Showing Posts For Hibiskus.8294:
I hope for stats like Major: +Condition Damage / + Power, Minor: + Vitality / + Precision
or Major: + Condition dmg / + Vitality, Minor: + Precision / + Healing Power
But we will see what they give us with the Expansion….
So after looking at all weapons a second time, i decided to go with staff…it has higher CD´s than the Greatsword, also it makes not the same power dps, but i want to test a condi build….
I dont want the dmg to be increased, also i dont want to have another CD reduction beside the trait….
but i wish they would add something to the CD Reduction / the protection…. i wish they could add to this trait (chaotic dampening) a faster attack speed buff, since it is really hard to stack some conditions with the staff…since skill one is bouncing between all enemies and the cast time feels slow…it would be great to have an increased attack speed when we choose this trait….
i mean: scepter has it…but it is just a range from 900, staff has the range from 1200…also scepter is single target so stacking is not the biggest problem with it….
Ranger have the CD reduction and the attack speed buff as a trait on longbow…that has the range from 1200….
so, can we please get an increased attack speed for staff?
beside this i really want to move with sword 2….since the new axe is more mobile and after testing the mirage sword feels a little bit slower now…
Fast answer: Ranger with the elite spec druid and weapon staff…it is the only elite that makes a class changing to an healer.
Also…elementalist with water attunement are healers, for my taste.
When you want to be a druid healer you need to unlock this (and…but that i am not sure, maybe need the HoT expansion).
When you want to be an elementalist healer: you can be it without any expansion…but elementalist is also a light armor class so you need movement to survive…also learning the elementalist can be very difficult, since you have 4 attunements (water, fire, earth and air) and every attunement changes the skills on your weapon.
what should i say….i got myself 4 pieces venatri gear with much healing power, vitality and thougness to deal with condi…..then i had lesser dmg than other players but i thought: now i am not one hit as mesmer…..but: healing power is not worth it…the heal amount is not as good as i thought….thougness i was told after creating my armor is nothing that makes the dmg from conditions bearable… does NOT affect conditions…only good stat is health….so now i try to change stats to viper or maraudeur….(ok, honestly speaking: i want a power build..BUT: power seems to be the weakest attack build since enemies can have thougness……and everyone is going to be a condi attacker….)…
after getting the pieces ventari i was not one hit….i was 3 hit…or when they crit…2 hit…
so ventari gear is…well useless i find….
also i wanna point out…..that i want to go 3 years back in time and say to myself: DONT choose mesmer… gives better classes for a power build…just NOT the mesmer….or you are like every other mesmer and using the only good power weapon…the sword…but be carefull: you are going fast down…since it is a close range weapon…..and your mantra heal is nerved in the future…and thiefes have a heal per critical hit………you dont have so much heal…you are just good in cleaning conditions…but that is useless in pvp since they spam you with condis so it is a who is going faster down competition…and since you dont have so much experience you wont be able to learn so fast…you die too fast…and when you look at videos it would not help you that much….looking and learning are different shoes…and you are not sooo fast reacting to the steps the enemie player is doing in wvw / pvp…..take a class that can take more dmg…..
i really want to have a class change that just resets every hero point i got so that i just must make the HP new…and not the map, the story, and lvling my crafting…. not making a new char…..i am one of the players that dont want to play the story again (why is the story from living world season 2 not for every character you have?)
but i think WE also make something wrong: everyone is crying : nerv that class, nerv another class….and they do…..and it will be harder in pve too when they do it…..instead of crying: nerv, nerv, nerv…you should say: buff that class please….or: i give you a sample what i wish for my class…please make these changes or take them as guideline for upcoming changes….
when everyone is crying: this class is op, nerv it….and they nerv it, then the nerved class is crying: this class is op…and so on…..
Well…i would play another class…if these points would happen:
1: the char needs to be lvl 80.
2: The char needs to have the same map completion as my mesmer.
3: the char needs to have the same story completion as my mesmer.
4: the char needs to have the same lvl for crafting as my mesmer.
So basiclly saying: i have no other char that is so far with the game like my mesmer….since i have not the story completed with my mesmer (i am half on the way)…i better play story instead of trying to power – lvl another char…..
also: they have said in the stress-test before yesterday…that they have made several changes to the classes based on the feedback…..but that this changes are NOT included in the stress tests….so that we see these changes the first time….on 22 september…
and that means for me: i will wait and hoping that these changes are good….
also: we have pink sparkling butterflies….and i am still hoping for dual dagger…and longbow….(longbow pircing shots pls…) and pistol main hand.
I stay with my mesmer…..but i dont wanna know how often i was dead while i was playing the story with my 4 pieces ventari gear…and berserker jewellery and backpack….and ok…2 pieces exotic gear and weapons…. i mean: i will totally change stats on my ventari gear since it feels useless for everything that has to do with hot…thoughness dont affekt conditions? well that means it is useless in hot…i will go with more power and vitality….
but yeah…after i played thief for a short time mesmer feels some sort of useless for me….it IS fun…but feeling useless, i mean:
thief dmg: high….mesmer dmg….well low compared to thief…..
thief heal: high…and every trait gives a bonus to healing….even without any healing stat ,that i have recordnized is useless too….the healing ammount that you get from this stat is to low,(i like the heals you get from every single critical hit for 15% from the critical dmg trait….why dont we have that for the sword trait line…it is close range…) also he has an heal that is not bound to the 6…….mesmer heal: bound to 6…most have high CD…and the only other “heal” is in focus traitline the restorative illusions….the heal ammount from that is even with scepter low.
only good thing compared to thief: condition clear…..restorative illusions…i dont find any good condi clear for thief compared to my mesmer…but…well for that you can not use warden´s feedback…sadly….
I really hope they dont change something else again on the mesmer call it a good improvement….and make it like my poor healing mantra that i now dont use anymore…i now use mirror as heal: better heal, better cd…no recharge time…
also: have you recordnized that guardian have basiclly 3 charges on their mantra elite?
we have lost our 3rd charge….and the good heal from the mantra…
Also i wish they would add a perma speed buff to a signet without loosing something for this change….
Maybe next time we get an elite…where we loose all our illusions but make more dmg, get more heal….and have other options than shatter….or we get a pink sparkling pets like a ranger…that stay permanent……maybe withan longbow elite…..ok…now i want a pink sparkling drake…..
But: mesmer is fun, mesmer is life…i will never give up my mesmer…..
(but there was a time after the mantra patch that i was thinking about it seriously…..that was the time where i tested the thief….)….
(edited by Hibiskus.8294)
I want to get the story with my main char…since i played everything….just not really the story…since i am a mesmer i wanted to get ascended armor first….now i am in really trouble to finish everything after living world season 2 (but i am on a good way i think)……also i really want another char with the complete map…but i think that is impossible for this timegate…so: story is my main goal.
