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I’ve given the matter some thought and I’ve decided that I’m willing for y’all to release the expansion early.
Will tomorrow at noon your time be ok?
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How about if you role play that all the people around you went insane from excess unbound magic and that’s why they’re wearing wings, bunny ears, glowing hands, etc etc etc.
Just add a story relevant reason and there you go. Instant immersion.
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You wouldn’t want to swap the royal terrace for mistlock if it weren’t for the fact that mistlock sanctuary is flat out superior for the same gem cost.
It’s what’s annoying about their practices, they introduce items that make the previous convenience items inferior.
So how is that different than any other convenience items sold in the world? Aren’t they all marketed with New! Improved! features that your old version didn’t have?
But actually, when you get to specifics your argument breaks down. Does the new Elon Lounge have improved features? How about the Nobel’s Pass? Those only have a different location, not new features.
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Here’s what they had to say back then
“So, what’s the deal with chairs?”
A brief, surprised laugh. “You know, I honestly have no idea. One of the great challenges that we faced with chairs, and this is kind of ironic, is that because we put in five different races of differing heights into the game, we found we had to make every chair uniform and have everyone always sit on them the exact same way or build an entire system that recognizes the height of the chair and appropriately animates your character.”
Johanson adds dolefully, “We kind of forced ourselves into a corner where we either go back and re-art every chair in the game, or we build this system for sitting. I think in the grand scheme of things, given all the other projects, we have going on, sitting, as important as it is, is not something we’re currently working on.”
With that in mind the best option might be a chair toy. When you click on it your char becomes a char sitting on a chair.
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No. Don’t remember the thread it originally came from, been a while. It’s been suggested a few times now that someone thought of it and seems fair enough. You still have to map complete at least one time and one char can open up the maps for two alts if desired. It also doesn’t lock players out of future Legendary crafting as they can always put one gift aside or create a char just for map completion.
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How about a suggestion I’ve seen.
Players do map completion and get the 2 Gifts of Exploration. They can either use the Gift of Exploration to craft a Legendary or can use the Gifts to open up map completion on one or two alts. If they want they can use a different char to do map completion, get two more Gifts to use for crafting or to open up maps for two more alts.
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What happens then if you decide to craft a Legendary and you can’t because you no longer can get the Gift of Exploration?
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I agree on filling out a support ticket. That is your best chance, though still a longshot. Ask also if it might be possible to merge your accounts, I’ve heard of such things being possible. Be prepared to prove that you own both accounts.
Also, be prepared for the answer to be “no”. Some things simply can’t be done within the framework of the game without breaking or ruining something.
Sadly, no-one can answer this but ANet Tech Support.
They’ve already answered before about merging accounts. It’s not possible.
We have very clear responses when players ask about this subject: We cannot merge accounts. The programming for each account is too complicated to allow us to simply “mash it all together” into one account. What about account-based titles? Access keys? Creation dates? Whose guild and alliance affiliation does the account assume? What PvP name? What about account violations? It truly is not possible to merge accounts.
And moving account bound items from one account to another is also not an option, especially since it’s not a recent mistake. If nothing else, they can’t remove the item from the wardrobe which means both accounts will have that skin.
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(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Oh wow…. I never thought it so grandiose! I figured maybe an instance, sure… but moreover, books dropped for story… not an entirely scripted/voiced/cinematic sort of thing. I agree that’s way over the top!
Why do the half characters have to be balanced with mains? I imagine playing an “oversized mini”!
I don’t see where you said anything about an instance. And if, as you suggested, it will be used in PvP then of course it will have to be balanced with full chars otherwise they’d be either too weak or too strong.
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How about if they just give us combat tonics of various races instead of half characters with one set of standard armor and basic skills? You’d still have the one set of armor but you can use your regular skills (and hopefully this would be something an ingame vendor sells, not the gemstore).
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If a player GM abuses their powers how would ANet make amends to the people that were sanctioned by the GM?
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Of course not everyone will have HoT and its Hero points. A portion will have only PoF and some of those will be playing on boosted level 80s and no map completion (alt accounts for example as well as new accounts). Any Hero point sink will need to keep in mind people who have PoF and core Tyria only, use the Hero Point sink to buy goodies then find themselves without enough Hero points to get the elite spec.
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(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Well, even if people use Hero points from HoT they are still going to need another 250 Hero points for the next expansion’s elite spec in another year or so. If each expansion requires that many then that should use them up fast enough. At that point it’s up to the player if they want to stock up with Hero points ahead of time or get them from the new maps.
No hit its self contained u dont need to go farm core hp’s and i expect the same with pof that leaves 260 or so core hps wasted and number of expacs wont save that unless expac 3 doesnt have hps or the cost is double. Which ifind very very unlikely.
