Jade Quarry - Organized Havoc Team

Jade Quarry - Organized Havoc Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Achilles.2197


Hello fellow members of JQ and anyone on other servers as well!

Recently I transferred to Jade Quarry from my homeland Sea of Sorrows. As I am used to fighting in smaller organized groups I wish to continue this by operating a havoc squad here in the Quarry, using specific team compositions. Though we would be running as a small man group, we will be openly communicating with larger guilds/zerg forces on the map. This will be an opportunity to hone individual skill and learn stronger teamplay skills as well!

We do not run with the zerg, we stay 3 steps ahead

Server: Jade Quarry
Guild: Legacy of [HzH]

Timezone: Generally evenings 6pm PST or 9pm EST (Room for flexibility)

If interested please reply with your desired profession, as some will be needed more than others depending on what we are running. You can also whisper me in-game. All are welcome


Âchillæs – Jade Quarry – GvG’ing before you knew what it was

Jade Quarry - Organized Havoc Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Achilles.2197


Bump, still searching

Âchillæs – Jade Quarry – GvG’ing before you knew what it was

Jade Quarry - Organized Havoc Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jet.4795


Bumping for BoAt MaFiA!

Ben Sheets Reborn
Phoenixes Reborn [PR] Commander
“Never give up till the last man is down!”

Jade Quarry - Organized Havoc Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Achilles.2197


bump … the search continues!

Âchillæs – Jade Quarry – GvG’ing before you knew what it was

Jade Quarry - Organized Havoc Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

I have a slight desire to run havoc but not much time to devote as I’ve been working overtime at work. Is there no interest within HzH?

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

Jade Quarry - Organized Havoc Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Achilles.2197


I have a slight desire to run havoc but not much time to devote as I’ve been working overtime at work. Is there no interest within HzH?

Wok (and myself) don’t want to take away people from the HzH zerg/group that hits larger targets.

Also, I’d be more than willing to let you run whenever you can get on

Âchillæs – Jade Quarry – GvG’ing before you knew what it was

Jade Quarry - Organized Havoc Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Perphection.8209


Best of luck trying to get a solid group together. Hopefully you can inspire others to do the same.

Moose Man Jones [vT]
- Charr Warrior
- Charr Necromancer

Jade Quarry - Organized Havoc Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Achilles.2197


Bump because it’s Monday

Âchillæs – Jade Quarry – GvG’ing before you knew what it was

Jade Quarry - Organized Havoc Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Achilles.2197


still some spots open.. may expand to 7-8 people

Âchillæs – Jade Quarry – GvG’ing before you knew what it was

Jade Quarry - Organized Havoc Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Achilles.2197


4 people strong so far, looking for a guardian at the moment

Âchillæs – Jade Quarry – GvG’ing before you knew what it was

Jade Quarry - Organized Havoc Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Robot Chocken.7012

Robot Chocken.7012

WTB Guardian to assist in the situational required death of deserving enemies!

Wok, Master Asura of [QT]