Oh…and i thought it was real as i read the title…..XD also i want a trident on land…i mean they seem to drift away from underwater combat…
so getting these weapons on land would be cool.
yes….i love all things that have something to do with halloween and the mad king..also we should get a fog raven….a recolour from the shadow raven…wait i posted it somewhere…oh well it is really on page 4…?
well in the english forums are more ppl active i think….
i really, really, really hope they read all our halloween wishes ^^
Loved the stress test…but after it was over…i logged in with my normal char….and what should i say? after testing the mirage again in the test…i really miss the movement with my normal mesmer….for the close range weapon sword…..why can´t we move while using sword 2 ? it is like the enemie takes a step and you must cancel sword 2 because you dont hit anything when the aggro changes….
can we (as mesmers) please move with sword 2 (doggie eyes)
also can you make a recolour of the shadow raven from last halloween? have posted it here in forum but it is already on page 4…..
but: thank you, really i love you for giving us another stress test, now i was able to test the ele and the thief….ok and the mirage again…. ^^
OH wow….that is true….it is a raven tonic…so why not a glider (ok there is a raven glider…but it is not the same as beeing a little raven….) that is a cool wish. ^^
Ok, new tags in halloween style is pretty cool…what about some hairstyles / hornstyles in halloween style for each race? (i would buy it…)…also maybe some cultural halloween outfits (like cook and wedding)…. i mean why not?
Ok since we got last year a Shadow Raven ( Mini Oxidecimus the Shadow Raven ), i wish we could have this year an opposite coloured raven…a fog ghost raven…..i recoloured a picture from the wiki so you can see what i mean (ok, i can not get it to look a little bit transparent and the glow is not soo good…but you will se what i mean)….
Also what are the wishes that you have for halloween?
Maybe: 1: +50 Power / + 50 Condition dmg
2: + 100 Thougness
3: + 50 Power / + 50 Condtion dmg
4: + 150 Thougness
5: + 50 Power / + 50 Condition dmg
6: You are healed for 5% for every critical hit you are dealing to the enemies.
(no Cooldown)….
Ok….dreaming is allowed i think…no seriously…the rune will be something like healing power and vitality….and as 6th stat it will be something like: you have the chance of 5% to clear 1 condition with every critical hit you are dealing…… with a 30 sec CD…..
Since we now have our good aurene we could help her to clean the mind of the mad elder dragons, so that they become the new gods….. (i like dragons…killing zhaitan was one of the things that i dont wanted to do…but: we just have one of his tails in durmand… maybe we just stole all his magic and now he is weak and sleeping somewhere?)…
Anyway: an aurene mount would be impossible to implement…since the story just have 1 aurene….and when every player has an aurene mount…..well then asura are gone mad and have cloned her to be like a golem army….
Also i am still waiting for miniatures of: the shatterer, claw of jormag and shadow of the dragon…..since we have an miniature of Tequatl…. and i really want a mini from each dragon champion… (ok…and maybe from the elder an asura have cloned a mini version of them….)…
longer test = weekend maybe? i would be to 100% there…
@ Conncept: Yes…that i already have recordnized…and edited in the last 5 minutes….but you were to fast reading my post XD (i really need more sleep…but as i read: streß test…that was the time where i wanted to log out….then someone ingame posted: elite got an rework….and i saw: no rework ingame…so i posted first and then read the post from the dev….me: oh…i was wrong: edited…looked: oh someone already have seen my post…XD)….
So yeah…maybe i should not trsut everything what i hear ingame….and: before posting…i should read first….also…..i need more sleep XD
but thanks for your answer…you are fast ^^
wow a good test…some lags….with more people really interupting lags…but i loved this short time in desert…hope for next elite to have a weapon that heals per hit (or in this desert a sigil that changes like…2 – 10% from the critical dmg to health…) me, as mesmer…well i only miss a good heal^^ (ok, mirror is good…but it is the only good with short CD)….
But what should i say: last test i have missed…this time: wow, just wow…the desert looks amazing…you have done a wonderfull thing with that (just wondering: when i use mirage…can i somewhere read ingame what the ambush skills are doing?..beside hovering with the mouse in this short time over it)…
can´t wait for release…that i must say… ^^
(edited by Hibiskus.8294)
Oh, you found the picture from the profession page…that picture is the reason i picked mesmer 3 years ago as my main class…..just to find out, that we can not balance a sword on our hand as skill….i really wished the sword has an throw sword skill (like thief can throw a dagger) wich gives us an sword like this picture…i really love that picture…but…yes you are right: that character is a mix between norn and humans…
i have never noticed…..
False Oasis: And i was thinking: Cool a new solo spec….maybe not a heal with 30 sec. CD? oh….not so good…30 sec CD…a Group heal? I thought it is a solo spec….maybe it is good?…oh the ammount of heal is to low to be a 30 sec CD heal…more of a 15 or even just a 12 sec CD heal….ok, only good thing: you must not stand in it….
So. please instead of giving us more heal with this skill: it is a solo spec from the gameplay i saw….dont increase the heal we are getting: lower the CD to 15 (or even 12) seconds so that we (finnaly) have one more heal with low CD…
Mesmer alreday has heal skills with high CD (and the well from Chrono is already a good group heal, with a good heal ammount….and 30 sec. CD)…..
Jaunt: For an elite skill…to short distance…i mean: press the button, target the location…use the button again….that time i also can run this little distance without using this skill…..
Increase the distance you travel with this skill.
Mirage Cloak:
To short time you have the cloak….i mean: in the video you said you can stand in the attacks of enemies without beeing hit…that is not true after all…..the attacks from enemies are way longer than the cloak is there…so you need to run out of the attacks….and dont have the time to use the Ambush attacks…..
So: Slightly increase the time we have the mirage cloak.
Ambush Attacks:
What should i say? Axe and Scepter are in some way ok….staff is well not good not bad (ok staff is not my weapon the normal 1 is bouncing and pulling enemies that i dont want)…but the rest? Needs to be something else…ok sword more movement…but after seeing how the 4 from the thiefs dagger is working i dont like sword mesmer at all….(but i like the artwork in the wiki with the little sword in the hand)….Greatsword…oh my…..that is an ambush i will never use….and i was after hearing the new elite get new skill 1 skills..: oh my: PLEASE let our Mesmers have learned something from the White Mantle Mesmers on Lake Doric….they use GS 3 as an really hurting AoE attack…and i thought: our Mesmer maybe learned this from fighting the white mantle…but no…. GS 1 Ambush….. can be ignored…
Axe: ok, really well done, nothing more to say, i like the axe, finally a weapon with movement…and also i like the trait where you can get a 20% CD Rduction on axe…
(also i am asking myself: why does the shield dont have the 20% CD Reduction as trait….just why? Alacrity maybe….but that is no real reason so maybe add this to the trait where illusions gain superspeed on chrono after shattering…so the player must decide: 20% CD Reduction + Illusion superspeed after shatter OR more group support with wells that give alacrity after they end.)