And so players will have them already available if they want to get the elite spec right away at the start of the expansion. If they made everyone gather the necessary Hero points on the new maps then there will be a number of unhappy people, especially those who play WvW and don’t want to farm Hero Points in PvE.
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Well, even if people use Hero points from HoT they are still going to need another 250 Hero points for the next expansion’s elite spec in another year or so. If each expansion requires that many then that should use them up fast enough. At that point it’s up to the player if they want to stock up with Hero points ahead of time or get them from the new maps.
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If you have PoF you’ll get your speed boost soon (and I’ll be changing up my skills, traits and runes to take advantage of it)
If you don’t have PoF then Superior Rune of the Traveler is good for open world PvE. Unfortunately no food/nourishment gives a long term, useful speed boost.
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I used a teleport to a friend to get into a couple of the maps and then bought the map portal scroll to get my alts in.
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I’m a cishet male
Wtf is a “cishet”?
Male assigned at birth, male identifying, but non-conforming heterosexual.
Okay… and what does any of that mean? Explain it to me like I’m 6.
Cis stands for comfortable in skin.
Your sex and your gender match up (you’re not transgender).
Then het for heterosexual. So, cishet.
Actually cis is a Latin prefix that means ‘same as’, the opposite of trans. For example in molecular chemist you get cis isomers where all the functional groups in a molecule are on the same side, and trans isomers where they’re on opposite sides.
I suspect ‘comfortable in skin’ is a backronym.
Maybe. But if you google the meaning of cis in relation to gender, comfortable in skin is what you’ll find. It makes it easy to understand in an explanation, which undoubtedly is why it’s used (and why I used it above).
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(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
I’d like a feathered raptor, with dyable feathers (with more than one dye channel).
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I’m a cishet male
Wtf is a “cishet”?
Male assigned at birth, male identifying, but non-conforming heterosexual.
Okay… and what does any of that mean? Explain it to me like I’m 6.
Cis stands for comfortable in skin.
Your sex and your gender match up (you’re not transgender).
Then het for heterosexual. So, cishet.
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Edit: and I’m not talking about staring at backsides. I’m taking about being uncomfortable playing as the opposite sex.
But the only thing that says you are playing “as” a female by definition is… what? Right. Visuals. So yes. It’s all about staring at backsides.
Plus, the “opposite sex” is so diffuse. Have we ever seen what’s in their pants? We havent really seen anyone pregnant either. Who knows, maybe that’s why Logan is so moody.
The “backside” argument I see as an aesthetic argument. The uncomfortable argument is one where they are projecting themselves into the char and “seeing” themselves as a different sex. I don’t see it as a purely visual thing as a female can be covered up so that all you see is armor. It’s the projection of the self into that form that’s causing the discomfort for these people, not the form itself.
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Which would relate to more men being more uncomfortable having a female char than females being uncomfortable having a male char.
Well it really depends on how you mean uncomfortable…
I find the prospect of staring at a mans hairy backside for thousands upon thousands of hours somewhat uncomfortable. I mean sure the GW2 men are basicly all supermodels with well toned buttocks, but still…
Edit: I managed to break censuring on the forum?! Better delete that line lol.
I did say more men than women.
So, I’m talking averages or % of population, not absolute all or none.
Edit: and I’m not talking about staring at backsides. I’m taking about being uncomfortable playing as the opposite sex.
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(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
I’ve seen threads like this several times over the years, in this forum and others. It’s always guys and female chars. I’ve never seen one for gals and male chars.
Well…im a girl, and i hate playing as a guy. I just dont see the big enough deal to make a thread for it..soo..
Yah. Same.
Maybe I should make a thread about females unable to play male chars because it makes us feel weird and we’re unable to relate to our chars….
Oh please, like anyone would care – the exact same discussion would ensue.
Don’t undermine the credibility of feminism by turning this into a feminist rage thing (like has become so common these days). Literally the only reason you haven’t seen threads from girls on the topic is because girls playing guys is not nearly as much of a norm as guys playing girls.
Feminist rage?? lol. No.
However, I am going to whisper something to you, so lean close
Men and women don’t think (or feel) the same
Yep. They don’t. It may be cultural or it may be biological but the two sexes aren’t identical in how they feel or react. In addition it’s more culturally allowed for women to take on “male” characteristics than men to take on “female” characteristics. Which would relate to more men being more uncomfortable having a female char than females being uncomfortable having a male char.
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I’d get something that’s not available either from the gemstore or the trading post, such as the Shatterer Holographic wings or the Selfless potion.
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To explain a bit further. The daily is at the “same time.” It’s your clock that changed.
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Time change? You know. Spring forward Fall back
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I’d like it if it was account bound. My high level chars don’t use it much but I sure would use it on my low levels. As well as the ability to put it in an account wide inventory slot. That would be useful.
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I think there are more than enough bank tabs. Those who wish for more should learn to throw garbage items instead of amass them.
