AoS|Army of Shepherds |Int WvW Guild|JQ
Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader
Shameless bump.
Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader
How shameless you are. Get back in the van.
BTW people, you should definitely join this guild.
Wilco Tango Foxtrot #lifting #hardwork
Wilco Tango Foxtrot #lifting #hardwork
Join us today for some amazing fun and crazy moments!
Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader
Excellent group of guys and girls, highly recommend this guild if you’re looking for a fun WvW community.
Tarnished Coast
ZzZz | Zombie Coast
For the Toast!
ZzZz | Zombie Coast
For the Toast!
Bumping for more people willing to run with us and kick some kitten.
Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader
Some reset night action (sadly I was stuck in queue as were 15-20 others )
Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader
Bump looking for more people willing to join us and have some fun out there.
Destructive Nuked||AR Driver/Leader