Little offtopic: after you reduced the heal from the mantra, and changed harmonius mantras, give us a 3rd mantra recharge by default…also your new ammunition system is some sort of….well…not good on the mantras….i mean, we still need to cast them new after using the last charge, change it so you dont need to cast anymore, when we used the last charge make a 0…so that we need to wait for the next charge to be ready (hey: it is like a CD….)…also after you reduced the heal ammount from the heal mantra: reduce the recharge time a little please.
Ok, after seeing that most weapons now have a default 20% CD reduction (exepct shield), i saw that pistol dont have it…what am i thinking: next elite: pistol with the 20% CD trait, COOL….(ok i also like the idea of shortbow or 2 handed daggers)…also i was thinking: maybe they even make elites that use well…staff, but changing every skill thanks to the used elite so that a new playstyle with an old weapon is created…(like: the mesmers have leared some new skills after the old ones are not working against the new enemies….or something like that…)….
But yeah, mirage needs some changes…..but i like the axe, dont touch the axe.
And yes…i just copy and pasted this comment that i already have posted in
the mesmer forum…why? well this is an thread from an dev and
i dont know if they read the class forums….
False Oasis: And i was thinking: Cool a new solo spec….maybe not a heal with 30 sec. CD? oh….not so good…30 sec CD…a Group heal? I thought it is a solo spec….maybe it is good?…oh the ammount of heal is to low to be a 30 sec CD heal…more of a 15 or even just a 12 sec CD heal….ok, only good thing: you must not stand in it….
So. please instead of giving us more heal with this skill: it is a solo spec from the gameplay i saw….dont increase the heal we are getting: lower the CD to 15 (or even 12) seconds so that we (finnaly) have one more heal with low CD…
Mesmer alreday has heal skills with high CD (and the well from Chrono is already a good group heal, with a good heal ammount….and 30 sec. CD)…..
Jaunt: For an elite skill…to short distance…i mean: press the button, target the location…use the button again….that time i also can run this little distance without using this skill…..
Increase the distance you travel with this skill.
Mirage Cloak:
To short time you have the cloak….i mean: in the video you said you can stand in the attacks of enemies without beeing hit…that is not true after all…..the attacks from enemies are way longer than the cloak is there…so you need to run out of the attacks….and dont have the time to use the Ambush attacks…..
So: Slightly increase the time we have the mirage cloak.
Ambush Attacks:
What should i say? Axe and Scepter are in some way ok….staff is well not good not bad (ok staff is not my weapon the normal 1 is bouncing and pulling enemies that i dont want)…but the rest? Needs to be something else…ok sword more movement…but after seeing how the 4 from the thiefs dagger is working i dont like sword mesmer at all….(but i like the artwork in the wiki with the little sword in the hand)….Greatsword…oh my…..that is an ambush i will never use….and i was after hearing the new elite get new skill 1 skills..: oh my: PLEASE let our Mesmers have learned something from the White Mantle Mesmers on Lake Doric….they use GS 3 as an really hurting AoE attack…and i thought: our Mesmer maybe learned this from fighting the white mantle…but no…. GS 1 Ambush….. can be ignored…
Axe: ok, really well done, nothing more to say, i like the axe, finally a weapon with movement…and also i like the trait where you can get a 20% CD Rduction on axe…
(also i am asking myself: why does the shield dont have the 20% CD Reduction as trait….just why? Alacrity maybe….but that is no real reason so maybe add this to the trait where illusions gain superspeed on chrono after shattering…so the player must decide: 20% CD Reduction + Illusion superspeed after shatter OR more group support with wells that give alacrity after they end.)
Little offtopic: after you reduced the heal from the mantra, and changed harmonius mantras, give us a 3rd mantra recharge by default…also your new ammunition system is some sort of….well…not good on the mantras….i mean, we still need to cast them new after using the last charge, change it so you dont need to cast anymore, when we used the last charge make a 0…so that we need to wait for the next charge to be ready (hey: it is like a CD….)…also after you reduced the heal ammount from the heal mantra: reduce the recharge time a little please.
Ok, after seeing that most weapons now have a default 20% CD reduction (exepct shield), i saw that pistol dont have it…what am i thinking: next elite: pistol with the 20% CD trait, COOL….(ok i also like the idea of shortbow or 2 handed daggers)…also i was thinking: maybe they even make elites that use well…staff, but changing every skill thanks to the used elite so that a new playstyle with an old weapon is created…(like: the mesmers have leared some new skills after the old ones are not working against the new enemies….or something like that…)….
But yeah, mirage needs some changes…..but i like the axe, dont touch the axe.
(edited by Hibiskus.8294)
Yeah i totally agree, charrs need more options….
after i changed my class (i must change my class….before i was 3 years a mesmer…but after that last patch my heal feels broken ( i used the mantra and had fun…but now thief makes more fun)…and after playing so long a sylvari i choose to play my female charr thief that was created at the same time as my mesmer…but never really played….
and i must say: i really, really, really love the charr, but the options are not really great i just found 1 combination from hair / horns and faces that i really liked….and i was like: wow sylvari had so much options and i could not decide and here it is like: oh just 1 option that i liked? need more…
also i wish we had more cultural options AND some changes to existing armor….the tail is often clipping through the armor….so that my options for non clipping things is limited….(but this game has great armors, just…not for my now loved charr…..)
Most (but not all ) outfits have no clipping at the tail and i really love that…also: we have 2 outfits that look different on each race (wedding, cook) and i thought: why they dont make some armor that has the same effect? So that every race can wear it and it looks different on each race (and not like you click to look what it looks like and then see that only “that race” can wear it….and not your race)….
But yeah: more options for charr please.
Maybe i should play Ranger / Guardian…eh Necro? So just for saying that my playstyle was ok…ok i was not the best in doging that is what i can say….i was really carefully while doging, because the HoT map is FULL of enemies…but when you read the forums you will SEE that i am not the only one complaining about the healing mantra change….
And for Thief is NOT my thing….eh yes it is just that i survive longer with my thief now then with my mesmer…and my thief has just the exotic gear that was given to him when i used the lvl 80 boost…and there is (when i right remember) not 1 point thoughness on that armor….also he dont uses illusions to get the aggro away from him…and the only reason why i can now better survive with thief as with the mesmer is because he has better healing options and more movement skills then mesmer….