Your choice of what to save and not save is not everyone’s choice. What you might consider “garbage” items, someone else might find value in keeping.
More bank tabs are fine. There is no compelling reason for someone to be against it, makes absolutely no sense.
That’s a great sentiment and all, but doesn’t refute his point. The fact is, people who ran out of space just have trouble managing their inventory space. Adding more bank tabs will put that problem off for a few more weeks/months/years maybe, but eventually these same people will fill up those new tabs again, and request even more. And it comes down to not being able to manage inventory well.
Adding more bank tabs will not solve that problem, it just won’t. Eventually you’ll want even more, because you’ll fill up the new ones
Im sure hoarding is a valid point but other than that, what objections do you have to people giving money to ANet for more inventory space? What gameplay problems are caused by people having more bank tabs?
I’m not against more bank tabs, but adding more bank tabs won’t solve the problem, because the problem is poor inventory management. So its just putting the problem off. And I am against people just using bandaids instead of fixing actual problems in general. Which is exactly what this is. People don’t want to learn how to manage their inventories, so they just cry for more space. Except that won’t fix the problem, because they will eventually fill up that extra space with their poor inventory management.
I don’t really want to get into a huge argument, because it already happened a while ago when someone asked for more bag slots/bigger bags. It fundamentally does nothing to address the problem of poor inventory management, all it will do is make posts like this disappear for a while longer, but it solves nothing.
No offense and all, but what difference does it make to you if people ask to give ANet more money? How does this impact your gameplay? Why do you need to speak out against ANet giving players more inventory and making more money?
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I remember when Kessex Hills was filtered in chat to Kes- – - Hills.
Just because something is filtered doesn’t mean it needs to be changed. It means that the filter is set to certain letter combinations and will change those letters to —-- when they appear.
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Yah, that might be good, at least for bosses. I doubt it’s needed for random mobs.
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I wonder if tonics work with that glider.
Riding on a fireball as a giant plastic Halloween spider might be just what I need to do.
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I knew I should have gotten a Mistlock pass. >.>
About that glider
Do you remember the threads fussing when the wings were new and everyone had black or white wings?
Do you remember when commander tags were new and threads were fussing how everyone was tagged up in cities and random places?
Do you remember when mentor tags were new and threads were fussing about all the mentor tags?
Do you remember when the raven glider was new and threads were fussing about all the raven gliders everywhere?
I suggest that people remember these things when they see something new in game and everyone is using it.
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^ Good idea.
Instead of releasing random auras ANet should look into releasing aura sets that fit together as one look. People can then try to get the complete set or separate pieces.
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Yes. It’s a recent but useful change. Using new for both new and old (but returned) was confusing.
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I think there are more than enough bank tabs. Those who wish for more should learn to throw garbage items instead of amass them.
Your choice of what to save and not save is not everyone’s choice. What you might consider “garbage” items, someone else might find value in keeping.
More bank tabs are fine. There is no compelling reason for someone to be against it, makes absolutely no sense.
That’s a great sentiment and all, but doesn’t refute his point. The fact is, people who ran out of space just have trouble managing their inventory space. Adding more bank tabs will put that problem off for a few more weeks/months/years maybe, but eventually these same people will fill up those new tabs again, and request even more. And it comes down to not being able to manage inventory well.
Adding more bank tabs will not solve that problem, it just won’t. Eventually you’ll want even more, because you’ll fill up the new ones
Im sure hoarding is a valid point but other than that, what objections do you have to people giving money to ANet for more inventory space? What gameplay problems are caused by people having more bank tabs?
The gameplay problem is none on the players side, but it could be huge on Anet’s side.
What we don’t know is how Anet implemented storage and how it sends the storage data from the servers to the client in their code. Adding more bank tabs may be an simple coding change or it may require the whole system to be reengineered.
I’m good with their being more storage – more $$ for Anet with people buying bank tabs. I also know that hoarders will forever be slamming into whatever cap there is. Those folks can be an endless source of cash.
Well then it’s up to ANet to decide if they can add more bank tabs.
As is, the point about hoarding is irrelevant and whether or not it’s a strain on the servers is up to ANet to decide. All the players can do who would like more bank tabs is follow the suggestion by Support, which is to post on the forum to ask and show how many want it.
ANet may give it to you.
I think there are more than enough bank tabs. Those who wish for more should learn to throw garbage items instead of amass them.
Your choice of what to save and not save is not everyone’s choice. What you might consider “garbage” items, someone else might find value in keeping.
More bank tabs are fine. There is no compelling reason for someone to be against it, makes absolutely no sense.
That’s a great sentiment and all, but doesn’t refute his point. The fact is, people who ran out of space just have trouble managing their inventory space. Adding more bank tabs will put that problem off for a few more weeks/months/years maybe, but eventually these same people will fill up those new tabs again, and request even more. And it comes down to not being able to manage inventory well.
