Showing Posts For LesGrossman.1295:

Solo Queue: over 50% games 4v5??

in PvP

Posted by: LesGrossman.1295


So today, I played around 12 solo queue games, 7 of them were 4v5 and resulted in losses. How does this happen? Why isnt there a ready check before a match, or if the 5th doesnt connect, the match should not continue and you should be placed back in queue. I really want to rise in solo queue as I find it very enjoyable but i cbf play anymore due to constant ragefilling 4v5’s.


Essence of luck- Greens vs Blues???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LesGrossman.1295


As stated in title… is there an advantage of salvaging greens over blues such as better drops rate or a higher chance to the better tier of the essences. looked everywhere couldn’t find an answer.


Results of salvaging 1500 lv80 fine item

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LesGrossman.1295


So greens have better essence of lucks drops than blues right?

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: LesGrossman.1295


Cmon… there has to be one open