And ppl who say Mesmer is the wrong class for me…please, please read before writing this…: I have played him 3 years without having this BIG trouble like now..he was absolute fun for me…..mabye you (the ppl who answer right now) are professionals as mesmer and never making 1 mistake in doging, attacking and using THE perfect build…remember that there are ppl that are not playing perfect with 100% attention and playing for FUN not for playing the style everyone else is playing just because they NEED to play like everyone else for suriviving, remember that there are BEGINNERS that are absolutely no professionals…and maybe ask in the ingame chat: most mesmers are ok with every change….except the change to the heal mantra (every other mantra / cange from the notes is ok…)…and not everyone wanna play full zerk power or full dire condi….
i for myself was wanting to go for FULL ventari gear, with assasian weapons and power accessoires….and yes i know for some ppl is ventari gear COMPLETLY crap…but after getting 3 armor pieces of this gear (before patch) i was like not using my heal every 30 seconds i fight… i was like i can pull more than 5 enemies and some more powerfull enemies and getting hit without loosing the half of my health…and still can kill them (not fast like everyone else like…slow but without any risk of beeing killed)…also i feeled the healing power stat on the armor….my heal was much stronger than before…now after the patch it is like i dont wear the ventari gear..
..ok…i think i will playing my thief right now….and making the whole maps…sight….he makes just more fun then my mesmer at the moment…so see ya maybe in this forum when they hear the tears from every 3rd mesmer i asked falling down…and making a change again to this one mantra…
Maybe i should begin playing my thief….i “just” need to discover every map new….and playing the whole story again….sounds like fun (not)… i mean i wanna have him finished with everything when PoF will be released…that are what? Some weeks….took just 3 years for my mesmer to get this far….i need more time XD
Build? Play? IT is a problem with my choosen armor…it is not fully ascended why?…i am a little bit lazy..also i have no real time for farming that much….Remember also: new players needs healing too…..sword? oh yeah right i get even closer now to the enemie after they reduced or heal….and what the well is: it is on a too high CD…or maybe you play in groups and have enough ppl that heal you too? I play solo, have beeing played solo for 3 years without any problem, i have seen many changes to the class, good and bad…but i never complained about one….but this is the first i am really not ok with….i tested the whole day to find one build….also remember: your guide is good and not outdated but for ppl who have not english as their main language it is hard to read english guides…after testing now the whole day…and dying, dying, and yes dying on the same 5 mobs in lake doric…(they were before no problem for me…with every build i have they were good to kill…now they kill me….)…well after testing alot…i find the ONE last build wich keeps me alive..but i dont like it….it is: phantasm out and watch the phantasm kill the mobs…dont do anything just watch from far away… playstyle was more like scepter / shield and doging around the enemie, shatter often and heal when you get hit…now the heal is not enough….
Aslo i never said Fay´s Guide is outdated…it is a really good guide…but NOT my personal loved playstyle… and for real: when there are just 2 or 3 build left where a mesmer could survive with…is this class good after all? Especially for completly new players? that dont read guides and just seeing the class description in the character creation? then logging into the game as new player and dying because the heal is to low? Sword was never really my favorite wepon…..focus too….i like scepter, torch, pistol and Greatsword….(ok GS is since HoT was released not used anymore…not good enough for HoT maps in my opinion….)…staff i would never use….it just pulls too much unwanted enemies to you…..but the phantasm is REALLY nice….
Accessories can easily be swapped?…uhm yeah it takes me thanks to my job “just” 3 weaks to get 1 ascended earring…..maybe it is easy for ppl with more time…but there are ppl that have not that much time….and they maybe spend also some time in the thing called real life….so it will be hard just to switch ONE accessoire….but yeah thanks for the hints….cheaper it is maybe for ppl who already have some gold / unbound magic / Karma saved… i hav none of that much….and the little bit i have…well that i need….and please dont say then mesmer is NOT the class for you…i did not spend 3 years with this class because i have no fun with it…i had fun..alot of fun…so much that i never was thinking of changing my class….or making a second char….
Maybe i am crying to much for some ppl who have the time to swap things easy…
but i say one thing to you: when i could change class for real money…this would be the first time i would change instantly cause mesmer is now a class that brings more frustration than fun for me….i dont wanna play it like everyone else like a (very good) guide written by some really nice ppl with time…i wanna play for fun…
(well or at last transfer / copy some map progression to another of my characters…i would renounce every map reward / legendary tribute for having the map with that other character discovered like my mesmer has the map discovered….)…
Overdramatic? I have played Mesmer 3 Years i WAS going up and down with all the changes….but THIS is the first change where i can not find any solution…..and yes it IS my only light armor class..(and 1 of 2 lvl 80 i have…the other one is my thief…that is just lvl 80 cause i used the boost from the HoT pack…no map discoverd, no story played with my thief…so no progression….no travel marks….nothing)…..i am maybe a little bit lazy..but i also have not that much time to play…but when i played i loved my mesmer….in other cases i would not have played her 3 years without changing the class…….in 3 years reached lvl 80 and have got my first 3 ascended armor pieces…ventari for healing…healing was good after that…..and i was happy that i was no longer bound to hit and run, run, run….also i wanted to go to close range after i get my fully ascended gear, to fight close to the enemie and no longer range…now it seems that every weapon i try out is not fast enough killing since every heal from me wents on CD and does not heal enough to keep me alive…and i CAN doging enemies attacks (that i have learned with the mesmer the last 3 years)….also dont forget that i still MISS some ascended pieces…..also it is not THAT cheap to change stats….i am poor at the moment since i crafted my 3rd ascended piece just 1 or 2 weeks before this last patch was released…
Also remember: new players dont start with ascended gear…and this class is with this low heal now good for keeping new players frustrated…..
And yes: i hope they balance fast…buffing or heal skill again OR getting more heal from the heal stat (more heal per stat point…)…..
Overdramatic…maybe for some ppl….but this is the first time EVER i am really, really disappointed about a change…and the first time i think of changing class…but i dont have a class that is that good with lvl, map progression AND story…and i know…that i will need for another class another 3 years…to get this far……i know i am lazy……but i like my gameplay style…so i am thinking of taking a break…the only reason why i dont take a break is…well…i wanna take a look at some new content….but beeing killed by 5 normal mobs at lake doric that i could solo easily before this patch is well…..absolutley intolerable… now i wanna have the option to transfer map / Story progression to another char….swapping it with another char….or having the option of changing class (not race…race would be a to great story impact)…. i have tested today every build i played in the years before…and just one is ok….but i dont like the needed playstyle for that….it is like: cast the phantasm and watch….dont do anything….the phantasm kills for you….it is not really the mesmer style i liked…..i loved to shatter, doging around the enemie, healing when i get a hit….now i need my phantasms living….and must be carefull to NOT shatter them….also i need to be carefull to dont beeing hit…
Now i really, really wished i would ever have done some pvp for the armor…..since a stat change would be now nice without any costs…but i never played pvp…
It is not like i need a new build…i was fine for 3 years with my mesmer….and i have changed my build depending of my playstyle…..and i liked him the way he was…but now that i have gotten 3 ascended armor pices + 2 ascended rings / earrings… WAS easy for me….and it was fun….but after the patch i tested ALL my builds….and all have the same Probleme: i have no good self heal anymore… i am seriously thinking of trying out my lvl 80 thief ( and yes you read it right: trying out…i just used the lvl 80 boost on him (when i bought HoT…used the boost instantly) , because he took a place in my bank…. but after watching the videos from the new elites…well some other elites are more my taste XD but i dont have another booster….also: i dont have any map progression / story played….it is…well just a lvl 80 char in the starting area…XD Also i have problems with really thinking of giving up on my only real main char just because anet nerved the heal… the ground….1 of my builds is well…some sort of good…it already was a hit and run build…but the heal is really missing…maybe a druid as pet that heals me XD?….ok joking….i am still testing…also an english guide is hard for me…since english is NOT my main language…also a guide for someone wich has played since 3 years, already read a ton of guides…is not really needed…but thanks for trying to help me out, that means a lot for me….but in the moment i really just wanna now how i could find more heal without changing so much…i mean i have crafted some of my ascended gear…and bring my tailor to lvl 500….it was hard….and i dont know if i have the power to begin from the start….but thank you….really…maybe i am just to negative to all these downgrades to our healing skills….maybe…
OK, maybe i am just to disappointed because i was crafting my first ascended gear right now, just to find out after this patch that it is now useless and i lost a ton of gold…so a warning: here are tears / crying, dont read when you think it could be too much and maybe later i find a last good thing on my mesmer but now there is nothing more than tears here you go:
Mantra of recovery now = useless…
Was nerved 2 times: It now can not have 3 charges, that was what i loved about it….and the healing you get is now a joke?