Adding more bank tabs will not solve that problem, it just won’t. Eventually you’ll want even more, because you’ll fill up the new ones
Im sure hoarding is a valid point but other than that, what objections do you have to people giving money to ANet for more inventory space? What gameplay problems are caused by people having more bank tabs?
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Eye of the beholder. They like it. You don’t
/threadObvious solution. If you think it’s ugly
1) don’t look at it
2) don’t do it.
/problemsolvedThere’re something called “Poor Taste”. We just ask for an option so it won’t be imposed on others.
Poor taste is subjective. If people can ask for things they want to be removed from others because of “poor taste” there’d be very few cosmetic things left in the game. Asking to remove from others isn’t a good request. Asking to limit yourself with a toggle is better.
Edit: added a word
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(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Obvious solution. If you think it’s ugly
1) don’t look at it
2) don’t do it./problemsolved
I’m sorry but this is not a solution. And not looking at something that spread to 80% of the screen is impossible.
Are you saying that’s one char with multiple auras or is that a shot of multiple skill effects?
It was a norn idling there whit his aura. Only other effect would have been the few other people cutting trees, but those effects were completely absorbed by the aura.
I thought I had a screenshot from inside “the zone” but I apparently don’t.
I don’t cut trees as intensively now that I got my sword crafted but if I see him again, ill take screenshot standing next to him.
Well that is obnoxious however it’s something he spent good gold for and the OP’s request to take it away from him isn’t as good as a request for an option to turn off auras.
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An option to toggle off auras is a reasonable thing to ask. Asking to limit what other people have bought and liked isn’t.
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Obvious solution. If you think it’s ugly
1) don’t look at it
2) don’t do it./problemsolved
I’m sorry but this is not a solution. And not looking at something that spread to 80% of the screen is impossible.
Are you saying that’s one char with multiple auras or is that a shot of multiple skill effects?
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I’ll put my support in for more bank tabs. More inventory space is always useful.
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Obvious solution. If you think it’s ugly
1) don’t look at it
2) don’t do it.
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All ANet needs to do is put out a Largos Wings backpack and then you can make one using a Sylvari or Human char. After that, it’s all role play.
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Have a cat named Professor Schröedinger that’s standing by a box. When you ask him what’s inside he says “An Asuran researcher.” Then he gives you the option to pay X silver to guess if the Asuran researcher is dead or alive. Once you pay, then nothing happens. You don’t find out because it’s a thought exercise and finding out ruins it.
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Well this thread has been informative.
From reading it, so far I’ve found that if I play female chars then it’s because of feminine aspects of my personality and if I play male chars is because of masculine aspects of my personality.
What this all means that a female playing female chars I’m expressing female personality traits. But I’m spending my time staring at female butts, so… I’m expressing male sexuality? I’m exhibiting latent lesbian traits? But if I play male chars, while I’m now being sexual normative by staring at male butts I’m expressing masculine personality traits.
Nowhere in all this contradictory mess am I allowed to play which gender I want based on nothing more than aesthetics.
To all the deep psycho analysis some have made I say, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar (that is, you’re looking too deep into a shallow choice).
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(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
I’ve seen threads like this several times over the years, in this forum and others. It’s always guys and female chars. I’ve never seen one for gals and male chars.
Well…im a girl, and i hate playing as a guy. I just dont see the big enough deal to make a thread for it..soo..
Yah. Same.
Maybe I should make a thread about females unable to play male chars because it makes us feel weird and we’re unable to relate to our chars….
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I’ve seen threads like this several times over the years, in this forum and others. It’s always guys and female chars. I’ve never seen one for gals and male chars.
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I play mostly female toons and in all the years of playing I can only remember once or twice someone saying something. I really don’t think that’s a common problem. If you’re getting remarks, maybe you’re saying things in chat that gets people to react.
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A couple of things
1) the luck eater shouldn’t go to the general population but only to those who have maxed out luck. Considering how little impact luck seems to have on day to day drops, wouldn’t a luck eater that gives you items be more valuable than luck itself? If ANet gave a luck eater that gave items worth more than advancing your luck then no one would advance their luck bar. If instead it gives items of little value then it wouldn’t be worth tying up an inventory slot.
2) it should give mats only. If it gave gear, then it has a (diminishing) loop where you eat luck to get gear, salvage, get more luck which goes to the luck eater to get more gear. Salvage for more luck.
Of course, this (and the other eaters) can impact the value of mats, making them worth less gold to sell and making events less rewarding as the salvaged gear is of even less value.
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Why transferring? Why not a gizmo that gives a new char map completion with no XP, map completion rewards or Gift of Exploration? Probably a lot easier to code than taking from one char and giving to another.
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