
When did I say SBI had skill? I said bags had skill and we were on fa and db borderlands last night doing or usual wipes of ur 40-50 man terriblobs with our 12-13 man group. Learn to read before u respond next time plz ur embarrassing urself.
I can make up random numbers 108% of the time. As a matter of fact our group of threeve wiped your group of eleventy godzillian.
Ok sparky listen up and ill learn ya something. First of all I have no reason to lie or make up numbers. They simply are what they are. Just because u are so bad u cannot even fathom wiping a group without outnumbering them does not mean other guilds have to zerg to win. Bags is simply better than u. We have no need to brag or exaggerate we simply state the facts.
You have every reason to lie. It raises your internetz fame and trolling skills +1. I can also make up cool nicknames for anonymous people over the internet, Cheese Nipplez. BAGS is garbage. I can run into a room full of special olympics candidates and throw advanced algebraic equations at them and get more intelligent responses than most BAGS trolls. The only thing you people are good for is keeping the Twinkies production lines going, porn industry wallets full and Comic Book men on the air.
Now to rebut your statement, i ran into sleven BAGS one shot you all with a 4598 × 095820834/433 PI r squared hammersmash.
Oh and before you retort with more trolling, I was running black ops in PVP before you were a dusty box on the shelf at Best Buy.
I do not know what the black ops reference has to do with anything but clearly u are taking my comments the wrong way. Clearly u are an angry person and I feel bad for anyone in your lifr who has to deal with ur intense rage derived from failing at a child’s video game. I am not trolling you I am simply addressing the state of things. U are a bad player and we are better than you. No emotion involved.
My black ops reference was clearly directed at you who is definitely not better than me. I would be more than happy to accept any 1 v 1 request anywhere. OS, behind the windmill, your mom’s basement. Anywhere you want. And yes I am angry. I am angry all the time. I punch random babies in Walmart if they look at me the incorrect way. I club baby seals on weekends. And when I am feeling really randy I like to steal the change cups from the homeless and kick them in the groin.
Want to know why I’m angry? The economy is in the garbage, Breaking Bad is over and Walking Dead doesn’t come back until February. Just be lucky that I haven’t strapped a nuke to my back and paraded through your neighborhood.
PS: If you doubt my 1 v1 skills, just ask the old lady that just left 7-11. The decrepit old wench was hogging the slurpee machine and I was really thirsty. I poured a large coffee and threw it at her. Grab needs his sugar.
You’re trying way too hard
I don’t think you understand his post. Not even in the slightest.
I was just trying to make him aware of my anger management issues.
Yeah I get it, it was just really, really bad. It sounded more like some hack comic at an open mic night or maybe a blogger desperately trying to generate web traffic by being “edgy”. I don’t even know who you are or what server you’re on (FA I’m guessing?) but that was just horrible.
You need to read up on Satire. All will be revealed.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Looks like my predictions on SBI’s implosion, unsurprisingly, turned out to be true.
Now the only question remains how far will SBI fall? What was that about the epic heroic comeback to T1 SBI??
Terrible then, terrible now.
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]
First, RET really should not be bragging at all. They have been farmed badly by Baest and DR. You all should really rethink wearing all zerker gear. As far as DR. Beast farming Ret and Hope at their garrison the numbers advantage was in the favor of Ret/Hope but it wasn’t 2/1. Both guilds got repeatedly pushed back into their garrison and farmed for good half hour by Dr. Beast but I hardly doubt they will admit it. Got to keep that internet street cred up. Been a fun week and hoping to face kittenain soon.
I like your big words, but the real question is… who cares?
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
hi i’m from ebay and I don’t know what I’m reading!
Another day another pile of bags from the hordes of FA baddies
Another day another pile of bags from the hordes of FA baddies
Please return to PVE from whence you came baddie.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
I like your big words, but the real question is… Can you help me derive their meaning?
I wish YB was up here instead of SBI, at least the fights would be better. :P
Maybe…if they brought Ebay with them
Wait, you mean we don’t get to fight with them every match?
hi i’m from ebay and I don’t know what I’m reading!
Show us on the doll where the Yaks touched you…
Looks like my predictions on SBI’s implosion, unsurprisingly, turned out to be true.
Now the only question remains how far will SBI fall? What was that about the epic heroic comeback to T1 SBI??
Terrible then, terrible now.
SBI beat FA fair and square on reset night.
We were winning by the end of the weekend.
If you are gloating about PPT go ahead, you get an average of 10k lead every day because of time zone gaps. But our NA can definitely match yours.
And if you really think having a lot of PPT is impressive, check out week 40, before leagues. SBI rolled FA by 70k
Yeah guys SBI is imploding
Oh kitten, so the honeymoon’s already over?
Nah, just a lover’s quarrel
I like your big words, but the real question is… Can you help me derive their meaning?
What does derive mean? You english majors are really tough to follow.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Still waiting for videos of SBI wiping FA over and over like they claim.
Sounds like Ducktales.