Ok i love the ammunition system but with just 2 charges it is like using 1 charge get just a LITTLE BIT health and then wait for it to recover, since when you use the second heal your skill goes on CD and that is what you dont want to happen…..
We are Mesmers, we need fast heal or we are fast dead…..
Most of the Mesmer-Heals have high CD…..and the only one with is maybe good enough for beeing an option is now mirror (and that just with the staff trait)….
Aslo it seemed that Anet is seeing the End-Gear Mesmers but not the beginners….i mean: wich new player would be playing this game when he is most time death just because he picked the “wrong” class…..and yes: Mesmer is my only and first class that i have this complete….and i loved to play it….but now….i just cant describe (and that is not just because english is not my main language… is because i cant find any word that desciribes my frustration enough….)….keep in mind that getting the first fully ascended gears is not cheap for players….the gold comes when you finished your gear but before this you are poor….
The well from the HoT elite i dont use, because 30 seconds is to high for a self heal….group heal ok…but self heal? how do you want to heal yourself when you have a 30 seconds CD? And i heard rumors that the new PoF elite has 30 seconds on his heal skill too….. After this last patch it is the first time, where i wish i could change my class with my char to keep map progression…..(it took me 3 years to get 1 char most maps discovered)….i love, love, love the idea of beeing a illusion throwing mesmer….but since the last patch the death is well…default…for a beeing a mesmer….
( i posted a longer text here.. )
..i am dissapointed i dont wanna cry but i do…..i dont wanna repel my mesmer but when they dont buff healing (or at least the bonus that the healing stat gives)…..i dont know what to do….3 more years to get a new char that far?….tears falling….
(edited by Hibiskus.8294)
Little warning: because i was crafting my first ascended gear now and now finding out after this patch that it is now completely useless, that here are some tears and crying included, dont read when you think it could be too much tears or dissapointment, maybe i can find a good last thing on my 3 years played mesmer so here you go:
For real: i got sick as i first visited the first map of HoT….with fully exotic gear…..i died so often i can´t count my deaths….then i crafted for not dying 3 pices ventari for thoughness, Vitality and healing power gear, got 2 ascended earrings and 2 ascended rings with power….and runes that gives power and MORE Thougness…after that i was dying not so often…BUT: Now they nerved the Healing Mantra…2 times: first: They reduced the heal, second they canceled the sword trait what gives 3 mantras instead of 2… i have just 2 mantra heals and it is some sort of halfed the healing….so: 2 mantras to get the heal from 1 mantra before patch…and just 2 mantras to use…now i am dying in the HoT maps like i was before and seeking a new possibility to survive AND make dmg….what use has making dmg when i cant survive? and what makes it when i survive when i can´t kill mobs….
mesmer is my first class and the only one where i have most (not all maps) but now i wished i could change my class with this character to keep the map progress….i mean the armor and some weapons would be useless after changing class…but i could have the played story AND the map progression…..i mean: i have not enough gold to test and test and test again to find the new mesmer build wich is good for myself…it is hard to say: but the time i invested in this one character is too much to make FAST a new one…but they do everything to make me feel like i made the wrong class choice in my first character creation 3 years ago….and yes: i have not much time to play so it took me 3 years to get so far with this char….and now i wished i could change the class with my character…not the race….just the class….crap i would do every hero point new, when i could keep the rest of the map progression…or maybe swap the map prgression from one character in the selection screen to another character….so that i dont win any new map progression….but can decide with wich chars i use the map progression….(the reason why i dont play another class is also because i need to discover the map new…yes i know the tribute….but i am not interested in legendary wepons……)…
but then i think: Mesmer is a really, really cool class and i dont want to repel this class…but: the mesmer now needs a healing buff, beside the mantra the only good heal maybe is the mirror…because the CD is after the mantra the lowest…and we NEED a low CD on heals…because we can die fast…so the well from chrono is no heal for the mesmer (30 seconds CD )…also the new elite seems to have a heal with…yes 30 seconds CD when i read right….(also: why the new elite from PoF gets a trait with 20% Cd reduction for axe….but no 20% Cd reduction for the HoT elite for shield?….)
(edited by Hibiskus.8294)
Well, tears here too, healing mantra tested: no real use anymore for my opinion….. confusion and pain base dmg up = good, but much lesser dmg while moving / using an ability = tears here too… Sword talent: more critical hit good, no 3rd mantra charge = bad = tears here too…. Staff / torch : ok now we have a permanent 20% CD reduction = good = no tears….healing signet = heals every second (instead of every 3 sec.) but healing is reduced so that it is more or less the same = useless…why reduce the heal? Scepter trait: More phantasm dmg = i think good…but why should i shatter anymore…?
Last thing to say: i like the new recharge mechanic of the mantras…that have they done good..(beside that the healing mantra is useless now…….and the dmg mantra is good now…) but just a little question: why do i need to cast it again, after i used the last charge? Can we please have the mantras like they recharge automatic…..without casting anymore? i mean: when i used all i need to wait for it to recharge…it IS already like a CD / Cast time ….so why do we need to cast it after we used the last charge…? Any Chance that you change it so that we dont need t cast (ok waiting for the recharge is the same time…so…) please?
So i have not played much since the patch took so long….but i have a bad feeling about healing….i mean: wich skill is now good for mesmer? The elite has a too high CD for beeing an opinion for a heal…..i see now just one heal that could be the last good healing skill….but for real: i see me hit and run, run, run, run …..and hit….run, run, half dead, run heal, run, run, hit….you know what i mean? they seemed to nerv the healing skills to the ground just for the new elite to be a MUST HAVE cause the evade seems to be the reason why they now nerved the healing (that was not good before….i mean i try to get ventari gear, my heal was with 3 pieces ok but not good with the mantra…now it is bad with the mantra…so i need to find a new heal for myself….)
