Final plea to not implement leagues.

Final plea to not implement leagues.

in WvW

Posted by: Polismassa.6740


As many of you will notice, I am from JQ. I’m sure that this will anger a lot of people, because frankly there is a lot of bitterness directed at the top 3 NA servers at the moment.

Now for some reason Anet (or their RNG system) has decided to have JQ, SoR and BG all fighting at least 1 tier 2 server (TC, FA, SoS) for the last 2 weeks, and frankly, it’s been painful. Not just for the T2 servers who literally have no chance of winning against us in overall score and are outnumbered in every time zone, but also for the T1 servers who find ourselves with no real reason to go into WvW.

Now for those of you who are, at this point thinking “JQ is a stacked server, nobody on JQ enjoys WvW, they just like blobbing all day long”, that is not true in the slightest. I’ve been in T1 almost since launch, and even though we have problems with skill lag and queues on occasion, the best part about T1 is that there’s literally fights to be had at any time of day. I can log in at 6 AM server time and find battles large and small going on across all 3 borderlands and of course EB. For me, and my guild, this week has been utter boredom because not only is it rare to find someone to actually fight, but even when we do, sometimes there may already be plenty of JQ there fighting them.

The point of all of this is that leagues are a bad Idea. For as many problems as WvW has had, Tiers were not one of the major ones. For the most part, independent of major guild transfers and server implosions, tiers kept servers facing others with roughly the same population and coverage. Tiers were a decent framework within which WvW could have improved drastically. Instead however, Anet wants to mix things up, so that even in the NA gold league with 6 servers only, there will undoubtedly be blowout matches 9 out of 10 weeks. Servers will be demoralized, players will leave. When I realize the fact that we will have to play these blowout matches for the next several months, maybe even years, it kills my desire to play WvW, a game mode which I really enjoy.

Anet, several months ago when you were going to do a Tier reset, there was a community outcry. You listened to that community outcry, and averted what could have been weeks and weeks of boredom and blowouts for nearly every server. I urge you to do that now. Yes, WvW needs some changes, yes there are ways to improve it, but this is not one of them. Look at the countless “how to improve WvW” threads, many of which have fantastic ideas and great discussions in them. Focus on those things, listen to your community, and please don’t go through with these leagues.
