Want some holidays ? Try out Jade Sea !

Want some holidays ? Try out Jade Sea !

in Looking for...

Posted by: Wididyth.3847


Summer is coming and you and your guild would like to break from routine ?
You think of leaving your server but you don’t know exactly where you could go ?
You want to be involved in the battle system of your server in WvW and your prime time is different from 20:00 – 01:00 GMT ?

How about joining us on Jade Sea ? x:

As we are on the top 5 EU, we have interesting match-up (well, not everytime and not in every points of view :/ but we always try to see the best part of our opponents ).

We are currently organizing our server to involve all guilds (big and little ones) and PuG as well in our defense system and I am convinced that we will do it well. Our motivation is strong.

We have a dedicated and structured TS server with 400 connexions available at the same time. The username must be granted by our admins to prevent spy from coming sneakily.

We have few “big” WvW guilds but they’re nice and pretty efficient, I swear. For instance we easily win against VS when we are 40 vs 60. (but we lose when they are 80 against our 40 guys blob :/ ) .

Our prime time is between 20:00 and 02:00 GMT approximately, and our income in this area of time is pretty good. Plus, we are awesome on friday evening just after the reset.

If your prime time is different from our, your help would be much appreciated, above all if you play around 06:00 – 12:00 or 13:00 – 18:00 GMT.

Except during our prime time, you will find no queue delay on every WvW maps.

Unfortunately, we also have trolls :/ But hopefully for you, they only speak french most of the time so you won’t be troubled by them =)

If you aren’t afraid of french language and french accent, feel free to try to meet us (o:

If you don’t understand french at all and you find that it is a huge problem, we have some Quebeckers and if you are lucky enough,
(it is our special game content, lol : you’ve seen all the vistas and view points ? Now find the hidden Quebeckers ! :p )
you may find them and they could help you to understand what you need. In the worst case, some French (like me for instance) are able to speak – or at least write – a bit in english.

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Dexterité [DEX] : : : Guardian / Ranger / Mesmer / Engi / War lv80.
“I found myself noob until I met someone who moves his character with his mice.”

(edited by Wididyth.3847)