Fits not really in this topic but i must say it: Also i find that the alacrity for chrono is useless with 33% CD Reduction…i mean how much must you try to keep this buff up for yourself? And i dont see the CD going faster down…for my opinion the alacrity needs a little bit of a buff….when not i think: when PoF is released, then no chrono will be left in solo pve….maybe for raids….but well: even there i am not sure… For myself it is: when Mirage is released i will repel the chrono instantly and change to the new elite…..tears to shield, but hello to more aoe….with lesser CD then shield….
(edited by Hibiskus.8294)
Oh really….that sounds like they nerved something i just wanted to try out soon… i got the half of the equipment for that and now it sounds like it is nerved? I mean: higher base dmg sounds good…but lesser (or half) dmg while using a skill / moving sounds like they nerved the conditions….with what should i do dmg now? And beside this: how can i farm armor for that, i have´nt even farmed the rest of my first ascended armor… (no tips for what armor i should use, pls…i wanted to go for some more healing with ventari…..dmg from runes…(undead) and Backpack etc (power)….)..but: they nerved the manrta for healing i have read in another thread…and yes: i have not played yet, still patching, but what i read …..i dont wanna see all the changes XD
Wait, Wait, Wait? Have i read that right (patcher in background work faster) they nerved mantra of restoration …to the half? I mean 50% lesser healing? It was my only real good healing skill and now i am near to get the heal stat i wanted…and now you tell me that i need to seek wich heal i now can use beside the mantra??? OH my…i dont really wanna see all the changes…reading the patchnotes gives me a bad feeling that i dont wanna see, what they have done to my only char that has most maps and is lvl 80….oh pls let it be not so bad that i am now thinking….i mean with the normal matra i could live some time (sometimes near death) but i could live…and now you tell me that they nerved it… i really wanna see all the changes that they have done to my learned class…? (and sry for my english, it is not my main language…)…
I am actually hyped to this new elite, since it sounds better then chrono for solo players…..why? Oh that i already had posted in another thread…and got enough answers to say that chrono feels useless for me as an solo player…. also it looks like we get finally more aoe skills…
Well, the Mirage, since i just have an lvl 80 Mesmer (yes, Mesmer was my Starter Class) and a lvl 80 thief (just got him cause i used the lvl 80 boost…so no map is explored, i just used the boost, why? It took a place in my bank.)
Also the Mirage …why? The Alacrity stat feels absolute useless for solo play…..yeah i heard some ppl saying it is good group support but me and the little guild where i am in are mostly solo players cause we work to different times in the week…but i hear also several ppl saying that the nerved Alacrity (from 66% to 33% now feels useless since it is a real short buff and already hard to keep it up…), then : The Shield as an off hand weapon has hgih CD´s…ok…i love how the skills are designed, but i think mainhand axe is way better with the CD´s….
BUT: beside the mirage i also loved the short videos from spell weaver (merging the elemets how cool sounds that?), soul beast (imagine to merge for a short time with the pets and gain his abilitys…cool, also you don´t loose the pets, no you get new cool looking ones, in the videos i saw 2…. and i am still waiting for old ranger pets to have a non fighting miniature for very class to follow around….like the fire and electro wyvern…. ), the engineer (fighting with light, generating heat to make more dmg, need to watch to the heat cause to much causes you dmg….so you need tactics), also the necromancer sound like a cool opinion, but there i am not soo sure….warrior seems to get 2 daggers, wich also sound cool, but there i am also not so sure….
So i really, really wish that i could explore every Map with new characters in one single day….(meaning : making a checkmark in a box in the character creation(or for old chars that diescovered not everyting in the character selection screen): discover with the new char every map that you already had discovered with an old char, WARNING: when you make this you will get NO Map discovery rewards, not a single one, also no legendary tribute)…but i dont think this will ever be aviable….
so i am still hoping for mirage….to be better than chronomancer for solo play, i was first hyped as i heared that chrono has alacrity, but then dissapointed how it was, i dont really see my CD´s going down, also it is hard for a solo player to keep alacrity up since you have the aggro…maybe, i say maybe it IS a good group support, but i hear enough ppl that are saying the nerv from 66% to 33% was too hard and that chrono is now the most useless elite from HoT….
So Mirage, Mirage, Mirage! It sounds cool, the skills are looking cool and it seems that it is better for solo players than chrono….(also sry if my english is not the best…it is not my main language…)
Ah..ok it is just usefull to my party…oh wait…my guild is a little one, with 3-4 members online at a time…most time 1 or 2…..since we all work….so i solo most content and dont have a party….also i love to play solo……sadly then the Chrono is not the spec i can use for myself…since i have the aggro from the enemies and need to doge so i can´t keep it up all the time…..and since wells are placebound i just get it through shattering….and: i dont see the difference….for myself….maybe it is good for party and i really, really like the shield…but for solo-play it has to high CD´s….so Chrono is not the elite for me…sadly…but thanks for clarifying….so Chrono is more of a group spec that has more use for a group then for solo play…well i hope the new elite is something for solo players….(anyway i really like shields….i will miss it when i wear axes….well time to look what skins there will be for the new elite^^)…
Old posts from HoT Beta / Release, what should i say, since i know this i feel….well nerfed:
Should i say anyting else? I think the nerv from 66% to 33% wich is the half..i think the poster dont mean 25%…..i think he means 20%…or….fewer……i have chrono unlocked since 3 months…and i dont feel the alacrity… see the diference between with and without alacrity i must watch very, very close to the CD´s of my Skills…….i just have Chrono unlocked because it is one of the rare things with AoE for Mesmer…..and for the little raptors we need aoe……and the speed boost, since we can´t have a speed boost through signets….but when the chrono dont get a change i am 100% changing to the mirage when PoF is released……..skills of shield are ok…just the CD…not…so, when they dont change something at alacrity it is useless for me…most CD´s from Mesmer are high: and for real: i would love to choose 3 normal traits and 1 elite…i just give up one of the traits for the little aoe and the speed boost….
and also i think: for every class the PoF elite sounds better than the elite from HoT so maybe every Elite needs a change…and that the Rev can use Alacrity too…well that is something i did´nt know…since i just play mesmer i thought that was special for the chrono elite….now i am more than a little bit…i dont even now to describe..i feel some sort of useless as class, but unlocking the story + every map with a new char when even my Mesmer don´t have full ascended (i miss 3 pieces they are on a good way)…and with power i feel weaker then every other class…so for what beside portals is mesmer good?