Yeah guys SBI is imploding
Sounds serious. We should go see a doctor. We have been imploding for weeks now.
Looks like my predictions on SBI’s implosion, unsurprisingly, turned out to be true.
Now the only question remains how far will SBI fall? What was that about the epic heroic comeback to T1 SBI??
Terrible then, terrible now.
SBI beat FA fair and square on reset night.
We were winning by the end of the weekend.
If you are gloating about PPT go ahead, you get an average of 10k lead every day because of time zone gaps. But our NA can definitely match yours.
And if you really think having a lot of PPT is impressive, check out week 40, before leagues. SBI rolled FA by 70k
Yeah guys SBI is imploding
Man, I really hate bringing up PPT, but if you are I’m just going to point out the 94k loss you had to Yaks and Ebay. It was a double team, yeah, but doesn’t really give an excuse to lose that badly. Being in karma train mode can’t explain it, because if that was true you should be beating FA as we have had karma training since week 1. And yeah, you beat us by 70k before leagues, but the first week of leagues we came back and beat you by 50k. So what happened there? PPT is about coverage, which you bring up. You can’t just then use it as an example as why you are better. Keep the argument consistent.
Anyways, love ya Nacho! I think I’ve seen ya around, but I can’t play EU times as much anymore!
(edited by Tibstrike.2974)
I like your big words, but the real question is… who cares?
Well, since I’m stuck in training all day, I do. I want you people to entertain me. Instead I get this kitten
We are here to entertain you? Maybe you should go outside. You know…that sun and all.
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood
Looks like my predictions on SBI’s implosion, unsurprisingly, turned out to be true.
Now the only question remains how far will SBI fall? What was that about the epic heroic comeback to T1 SBI??
Terrible then, terrible now.
SBI beat FA fair and square on reset night.
We were winning by the end of the weekend.
If you are gloating about PPT go ahead, you get an average of 10k lead every day because of time zone gaps. But our NA can definitely match yours.
And if you really think having a lot of PPT is impressive, check out week 40, before leagues. SBI rolled FA by 70k
Yeah guys SBI is imploding
Man, I really hate bringing up PPT, but if you are I’m just going to point out the 94k loss you had to Yaks and Ebay. It was a double team, yeah, but doesn’t really give an excuse to lose that badly. And yeah, you beat us by 70k before leagues, but the first week of leagues we came back and beat you by 50k. So what happened there?
Anyways, love ya Nacho! I think I’ve seen ya around, but I can’t play EU times as much anymore!
Thats all true, the YB and EB match was really interesting and was definitely a wake up call after all the k train SBI had done. But to say SBI is imploding is abit too much lol
Glad you guys are still around, I havent seen much CORE as I would have liked though. And yeah i play during EU on my asuran guardian.. hehe
SBI beat FA fair and square on reset night.
We were winning by the end of the weekend.
Well fk, You guys hear that? WvW is only 24 hours long guess anet has to redo everything to accommodate the almighty SBI (lolz @ 3rd place in season standing).
Anyone hear that the world record for loudest crowd was broken this week?
Nope, It wasn’t Seattle Fans who did it, it was the whole SBI server after realizing they have flushed another week down the crapper.
Ill leave this hear for your listening enjoyment though:
Fort Aspenwood
I can’t keep up with all FA’s trolls anymore.
What I was pointing out is that we won on equal coverage, you hear that? Equal.
I’m done here. Have fun, make sure you PvF this to p30+ mmk?
lol RoT and BEAST think they farmed us? Since you seem to think you beat us when you have less people why not fight us in a 15v15 or 20v20? We had 14 people when we fought BEAST and after we got our last five, you guys suddenly log off. In DBBL we had 17 against RoT and you gave some good fights but don’t kid yourself that anyone got farmed. I respect RoT and Obby but you guys have dodged our GvG requests all week. I’ve mailed Obby, pm’ed him, sent the challenges, but no reply about them, so I gave up.
We’ll be around tonight, so if BEAST and RoT would like to back up what they’ve said, we’ll look forward to it.
Fort Aspenwood –
What people are saying is the first match up we lost reset night badly and were behind by 20k at the end of reset weekend. This reset you got beaten badly on your borderlands and we farmed you out of your own garrison for hours. We also won reset weekend. Up by a few thousand coming into the week where we have pronounced coverage gaps and got hit hard Monday morning by both FA and DB. Double teams happen, so no complaint.
Monday you got out pointed and farmed badly across most maps during NA primetime. Tuesday our numbers dwindled a bit. I know this hard to comprehend for some of you but some of our wvw guild do take nights off during the week to roam. Look at the history on the Millenium website and it’s all there. We have gaps and are disorganized outside of our NA timezone. I know it’s hard for some of you to grasp.
What’s all this talk of farming? This is a war simulation not an agricultural simulation. We’re here to fight. If you want to farm perhaps this is more to your liking:
I look forward to seeing Hope on the field. Only FA guild that has really given us good fights.