Just humans have got new hairstyles / faces today…all other races got nothing…..i just want some new hairstyles….for the other races, i see that the today added hairstyles are for humans, because the new region has to do with them…but also: now i wonder: with HoT in the past……have they added new hairstyles / faces for sylvari and i dont have recordnized this…or is this the first time they add hairstyles / faces just for 1 race…….soo anet: pls add a second set, including humans and all other races, i can totally understand that you add today styles just for human….but i was running to the stylist with my sylvari just to see that there are none (ok, someone wrote in chat that there are new styles…and i never was thinking of, that they are just for 1 race…)…now i am waiting for new styles^^
Ok…i was really, really, really hoping to throw my money on the screen, since i find the HoT gilder epic ( i know it is just the default model, with some colours…but the effects are what i love)…..but now i really want to see a default gilder in elona colours, with effects like a sandstorm…
But: I found it really good that you:
A) Shown us all new elite in one video, ok not in detail but last time it was like waiting and hoping that the next elite that you show is the elite for my class…
B) Shown us the mounts….i dont know how a charr looks like when he / she is riding, but the mounts are very well designed…
C) Shown us some amazing enemies as well as telling us that the new zones are more about exploration…i really hope there is not on every corner one that want to kill me….
So: That was a well designed, very cool anouncement, keep it up^^
Ok…i am a little bit disappointed that mesmer gets a close range elite…but the things that you shown in the video are looking cool so i am just a very little bit dissapointed since i love range but the Tension what comes predominantly clearly (and sry if my english is a little bit wrong…it is not my main language)…So……i can´t wait to hear some more details. <3
Also i would love to have more than 1 class at 80, but since i dont have discovered all maps with this 1 char….and you need to discover the maps with every new char…i hope that testing 1 new elite is enough for me…they looked all very cool….. <3
I really hope for some Life-steal on this Weapon…like Necro….(also i hope we get a speed-boost on this elite too…i really would miss the extra speed from Chrono….), but let´s see what they have thinking about that…. I have big hopes for a good surprise…….
for chrono i have read that alacrity was in the test-phase 66% and to strong so they reduced it fast to 33%….nowhere i read that they reduced it slowly….and to be honest: i dont really feel the 33% alacrity in my gameplay style….and i shatter often…..wished that they push it a little bit…(also wish that they would do something to the staff…in solo-pve it is perfect for hitting an enemie you dont wanna hit….so you have another enemie to fight against…and then maybe another one…the bounce from 1 is really something i dont wanna use..but the only other ranged weapon is GS…what also has better CD and better traits…)…
Same here, was doing the daily stuff, was porting from sw to a HoT map for farming wood…then the DC happened….after that in the Character selection my Char is standing in sw ( the selection screen said it) but when i try to login i get an error and it means there is a problem with my internet connection: BUT: all things on my side working fine….and since i am not the only one with problems i think it has something to do with the update today…..
The last update were just some colours…..and yes, i also want new hairstyles. (And maybe new Horn-Styles….when i ever get my first char finished with the maps i want to play my charr thief…..or totally new: ear styles) ^^…when you google you might be finding some really great fan art for hairstyles….^^…ok, i am really waiting for some new hairstyles…at the moment i dont wanna change my hair because i fear that they release some cool hairstyles 1 week after i changed my hair..and so i am still waiting……XD
I find they have balanced the difference between free accounts and accounts wich have payed 1 time for the game (or 2 times when they have…like me, played GW2 before and wanted the Expansion) good…….
First of: You can do most things (not all things) with a free account, so you have a good look at what the game can give you and if it makes fun or not…..
Second: you must just pay….yeah it sound weird but: a game developer wants some money to have the financial medium to develop the game, and you ust just pay 1 time…since the old GW2 is in the HoT Expansion included (what has made a big discussion in the forums that time….)…maybe, when the next big Expansion hits…..then you need to pay a second time…(BUT: that is ok, for my taste, i play the game i find it good, i pay….i mean for login you get every episode for free….well at least when you login when it is aktive….you dont need to play the episodes, you simply log in…when you forgot to login during this time, well, then you pay 200 dia´s….but: considering other games, that wants you to pay for every new episode AND a monthly pay, just that you can play…GW2 is really fair.
Third: Considering you can not use the mail, well ok….but i know a game here in europe…well, it is called “free” but when you want to use….as a sample….the auction house…well then you need the membership……and not just for the first time like other games….no you need it every time you want to use the auction house….so GW2 is the vastly better game.
Fourth: well i have take a sneak peak in how to make a character…and oh boy i am happy that i am not a game developer, you can do so much wrong….and then you have to sreach for the mistake…and maybe make the whole model new….the textures are a pain….when you are not carefully you must do everything new….and for every LoD grade (Level of Detail) for a charakter you need a new simplified model……so i am happy that GW2 is such a great game and i can play it….
So…..i mean : the free version offers you most of the game like Cyninja said….and you can reach max lvl, what is also not for every “free version” possible in other games…so be happy with what you have, look at the Dev´s and maybe pay one time for the game when you find it great….
my wish: more cultural armor….i mean: we discoverd a new map, with new plants, animals, enemies, materials, ore….and not one of the races was able to make at least 1 cultural armor set from all those cool new materials? (and i mean they could make it like cook´s outfit or wedding attire outfit so that the cultural armor changes his look depending on wich race it wears….)….so my biggest hope is cultural armor for the next expansion….
My second hope: more than 1 new elite spec….i mean: The Dreamer and Quip are screaming: Mesmer come and wear me……(Quip in main hand…my dream)….
my third hope: beeing stronger, when i finally get my ascended gear full….maybe the new maps are easy for old players, but a big challange for new players without ascended gear…(and getting the first piece is a pain…..i got my first pice last month….last week the second piece)….and i play since 3 years (with a big break in season 2)…..and i was with my mesmer like:
“You can easily do HoT without dying….” errrm yeah…when you mean it…but my lvl 80 Mesmer 2 ascended Rings, 1 ascended armor pice, rest exotic….it was like oh what is this? dead…oh where can i go the… dead, oh a Hero Point let´s do this fas…dead…i dont know how often i was dying…but it was (and still is) very challenging to do HoT (first Map solo)…now i found a weapon set where i can do the enemie good enough to not be perma – dead…BUT: if i dont pay every second attention i am…yes…dead….so…i can not use GS anymore…instead i use scepter / Shield…so i can survive….maybe this will change with fully ascened but: remember that the new players want a challange but not a perma-death…when the new expansion hit the “old maps” will be not full of players and for some events you need players….my opinion: they can make the raids / dungeons as hard as they want…but for pve it is good like it is ( i mean without something to clear conditions fast you are lost on the new maps….that was the first lesson i learned on the first new map…sooo much conditions…)….
My biggest surprise on the new map ….the little cute raptor…there i was like oh wow, they are cute, let´s take a closer look…..(dead)…and i was thinking:
“still cute….but next time i dont run in this big horde….reminds me of the little raptors from jurrassic park 2…cute, but you better run”
(edited by Hibiskus.8294)
More realistic sets? yes, why not….
but: i also want more cultural armor….with a little change: since no other race can equip the cultural armor that already exist, it takes more slots in the bank….so instead of making for every pice a " you need to be this race"…you should make them like the Cook´s outfit or the Wedding Attire Outfit…so that they change their look automatic for each race…..(and i mean: we discoverd the maguuma…..and i thought: there are for sure new cultural armors there…since there will be new mats (freshwater pearl amalgamated gemstone Piece of mother of pearl…), plants and animals…so every race has enough mats to make at least 1 set for every armor category etc….but: nothing….so my biggest wish for the next expansion are more cultural armor pieces..just a sample: ..the dryad coat…i would like to mix it with the orchid leggings…but it looks (on the front) like it is isolated..and not naturally grown from the sylvari body…and since every other leggings is a little bit more down you see the cut….just the dryad leggings matches…but i dont really like the dryad leggings…and that problem i have with every race…there are (in my opinion) not enough cultural armor pices to mix and match a full cultural set…i mean you have 9 in total but since they are light, medium and heavy you can just mix and match 3 sets…(or at least make some more outfits like wedding and cook outfit…)
Ok, i dont Play pvp much….but i noticed that, due to to randomization, you can not stack conditions good……and i mean it is a 2 hand weapon…and lesser dmg numbers than a 1 hand weapon (please dont nerf the 1 hand…it is the only one, where i feel that i make at least a little bit dmg)…..i would like to see: a little speed up for the cast from 1, a little dmg up for 1….. a Little bit faster cast time for the phantasm that you get with 3 (i mean it is the slowest attacking Phantasma ever)…
Also i would love to use it in pve…but when you are in a bigger are happy when you hit the enemie more than 1 time…..i mean it is nice that 1 bounces….and that it gives buffs for the Group….but the dmg numbers due to the bounce to Group members are underwhelming….
And i agree totally…the arguments that you bring, Levetty are totally right…. ^^
For the engineers: i hope you maybe grab some buffs too….(for us both in one of the next updates)….i wish us good luck and no nerfes for both classes…..
I am still waiting for a Little Staff rework compared to every other Weapon it feels weaker, the Phantasmas are slower, the CD is higher….i mean: the 1 feels slow, bounces and probaly hit an enemie what you dont want to fight, the 2 is ok…4 and 5….yeah sure, high CD …..3 is a Phantasm that attacks slow like …i dont even know what…
Compared to sword: when you use the Trait you have a 20% CD reduction AND a stackable ferocity buff…..also the CD from sowrd is much lower by Default….
Compared to GS: when you use the Trait you have 20% CD reduction, Might when you use 1 and for every other attack you can cripple foes…..
Compared to scepter: you have a 20% Cd Reduction and you are attacking much faster…also the traits in the line are good for illusions…
Compared to fokus: you have a 20% CD reduction and you can reflect projectiles…
(ok that is not that great..but in the Focus trait you also can choose heal per shatter….)
Ok, Pistol and torch have no permanent 20% CD Reduction…a reason why i use them not…(ok for pistol in a far away future it could be still a Thing…since you can wear pistol in Mainhand…maybe later with an elite?)
Shield…ok has NO Cd reduction and has high CD ok you could say: hey you have alacrity…but i dont feel like it makes much (i read that it was in the beginning 66% but nerfed to 33%…also 50% nerf….since i have the Chrono since 4 weeks i never saw him with 66%…but 33% feels like a joke…)….but the skills from the shield..well i like them..i dont know why but i like them….just the CD is…. -.-
Spear and Trident …well i am not really often underwater but the Trident has a lower CD than staff…so i like him much….(i hope for an elite that let you use the underwater weapons on land….and that they dont increase the CD from them)….Spear is also ok…since the Thing with sword….
And now Staff: High CD and you must choose between a CD reduction (wich is just active when you use the chaos armor…) + a Little bit protection… make at least a Little bit more dmg : the chaotic transference wich gives you condition dmg based on your toughness (and this dmg goes not to: ice shield from jormag…and some other things that cant have condition dmg)…but when you choose to make a Little bit more dmg…you dont have CD Reduction anymore…i really like the bifost and nevermore….
but the staff is bad compared to every other weapon…also it triggers enemies that, when you are on low health…well you dont want to trigger them…(also sorry if my english is a litte bit weird…i am german…)….
But yeah…i was like: nothing done for mesmer…..again?…..
Just a flesh wound: oh WOW, never seen this…it Looks really cool, thanks for showing me that. ^^
OriOri: yeah…for unobtainable items i think it would be some sort of ok…but…well you see: most backpacks that are posted here are obtainable….(ok for the anniversary a new Player must wait 4 years…but it is still obtainable….and a reason to Play)…also the Lava skull and now the Icebrood Horn backpack…i mean wich reason do they have to hide such beauties….when you dont know that they are there….you can not try to get them….until you discover them by random….i would like to see what i could get…then i Google where to get…and then i do the things to get These backpacks / items…and it takes some month where i am filled with anticipation, to finally get the backpack…and while i play they release new things that i maybe want to get……
Ok, did´nt know that they hide them, when you dont have them….ok Anet that is really some sort of strange, since i have not know that the Lava skull backpack exists, and i do Content slowly……well now that i KNOW that it exists i have more incentive to do the Content from the new maps (ok still missing one map in the old, but i was thinking a while ago: man there is NO backpack what i would want to get….and now…THIS absolut amazing backpack…and i just know about it because i see it BY RANDOM in the wiki…now i WANT TO PLAY the Content…before i was like: well there is nothing really good…so why should i Play the new Content….
(by the way is there a Chance that they hide an ice backpack?)
Just a flesh wound you are totally right, i would not do the Content……but now i do….it is now full Motivation for me to get this Thing…..
Ok, i am german but i want to ask something here, ok i dont have most Skins, so i look at them in the bank…and i recordnized something: since i browse sometimes through the wiki i saw some backpices that are not listened in the preview from the bank….
first the anniversary backpacks that i love (ok i must wait since my first char is not 4 years old so i wanted to look at them ingame in the bank preview….but they are missing there):
not one of them i have found in the preview….
also i have not found the Lava skull backpack (and i looked twice):
Since i dont know if this is a Spoiler i hide this:
Ok since i dont know if they are already ingame or not, but i think so, i am missing in the weapon Tabs the caladbolg skins….dont know if they are supposed to be there..just wanted to look at them ingame since i am far away to get them…and i really like to look at weapons i dont have, to see what i could get in the future….
do you too miss some Skins in the bank preview?
For Action camera you go to Options -> Control Options -> Camera, there you must select a Key that you want to use for “toggle Action cam”, when you now press the Key (for me it is Strg + ß) you will Switch between Action cam and tab targeting mode (everytime you log in you are in Tab Targeting Mode, but pressing the Key and you are in Action cam mode as Long as you dont log out or pressing the Key again).
Edit: Inculpatus cedo was a little bit faster…well anyway:
Have fun. ^^
(edited by Hibiskus.8294)